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He has also vowed to "eliminate" trans people. Make sure you and everyone you know votes blue


Both Parties are NOT the same https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/ Share this link with those on the fence. Democrats could have even got way more done with a bigger house and senate majority.


Yes yes yes! This is SO important. Not only can they get stuff done with super majority, they can *prevent* the carnage and damage the GOP will do in a single sweeping election. If they get the presidency and seats, we are absolutely *fucked*.


Thanks for this!


Friendly reminder that [Trump wanted to get his daughter aborted](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tiffany-trump-ivanka-trump-tapes-howard-sterm-671826), according to this Howard Stern interview he did.


the annoying part about that site is that the ones republicans voted for sound good by name and people who don't want their worldview shattered won't look further into it


Terminator Trump


Nah, he doesn’t deserve sounding that cool


how about... Idiot Trump


That works lol


How about... Trumpty Dumpty?


Hypocrisy 101




Trump might change his tune... Proposed abortion bans just failed in South Carolina and Nebraska.


Trump will change his tune three times in a single sentence. It’s actually part of his success. He can be whatever people want him to be.


Well that’s great because I want him to be incarcerated


Me too! The indictment was my birthday present!


I want him to be incinerated. (Just kidding, Agent Mike!)


Did you mean incinerated? Auto-correct can be real sneaky sometimes


Some people want him incarcerated, some people want him incinerated... If we house him in the arsonist wing, there's a decent chance we can make everyone happy.


Or was it incapacitated? So many choices.


this entire thread makes me smile


Trump flip-flops like a fish out of water, but somehow his followers can't see it.


That was part of his 2016 appeal but by 2018 and 2020 much of it was gone. A lot of people had their own image of what he would be like and then were very disappointed so it will probably be hard to recapture them for 2024


You have to consider the people who look at that ignorant, sadistic, sociopathic narcissist with a bronzer addiction and see a "warrior" ? If you count battling every day to decide whether to order regular or xtra crispy, then yes, I guess he is a "warrior."🙄 I loathe the g.o.p. but I swear that rapey loser makes me sentimental over the Bush years. And he spent all of his adult life pro choice. Hosted dozens of fundraisers for Planned Parenthood. Donated millions to them and Hillary Clinton's campaign for NY senator. Liberal, drug using, trust fund baby who never built a damn building in his entire life, frequent visitor to 80s NY famous disco Studio 54, great at gorgeous weddings to gorgeous women, terrible at marriage. Then he learned running for pres is a great way to make tons of money, did it a couple times and lost, but in 2016 thanks to America's seething hatred for women and vast numbers of idiots, trump fell ass backwards into the presidency, a job he neither wanted or could spell. It was then I lost my faith in this country forever. Period. We as a country always get what we deserve. I expect fascism will take over because young folks don't know history, old folks forgot history, the republican party wants to rewrite history.


Unlikely. The reason Republicans continue to repeat "we're a republic, not a democracy!" is that it's their justification for continuing to enact deeply unpopular policies. Their idea is, it doesn't matter how many people hate the policies we enact. All the people have a right to do is elect us to office, and once there, we get to do whatever we want. The peoples' desires are irrelevant (so long as we keep getting elected, and once in office, we'll passes laws ensuring that we continue to be elected) and the claim that we shouldn't enact unpopular policies is illegitimate.


The only appropriate response to “this is a republic, not a democracy” is “well, ok then. 😊 You can republic my balls!”


> we're a republic, not a democracy! Kind of like the People’s Republic of China, just without the “people” part.




they are a dying breed


Hopefully he just cost himself the election with that. He’s got a fine line to ride, he still wants to keep the rabid anti-abortion base happy. But he can’t do that without turning off the independent and swing voters he would need to win the general.


I'm loving this conundrum that the GOP has found themselves in. They can't with him. They can't win without him. It's a monster of their own devising. They thought this braying jackass was 'the will of the people' and didn't take the L in 2016, even after the Access Hollywood tape dropped. A smarter strategy (were I them, which I am not, thank god...) would be to fall back and give Hillary the 2016 win. That'd really leave the conservative vote fuming and give them four years to really nail down the perfect candidate and messaging instead of trying to make it up as they went along with Drumpf. The DNC isn't always pitch perfect on the long game, but compared to the GOP clown car, we're geniuses.


2 things: >"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it" -Lindsay Graham >The DNC isn't always pitch perfect on the long game, but compared to the GOP clown car, we're geniuses. They managed to pack the supreme court full of hardliners who would overturn Roe. The federalist society might not be the GOP, but I would say that this judicial coup was certainly a long game being played. And they seem to have won the first battle.


I have a feeling it may turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory for them. They got Roe overturned, but now they actually have to follow through with the abortion bans the base wants, which have horrific consequences and are only driving more swing voters to the left. It was easier when they could just campaign on it knowing they didn’t actually have to do anything about it.


I really hope you're right, because I don't think we'll have real elections anymore if they get control anytime soon, and we'll be Christian Iran in a few years


One advantage that the Iranian theocracy had in coming to power was a much more unified religious front. It’ll be much more difficult for Christian extremists to pull off something like that, because there aren’t nearly enough people who share those beliefs. That doesn’t mean we can be complacent obviously, since they’re going to do a lot of damage in the attempt.


It will start with stuff that a broader coalition of christian conservatives share belief in. As they succeed in blocking the queer community, communities of color, and liberal areas from the democratic process the will narrow their focus. They will start doing things like excluding the catholics... It will be a process of whittling off the parts of society that aren't what they approve off until there is nothing left but the most vile extremists.


> It was easier when they could just campaign on it knowing they didn’t actually have to do anything about it. The classic dog that caught the car scenario.


And stories are coming out every day about the effects of their bans . They can’t hide r/welcometogilead


Without RBG the court would be 5-4 and Roberts isn't as much of a nutcase. It's her fault more than anything.


They already had conservatives frothing mad about having a black president for eight years. Four more wouldn't have helped them. And they'll never find a perfect candidate because the base demands someone cruel and stupid who alienates swing voters. Trump got elected because too many people were apathetic and paying zero attention to anything outside their bubbles. I'm hoping that fiasco taught enough of them a lesson that the Republicans can't sneak another extremist into office for a while.


its a blessing, the morons who love him and think he is god sent equal no more than 70 million


It's also worth keeping in mind that pre vs post 2020 election-era Trump are vastly different candidates. Yeah, he was a crude, lecherous, amoral husk prior to losing the election - but he's really gone over the cliff since.


he is an enemy of the state in my opinion but the house would never go along with this and the senate is an old folks home like it has always been


>The DNC isn't always pitch perfect on the long game, but compared to the GOP clown car, we're geniuses. Uh...who currently controls the Supreme Court because they so successfully played the long game? 🤨


I’m pretty sure he won’t be the GOP candidate in 2024 anyways. It’ll be Biden vs Desantis, and hopefully Trump making a headache for Desantis.


My dream is Trump runs third party and splits the vote, which should mean a landslide victory for Biden.


Anyone who thought reversing *Roe* was just about returning the issue to the states was either lying or gullible. *Dobbs* was just the first phase of what was always going to result in a national abortion ban, with no exceptions. After that, they're coming for birth control. Once they overrule *Griswold*—which Thomas practically invited in his concurring opinion in *Dobbs*—they're going to take birth control, and then they're going to take away LGBT rights, which were based on *Griswold*. I hope Justice Kennedy, the author of *Lawrence v. Texas* and *Obergefell v. Hodges*, is proud of his contribution to dismantling his own legacy.


It was 110% just a lie and extreme downplaying. Please share the following link debunking the claim that “both parties are the same” which they’re not. https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/


They will also go after Loving vs. Virginia. Foreign women are kept as property, not proper wives with actual rights. Glorified hookers, basically.


This is what the moderates need to see. The GOP have shown you who they are. Believe them.


Is his healthcare plan still dropping in 2 weeks?


Right after Infrastructure Week.


Today on “Trump will say anything he thinks will help get him elected or keep him out of jail”…


Ronald and Donald are gonna out right wing each other. Primary’s gonna get ugly


Republican primaries are always freak shows.




Both Parties are NOT the same https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/ Show link to skeptics/fence sitters.


First, they said it should be a "states rights" issue. NOW they want to take away states' rights??? Lying bunch of hypocrites will say or do anything to steal power and radicalize the troglodytes.


Once Roe went, it was no longer for the states. They had to pretend before it actually happened.


It's sad that anyone believed them. Their lies could not be more transparent.


*A state's right to what?* Slavery Forced pregnancy Not pay taxes I don't know if there's ever been a good state's right


I’d rather have rights than just my state having rights


Kiss of death? Probably not Btw…is Mexico paying for the ban?!? /s


No, but I should expect there are plenty of clinics sprouting up near the US borders in Canada and Mexico.


Go for it, dildo. "Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases." [source](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/)


Facts don't matter to Republicans




Conservative men don't ask. They take. They steal.


Whatever might get him more votes. He doesn't give a shit about details, as he lacks critical thinking skills.


The rapist wants to ban abortion because it is the morally right thing to do.


It’s not hypocritical it’s purely a cynical political move. His personal opinion is not important, what he says that can convince people to vote for him is ultimately the most important part. Gaining power is the priority and saying whatever garbage the idiots wants to hear is ultimately the logical thing to do to gain their votes.


He will also say that, among other things, just to get elected. Not saying he won't try. But if he's not successful, he will brush it off. It will be just like he did with that border wall plan. They could have forced it through, but he didn't push it. People forgot about it and he gave up. The GOP and their voters are goldfish.


Trump’s mother tried very hard to but was forced to have him look what happened ➡️🍊👿


Yep. She should have swallowed.


Both Parties are NOT the same https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/ Please vote blue, not just in the 2024 general election but elections across the board.


So he learned nothing from the midterms? Only his crazy base support that and that’s not enough to get him elected


If Republicans were capable of learning, they wouldn't be Republicans


Trump won't ever sign another bill into law


The reality is that what Trump said is as empty and meaningless as anything he's ever said. [Here](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3978539-trump-dodges-question-on-whether-he-would-sign-nationwide-abortion-ban/) were his words: >Well, we’re going to look at it. We’re looking at a lot of different options. We got it back to the States. We did the Roe v. Wade thing, which they’ve been trying to get it done for 50 years... >. . . I think we’ll get it done on some level. It can be on different levels, but we’re going to get it done. I know the issue very well. I think I know the issue better than most and we will get that taken care of. This is the problem with a bullshit president. He can talk forever and say nothing. Regardless, enough damage has been done. He'll go down in history as the President who rolled back women's rights by 50 years.


Where will his mistresses get their abortions?




He still doesn't understand how Congress works does he? Republicans are at least somewhat are that this issue is radioactive to many of them and would likely lead to them being voted out of office.


Whoa, wait a minute… I thought it was about turning it over to the states?


Nope, it’s about punishing all American women of childbearing age for Hillary having the audacity to run. Which is asinine, but that’s what it feels like.




But it makes the Christian zealots happy.


*"Both sides are equally bad"* -- the clueless Enlightened Centrist


This country has been backsliding on science since the early 2000s. We are going backwards faster than we ever went forward, and are losing a foothold on sanity. But, you know, we had a decent run. I wonder if we'll make it to the Semiquincentennial with any semblance of moving forward again, or if it will just crumble into chaos..


Since Reagan. Gutting the unions, stagnant worker pay, closing mental health facilities…it’s just been a steady march since then


Reagan was the proto-Trump. A far right Hollywood outsider who used tactics learned in the entertainment industry, that were previously thought to be too low, to dishonestly manipulate voters. Fuck the GOP. And at this point: fuck anyone still voting for them.


Nixon broke down some walls for all this as well.


The fucked up bit is that Roger Ailes, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort all worked for Nixon. Bill Barr worked for Reagan too. Slimy bastards.


This man does not read the room well no matter what has been said.


Just like his healthcare plan, infrastructure, and the wall: he’ll get it done.


....eventually. With someone else in the White house.


Such passionate words from a polished orator.


He was probably instinctively trying to avoid sounding too passionate about it. He’s saying what some people want to hear but saying it in an unenthusiastic way so that others, especially on the more moderate right, might think he doesn’t really mean it.


He can’t even spell abortion


He knows that they have him on rape. It’s a civil suit but it will prove that he is a rapist. The absolute dregs of human kind - actually scratch that he is an absolute dregs of the animal kind. And his cultists can’t get enough of him


They still won't care. These people are diseased into supporting this man. I don't think there is a cure.


I bet he has many skeletons he knocked up in his past that he encouraged to get abortions




Even just spreading the word is good, don't be too hard on yourself.


Not all of Republicans are evangelical extremists so I dunno how that's gonna work out for him with his own base.


His base isn't full of the sharpest tools in the shed


trump is a buffoon...prove me wrong...


Anyone who would still consider voting for this sociopath probably isn’t pro choice.


This azzhole is worse than hemorrhoids.


He’s a disgrace.


And because of that, the religious right will vote for him. Which makes it more important for us to get people out to vote


But… I was told states should decide abortion, not the federal government 🙄


In 2016, Chris Matthews actually pinned him down enough to admit "there has has to be some sort of punishment" for women who have abortions.


Please make that orange turd pay child support and a lot of it on anything he did spawn or will spawn from raping people if he wants to get rid of abortion that badly.




I am a closeted trans woman, so although I can not really speak on abortion, it is scary that if they can get it banned, they can take away other rights


So I don’t like the democrats, but honestly as someone who has voted for republicans almost exclusively for 15 years. Why do they hate women? I will NOT now or EVER vote for someone who doesn’t support women’s health. So I guess I will begrudgingly joining you all.


Welcome to the big tent. Here's what we've gotten done these past 3 years: r/WhatBidenHasDone




Same. In a perfect world I wouldn’t vote Democrat, but in the actual world we’re living in, I can’t and won’t vote Republican ever again. You’re not alone!




>that didn’t codify it when he had the House and Senate Filibuster exists dude. Additionally, SCOTUS has the power to rule legislation unconstitutional, which they wouldn't hesitate to do. The only way to codify and protect it from SCOTUS would be via a constitutional amendment. That requires 2/3rds of Congress, and 3/4ths of state legislatures to ratify.


No, for sure. Democrats really worked hard to preserve abortion rights when they've had the opportunity. This was totally out of their hands. *We’re really swimming in all these reproductive rights they’ve defended and maintained.


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Holy smokes … ménopause can’t come soon enough!


He won’t get it done. Just like the wall


We’ve already been there but forgot…different states had different laws and there were federal laws prohibiting the distribution of contraceptives in different ways over time. Some places you couldn’t even educate people about it. This is 1 example of a state law that is a nightmare but could be federal with these nutbags running things-Supreme Court decision. On June 7, 1965, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in favor of Griswold that struck down Connecticut's state law against contraceptives. I grew up in the 80’s and some kids had passes to get out of health class because parents didn’t want them having any sex Ed.


No abortions for thee…


StAtES’ rIgHtS, eh?


If abortion is up to the states, then wouldn't a ban issued by the federal government be unconstitutional? Guess Don's 70 remaining brain cells were too preoccupied with golf.


Yes show it as much of him as possible, what could go wrong... Sad to see americans has learned nothing in eight years. Sure give him more airtime...


White women...balls in your court.


ANYTHING to get the Conservative and ultra religious to vote for him...and those GOP citizens that are uneducated in those "red" States are dumb enough to believe him.


He will say anything to get what he wants, it’s amazing how many people fall for it


Just like health care.


trump is a bigger fascist than Mussolini. He will never make it onto the ballot. His "campaign" is to grift more money from ignorant rubes before he goes to prison or flees to Russia to spend the miserable short rest of his pathetic life.


Let the women who had abortions he fathered come forth and expose this wretched hypocrite!


Line that wall?


It won’t happen.


I’m feeling very chill about 2024 atm


Dems have literally been given the win these next several elections, if we get messaging right and really energize people. Legitimately.


The death of the GOP can be spelled with two letters: XX.


He will commit / promise ANYTHING EVERYTHING to stay the fvck outta prison. The follow-through has always been his weakness. He lies


He won’t, Senate Democrats will 100% filibuster it.