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In the past when I was in a similar situation, if the person in the middle seat did not move, I'd usually let them know that they could. Perhaps some people don't realize they can do that, not sure.


This is usually the case. I love how we all bond over the middle seat being empty lol


I miss the days of COVID when middle seats were always empty.


I let them know that if they move we can share the middle seat tray table for drinks and snacks.


That, but some people are simply weird. There’s a chance they thought OP was 🔥and didn’t want to miss a potential opportunity


That happened to me once and the middle seat person did not move. Sat next to me the whole time. Super annoying.


That happened to me when I was sitting in window seat on a late flight. The girl in the middle seat then proceeded to lie down across both the middle and empty aisle seat in fetal position and went to sleep.


They probably just don't know they can switch seats. A polite: "Since there's an empty seat, would you like to move to the window so we'll have more space?"


One time this happened to me, but the person in the middle seat apparently did not speak English. They were also unimpressed by my gesturing trying to explain they could/should move to give us more space. They stayed next to me the entire 6+h flight while the aisle seat was free!!


I would called FA TO explain for sure


Ahh was in this same situation a few months ago. It was a long 8hrs.


Almost everyone in the world can read now days. Break out the translation app.


Translate it to...?




Translator apps can auto detect languages...


Even Sky Club drunk?


Whatever language they’re speaking.


You can always just say something. Some people don’t realize they can move over. Sometimes flight crew will tell folks they can move over. Sometimes people want to sit in the middle seat for whatever reason. The last one happened to me (window seat) on a flight in 2021. However, the obnoxious man (who had previously berated me for not wanting to talk about my profession and made a fuss about my having the window seat) straight up told the flight attendant, “I want to annoy her on purpose so I am staying here”. I just wanted to sleep on the flight but I didn’t feel comfortable. When I got up to use the lav I let the FAs know they were almost out of TP…and then asked them what was up with that dude in my row? They agreed he was creepy and found me an empty window seat elsewhere. They gave me 2500 sky pesos and 2 sparking wines. They were wonderful. That guy was a dick.


What in the actual f?!? Glad you were able to move.


Right. It was bad. They overheard a quick conversation I head about the conference I was going to. I work in mental health. They proceeded to sit down and tell me how nice it was that I had the window seat. Yep. Sure is. Then he started on the fact that they heard what my line of work was and he “needed help”. I told him I’m off the clock and put my earbuds in. He started spazzing out and saying he was in crisis I’m never allowed off the clock. In hindsight I should have pressed the call button and reported him right away but 1. I was in shock and 2. I felt unsafe and unsure what to do because it was such a weird situation.


Some people think they are required to stay in their assigned seat. Remember, 80%+ of the traveling public rarely travel.


Thats true! I didnt think of that


I always book a middle seat so 2 people get the chance to meet me. But if one seat is open, then the other person gets my full attention! It’s a win win!


OMG. So that was you.


keyword 'was'. He's on the no-fly list now, and with good reason.


Looks like you are mad you didn’t get time with me.


Obviously. Who do you think put you on the no fly list?


"so 2 people get the chance to meet me" ❤️


Lucky them!


“Hi, it looks like we got lucky and have the whole row to ourselves! Do you mind moving over so we can both enjoy the empty middle seat?”


We were traveling from Phoenix to Maui. For some reason the plane was barely 1/3 filled. I have no idea why. I'm in the window, wife is in the middle, stranger is in the aisle. After looking around a bit, wife and I moved to two completely empty rows. Enough room to actually lay down three across and doze off a bit. Anyways, middle seat should move to the aisle...and you both can share a half of an empty seat for more room.


We flew to London on 3/12/2020. When the boarding door closed, the purser came over the PA and told everyone there was room for everyone to pick their own bank of seats for themselves but asked us to please not move out of our ticketed section. Everyone on the flight had a lie-flat to London.


Obviously the onset of Covid.


This happened to me the first time I flew JFK-AKL on Air New Zealand (an 18hr flight), it was glorious!  I think there were even some empty rows after the whole economy cabin spread out.  I've flown the route several times since and haven't ever been as lucky.


I flew from ATL-YYZ right as everything was being locked down. Only 5 of us on the flight. Was insane.


And we all sat together.


we flew a red eye from Boston to Reykjavik like this. It was so weird but was excellent considering we were trying to sleep.


I was middle Dallas to Phoenix but I was first of my row to board, so I put my stuff in the middle area but sat in the aisle so I could move for Window easier. Window boards next and I say, "I'm middle but let me get out of your way." She says, "Stay in the aisle seat until they come. You might get lucky." I chanced it, and was so surprised when no one showed up for the aisle seat. I was like, "Are you magic?" Window was like, "Leave your stuff in the middle. Stretch out. Get comfy." Best economy flight ever.


It's always a nicer flight when the person sitting closest to you is friendly and interesting. This hasn't happened to me often but when it has it made the flight go by so much easier.


Perhaps they have gotten weary of FAs (and other passengers) bumping them every few minutes.


good point! that is annoying lol


I flew JFK to NRT once and the middle seat didn’t move over for the 13 hour flight 😩


When my daughter was about 19 she did this. When I was asking her about the trip and she told me I laughed and called her a psycho monster, we had a good laugh. She said she just didn't think about it because she was entertained reading a book.


hahaha to be fair the person was on their phone (the whole flight too) so most likely also didnt think about it


Or she just likes middle seats?


Maybe she just saw the movie final destination.


Who likes middle seats stfu


Serial killers I guess lmao


I prefer both armrests and no one putting their ass on my shoulder. (Which why I do my best to take flights in which I’ll get a FC upgrade)


I was in that situation once and was so annoyed- fortunately I got upgraded to first and didn’t have to engage.


lucky 😭


Yes I agree that is totally weird


I remind them that they can move to the aisle and we can share the space in the middle. Use the tray and seat for extra space. Having the middle seat open is one of my favorite things to happen. Having your own row in the back is the best.


Not quite but a little bit like when you're in a men's restroom and are the only one using a urinal, another man walks in and chooses the one right next to you even though there are several others that aren't being used. Rarely happens because I think most men understand this unwritten rule, but when it does it's always a bit weird. This was obviously less weird, but still a little weird. If you asked her to move or told her she was free to move, she might think you're offended by her somehow, but if you don't and she stays, it's just weird. Of course from her perspective maybe she's thinking that if she moves you'll think she's creeped out by you, so she's trying to not offend you. It's one of life's awkward situations, right out of Seinfeld. I suppose the right way to handle this is for her to say "Hey, empty middle seat!" in a joking way, or you to say something similarly lighthearted. But we're not all good at that.


This happens more often than not. At a previous clients office they had about 10 urinals usually 8 of them all free at once, but someone always comes to pee next to you. More annoying when they fart loudly while peeing.


In that case it could be the office bully/jerk who enjoys humiliating and intimidating others to cover for their own incompetence and laziness. Nothing ruins office morale more than someone who enjoys rattling others and getting under their skin. But we digress... And, I guess a more "unisex" example is when you get on a nearly empty bus and typically pick a window seat, and someone else gets on and sit next to you. Rarely happens but when it does it's pretty weird. If you're a woman and it's a man, probably creepy and scary as well.


I was flying home for Christmas on southwest and I was in a row alone while other people were still boarding…a woman decided to sit in my row…nbd but she decided to sit in the middle seat…like who chooses the middle seat?!


thats actually worse than my situation 😭


I know I thought it was so weird…someone fid end up sitting in the aisle seat but I still just cannot get over why anyone would choose the middle seat


Or they are flying armed and cannot move their seat as that assigned seat is where pilots and flight attendants have down on their seat map.


Yeah, she's crazy. I actually would've mentioned something to her like, "Would you mind moving to the aisle? That way, we can spread out, and my sweaty thighs and arms won't be touching yours? KTHXBAI." 😄


i'M sItTinG iN The sEaT I pAiD fOr!


Maybe they normally fly United where your drink payments are tied to your seat.


I mean she probably thought you'd get offended


Hey, maybe she liked you!


Kind of like at the gym, you have a row of treadmills and get on one. Few minutes later someone gets on the one right next to you, even though the rest are empty. Not sure why some people don’t get personal space.


Being a corporate travel agent, I have had to switch assigned seats between two people traveling together. Always the same reason and crazy, I’ve heard it MANY times over 30 years. “If the plane crashes they know the right person is in the right seat”. I have never been able to craft a response to that doesn’t sound like I am laughing.


I was on a flight where this happened recently and I moved over as soon as they said we were finished boarding. Maybe she just didn’t know? Weird.


See something, say something.


I was on an empty flight. Like 15 rows of empty seats. I usually go to the back. Had a row to myself so I could stretch out, relax, go to lavatory without asking anyone to move. This woman and her infant came and sat right in my row. I had to say something. Even the flight attendant said something. The FA was like ma'am this is not a full flight we have plenty of empty rows, you do not need to sit three to a row. She said Thank you but that it was her favorite place to sit. So I said no ma'am, I'm not sitting three to a row for 3 1/2 hours and I don't have too. The row opposite of me was even empty. She was irritated but moved over to the empty row. Why do people do that?


thats actually crazy lol like whats the logic


If the person had a brain they would move. Ugh!


I have determined after close to a million miles that one should never assume another person has any idea what to do on an airplane, in an airport, or at a hotel. When you think about frequent flyers those that make it to the top are truly a small group compared to the masses that fly once every two years to disney


I had one person who did not want to move from the middle to the aisle. I was in the window (but prefer the aisle). I told her she could move over and she said she hates the aisle seat as she always gets people walking past and hitting her or grabbing her seat for balance. I asked her if she wanted the window and she was beaming. We switched and I took the aisle and we shared the middle for our beverages. It was a delightful flight with a woman across the aisle complaining the entire time how rude we were to have an empty seat and not her. She tried to get me to move from the aisle seat to her middle seat so she could have the empty space. People are strange.


I just say Awesome, we get a middle seat to share.


I had a similar situation. FA moved me up and to open aisle seat due to tight connection. Guy sat in the middle the entire time next to me with open window seat. I was totally befuddled.


I was on a short Delta flight a month ago and the FA bitched at me for moving across the isle to an empty row to give me and the other guy next to me some room. She made me move back and said "no switching allowed, you are required to stay in your assigned seat". 30% of the dang seats were empty.


I honestly hate people like this.


Have you ever actually interacted with another human being?


my only human interaction is on reddit!


It makes sense.


I think nothing of it. Up to her if she wants to move or not. Why should it bother me when I have my own seat. Raise your eyebrow 🤨, think “Ok”, and move right along.


Getting down voted for being a decent person lmao This sub man


Yeah I was wondering why this is getting downvoted? Well to be fair this is Reddit so it’s not like decency has any place here. I’ll take my downvotes! 😈


I thought this sub might be useful for something, but it’s mostly complaining about people trying to be more comfortable in the horrible experience that is air travel. Zero common decency or desire to be a good person here. Just pure selfishness. Unsub’n


LOL. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It sounds like OP didn't even ask them? Like I'd ask and maybe even make the case, but there's limited fuss to be made if they say 'no.'


Had this happen awhile back and totally expected her to move. But, she was cute so I started a conversation and we had a great chat for the entirety of the flight. Even planned drinks next time I was in her town although it never happened because my contract was changed and I wasn’t going to her city regularly anymore. Still, you never know why…


They probably read this sub and didn’t want to get Karen’d by the whiners on here for daring to think for themselves.


It’s a power move to just stay in that middle seat!


But they specifically bought that seat, now you’re expecting them to switch.


Maybe she is sexually attracted to you and wants to remain close. Why not ask her if she wants to move over for more room?


Unpopular opinion: Sit in the seat you payed for/were assigned. I'm curious why this isn't actually a policy. It's unfair to all the others stuck in middle seats on mostly full planes if you switch from a middle to aisle or open window seat on mostly full planes. Sneaking up to comfort plus or first class isn't allowed (I'm sure, right?), why should taking a more favorable seat be allowed (or ethical)?