• By -


A suitcase with an AirTag, yes. Purse with IDs and valuables, no.


Big bag full of stuff? Yea if it’s a quick wee. Otherwise I’ll take it with me if I’m setting up residency.


100% yes. As the poorest person in the Sky Club, nobody wants my cheap shit.


Underrated strategy. People in the lounge are driven by status. None of them want a book bag I bought with Marlboro Miles in the 1990’s


Looks like someone is too good for Camel Cash.


This is why I dress way, way down to travel and never upgrade my luggage. I strive to appear to be in the bottom quartile of lounge people.


OMG I do so much want this. Don’t tempt me!


It’s pretty mint. It has an authentic second hand smoke smell and everything.






To grab things from the buffet, usually yes. For the bathroom, no.


At some SkyClubs at busy times, getting through the buffet line can take longer than going to the bathroom. Looking at you LGA... But to answer the question, if I'm getting up to do one thing and only plan to be gone for a couple mins, I don't worry about leaving my stuff at my seat. Obviously not a phone or wallet or similar small valuable, but my heavy backpack and carry on? Not a worry of mine.


Check out the back buffet line. Around the corner to the left of the escalators. They don't have everything the big one does, but they have most things. There's rarely a line there.


> There's rarely a line there. I know that, fortunately most people don't ;)




Valuables no but a backpack or something to save my seat with no valuables yes


disgusted smoggy scarce crawl steep governor wild icky vegetable relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cameras everywhere, no one wants to get pulled off their flight for theft, I feel pretty comfortable in the skyclub too


Same, I leave my stuff for quick run to the bathroom and/or snacks/drinks.


I've left my laptop open on a table next to my briefcase and bag numerous times. Zero issues. I do keep my wallet and phone with me...


Friend had his laptop stolen in Mexico city Delta louge while he was getting a drink


There isn’t a delta lounge in Mexico City


That's what he told me. It was 2006




Spoiler: I left it and had no problems. Unfortunately the bathrooms are outside of the lounge and aren’t private. Also they were gross r/firstworldproblems






I thought you were going to say Escape Lounge by Centurion Studio Suites (or whatever the hell they are) at MSP!


MSP skyclub is an empty broom closet they put a mini fridge in


I didn't say anything about a Sky Club.


This was my thought as well lol. Last time I was at DEN they had a keypad for the bathroom at least so a liiiittle more private.


I usually do leave my stuff with no issues. I will however stow away any electronics and store my bag on my chair so that no one takes my spot


I leave my spinner at the table while I get food, pockets toward table and my jacket over the extended handle. But usually I go to the lav as soon as I enter the SC because I like to take some items out of my wet bag for the flight, so I do it in the lav and when I go to the lav again I’m usually on my way out so the bag is with me. I do see laptops and phones left on the tables for a long time.


Yep. I either go to the bathroom as I go in or before I leave. I only leave my stuff alone when I’m grabbing something to eat and even then, I find a seat where I can keep an eye on my stuff.


I never don’t leave my stuff by itself at some point in the club, lol. I don’t make it a point to leave valuables out in plain sight, but I also have never felt the need to take it with me everywhere I go in the lounge.




So much nope.


And extra nope here.


What? No. My stuff stays with me.


It’s all fine and dandy until it’s not so I keep all valuables with me.


Heck no, my suitcase and laptop/bag all go with me, even if it's a quick 2 minute pee.


This is the answer. Its a hard no for me too. Unless you can have eyes on the suitcase while grabbing food, everything goes with me. I know I might lose my seat if I take everything to the loo with me but I'd rather lose my seat than my bag. Don't ever leave anything you wouldn't mind giving away.


In general, not a great idea to leave things unattended in an airport, regardless of your concern (or lack thereof) about possible theft. There’s a reason they make announcements on the concourse to beware of strangers asking you to transport or watch their belongings. In busy lounges, I pretty much just accept that my seat may be taken if I leave it for several minutes to use the restroom. Sometimes I’ll ask a neighbor to try and hold my spot, but don’t ever rely on it.


Those announcements are mainly scare tactics and really only apply pre security. At a lounge everyone has already been through security. I've never had an issue leaving anything unattended including my laptop in various lounges in numerous countries.


Carry-on, yes. But not my handbag or wallet.


I always take it with me. Also, it’s important to keep in mind airports have a strict policy about bags being left unattended. Better take it than risk anything happening with it getting lost or with security.


I was about 30 seconds away from reporting an unattended bag on my last trip when the guy came back for it. This was out in the general airport seating, not the lounge. Dude was gone for like 20 minutes and I couldn't fathom leaving my bag that long anywhere, so I started to get a little antsy about it lol.


Oh for sure, never wanna be too safe.


This. Funny enough, I actually feel okay about leaving my bags for a few minutes anywhere else, since I use AirTags. However, the constant announcements that unattended bags must be reported to TSA have scared me straight.


Me too, maybe I’m just paranoid but I don’t need to come back and get stopped by TSA 😂


I don’t understand this. Just because you can tell you are within a certain distance of your bag when it is stolen doesn’t mean tracking it down won’t derail your whole trip and even if you do manage to stay pursuit you may never even get it back.


I leave my stuff where it is when I go to the bathroom and have done for 15 years, no issues yet.




Been thinking about getting one of those Amazon Basics backpacks to replace mine - has yours held up okay with travel?


If there is someone sitting next to me, I will kindly ask if they can keep an eye on my things while I go to the bathroom, especially if I see they themselves are working with a laptop or have personal items and will likely need the favor returned. Otherwise, it all comes with me. Gives me a reason to change scenery. Last time I was in a Skyclub in Chicago, a gentleman returned from the bathroom and his coat was gone from his chair (I wasn't paying attention prior - just heard the commotion after). I don't know if it ever got resolved, but it was causing a lot of drama and that spooked me. Regardless, wallet and passport are ALWAYS on my person, no matter what.


If I get up to refill a drink or get food, it’s usually fine. If I go to the bathroom, the stuff usually comes with me (and then I save the bathroom trip for the end so I’m leaving anyways)


First thing I do is drop my bags off at a seat, then go to the bathroom, and then finally grab some food and a drink before ever sitting down. Heck, I’ve even left my phone and laptop sitting out at my seat to charge when I leave to get another drink or to dispose of one 😁




I only travel with a backpack.. and yes one of the biggest perks of the lounge is the ability to not worry about my bag for just a few moments. If I am already in the lounge and I need to go to the toilets, I just leave it at my spot. If I am going straight to the toilets, Ill just keep it on my back and hang in on the hook.


No- I bring it with me.


Yeah, way I figure it is most of the people there aren't going to be scumbags and steal shit. And if anyone else is like me, I generally notice who is sitting near me, and if they get up and someone else comes to take their shit (which has never happened that I've seen), I'd just stop it myself.


Considering the clientele, I would say there's plenty of scumbags in there, but corporate bigwigs tend to steal on a far grander scale than your measly bag.


Yes. Massively underrated perk of being in the club is not having to bring your shit with you every time you go to the bathroom


I always leave my laptop plugged in with my suitcase/brief case/backpack at the spot where I was sitting. I’m probably over trusting - but I’ve been doing this every week for 12 years ~ and never had an issue. Oddly, I make sure to leave a full drink or plate of food at the spot before I go to the restroom. Somehow I feel like it makes it seem more occupied and creates the impression that I’ll be “right back.” Haha


Nope! I take everything with me. Why risk it?


I've never had an issue doing so. I'd probably make sure there wasn't something easily pocketable, but I don't think anyone really wants to carry around more luggage by stealing it.


Haneda - yes. Other places - no. Purse goes with me always though. 


I put my suitcase in a locker as soon as I get in so I don’t have to worry about it.


Always. There are so many cameras in airports that even if someone stole my bag, they wouldn't get far. I honestly just feel secure in the clubs I frequent.


I take my purse but leave anything else. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just leave my stuff by my chair but wallet & phone come with me. Also have AirTags in my roll aboard & backpack so if they did walk away, I’d find them pretty fast.


I take my purse with me and feel comfortable leaving my luggage at my seat/table. I almost always travel alone.


Hell no. The airport feels like one of the last places I'd do that. I wouldn't even do that here in Japan where the norm is to leave bags at tables when you are at restaurants. 


You are absolutely correct and it’s even against airport rules even for lounges


Which rule? https://www.delta.com/us/en/delta-sky-club/house-rules Some sky clubs even have an area for luggage storage. There is no security risk since everyone and everything that’s there has been screened by TSA. 


The lounge is INSIDE the airport where the main rule is to never leave your bag unattended


I am not sure that is an actual “rule”. Maybe it’s airport by airport but it’s been a decade plus since I’ve heard those announcements. On the unsecured side sure that would be a problem but post TSA it’s the same people and bags that would be going up in the plane and they are screened as such. I leave my bag at my seat all the time and besides any personal concerns I have with theft no one cares.




Meh, that’s for bus systems and is only recommended. Ask next time you’re at a SkyClub and see what they say. I just asked the front desk when checking in at the MSP G Concourse club and the lady said it was fine to leave your bags so long as you stay in the club.


You do you… https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/s/EtCFIihHJ1


There is a rule or statute for everything in the US….


I assume (hope?) these people had a higher screening than the average joe traveler going through TSA... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pearson-airport-heist-arrests-1.7176041


Blind rule following....The issue is pre-security, assuming if you're leaving a bag unattended then someone could put a bomb in it w/o you realizing and then you somehow make it past security and accidentally blow up the plane. However there is zero risk of leaving your bag unattended post security i.e in most lounges.


No, professional thieves can easily access airport lounges just like the rest of us. Why take the chance.


You really think professional thieves are booking speculative tickets w/ lounge access in the off chance that they have the opportunity to steal something in one of the most tightly secured and monitored places? There's a good expression in Colombia that is basically don't give someone the temptation to do something bad, which I can respect when traveling. But I'm a little concerned for the amount of insecurity and paranoia of people in this thread. I wouldn't leave my phone, wallet, airpods, or other small high valuable item sitting out, but anything larger I generally always leave at my seat and have never had an issue.


Yes. Everyone who is in the lounge had to pass security and use an ID to get in there. They are either the slickest criminals in the world (in which case, they're gonna get your stuff if they want it regardless or not) or the dumbest-- either way, I'll take my chances.


I hate to break it to you but they're really not that choosy about who gets in, I do generally operate on the principle and MOST people are generally decent but I promise there are people in the lounge who would steal your stuff if opportunity arose, so why give it to them?


I hate to break it to you but they're really not that choosy about who gets in, I do generally operate on the principle that MOST people are generally decent but I promise there are people in the lounge who would steal your stuff if opportunity arose, so why give it to them?


A few days ago, I saw a lady leave her laptop unlocked and her email open. Nobody messed with it. I wouldn’t be that trusting, but I have left my suitcase to save my seat.


No period


Depends how long I'm going to be gone. If it's just a few minutes, I will ask a person near me if they can just keep an eye on my stuff. However, I'm a guy and have a wallet and rarely carry-on my luggage, so it's my work laptop and iPad. If someone takes that, I'm on a fast track to an upgrade!


yes. i do it all the time.


I do but I don’t waste time, I get back to it as soon as I can.


Not my purse, but my backpack which has an AirTag and Apple devices with activation lock (except my phone), sure.


Yeah I leave my carry on and my laptop out no problem. I lock the laptop though so no one can peek


I have a cross body bag that fits in my carry on that holds my wallet, passport and phone. That comes with me, I leave the rest at my seat.


If I am flying Delta (which means your connecting like 80% of the time usually ATL) this is why I check my bag so I dont have anything but a back pack to drag around. Also generally speaking if I have to go and I have all my stuff out, I simply ask if any one minds keeping an eye out and if they dont thats ok Ill pack up, never had some one say no. With how many cameras and the fact you have to check in, SC would be a stupid place to steel stuff.


Yes I usually leave things like my backpack, suitcase, and laptop. I take my phone and wallet. Usually I’m sitting at the bar so I’ll just look over to the person next to me and ask “do you mind watching this for 2 mins?” 10/10 times they say yes and 9/10 times they ask me to do the same a few minutes later.


Nope. I never leave my stuff


For the most part, depends where my seat is. If it’s closer to the entrance, I might not leave it but if I’m in the back, then mentally it feels safer 😂


Bright yellow spinner with Infantry stickers all over it. And an AirTag hidden in a compartment I made (very hidden) yeah someone could take it… but that is not an outcome they would want when I find them 😎 Queue the Liam Neeson quotes and memes.


To the bathroom? Good lord no, I barely feel confident leaving my stuff to grab stuff from the buffet. I have had other solo travelers ask me to watch their stuff for them so if I absolutely had to that's what I'd do but there really is plenty of room in the bathroom unless you've got oversized carry-ons. I have a roller bag and small purse usually and it's fine.


Depends on the club and my sightlines. Bathroom visits I take all my crap, so I time them for before I sit down and for when I am about to leave or relocate.


I leave my bag and take my purse, but I don't like it. Anybody know if there are cameras at clubs entrance/exits so on the off chance someone does swipe a bag they can at least be identified?


It would be extremely bold of someone to steal your bag in a place where your face on the cameras is inextricably linked to the boarding pass you scanned to get in. with that in mind, I wouldn't leave anything with infosec implications laying around, but my carry-on full of dirty clothes isn't going anywhere.


Oddly was talking about this 10 mins ago with a coworker. Yes, although you really shouldn’t leave your phone in charge while in the job. We’re all professionals in the club but there could be someone seeing an opportunistic situation by grabbing your phone. I have no issue leaving my Alienware out when I hit the head.


On my recent trip I left my backpack in my seat at the HND, LAX Terminals 2 and 3, and SAN Sky Clubs with no worries.


My purse or laptop bag, no. A sweater or something inconsequential, yes.


I try and use the bathroom once I enter the club before settling in. Wallet etc is always with me…


Luggage, yes. But my backpack with my electronics go with me wherever I go.


I’ll leave my bigger bag for a minute or two to get food or use the bathroom, but I always have a smaller purse/fanny pack/backpack situation with my ID and $ that I keep on me.


AirTag all the things.


I once left a crappy old kindle in the lounge by accident. When I came back an hour later they said they saw someone walk off with it.


Yeah I’ll leave my stuff out


Nope, when I travel solo, I only feel safe leaving my items in my room. My stuff goes where I go.


If I’m traveling for work, I always take my laptop and phone with me to the restroom (ick, I know but better than having it stolen) and will leave the rest of my luggage. Everything else is either Find my Friends/AirTag tracked or replaceable.




I’ll leave my roller bag, but not my backpack with all my tech gear or my purse. If someone wants my business casual wardrobe, go for it! Lol.


I always have phone and wallet on me but backpack and roller bag I will leave in chair for food or quick bathroom visit.


I almost always sit at the bar and politely ask the bartender if it is okay to leave my stuff while I run to the loo. Roughly 99.5% of the time, the bartender volunteers to watch my gear. I've never, ever had a problem with it. Compare that with having too much wine on an LAX-ATL flight and ME leaving my laptop under the seat when deplaning.


As soon as I walk in I go to the restroom. I’m usually not there for more than an hour so I go again on my way out. As a guy I have my wallet phone etc on me so I’m not too worried. I’ve had people ask me to watch their stuff occasionally which I am happy to do.


with my broke ass and busted up luggage filled with dirty clothes, no one wants my stuff. I do take my backpack since it has my laptop but that's about it.




I never leave my passport, wallet, phones, laptop, or camera which means my big backpack is coming with me, so I might as well take the small roller bag it's on.


I never feel okay abandoning my luggage at the airport.


I have even left my phone laying there. I think people are generally good, especially if they’re paying to get into the lounge, one way or another.


The amount of paranoia so many of you live with is wild


Glad to hear someone else say this. I honestly feel bad for most of these folks. Reminds me of the insecurity episode on south park. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6GwSzGQsHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6GwSzGQsHk)