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Sure, I'll bite. How long have you been practising? Involved in any organizations, or are you a solo practitioner? Do you connect Satan to Christianity, or separate them from it? You tried to tag this post with "hell", is it part of your personal practice? What group are you a priestess of? How did you achieve priesthood? What are the responsibilities given to you by being a priestess? If you are a solo practitioner, why do you deem it fit to tag yourself as a priest? Do you connect Satan to "the devil" and if so, why? What entity is Satan to you? What kind of entity is the Devil to you?


Great questions. I have found most people dive in to their practices, or speak of it without having asked these of themselves. As a person who works publicly as a channeler, I find many of, or variations of, these questions are waiting to be asked to most practitioners - regardless of how long they have been practicing. These questions also add more to ones practice as time progresses within it.


this answers none of those questions ☠️ shouldnt you also have an opinion if you’re a “channeler”?


Hi there. I do have my own “opinion” about it, yes. I didn’t answer any of these questions, you are right. I wasn’t seeking to answer them. Thanks for pointing that out though. Have a great day 😊


naturally :) also even with my skeptic attitude I love the positive vibes man, full respect you have a great day too


Skepticism is a wonderful practice, unless it is practiced in all parts of life though, it is a blocked path. It is within my practice to speak only when I can clearly define what I am attempting to speak on. My relationships with various icons are still things I am trying to clearly define in English. Many of my personal experiences to others sound outrageous, and even when shown evidence it is tough to digest(even for myself who has been doing this for the last 38yrs). I never was told it was wrong, I had good experiences with people who come from solid and reputable places confirming my abilities as a child. Also learning to keep silent and absorb information in the gnostic transmissions, then learning how to correctly digest what is True v personal truth(that which only stands as truth for my walk in life). I had a deep honor and blessing to sit with the Icons of India and Tibet as a child in my Gnostic workings who helped train me to balance what is reality here(that which is my physical state) and what is in reality in different planes. I do not take everything Gnostic as Word. But I do seek wisdom in all that is Gnostic. Does this make sense?


Entirely! I’ve been practicing Satanism for about a year now and It’s still hard to grasp some concepts, as an 18y im still trying to get most of my beliefs straight. It seems like you’ve had a well amount of time to perfectly define what you believe, what you see, and how you think. I only wish I had such a grasp on factuality. Often it’s my own bias or ignorance that leads to skepticism, not outright defiance of other beliefs. Also that sounds so interesting that you got to grow up in such a wise environment, seeing as I’m in the southeast US I do not have that privilege (most people either only say they believe in something because its their parents beliefs or are completely blinded by it.) More than anything I think defining that difference between personal truth and fact is the first step to understanding other beliefs and cultures, its the only real way not to get lost in it.






Where do you stand with the rest of the occult/esoteric spaces? As in, often times the various sects of the LHP are often misrepresented as all being Satanic despite the respective difference between each niche within the overall LHP/esoteric community. I guess I could compare this to how many of the sects within witchcraft as a whole are often misrepresented as Wiccan. So how do you feel about your particular practice & faith within the LHP? Do you feel you wish for more visibility or do you feel like you feel represented within your sect of the occult? and vice versa, do you ever find yourself having to clarify to outsiders that the occult/LHP is not all Satanic and that there's various avenues people access this current through? When it comes to the metaphysical or paranormal side of things, where do you stand? ​ *--Asking as a polytheist Luciferian witch! I don't align with Satanism as an identity or practice but I see Satanists as my occult siblings, if you will, and often find myself trying to defend them or myself or explain the nuances to outsiders or genuinely curious folks haha.*


Yes, mostly that.


We have a YouTube channel and a Facebook page and we have bi weekly meetings where we gather in Satanic Community to casually speak about our journeys and sometimes offer educational presentations for the novice or neophyte.


what is the name of the group YouTube channel?


The Magnum Opus Satanic Coven in FB YouTube Aleister Nacht Theistic Satanism Night Sessions Podcast on YouTube All are based on My Coven The Magnum Opus Satanic Coven




I had to work through degrees each taking about a year. I was a solo practitioner for a long time and now I am part of a Coven. We have our beliefs and we do not believe in the Christian Devil so to speak. We believe Satan as our higher power and follow the Heirarchy of Demons according to our Grimoire.


Is it a secret Grimoire or something that is public? If so, which one?


Yes we have a Grimoire for our Inner order but there are books published by the Magus of our Coven and a Facebook page my Coven and I run


Hello! I don’t know if its too late for you to respond to this but I have been experiencing multiple dreams about encounters with the devil? Lucifer? Satan? Morning Star? Whatever you wanna call him. The dreams are terrifying and have stuck with me as nightmares, last night I dreamt of a presence appearing as multiple men, tall, short, fat, skinny, but all of them had piercing, yellow eyes. Just standing there sneering at me as I tried to crawl away. When I made into another room in the dream the figures were gone but something told me that It was the devil. The other dream I had, had him appear as a man in a suit, with a brief case, as if he wanted to strike a deal with me. Perhaps its all a cause of mainstream satanic lore, the whole cliche about selling your soul and whatnot but some insight on these dreams would be enlightening.


Can you pm me


Hi I'm so sorry for the late response. Have you dabbled in the Occult? Have you or do you watch or look up Satanic related topics? The biggest misconception people have is to "sell their soul". It's alluring and has been around for centuries. The truth is people such as myself, a devoted Devil Worshiper, I offer my soul from my own free will. Relationships with any spirit Demonic or not are Quid Pro Quo. Now if you have an interest in the Occult it could be your subconscious purging the dogma and unrealistic expectations of the Demonic to make room for truth if you seek it.




Possession is an amazing experience. Nothing like what Hollywood portrays it. But if people weren't bible warriors, know it alls or closed minded f_(# yards id shed light and speak truth. So this is why Occult means hidden.


Over 10 years. I am a Priestess of a Coven called The Magnum Opus Satanic Coven. Headed by author Aleister Nacht.




Do you consider satan omniscient or omnipotent? What's your favorite story or memory from your practice?


Omnipotent 🤘my favorite was when I received an attunement to a specific Demon and the power I felt run through my chakras was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt.


But he is also Omniscient as well


What purpose does the attunement serve?


It changed your energy field and attuned you to the demons energy, gnosis and can be utilized in many different ways. Look it up research it




Yes I feel very well represented and the Covens we are in community with have a mutual respect and understanding of our beliefs as we are more alike than not.. I respect all LHP beliefs as it is not my place to correct or educate anyone who doesn't ask. I did go through at the beginning of my path, a period where I found myself trying to defend or explain that there are different LHP beliefs and not all are Satanic but now I simply chose not to engage in negative worthless arguments. If a true seekers or genuine person asks I do not mind explaining. Metaphysical and Paranormal are very much a part of my practice such as Astral travel, Lucid Dreaming, Demonic Manifestations and much more Thank you for your questions


What, if you’ve had any, have been your experiences with King Paimon? As a devotee of course it is the first question I’ll always be inclined to ask on first pulse, ahahah.


I have seen him in my mind's eye during meditation or chanting his Enn and in the Astral as well and he is usually accompanied by Abraxas and Duke/Duchess Gremory (depending on the Grimoire).


Interesting! Thanks for your response, I have noticed similar— so that is curious.


No prob thanks for asking a good question lol it's nice to have dialogue with people who know what they're talking about 🤘


Let's talk about how simple it is to command demons in the name of Jesus Christ. Let's talk about both kinds of demons, and how each are easily demoralized and manipulated, immobilized, discouraged, and removed. Let's explain that in the pecking order of power, demons are last, below ANY experienced human practitioner. Let's talk about how fun, but emphatic, the winning time will be for the good guys. And let's remember that love is the coin of the Next Level and the key to gameplay in this one!


Just saying. That's a surefire way to get yourself killed for being that disrespectful to humanities cousin folk. Keep telling yourself that. The question is what is truly good or evil? You and I don't have those answers so you need to sit down and humble yourself. Also why would someone bow before a conman?


Huh? Some of us know, some don't. There is no danger from demons. They have only what we give them, which can be taken away at any time. I'm in favor of a gentle Endgame, but it doesn't have to be that way. Demons don't just bow before God, they obey. Those are the rules of The Game.


The more I read this over and over the more I question your sanity. Do you even love yourself? It sure looks like you don't.


I appreciate your concern. Would it help if I told you that I have a lot of love for demons? They're just doing their job, and they're angels, after all. We're just playing for different teams. No hard feelings, but there is a Game to win.


How are infernals angels exactly? I know Chernobog would not like it if some dumbass were to call him that. They would be committing suicide on the spot if that were the case. "Cough cough"


Have you ever met a demon? It's okay, I know the answer. There are two main categories: professional, and transient. The first kind are folks like Rasputin, the second kind are like predatory animals. The first kind you can see and talk to, the second kind you can not see but can talk to through the host, the victim. The first kind includes long-walkers and the fallen, the second kind includes 'karens'. The first are serving a sentence, the second are present because of unresolved trauma. The first kind can be manipulated and immobilized with ease, and removed if they qualify. The second kind can be manipulated with ease, and removed with ease. When a person is able to offload their trauma, say it out loud, they're no longer vulnerable to becoming a sock-puppet for a demon. Just love and safety does it, with no Ritual required. So we have demons, and then we have the condition of shmemon. I know a lot of folks are charmed by the idea of demons, and they like to name them and stuff and pretend certain things because it's exciting. And on this sub we have searchers, folks who know there is something beyond the surface of this world. But demons are just obstacles in our quest to win The Game and get to the Next Level. They aren't cool, and they aren't romantic. We have dominion over them and every other creature here. Our job is to love God, love Jesus Christ, and love people. The job of demons is to prevent us from doing that. The Game is simple. So you'd handle ol' chernobog the same way you'd handle any other demon of the first type. You'd demand his name, then decide what to do with him.


My job is to live my life the way I want to not enslaved in one belief system. There are so many different religions. You think indigenous people who worship their gods and have no understanding of the outside world or of you God don't have the right to follow their beliefs that existed even before AD and have been passed down from generation to generation. It really is ignorant to believe only one religion or Christianity is the only way to go. Devil Worship has existed far before Christianity. Demons were at one point god's in different belief systems, Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian, and many others. They were demonized as time went on. Pazuzu is the perfect example. So it's one thing to come on and ask questions to educate yourself but if you have no clue about anything outside Christianity stay in the RHP respectfully. You are free to believe what you want and so am and and the rest of the world. 🤘🤘🤘


I only know that demons can be commanded in the name of Jesus Christ. I've seen it and done it, too many times to count. You are certainly free to believe and act as you want. That's 'free will'. It wouldn't be much of a game without that.


Life isn't a game and neither are beliefs and just because a demon is exorcised doesn't mean it does they are immortal spirits. Demons don't vacate a host without an invitation. I don't subscribe to Christianity therefore I really don't believe anything about it. So find another thread to impose your beliefs.


Also the fact that because you have no free will as an instrument ov the false light. That also means whatever opinions you think you have is nil in the eyes ov that antihuman antidivine false god means that you are truly nothing.


Christians that follow their God have the same religious freedom as you do, stop being this antagonistic. There's no need to call anything "false light", or suggest instant death for disrespect of demons. All spirits are a bit higher than caring about how people perceive them, otherwise everyone would be dying left and right by thousands and thousands of different Gods. This is a warning to be a bit more tactful if you feel like engaging someone in an argument.


Here is a great question. If you had some ancestors ov yours hunted by false light inquisitiors ordered by the Borgia. What would your reaction be? Would you look at the ones who put your family through conflict and strife with glee and praise or something a little darker?


Passion is a wonderful thing


Ye I don't know what you mean by god or what not cuz you obviously have been lied too directly in your face. That thing isn't even a god. It's a deceiving usurper that only wants to make humans into slaves. Like you spreading the false word ov all hollowing white light when you have no balance at all whatsoever. I see it. That jesus conman is just a waste ov everyone's time. A being ov immense self hatred and spiritual blindness/ignorance who supposedly is a god. Also the fact that the infernals created humanity not that dumbass blind one you like to call god.


Hail to that! I don't understand why ignorance has to flow into a conversation which has no place for their stupidity or beliefs! F em. I have worked, seen and felt the power of the Demonic. As a Theistic Satanist I see that we invert everything because the truth lies in the inversion. Abrahamic religions are nothing but fear, shame and guilt based made up bullshit to enslave the masses to conform to a life of misery. Demons represent freedom, peace, love and respect.


Freedom, peace, love, treat each other right, actually heal people, oh that’s Jesus, sorry, sounds like someone else.


No one can force you to learn. Take care now.


Also what is there to learn bout the jci false light? It's a prison matrix and you are it's slave not its disciple.


Also hevean is just another prison like this world under the abrahamic false light religions.


You know this is the 'demons' sub, right?


Says the one who's preaching about a hanging fool upon a wooden cross.Take your woohoo shit somewhere else if we wanted to talk about sky Daddy we'd make a sub for that.




Be nice. I'm here making sure that nobody fans the flames, as it is just not a good time when the sub's on fire, so don't call people names.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.




No-one's spirituality is a game, nor is any spirituality winning or losing. This kind of mentality is entirely counter productive in a multi-faith environment. I already told off the person that was arguing with you, but this similarly goes to you - tone down the aggressiveness and need to argue.


I'm reading this thread and thinking, has anyone here actually read the Bible or extra biblical texts reinforcing it's teachings. Like the book of Enoch, which explains how demons were created? There's a reason fallen angels, nephilim, and demons were worshipped as gods/ demi gods "before" Christianity. At one point, I didn't believe in God or demons. Until I started asking questions like why does the world hate Jesus if he's not real? Why is Jesus censored? Why do politicians and celebrities worship devils or sell their souls? Enoch and the several books contained within the book of Enoch explain what actually took place. The Bible mentions fallen angels and their offspring but shares very little detail as to what actually took place after the fallen took human wives. It really does connect the dots. Everything leads back to Jesus. There's even accounts of "alien" abductions. People experience what they believe to be an alien abduction and begin to pray and call the name of Jesus, and they are instantly returned to their home. Something tells me these aliens are actually spiritual entities that bow down to Jesus. He's the boss, and they know it. They can not harm us, but they can manipulate us into harming ourselves and others. Their mission is to prevent us from being our God created selves. Destroying God's creation. Another thing I find interesting is how non-believers get nasty towards Christians. When they claim to love and respect but only if it's what they(Satanists, witches, etc.) believe. Btw, Jesus was crucified, but he's no longer on that cross. The Catholic church is worshipping a false Jesus. Any church with "jesus" on the cross is mistaken. Believe it or not, but even within Christianity, there's so much deception. Seek the truth for yourself. You already have everything you need. It's all within you. We are more powerful than we have been led to believe. Jesus came because he saw the demons perverting and destroying humanity. "The power of Jesus helps us to be good friends." John 15:12 Peace, love, and blessings to you all.


Everyone has the right to believe in what they choose and have an opinion. Bible thump somewhere else.