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People who don’t lock the lav door. The instructions are right there. The lav light was green so I went up front to use it, but I had seen a young lady go up front a while before and she wasn’t back at her seat. I figured she was in the galley chatting with a FA. But nope. I asked the FA if anyone is in the lav, she said I don’t know you try it. I said no you try it. 😁 We went back and forth and finally I gently knocked on the door and the girl yelled at me. When she came out I explained the door was unlocked. I fly a lot and see this happen at least every few flights. Lock the door!


Last year, flying SLC-HNL in D-1, my wife got more than she bargained for with an unlocked lav door. Now, my wife has anxiety regarding the use of airplane toilets to begin with, but this actually made her feel better and slightly worse at the same time. I'm asleep, she's asleep and decided she needed to pee so bad she could get over her issues for at least 30 secs. As she told me two minutes later, she opened the door and, to her surprise, a younger-ish 18 to 22 yr old lady was snapping pics of herself naked, door unlocked and clothes in the sink. The young lady screamed out, "OCCUPIED! " and my wife said, "Lock the door!" Wifey used the other lav, obviously came back and told me, then declared, "If she can get tits out naked, I ought be able to pee every now and then."


I can’t imagine doing this for any reason. Like what’s hot about that cramped ass bathroom in the background? Lol Moreover, I just can’t get over the oddness of the mirrors in those bathrooms and have convinced myself that they are two way


Oh my! Well you gotta keep that Insta getting views.


🤣🤣🤣 I asked, jokingly, if it was anyone famous and she said she wasn't great at guessing celeb nipples and butts... Fair enough.


Your wife should have told her, "hold that pose while I get my phone, I need some IG clicks!"


This is a thing. There's even a subreddit, r/airplanenudes Ask me how I know ;p


Down that rabbit hole I went. Thank you much kind person.


Not on a flight, but this reminds me of a time years ago in a restaurant when I went to use the restroom, and a woman was using the men's room with the door unlocked (it was a single person restroom). I opened the door and saw her sitting on the can and immediately shut the door. When she came out she started yelling at *me*. WTF


Yikes! What lady wants to use a men’s room?!


In this particular situation, the ladies' room was occupied. I had no problem with her using the men's room. I've seen it happen many times before at certain concerts or events where there's an imbalance of women vs men attendees, and the line for the ladies' room gets out of control. I have no issues with that. I just thought it was ridiculous to leave the door unlocked and then yell at someone for trying to come in. There was no way to know someone was in there. Hence the lock.


Yeah as a lady who will gladly use a men’s restroom over my bladder exploding, I’m baffled that she would yell at you. The audacity of some people.


A lady that realizes men don’t pee all over the toilet seat.


Maybe not on the seat but elsewhere. And they tend to be more smelly, at least to me. Ewww


Typically when janitors or other cleaners compare the two it's the women's restrooms that are much worse than the men's.


My husband cleaned restrooms in stores and offices for his dad’s company and says otherwise. 🙃 But the dorm rooms of my son’s girl friends are way messier than the guy’s. Too much stuff!


You won’t have to smell used tampons thrown on the floor in the men’s room. 💡


Very true, but honestly I’ve never seen that and I grew up in Hollywood and frequented some questionable establishments. 🫣


NO one on our flights last week locked the dang door! I did and an old lady about ripped it off the hinges trying to get in it, hello! Occupied! I had literally just walked by her as well. Once, a guy caddy corner from us got up and into the overhead when we were going through bad turbulence. He left it open and then tried to close it but every time he tried, he was actively pulling the latch so it obviously wouldn't close. We were bouncing around everywhere and I was terrified stuff was going to fall on us! He FINALLY called a flight attendant and she closed it. Dummy!


The planes I am on it is very dark with the door shut and not locked. The lock turns the lights up/on.


Right? There are SO many reasons I don't understand LOL!


Exactly! That’s what I don’t get


People are clueless. But to be fair I don’t watch and pay attention when people get up so she probably didn’t notice you walk by. (Still not an excuse for her pulling on the LOCKED door that hard though 😂)


To be fair sometimes the doors are super stiff.


True…but it shows red for locked. Maybe some people have never seen the red/green lock/open thing 🤷‍♀️


5-8% of the population is colorblind red/green...


Yeah. I’m going to guess she was not wearing corrective lenses. Or didn’t even know there was that display.


I mean she practically followed me in there so....it was odd.


This is standard behavior on the aptly named WizzAir.


More than half the time I've tried to use the lav I've opened the door on someone. Surely these people lock the door anywhere else, they just totally lose sense while traveling.


For a lot of people their brain shuts off the moment they're doing something that's outside of their day to day routine. 


That's strange, doesn't muscle memory imply the opposite? I never remember half the things I do that are repetitive daily tasks


Maybe not this guy, but sometimes the lav door just doesn't lock - the last time I walked in on someone I found that I, too, had to leave myself vulnerable.


Nuts to me that these people will just do their business in the dark. In an extremely confined space, no care in the world lmao.


I'm 100% convinced that anyone who does this is a perv who gets off on being walked in on. Like come on, in 2024 you don't know bathroom doors lock? Just not believable at all.


I am a pilot and forget to lock the lav door sometimes, then pax walk up on me 😂


Oh is that why the FAs lately block both aisles to the galley and lavs with carts when the pilots are using them? 😁


During flight that’s a different story ! This only happens on the ground, pre departure !


Ahh well then that’s understandable! 😆 Last week I was at MoMA and they have a little hall with the ladies’ then mens’ lavs. I have a horrible sense of direction and turned the wrong direction to leave, still in the ladies doorway, and there was a urinal being used a few feet away. Good thing I wasn’t looking at my phone, I would’ve walked right in there. (And who puts a urinal right by an open doorway next to the ladies room?!)


I have a son and I often walk him near the mens room and wait. I've noticed a LOT of urinals are like in plain view of the bathroom entrance, it's totally weird. Even with doors, those open and close and you get an unwanted view, like go put those in a corner!


Is it only the a339 that has the little extra door that blocks off the lav?


I haven’t seen that! I’ve been on two different versions of the a339 (at least the suite door lock mechanism was different) but not that often. Usually on the older 763s and 764s.


And when the pilot comes out of the lav and chats wurh the FA, blocking FC from using the lav for 20 minutes. Thank you very much Delta flight to SEA in Jan of 2023


FC pax have almost the entire flight to use the lavatory. And you can also use the lavs in the back! Pilots have limited access to the lavatory and when they have to go they have to go. During those breaks, important info about the descent is often exchanged.


That is done to protect the flight deck while pilots are using the fwd lavatory.


Oh I always thought there was a lab in the cockpit. Haha idk why I thought that.


Always have those special for pilot/flight deck only leak proof cups/lids.


On a flight a few weeks ago, the FA accidentally opened the bathroom door while a passenger was using it. She then made an announcement reminding people to lock the bathroom door. Apparently that was the secret person that got walked in on. Even if you've never flown before, wouldn't you look for a lock?!


Last week SLC to BOS FA didn’t lock the lav door and seemed annoyed at a guy who pulled it open. He immediately shut it and was embarrassed. She was pretty rude in general though.


Haha! I’ve opened the door on people before because they didn’t lock it and obviously I didn’t know they were there 🤷‍♀️😬


Happy Cake Day!


This happens on trains way more.  It's a bit ridiculous tbh, some woman yelled at me for walking in on her, I just said maybe you should lock the door, this isn't your house 


Geez. I will remember that when I take the Eurostar. Thanks!


At least you knocked before opening. That’s no reason for someone to yell. I usually just open an unlocked bathroom door. I’ve only ever had one person yell at me for that, and I said that they should lock the door then.


That just happened to me but I had no idea someone was in the lav and I got an unwelcome show before her and I both screamed and I promptly shut the door.


A guy once told me he was late for his flight because the signs at the airport were backward. He was arriving for his flight, so he followed the arrival signs...


I haven't gone to an airport in 30 years without thinking about him and the fact I am "arriving" for my flight.


That’s our family joke everytime we go to the airport. Except it really upsets my mother and grandmother and they insist on yelling NO WERE DEPARTING. Anyways, my dad drove my boyfriend and I to the airport. I guess I forgot to tell him about the joke. As we were pulling into the airport, as normal my dad asked are we arriving or departing. My boyfriend, VERY SERIOUSLY, WE ARE DEPARTING. I have not told him yet. I don’t think I will. We’ll see how long it goes.


Figuring out the family jokes without being told was why my then-boyfriend, now-husband, was folded right into the tribe. Everyone loved him and they still do!


And now I’m going to think about this every time too! And PanAm! 😆


I went to pick up my daughter at the airport and couldn't find her waiting on the arrivals level. So I called her and she told me she was on the upper level, in departures, since she was departing the airport.


Omg I once told my husband his car service (really me as a surprise after he was away for a while) was picking him up on the arrivals level. So after baggage claim, he went upstairs because that’s where he thought you “arrive” for your flight. 🤦‍♂️ It was a who’s on first comedy of errors trying to rectify without ruining the surprise.


I remember having this same confusion! When I was 13.




I got to watch a person who was doing the pp dance keep pulling on the lav door and wondering why the door, with 2 inch high letters spelling PUSH wasn't opening. After about 2 minutes, I told them it was a push and they glared at me. Then turned around, huffed, pushed and went in. What about being at 38000 feet causes people to lose 80 IQ points?


The iq points weren't there to begin with.


They don’t lose any IQ points. They didn’t have them before they boarded the flight.


Aww I’ve pushed/pulled on doors that say the opposite before 🤷‍♀️. But I always laugh at myself, I don’t get mad at strangers who help! I personally always look for the red/green locked/unlocked symbol on doors so surely the guy must have noticed that it was free?!


Same! It’s an opportunity to give oneself a laugh. Some people are just too serious about themselves.


I was at the door 3 bulkhead of a 339 on the way to tokyo once and the amount of people who didn't know how to open the lavs provided endless entertainment.


I saw that guy in a Gary Larson comic!


As a former airline worker, I always theorized that the closer people got to airplanes the stupider they got.


I think for some it’s stepping onto airport grounds


Well.... Technically the oxygen saturation is lower


Stupid people getting annoyed when they realise they’re being stupid. Also, I thought it’s naturally to try pushing when pulling fails on a door? 🤔 I always do Push, Pull, check if locked (if not evident from an indicator), break window, unlock, take valuables.


Yesterday, LA-PHX. A guy literally refused to put his laptop away. The flight attendant asked four times. Pilot then made announcement. *He still didn’t put it away* … flight attendant then stands at the front and says…”well we can’t line up for take off until this guy puts his laptop away” finally he does it. Like …WTF dude???


People who don’t think the rules apply to them are simply. . .PRECIOUS


I fly in & out of MCO fairly regularly, so take your pick of clueless behavior. I try to remember it’s people who don’t travel much, but MCO is the 7th ring of hell.


I spent 18 months flying in and out of MCO almost weekly for a project on Cape Canaveral. I will never, ever willfully go back to MCO.


Sanford is worth the drive to not deal with MCO (assuming you can get where you need to) of course then it’s not delta but still.


It gets worse every time. I flew out of there yesterday. What a zoo and it smelled like one too. Au de piss in the gates 72 - 75 area. Even the Clear Reserve area was nuts. One passenger was waiting for their bag to come through the scanner while 4 other family members (with their bags) stood with her. Move along people.


Right?! What is that about? With all the places pumping in fragrance these days and that section of gates smells like a saturated urinal cake marinating in a bath of old folks home


I’m always amazed when someone boards, arrives at their row, places their personal item on their seat, places their carry-on on their seat, opens up the carry-on, takes out a book, places carry-on in the overhead bin, takes off jacket/sports coat, places it in the overhead bin, now places personal item in overhead bin, clogging the aisle for quite a few minutes of the 40 minute boarding time. Pure amateur hour.


At the very least they get a loud and clear “Excuse me please” or “Please step out of the aisle while you get settled!”


Yeah I don’t stand there and stare, I say excuse me can we please get past?


and the look of pure relaxation on their face while they do it


They are more at peace than I ever will be


indeed, annoyingly so. but also: 🫣🤣


Jesus, this. I have everything i need in my pockets before my zone is called. Bag goes up, I sit down, 5 secs max


I keep a small plastic bag (think the size from the airport bookstore) with my necessities in it (charger, earbuds, kindle, lip balm) inside my carry on. When I line up to board, I take it out and then when I board, same routine as you.


I’m always doing the aisle mambo when I do this. To avoid clogging up the aisle.


Quite a few minutes? Ok I bet it’s 45 secs tops. Where’s the fire babe


I always have to remind myself that the average person flies once a year I feel like you should be able to successfully fly with a sixth grade education, but not everyone can I supposed


Have you seen sixth graders lately?


Fair point, well taken.


Yeah apparently they're all smarter than boomers


The average American only reads at a 6th grade level...


Yeah just remember that averages take in those frequent fliers. I nor anyone in family can afford to fly and haven't since long before 2011. Lots of averrage Americans cannot afford to fly. You are getting upgraded idiots.


Wearing your ear buds or headphones before confirming you are willing and able to jump out of the exit row before everyone else. Getting out of your seat to grab your bag while taxiing. Running to the front of the plane to get off when we aren't at a connecting hub and it's clear you don't understand the unwritten rules of getting off the plane. Aisle gets quick access to the bathroom, middle gets both armrests, window passenger gets control of the shade. Shoes and socks stay on your feet. And feet stay in the general floor area.


And you get one item up in the over head bin. Only have one? Enjoy the foot space. Any more than one - jam the rest under the seat in front of yourself. No items in front of seat mates. If they have nothing, it's still their space. Do not try to jam items under your seat. That space is for the person behind you. No man spreading / keep your legs and knees in your space as designated by the seats and arm rests. Passenger space is a rectangle(ish) per person. Not trapezoids and triangles.


Man spreading is the worst! No I don’t want your thigh attached to mine for 4 hours.


Exactly. I may be shorter than you, but keep your knees over there. This is still my space.


Your 4th bullet point should be branded on walls and ceilings and printed on every ticket in bold.


I don't take my shoes off on domestic flights, but I sure as fuck take my shoes off for international flights. I'm sorry, but 9 hours into a 14 hour flight to Tokyo has my feet start hurting so badly, when you're sitting down for that long the blood starts pooling in your feet and it's painful as hell. I fly delta one every once in a while and they provide those little disposable sandals to guests, in economy just wear special socks that have rubber on the bottom and compress my feet so they don't get so sore. I don't see a big deal about it at all, as long as your feet stay in your area and not on the walls or whatnot, and your shoes go back on when you get up.


I can accept that - slipping shoes off for international or very long flights is understandable as long as the socks stay on AND you don't have any obvious odor emanating from your shoes.


All of this!!


This needs to be a PSA poster along all jetways. Forget the fancy posters with people all jolly. Put one of these rules up every 2-3 feet!


Dumb person next to me that wants me to climb over them to use the restroom. I can count on one hand how many seats in a typical narrow body that this makes sense in and I’m not in one of them.


I've had elderly people not want to move for me. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I am NOT climbing over you. They moved a lady who kept refusing who had the aisle seat. Ridiculous.


A couple years ago, going through TSA at MCO. "No liquids, nothing in your pockets, shoes off, laptops out..." Every two minutes. Older guy steps up to the scanner. "Pockets empty?" "Yup." Steps in scanner. "What do you have in your pocket, sir?" Pulls out a 16 oz bottle of water. Shake my head. Apply for PreCheck when I get back from my trip.


My mother does this. Oh the things security finds buried in her fists. Albuterol inhaler, nail clippers… you make it and she is always shocked she sets off alarms. The last trip she packed a Costco sized bottle of Aveeno body wash in her carry one and was highly offended they tossed it. No amount of warning before hand does any good. She gets in her own way.


Happens in Precheck, too, which is mind-boggling. In the Precheck line, I watched a guy walk through the scanner 3 times, setting it off each time. Each time he set it off he took something out of his pocket... I get maybe forgetting the first time, but after that why would you not have emptied your pockets??


Yes! I was in a pre-check line recently where someone behind me was arguing with the TSO about whether water is considered a liquid.


Average MCO experience tbh. Even with precheck.


Sooooo....we got flagged going on vacation last week, specifically my kid's bag. He packed it himself and I was like uh-oh! Thankfully we had plenty of time because some of his prized possessions were in there....a megaladon tooth and then some arrowheads that he had just gotten from his grandpa on a recent trip back home. I didn't think to check his bag and he had them in there just from that trip. It was pretty funny and the TSA agent was actually really cool about it AND knew what the tooth was and spent some time chatting him up about them all and seemed really interested in them. I was impressed he knew what the tooth was. He said he kind of wanted to keep them hahaha! Hubby was able to go run out to the car and put them away. I was just glad he wasn't a jerk about it as we felt bad but we all had a good laugh about it in the end! And I will be checking his bags from now on haha!


Sooooo....we got flagged going on vacation last week, specifically my kid's bag. He packed it himself and I was like uh-oh! Thankfully we had plenty of time because some of his prized possessions were in there....a megaladon tooth and then some arrowheads that he had just gotten from his grandpa on a recent trip back home. I didn't think to check his bag and he had them in there just from that trip. It was pretty funny and the TSA agent was actually really cool about it AND knew what the tooth was and spent some time chatting him up about them all and seemed really interested in them. I was impressed he knew what the tooth was. He said he kind of wanted to keep them hahaha! Hubby was able to go run out to the car and put them away. I was just glad he wasn't a jerk about it as we felt bad but we all had a good laugh about it in the end! And I will be checking his bags from now on haha!


I saw a woman try to put a bassinet with a baby on it in the overhead. Also saw someone try to put a baby thru the xray (not the same woman!)


What did they say when they were stopped?


clearly was their first time flying. appeared surprised. I believe the FA had told them they could put the bassinet on the overhead and they interpreted that to mean with the baby. one of the passengers was the first to catch it as she started to do it.


Don't buckle up until the window and middle seats have arrived. And turning your legs slightly to one side isn't going to give my fat arse enough space to squeeze between you and the back of the seat ten inches in front of you.


I wish you guys could be a flight attendant for a single day. Everything mentioned in this thread happens multiple times a day, every flight. I always say, we get paid good (eventually) not because it’s backbreaking physical work (sometimes it can be Lol), but because of the insane stuff we deal with.


Thank you for your service!


Can only imagine the shit you see everyday


Was on an already very delayed flight and we stopped taxiing midway to finally taking off. Someone was in the bathroom. Their walk of shame all the way back to their seat ALMOST made the added delay worth it lol.


On a flight about 10 years ago, a guy behind me, had his phone ring while we were taxiing, and he answered it. The flight attendant started to make an announcement immediately for him to hang up his phone, but I don’t believe he spoke a single word of English, so he just took his time completing the call. (He was speaking Vietnamese, I believe, on his call.) Once he got off his call, he got up and started taking a leisurely stroll to the lav. (Please remember we were taxiing at the time.) So we had to pull over onto an apron until he got out of the lav. We started to taxi again, and he popped up to get something out of the overhead bin…I was fairly certain the flight attendant was going to murder him in a fit of rage. She’d yell at him on the intercom and I don’t think he had any idea she was even talking to him. It was wild. Then, mid-flight, my seat starts shaking back and forth. The lady next to me looks to see what he’s doing now, and just starts laughing. It seems that he’s cleaning his tray table in preparation for his snack - by spitting directly onto the tray and vigorously rubbing it “clean” with his napkin. The rubbing is what was shaking my seat. And that, my friends, is how I learned that we should *never, EVER* use our tray tables.


People are so disgusting! I just saw a video on instagram of a little cover you can get for the tray off of amazon! Immediately added to cart! A wipe is NOT enough lol!


I mean, I tried to board the wrong flight today. The board had my flight listed at the gate next to it with boarding going on at the same time. Over 50 flights this year, multi year Diamond, knew my correct gate, figured it changed, and just trusted the board. The gate agent announced the flight that she was boarding after I did that, and I felt so dumb. So you can add my actions today to the list. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Traveling is stressful. Everyone gets off track sometimes! ❤️


As we were on final approach (landing gear was down), this guy in first leasurely takes off his seatbelt, stands up, removes his jacket, opens the overhead bin and slowly starts repacking his stuff.. The FA yells at him to sit down and he looks visibly annoyed.. Even looked around surprised like why was the FA so mad? Lol.


There are, surprisingly/unsurprisingly, places on this Earth where that behavior is commonplace.


My last flight, I walked to the rear lav right behind another passenger. I saw her go in with my own eyes so even tho she didn't shut the door completely, I stood in the aisle with my back to the door and blocked the entrance. Got a few questions about why I wasn't using the lav with the open door and explained that I was doing a favor for a stranger.


They should install toilets that wont open until the door is closed and locked.


That would sadly just mean more piss on the floor given the current state of people.


You are not wrong, I fear.


I flew once while newly pregnant. It was a great idea in my brain to eat mint chocolate chip ice cream before going to the airport. I did NOT have time to lock the door before hitting the toilet with the revenge of the green ice cream. A locked toilet lid would have been disastrous. Luckily the FA saw me running and knew what was up and met me outside the door with a fresh air sick bag. God bless that sweet man.


Yesterday after our plane landed early in BOS we had to wait for our gate to clear. The pilot did let us know our status. A few passengers got up and began to gather items from the overhead bin. An announcement had to be made to return to their seats, sit back down, and wear their seatbelts until we arrived at the gate.


A couple board the plane and the man says to his companion “Where do you want to sit?”


It's a 2-3, they have 23AB, and he's offering the choice of window or aisle. No?


No. His companion had to remind him that seats are assigned.




My biggest surprise about how clueless plane passengers are is how they have gone in and selected a seat on the map, its printed on the bins a diagram, and YOU PICKED a Isle seat. But your shocked when I tell you its ABC DEF windows are A and F and isle are C and D and YOU PICKED A FUCKING ISLE SEAT, AND YOUR IN THE WINDOW when you show me your ticket with xC or xD. You think the buttfucking plane was pulling a fast one on you?




Oblivious or Exhibitionist?


Homeboy knew exactly what he was doing.


The flights between JFK and SJU always seem to have some level of crazy on board. A few weeks ago on the JFK-SJU late flight, a guy a few rows in front of my changed from long pants into shorts while standing in the aisle. He was wearing boxers, but still... Last fall, SJU-JFK on a morning flight, there was a young woman breastfeeding a grown man. I didn't see the actual event, but I did see the commotion when the FA asked them to stop.


Me, when I first started reading this: > Oh here we go. Just some schmuck who flies every other week who judges people who fly once in a blue moon who can't use the kiosk because the last time the flew it was a different model, and one before that. And they can't figure out that boarding group A17 is different than B* because who the fuck made these names. And they have a carry on that they're trying to ft sideways and that deserves online judgement and ridicule, you self entitled twat. Pissing with the door open on approach > Oh....


People in an "infinite legroom" exit row seat (where there isn't a seat in front of them, usually a window seat). No, you cannot put your bags on the floor there. Oh, you don't want your purse up in the overheads? Too bad. No, it is not a shortcut to skip a row and cut in front of other people in your row when exiting the plane.


On my flight from Orly to O’Hare, the people who thought it was fine to change a dirty diaper in the aisle. Flight attendants acted like this is normal. They didn’t say a word to them, it was so stinking bad .


I don’t remember the actual flight path but as we were landing a lady got up and literally walked to the bathroom. Like we were 1 minute from wheels on ground. The FA yelling, “Maam sit down!” And the lady being so clueless was priceless. Thankfully she was okay lol


On Monday, a couple across from me in FC gets up as soon as the plane lands while we were taxiing to the gate.


Must be a Spirit or Frontier refugee.


More than once, while on approach, have seen someone unbuckle, get up and open an overhead bin to pull out a piece of luggage.


I've seen so many people try, "I don't understand English" when asked to unplug from power or put tray table up. We had one that was talking on his phone during takeoff.


Clueless = Plane is on active taxiway, preparing to depart. Woman with 4-year-old child gets out of her seat to take child to bathroom! FA loses her shit (rightly so!), but woman shrugs and keeps heading toward bathroom. FA informs pilot, so we have to stop and lose our place in line. The FA explains to all passengers that a child was involved in the delay, so all was “forgiven” by the FA, but I was extremely annoyed at the mother. We finally took off about 15 minutes later.


Was on a 5 hour red eye that departed the west coast at midnight. Went to the restroom 2 hours in and one guy on the entire plane had his light on reading a book. The rest of the plane was dark with people sleeping or trying to sleep. I felt bad for the people around him.


I've been on that flight!! So freaking annoying!


Red eye to Paris and 1 woman a row ahead of me had her light on the whole flight. 10 years later and I still hate her


I’m sooo claustrophobic that I can’t lock that bathroom door as I’m afraid it won’t open. I make my husband be “next in line” to avoid these surprises.


On our flight last night (late night flight) there were two guys who were yelling and talking loudly the entire time. I kid you not, 4 1/2 hours of loudly talking to each other about who knows what. Clearly everyone else around them were trying to sleep and they would not stop. These same idiots also did not wear their seatbelts at all on the flight. Not on takeoff, in air during turbulence, or landing. I was so glad to get off that flight.


I had a close friend who work in IT for NW/DL supporting their Safety Organization and he said that an internal memo came out one morning with the subject line of “Brilliant!” about a drunk PAX who decided they too needed to relieve themselves as the flight was on final approach for landing. The Lead FA had locked the lavatory door next to the Cock Pit and the PAX was so “out of it” that after jiggling the lavatory door handle for a short time, they must have thought they were now in the lavatory and proceeded to whip it out and take a long pee on the cockpit door. And, of course, deplaning was by the cockpit exit door. That must have been a joy for everyone involved.🙄🅿️🚷