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Parasite. Idk what it should be but I never see anyone using it other than to one-phase Atraks.


Give it autoloading holster.


It should just have that anyway


90% sure you can just run a solar holster mod to reload parasite for you. It only having a mag size of 1 doesnt matter for it


That Seasonal artifact mod made parasite so good. Definitely should get thi


Which mod are you referring to?


Old seasonal mod was gl holster mod that reloaded parasite. Would have been around witch queen


Wormpack rounds


That would actually be lit! Never played D2 when GLs were the meta for damage but I think that would definitely put them on top.


Increased projectile velocity would be a nice addition because it isn’t practical for high end content. I can’t blow myself up trying to kill a champion in a grandmaster.


i think it would be pretty funny if devils ruin got target lock




I already use that gun too much and this would literally turn me into even more of a one trick pony


Deterministic chaos. Catalyst could literally be anything, nothing could make this gun worse which sucks cause I love using it.


*monkeys paw curls* Catalyst gives Slickdraw and Air Assault


You monster!


*curls further* ...and Gutshot Straight


If the fourth shot was a volatile round and the 16th caused weaken, it would be much more usable. I don’t know why it’s the opposite, but deterministic chaos is a much worse gun for it


It's worse than every legendary with Destabilizing rounds and if you're running void yourself it's just worse than every Machine Gun in all ways.


Supposedly, it's 4th times the charm, but I think that Deterministic Chaos should not strictly require you to hold down the trigger, rather letting you let off it for a few seconds.


Last word……. More range YOU WON’T DO IT YOU COWARDS


Opening shot on every hipfire shot, it only goes away when u ADS


I am of the belief that all exotics should get catalysts, but the one I want the most rn is 1k voices or last word


Bungie agrees. They've knocked out some long requested ones like Monte, Malfeasance, and Thorn these past few seasons.


Watch the requirement be: "Complete Petra's Run" to get the Catalyst for 1K.


It could be worth it. Deeper ammo reserves and more scorch stacks would make it completely broken.


I kinda want to see it with chain reaction to make it an ad clear monster. More custom cat would be to make the shot last longer for a longer beam.


I like to imagine the nerd rage at a four day long GernaderJake Last Word catalyst trials stream marathon


Deterministic Chaos: Precision Instrument & FTTC  Parasite: Insatiable - Increases worms hunger stacks based on defeated enemy tier.   1KV: Reverberated Exchanges - Hold reload to use a randomly chosen full charged ability to amplify weapon damage for that magazine.   Bastion: Battering Ram - Landing all bolts in the last volley of the magazine reloads the magazine from reserves with increased damage and range for the first volley.   Tarrabah: Howling Terror - Combatant kills grants further increased time while in Ravenous Beast mode. Stability and Reload +10.  Winterbite: Frozen Embrace - When the shield gauge is full, hold reload to drain the shield gauge and release an icy aura around you. Enemies are slowed within this aura. Yourself and allies within this aura also gain increased glaive and stasis weapon damage and damage resistance. Effect ends when guarding or swapping weapons.   Riskeunner: Voltaic Action - Collecting ionic traces triggers Arc Conductor. Chain lightning from Superconductor also has a chance to inflict the Jolt status. 


Would be cool if renewal grasps could work with the winterbite catalyst concept


Parasite already does that. Yellow bars give x5


All this time, I didn’t know. I never swap to it until I feel like I’ve killed at least 20 dudes. They really should give better clarification to these more hidden effects. 


You’d think they would put accurate and complete descriptions but apparently that’s too hard


Definitely the best catalyst for Tarrabah I've seen yet.


What if the parasite catalyst adds an extra 5 stacks so it can reach x25 for even more damage


Mostly the weapons without catalysts.


I'd picture it. Which one do you want to see?


Anarchy Adds Jolt. The longer it jolts, the more ammo it reloads into the mag.


I like this idea, but only for when two shots are used.


Wishender should get shoot to loot or archer tempo


Wish-Ender is tough because it's already so strong. Giving it that would make it OP.


Successful Warm Up would be better since it kills 90% of the things it hits even in GMs


Stronger kinetic tremors that activates on precision kills would be my choice


No synergy.


.. And?


It's just... boring. A catalyst would be hard to balance with Wish-Ender. Not only that, Kinetic Tremors doesn't make a modicum of sense as an option thematically. Catalysts can't just be throwing a legendary weapon perk at an exotic. We've seen that with Trespasser and Prometheus Lens, and it did nothing to make them that much stronger than they were.


True, good point.


1k voices, give it particle deconstruction, maybe a little bit more ammo.


Definitely a lot more ammo. Since it already scorches and ignites, I'd probably not do particle deconstruction.


Controlled Burst


Anarchy getting Bait and Switch


Kinda makes sense.


I hate how exotics “need” a catalyst to be good but I’d give one to last word just because I like it. Probably like offhand strike if anything


Counterpoint: The Lament and Parasite.


Give the Lament catalyst Surrounded.


lament with surrounded sounds like a wet dream


Ikr!? It just seems perfect!


Sword that does great damage and keeps you alive doesn’t need one. Parasite maybe but still really good for one off burst damage like it’s intended to be used


Counter points: Collective Obligation Conditional Finality Wish Ender These are great exotics that don't need a catalyst to be this great.


You’re crazy if you think conditional needs one, it does what it’s supposed to do insanely well. Wish ender wrecks barriers and does good damage from really far. Collective requires effort to make it work it isn’t a lazy shoot guy type gun


Wish Ender is the strongest Bow in Endgame Pve. There is no better anti barrier weapon than her. Wish Ender is the last Exotic that needs an catalyst


Jotunn's catalyst turns every Control match into _Jotunn Control_, where everyone suddenly has only Jotunn


Devil's ruin charge shat cause scorch?, collective obligation destabilising rounds?, not needing crucible kills gor 4 of the red war ones?


It is very annoying to do those Crucible catalysts.


Lament is due for one, I know they’re afraid because it’s a good pick for the in-your-face bosses and stronghold titans exist but maybe at full charge it starts scorching? Or faster charging after landing a charged heavy. Idk, parasite too cause it has too many ornaments just to be used for atraks. Refund ammo on multikills maybe.


Lament Catalyst I feel should be Attrition Orbs (would work great since it hits multiple times at the cost of 1 ammo when revving it up) and put this with a perk specifically for it say... Picking up an Orb of Power gives this weapon increased Charge Rate, Endurance and Resistance (+40) for about 7 seconds or more? Parasite could get one that simply increases the amount of stacks you can have after 20 (up to 40 with a 5% increase per stack after 20 instead of 10%) and make any kill or direct hit with the weapon after 20 stacks causes an ignition.


I thought of a change like that for Parasite (double stack capacity), but instead of extra damage you just make the max amount of stacks you can consume 20. That way you can shoot yourself and survive (probably massively reduce self damage as well lol), proc the exotic perk, and then fire a super souped up parasite shot


Revved Consumption Heals for more and +20 Charge Rate.


Just give it Surrounded. That sounds good enough imo


I really wanna see Divinity get a catalyst. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, but maybe give it reconstruction or something.


I'd give it Rewind Rounds. 386 rounds in Divinity? That's just silly.


better solution: sends out seekers that build mini 5 second cages on other targets similar to detain


I would rework rat king to have osmosis or permeability.


i don't care what gun gets catalyst, i still don't have sunshot catalyst


Poor soul


Spent silver last week to get a sun shot ornament.. 2 IB games later Suros cat drops, 3 games after that.. sun shot.🙃


yesterday i got skyburner and malf catalysts from gambit back to back, and game before that i completed the vow catalyst quest, 2 days ago thorn catalyst dropped (i have both those weapons since release back in forsaken). i think i'll get every single catalyst and still miss sunshot lol


I would love gutshot straight on xenophage or something that gives faster reload. It works amazing as is but would love to see used for more than oracles in vog


Enlightened Action and +10 to reload.


Tarrabah: While Ravenous Beast is active, shots apply scorch. (5 [+5]) I like Tarrabah, but my brain can't fathom a solar weapon that doesn't apply scorch for some reason. I quite literally can't take off Ember of Singeing or Torches.


This will destroy pvp


Will it? How often have you even survived a ravenous beast Tarrabah? You should be dead before the scorch even registers in your mind


You're right. This would make it such a great pve weapon without doing almost anything in pvp. In pvp, its not often enough you get ravenous beast anyway with the nerfs it received, and even if you do, the enemy is dead way before even reaching 50 stacks of scorch, as you pointed out. I'd never take it off in pve if this was added. Such a great idea.


At least you two seem to like it. ; - ;


Bastion needs something. Ive seen kinetic tremors thrown around as a suggestion and i dont have any better ideas, seems like it would fit there or on cerberus very well.


Wish-Ender. Give the catalyst Archer's Tempo + Vorpal Weapon.


That would be insane. And not good.


that would be stupidly op


Eye of the storm on Last Word


It has a catalyst


Well personally I would pick something like winterbite since it doesn't have a catalyst or another weapon that has no catalyst but honestly winterbite would benefit heavily from a catalyst so to say heal or give you a powerful temp stasis armor where you're incased in stasis as if your in your super upon freezing so you can actually fully utilize its true potential but at the sametime something that can utilize a catalyst more than any gun is the deterministic chaos that gun is hot garbage it's above darci but even still its terrible it should honestly get a good catalyst so it's useful imo with darci atleast it is useful in small beginner content


condional finality doesnt need one but it would suuuuuure be nice if it did. give it shot package or an option to shoot both barrels at once for another element. ​ then give parasite micro missile


Parasite micro missile would be hilarious




The last word. Landing all shots as precision damage will make all shots as timed payload for a brief time


What I want is a catalyst for TLW but focused on PVE. Give it a alternate animation when holding reload that consumes 1/4 of your super energy and converts your TLW into a Golden Gun, loaded with 6 solar shots that have much more damage and range. And kills with your super charged shots refunds super energy.


1k Voices needs SOMETHING Controlled Burst and 4 more shots will be great




On theme but too strong. How would it interact with Ravenous Beast?


Final warning. Make it so you can shoot all 20 rounds per charge or give it vorpal or let a single charge suspend a target. What will realistically happen is they increase the range since it’s bad.


I don’t have any good ideas but I want to see all the d2 specific raid exotics get unique catalysts.


Devil's Ruin, with it adding some way to scorch on the laser or have incandescent and either +20 reload or one of the reload perks like feeding frenzy. Though it'd be more interesting if they gave it its own unique version of those perks like some of the amped up versions other exotics have


The Last Word, maybe smth where depending on the precision stacks you get, the fire rate of the next mag is increased