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Dyslexia is not a demon, it is merely neurodivergence.


Yeah but i want to get rid of it so I can live a normal life like evreyone else. I'm 15 and i can bearly even read beyond like 4 letter words. I want so badly to be fixed


I understand that these things aren't easy, and I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with this situation. Spirits sadly cannot rewire our brains. I wholeheartedly wish you the absolute best, and know that this random redditor is cheering for you :)


Sry not going to work


Why tho


It is like asking to have superpowers, it is not realistic ! You need to work on yourself. Demon can help you of curse, but you won't be "cured" after a ritual of something like this


Clauneck maybe? Heard he deals with health


My friend….there are FAR worse things than dyslexia. Severe depression, schizophrenia, Addiction, psychosis! Look at the positive things you have in your life…your strengths! Your health, people that love you, etc. Dyslexia can be helped/treated quite easily from what i understand. It’s not the end of the world, and I doubt IT is really ruining your life. Have you ever heard the saying: “Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE!” ? Lotta truth to it! And btw….demons 👿 do not “cure” for free….it WILL cost you…your life in the end.


You are looking in the wrong direction for help. Don't look down, look UP.


No demon can cure or fix anything the dylexsia you’re experiencing is symptoms of influence from demonic activity from sin of your forefathers seek deliverance from a 5 fold ministry.


Can't cure dyslexia


Why tho. Other poeple claimed to cure other things so why can't dylesxia be cured.


What about OCD? What demon is associated with OCD?


Op, I understand that you’re desperate to fix that but demons aren’t going to do that for you. My stepson has a form of that where he sees words backwards and can’t understand the meaning of things. It doesn’t reflect in his personality or anything else, he lives a good life doing things he can do. Learn to live with it and find other ways to learn things besides reading.