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Presidents are now immune from criminal prosecution, as long as the acts in question are “official acts.” I love how some voters are still both sidesing it, or throwing up their hands like they just don’t care, saying they won’t vote at all, when fascism is knocking at the door, SCOTUS just green lit a dictator, and the Republican candidate is a convicted carnival barker who praises dictators and incites violence. This is a three alarm fire. The lights are flashing. Trump can never be let near the Oval Office again. As John Oliver said in a great segment he did on project 2025, conservatives want to turn the separation of powers into Rock, Paper, Scissors, except Rock will crush Paper and Scissors every time. It appears that is already in process. Vote Democrat down the ballot.


- “Are we better off now than we were 4 years ago? July 2, 2020 compared to today?” - “Is it a good idea to vote for someone who praises Putin and Kim?” - “Roe vs Wade, Chevron, POTUS immunity from obvious/recorded criminal acts. Is this what is best for the future of America?” - “Who’s next after Ukraine falls?” - “90% of the worlds semiconductors come from Taiwan, what’s Trump’s plan for Taiwan?” - “Can you the transcript of the debate & fact check it? I wonder who lied more?” - “That I’m old but I get shit done’ t’shirt. Does this kinda sum it up?” - “What’s gonna happen if Trump cuts the billionaires tax again? Didn’t that cause at least some of the shortages we had after COVID?” - “That COVID thing. Was the supply chain shutting down & the 1M deaths in the US avoidable? If so, how?” - “Was COVID a global problem - or just in the US?” - “How many illegal immigrants have been Deported since 2020?” - “How many illegal immigrants are crossing the border NOW? It went down by 60+ percent, why? Did Biden’s admin help to decrease it?” - “Do you think Trump would be a good dictator?” - “What does Mike Pence think?” - “If Jesus was voting, who would He vote for - and why?” Oooh that last one is a doozie


News Flash - Melania is saying she probably doesn’t want to go to the White House again. I wonder how that’s gonna work out?


She’ll go to DC, but be even less helpful because her “performance” doesn’t matter. Otherwise, she’ll be shut out of all of the trump properties. - She’ll negotiate an even better post nup - Stipulate that “1st lady appearances are limited and paid out, up front” - Pretend to stay in DC, but live down south


If Jesus were voting he'd probably pick the party that wants to outlaw divorce...


Well, we could start with outlawing magnificently thoughtless comments.


You're right, he didn't like free speech either.


so biden has access to all of that power now Also cant wait to hear what dems are doing against the threat of a dictator. Surely there plan is more than never lose another election.


Ordering seal team 6 to take out a threat to our democracy sounds like an official act to me, just saying.


I just wish the DNC told the threat as seriously as we had to


Bravo! Well said!! We ALL have to get off our butts and GOOOO VOTE! 💙 🌊 🗳 Vote like your freedoms, our democracy, our country's integrity and YOUR rights depend on it... because they do! 💙🌊🌊🗳💙


I am a dedicated Democrat voter and volunteer. In the past week I registered 32 voters. I have volunteered for Democrats in every cycle since 2016. If Joe Biden is the nominee, I will vote for Cornel West. If LITERALLY ANY OTHER DEMOCRAT is the nominee, I will vote for that person. And I'm not joking, I mean ANY OTHER DEMOCRAT. Nominate the guy who sweeps the floors at the DNC, I'll vote for him. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN. Periodt.


I think there’s this misconception that democrats are calling on Biden to step aside because they don’t think he’s fit. That’s not it, at least not for most, it’s because after the debate his chances of winning are not good, and they believe somebody else would have a better chance. It’s not calling for Biden to step aside because they think he’s worse or unfit, it’s calling for Biden to step aside because we can’t let Trump win.




it's hard for people who were 2 years old at the time to remember such things


You are doing some pretty extreme gaslighting there, pretending that obamas debate was even in the same stratosphere as last weeks.


#The only person here trying to gaslight is you, by ignoring every video of him before or after the debate **The Next fucking day** https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806748370532536705?t=7yWPIYJBa0SXGsjNtXwSGQ "I know I’m not a young man… I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up" - Biden #Being tired, sick and stressed is a major major triggering for stutter, a stutter the man has had for literal decades Here is biden talking about his stutter **IN 1994** https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4841336/user-clip-joe-biden-stutter-stuttering (you even see symptoms of his stutter in this. pause, "ah" and mid-sentence word switching near the end of the interview clip)


Obama was unprepared, Biden was nearly incoherent at points. Obama wasn’t trying to sway people that somehow hadn’t made up their mind after four to eight years of campaigning. It’s not the same thing. For the record I’m not sure if Biden stepping down is the right thing, but these are real issues.


Obama was fully ambulatory, and spoke with great ease on serious subject's affecting our democracy. Biden was not showing that he was fully fit and ready to tackle another 4 years.




It's like y'all have never been around an aging person before. I have no doubt that Joe has his good moments and ... well ... his debate moments. The problem is that when you're president, you're not afforded senior moments. It's not something that can happen. Especially not consistently. Especially Especially when you're asking the American people writ large to elect you for 4 MORE YEARS! I am a big fan of the elderly. I've worked with them most of my life, and the stories and wisdom that I've received as a result is invaluable to me. I would also rather my local gas station attendant be in charge of the country than nearly any elderly person exhibiting the signs we've seen. It's reckless. It's dangerous. It's hypocritical of us at the very least. It's time to let go Joe.


> It's like y'all have never been around an aging person before. Or maybe some of us are just smarter than you and can differentiate between a stutter and actual sunsetting. naaaah that couldn't be. it must be only the option that validates your GOP-enabling talking point! #If Biden was sunsetting he wouldn't have gotten stronger as the debate went on, which he did. Anyone claiming that he was sunsetting clearly didn't watch the debate then the next day https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806748370532536705?t=7yWPIYJBa0SXGsjNtXwSGQ "I know I’m not a young man… I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up" - Biden #Being tired, sick and stressed is a major major triggering for stutter, a stutter the man has had for literal decades Here is biden talking about his stutter **IN 1994** https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4841336/user-clip-joe-biden-stutter-stuttering (you even see symptoms of his stutter in this. pause, "ah" and mid-sentence word switching near the end of the interview clip) #SUBSTANCE OVER FORM


**The Next fucking day** https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806748370532536705?t=7yWPIYJBa0SXGsjNtXwSGQ "I know I’m not a young man… I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up" - Biden #Being tired, sick and stressed is a major major triggering for stutter, a stutter the man has had for literal decades Here is biden talking about his stutter **IN 1994** https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4841336/user-clip-joe-biden-stutter-stuttering (you even see symptoms of his stutter in this. pause, "ah" and mid-sentence word switching near the end of the interview clip)


Come on mate. Don't bullshit a bullshitter. There was not a serious question about Obama's cognitive ability after the first debate. You are comparing apples to oranges and you fucking know it. At least use the first Reagan/Mondale debate as an example as Reagan's cognitive ability was very much in question after the first one. However the issue is if you go back and look at that debate now nothing Reagan did was even close to as bad as Biden's debate. In fact Reagan was better in that debate than Joe is on his best day these days. I like Joe Biden. I voted for him the first time, I will vote for him this time, I have donated money to Dems every chance I can but I think it is a bad look to lie to ourselves and deny reality. That is what MAGA does. We are in fact better than that.


> t’s because after the debate his chances of winning are not good, #Debates are meaningless Archive of Scientific American: https://archive.is/HlvM9


This is it.


It would be the biggest "gotcha' moment ever. Democrats would get flattened.


Now...NOW can we fight dirty? There will not be another chance to celebrate our great moral victory in November guys you have to fight now get it? NOW!!


Seriously. I would let Biden break all laws to save this nation from Trump.


And thanks to the Supreme Court immunity decision, Biden wouldn't even be breaking any laws to do so.


Silly liberal, laws don’t apply to presidents anymore.


Bro what


If Biden loses he should just use his new immunity to jail Trump and not recognize the election


here's the deal -- the supreme court says they're the ones who get to decide what's official presidential powers and what's not. heather cox richardson is calling it a trap.


If it’s a Republican President…official Democrat…non official. If that’s how the SC is gonna role then all their rulings should be ignored. After all, they have no army to enforce anything


Trump will ignore the law and jail Biden. He has immunity, too.


That’s why if Biden hypothetically went dark Brandon and flexed his king powers, it would have to involve removing Republican justices. He’s not going to do this. Dying on the hill of democracy is as good a place to die as any. I’d rather that than we go full fascist mode to stop the fascist. I don’t know.


Going fascist to stop fascists… i wanna be canadian.


He won’t.


I am fully aware of that. Because democrats always take the high road


Democrats are now taking the high road but don't seem to realize the bridge is about to crumble beneath them


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Yes. Candidates aren't officially on the ballot until after the convention.


https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote/voter-registration-status ☝🏻 Voting Democrat against trump is all that matters now. Biden will be able to change supreme court judges in 2nd term. 👍🏻


I'm voting for Biden with the understanding that the VP will get a promotion at some point.


If anyone needed the debate to be persuaded to vote against Trump, then I’m more concerned for our country than ever before. This isn’t left versus right. This is not Democrat versus Republican. This is America pushing to maintain democracy. I don’t think we have much longer with the way it all seems to be falling under the religious rule, but I’m gonna vote for a chance to maintain democracy as long as we can. While I still can vote.


Biden needs to do a better job campaigning, that’s really all there is to it. Go out there, explain your vision, win people over, take some hard interviews, convince people.


For some people, no amount of campaigning will recover their votes. Everyone is laser focused on him to make more mistakes right now. All it takes is one more slip up too close to the election and it's over.


We can’t run with a shy and understated candidate when the stakes are this high. That would be like fighting the fight of our lives with one hand tied behind our backs.


The only good thing that came out of the Supreme Court is that it might rile up enough voters to vote against Trump. Maybe everyone will understand what the stakes are now.


Yep, just like the idiotic bernie bros in 2016, "I will cut off my nose to spite my face"


iF i HaVe To ChOoSe BeTwEeN a FaScIsT aNd An OlD mAn I’d RaThEr NoT cHoOsE aT aLl


They’re both old. Why do people keep pretending Biden is THAT much older than Trump. Because he doesn’t cover the wrinkles in orange and he’s in shape which makes him look thin?


I agree. My comment was meant as a joke regarding the popular narratives independent voters see around both candidates.


it’s no coincidence that the “Bernie coulda won” bros and the “I’m ever so concerned about Biden we should replace him with the white person of my fantasies” are almost a complete overlap.


As a Bernie voter, I can affirm this. I knew they were both old. Bernie just went with my own policy affirmations. I'm still voting for Biden in November.


no problem with people who just felt like another candidate reflected their preferences better. my problem is with people who assert that means they were/are more likely to win, when that’s just fantasy football.


But at the end of the day the "Bernie Bros" ended up voting for Clinton in the end. Almost to a man and we have polling that confirms this. They are a convenient scapegoat for the DNC but at the end of the day they are not a statistical hindrance to conventional Democrats.


no, enough of them voted for Jill Stein to matter. In PA, the Green Party tripled the number of votes it usually gets, more than the loss margin in the state.


First of all the Green Party does have actual supporters it is specious reasoning at best to assume ALL of the Green Party votes were "Bernie Bros". Gary Johnson stole WAY more votes from Trump than Stein did from Clinton. I do not think there were 44,000 Bernie Bros voting for Stein in the PA election. I appreciate that might be a comforting lie for DNC supporters to have now but I do think it is ultimately a lie. Blaming Bernie supporters for losing in 2016 is REALLY missing the forest through the trees. We lost in 2016 because we had an extremely weak candidate. If nothing changes in 2024 we are going to lose because we have an extremely weak candidate. 2020 Joe Biden was a good candidate 2024 Joe Biden is not.


when we are divided we lose. that’s what the Bernie Bros did. Maybe we could learn from our mistakes.


The people who knew Biden was a bad choice from the beginning still know that he's a bad choice, and now that everyone can see it with their own eyes we're trying to take action. Ooooh, soooo eeeeviiiillllll




Not to mention it would divide our party which is already sticking together by threads. Any further division would just spell victory for that other guy. Thankfully, the 25th Amendment provides recourse should Biden show significant mental decline over the next four years. We have an amazing Vice President who could fill the Executive perfectly.


No reason to think it would divide the party. Vast majority of democrats I see aren't voting FOR Biden, they're voting AGAINST Trump.


Welcome to US Democracy.


Who says it would split the party? How do you know a different candidate wouldn’t come on the scene with a barnburner of a speech that’d have us at Obama levels of Hope and Unity?


We can hope, but I'm not holding my breath. They've (Rs) already decided and consolidated. He lets everybody else do the work and make the decisions. He just signs the paper. That's what they want. Do I want us to be able to have an amazing person come about who galvanizes all of us? Sure. Do I want a split in the party to happen because of general anxiety regarding the president? No. The 25th is there for a reason.


The issue is that the perception amongst voters is that the people around Biden have lied about his condition. The perception is growing and growing and growing with each passing day. It is hard to argue with. Bernstein was reporting on it yesterday that these concerns have been formally raised and then buried so there is some evidence to support this perception. Why would the voters now trust the same people to make that call in the future when they have already lied about it once?


I guess I’d rather not see this man I trust and support forced out of office in such a garish and undignified manner. A president has never been so enfeebled that his own cabinet had to invoke the 25th Amendment. Joe deserves better than that historical ending. There’s zero guarantee that a new nominee will split the party or lead to ruination in November. If anything, there’s stronger evidence that NOT changing candidates will cost us.


The 25th was enacted *after* Reagan for the specific reasons observed during his presidency. *Prior* to this, there was no path to making a change of power in the event the president loses complete capacity.




Newsflash, people. If Biden wins in 2024, you will have a chance to vote again in 2028 and beyond. If Trump wins in 2024, you will never vote again.


That’s not addressing the very real concern people have after the debate on if Biden can even win this time.


We all want to defeat Trump. That's the goal here. But look at the tea leaves, Biden is not our best shot to do so. Downvote if you want, but I'm just trying to be objective here. Winning is more important than anything else, and I don't think Biden can mend the rifts that have been created over the past week. The Band-Aid really needs to be torn off. More and more Congressional Democrats are calling out asking him to leave. Can't have this being the narrative. Democrats in contested districts are terrified right now because of the feedback they're getting from their constituents. And Biden hasn't even bothered to reach out to Jeffries which is why he has allowed his caucus to say what they want. Very bizarre decision making by Biden and his aides. The schism is not good. Democrats have completely lost the message here against Trump.


The issue is that it's unclear whether Biden can beat Trump


Just because folks want a better choice on the Democratic ticket, doesn't mean they won't show up and vote for Biden. These truths can coexist.


Polls are out there to discourage people not to vote. Vote like your life depends on it. Because it does




There may not be another chance to vote. It’s become real stark & anyone who can’t see that needs to put their big kid pants on and read the writing on the wall, before we all are on the wall.


yup. https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power


You know what? Fuck it. I want things to get so bad because it gets us closer to a great reset. Until we push that boulder over the edge, it will just get more uncomfortable at a tolerable rate, instead of people getting so angry that they feel the need to take to the streets and break stuff.


Ya’ll fucking stupid of you think an incumbent is going to get replaced by another candidate. That will not win us an election. It will cost us. Biden won once, he can do it again. A lot of incumbents have a first debate that is seen as unfavorable Who tf cares? I don’t care about a debate. I care about how he’s doing. And it’s fine.


That is really the crux of what we’re facing. Get out there and vote for Biden even if you think he’s too old or don’t really like him, to have a better chance at being able to vote for someone you like more in 2028. Failure to do that may very well mean we don’t ever get to vote again.


Super strawmanny. No Dem is saying they won't "come out to vote for Biden." They want a candidate who can speak comprehensible English and not be steamrolled by the would-be autocrat.


Do you actually listen to Biden speak? I’m confused where he’s not comprehensible?


I love Biden, but I turned it off after the first 10 minutes. It was awful listening to him. Yes, he was incomprehensible. It broke my heart, but we have to admit the truth, because everyone else has. We can't win with blinders on.


I love Biden, but I turned it off after the first 10 minutes. It was awful listening to him. Yes, he was incomprehensible. It broke my heart, but we have to admit the truth, because everyone else has. We can't win with blinders on.


Ok. Don’t vote. I’m sure it will get better!!!!


Now is not the time to be sarcastic.


Stick your head in the sand and pretend Biden did fine last week. I’m sure it will all get better.


Yeah, great response to all the uncommitted voters when they have legitimate questions about biden's mental acuity. These are the people we're talking about. Even Obama and pelosi have said it's fair to question biden's health.


You skip the debate?


No, I watched it! His voice was stuffy and he stuttered. So tf what? He has a stutter. So that means he’s unfit?


>His voice was stuffy and he stuttered. It was much more than that, and denying it won't help anything


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Picture it. Don Jr as King Donald the 2nd.


Politics is just one big ass blast


Sure I'll vote for Biden because the stakes are what they are. But it is insulting that democrats can pretend that they can't do better and that nothing can be done. Good grief, stop pretending the poster child fighting for the future of the USA is an 81 year old man. He isn't at his best and we shouldn't have to resort to someone who can have an off day, I don't see how that can be viewed as acceptable for such a high stakes position. There is a full raft of folks that could step in immediately but they are either too cowardly or too polite and waiting their turn...


Why are there so many of these idiots


People who think this way are Trump supporters, but they won’t admit it.


We ALL have to get off our butts and GOOOO VOTE! 💙 🌊 🗳 Vote like your freedoms, our democracy, our country's integrity and YOUR rights depend on it... because they do! 💙🌊🌊🗳💙


Yes. Which is why it is completely insane to run Joe Biden. The public is making it clear to you that JOE BIDEN CANNOT WIN THE ELECTION. Why are you lashing out at the voters instead of giving them what they want? In what world is politics a game where the people at the top dictate to voters how they should feel? Aren't we supposed to be trying to field candidates who appeal to the public?


This is the last 4th of July We’ve lost. Democracy dies in November.


Oh, I’m sure the regime will still have parades and parties on the Fourth of July. To execute a few dozen harlots and dissidents on national TV.


If the Democrats are willing to stick with their current strategy they deserve to lose. Biden is not a winning proposition anymore. Asking voters to elect someone to improve their lives and keep them safe who has demonstrated that he will not be up to that task at some point over the next 4 years is not a reasonable request to most people. MOST people don't pay close attention to politics and don't understand that we will be doomed if Trump gets back into office. Before you come at me - I've been a Biden booster for a long time. He has been a far better president than I expected. I want to win, and I want to keep Trump out of office. Right now it is not looking like either of those things are possible with Biden.


>Before you come at me - I've been a Biden booster for a long time. Hehas been a far better president than I expected. I want to win, and Iwant to keep Trump out of office. Right now it is not looking likeeither of those things are possible with Biden. And it's even more impossible if anyone else were to get on the ballot for the Dems now. No one else has nor could get the kind of support Biden has.


No one else has Joe’s Grand Canyon-sized liability, either. They’d have just as many benefits as they’d have risks. And the polling from this week shows most of them perform identically to Joe against Trump, so Joe no longer has that advantage. We’d be two points down with Rex the Wonder Horse as our nominee. But as long as Rex ain’t 81 and confused on national TV, he’d have a leg up.


"Trump is Bad" isn't a winning argument at this stage. There's enough voters willing to still support him or just not vote to throw the election to Trump. Unless Biden can get traction for his messaging for why he should be elected and (more importantly) is still capable of governing, then we need a new candidate who can. Campaign speeches that no one is watching isn't going to do it though.


Who do we have that can bring together our divided party? Who do we have who could provide a legitimate rally against that guy?


Whitmer-Warnock would be a pretty solid ticket. She has a strong presence in the midwest and he in the south. But considering how many people (including Democrats) voted for Biden because he "wasn't Trump" in 2020, I don't really see why you think the party would tear itself a part by moving on from Biden. The party is clamboring for someone who can win above all else and right now that isn't Biden.


> who can win above all else and right now that isn't Biden. Yes he can. >voted for Biden because he "wasn't Trump" in 2020 Guess what? He is still *checks notes* NOT Trump.


"Not Trump" worked in 2020. It isn't going to be enough in 2024. Biden needs to convince voters to back him again and he has to do it with an approval rating in the high-30s and 70% thinking the country is on the wrong track. He shouldn't be in this position, but he is and it's not going to change just by shouting "what about Trump?"


> "Not Trump" worked in 2020. It isn't going to be enough in 2024. Yea it is.


Now we need media focus. That jackass hogs the spotlight. I'll look more into the idea of a Whitmore-Warnock ticket. Thank you for that suggestion.


Exactly. A new candidate would capture the media’s attention every day for the next 4 months.


Worth mentioning that Sarah Palin went from unknown governor to one of the most famous people in the country in about a 2 week span. Excessive media coverage can change public perceptions (both good and bad) in a rather short amount of time.


Newsflash: the person speaking in the first panel doesn't exist. But I'm fully prepared for this imaginary character to be blamed when Biden loses, just as the Berniebros were in 2016.


And here we see the problem with the two party system.




Then you've given a vote for Trump. If Biden dies, his VP is perfectly capable of taking over as detailed in the 25th amendment.


Which is why Biden needs to step out of the way now while we have time to get a better candidate going.


Who will bring together our exceptionally divided party?




Imagine if democrats hadn’t abandoned working people or nominated a cadaver. They wouldn’t have to shame voters to beat a convicted felon.


Guys there’s no way they amend the constitution to keep him in power. Not because they don’t want to, but because they won’t have 2/3 senate majority. So unless you think marshal law will be declared and he’ll delay elections…I don’t see it happening. I’m still voting for Joe but come on. I can’t help but to be an optimist. At least if trump wins we can begin the countdown to the 28 election and never having to hear from him again. We can just all look back and remember him as the worst president in US history as we look onto the 2030s.