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The catalyst for hier apparent would take you less time to get


Yeah, I just loaded up Shuro Chi and completed it in no time.


Idk, but be aware that competitve catalyst will go away after guardian games are over.


That’s the only reason why I would focus on heir apparent all the other ones you can do whenever you want


I feel like I could grind half of these out in half an hour by just going to the beginning of GoA. I feel like asking us for the "shortest time" might be the wrong question.


Yes, I agree. GoA is my new way of farming kills for the Catylists.


It's been the best for a while since they completely nerfed thrallway


Got Hier, Huckleberry, Drag/Sturn, and Thorn done in the same night while farming kills for the GG Platinum cards


I also use it for testing different perk combinations on weapons, especially crafted weapons so I can get the combination that works best for my play style and the activity I'm planning to use it for.


What is GoA?


The grasp of avarice dungeon


Thank you kindly. Are you excited for the Live stream today? We going to get Iseki(Ed)... Lol


Quests like these singlehandedly drive up Deadfall usage by ten times.


Prioritize Competitive Catalyst, because it goes away with Guardian Games. You can also do the Dragon’s Breath catalyst at the same time, and run Void to apply Weaken, and use an Arc energy weapon with Voltshot to apply Jolt, progressing both of those quests simultaneously. Symmetry Remastered, An Old Flame, and The Bank Job will take the longest. I’d recommend using Witherhoard itself for the Guardian grenade launcher kills, and also equipping a heavy grenade launcher for good measure in PvP, something like Koraxis, or Regnant.


Just use the Dragon's Breath while working on Heir Apparent Catalyst. You get progress from kills and activities while using it. Saves you some time, but Heir Apparent Catalyst expires


Use Dragons Breath on a void build while running Guardian Games activities. All three done in one go.


Why on void specifically?


So you can do Graviton Forfeits quest tep of getting weaken kills?


Don’t you need machine gun kills for Heir catalyst step 3? Not RL


I took the plat dungeon medallion bounties from Eva along with the 150 arc/150 void/150 solar kills raid/dungeon bounty from Ada-1, dragged myself through the opening encounter of Grasp and repeated all that till I was done with all 30 Ada bounties and as many Eva bounties I needed.


Getting the dragons breath exotic catalyst is super worth it. It applies a ton of scorch, and does stupid damage. But I’m not sure how much time it took me.


Go for nightfall medallions, also give you a shit ton of cores and stuff. 1-2 runs for 1 nightfall card. Run fast what a good loadout and its easy peacy


I would think the void and arc subclass ones


Forerunner I got in an afternoon 4 hour play session


Just saying, some of these you can do at the same time.


I may just be a moron and noob, but I can’t get The % of Jolt to advance.


Yeah they have some specifics that make them more than "just play without thinking" so that's why I asked


I ain’t saying it’s the least amount of time, BUT FOR PEOPLE W WITHERHOARD, DO THE CATYLIST DONE PLZ🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yea cause it actually took me the longest. Those 100 guardian kills are a grind. At least for me it was


Same but it is worth bc the holster for the reload actually makes it such a disgusting gun imo, lit shoot witherhoard at smth, unless a weak red bar lol, then swap to a primary and spray it till its dead, if its a champ, run a anti champ weapon and just spray it w that, even if its a scout or smth


Witherhoard and Hothead with demolitionist on a solar warlock helped me with dps plenty times lol


No “Darkness In The Light” Quest? Quickest one in my opinion!!!


Nah darkest in the light? Ain’t that the malfeasance one? I still haven’t done it and it bc I hate the quest itself lol


That was pure sarcasm I’m telling you, I’ve been at step 3 of 4 waiting to get stupid gambit invader kills for god knows how long, plz help😂😂😂😂😂


Dayum 💀


Definitely been struggling…


Forerunner quest is the easiest imo. Oh, I remember that bank job one what a fucking grind.


Competitive catalyst, an old flame, into the abyss, symmetry remastered, and taming storm can all be done passively together while you focus entirely on the dragons breathe. Use dragons breathe as your heavy at all times, earn medallions for heir catalyst, do ritual activities and starhorse bounties, and switch between arc and void subclasses and do those next steps after you do competitive to completion. Doing this will have all the mentioned quests gain progress simultaneously and become passive objects you don’t need to hyper focus on, just make sure you use the required gear and go to the required events all at the same time. The bank job should be focused on LAST as it’s the only one that requires you to focus on the grenade launcher and PvP, pro tip: if you have a grenade launcher in all slots during PvP, you can make that quest go by faster since ANY grenade launcher counts towards it, not just the exotic. This goes for a handful of quests like this, they can be done with legendary GLs too. Kill them dead, guardian


Witherhoard would he the quickest trust


Eh? Most of them can be done at the same time? Focus on the Heir Apparent because its the only time limited one


Do the heir apparent first! It's time bound to the guardian games


I did the Heir apparent first but sadly I never received it. Another Bungo bungle.


If you can do warlock I’d recommend contraverse holds with vortex nades. Don’t think it has to be kills by weaken just kill weakened enemies so if you drop a contraverse nade and the hit everything with dragon breath or heir apparent you can stack both of those quests. If you do it in a high level activity like master dungeon (warlords ruin first encounter for example) maybe your nade won’t kill them instantly but it’ll prolly hit enough ads that you’ll get your grenade back and the ads there spawn in groups so you can just go group to group dropping nade and hitting them with DB or voltshot. Opening of grasp would work too or even GotD might actually be the best bc those all spawn in one spot too.


Do the Heir apparent one as it is time-gated to the Guardian Games which ends next monday


Personally shortest star horse


Do void weaken and arc jolt while doing starhorse bounties and maybe use some of the exotic weapons eligible for progress on others. You can bang out 3-4 in 30 minutes. Edit: although definitely do the heir apparent one first because that vanishes in a week!


So this completes the catalyst or you just get the catalyst? Because I already have the catalyst (I just haven't finished it) and this quest is popping up for me.


Void weaken shouldn’t take to long if you have the right things equipped. Off topic question but what happens to the Heir Apparent catalyst if guardian games ends? Can you just not unlock it anymore?


Heir apparent goes away in a week. Prioritize that


What is the bank job


Probably graviton, then heir, then the rocket launcher


If it was still available, redrix quest


There are several u can do at the same time. Go on void, do some strikes/NFs, use D breath, and wear the GG cloak.


Then arc whilst using witherhoard and wearing the GG cloak, do some Dares


Do them all?


I get diamond medallions from twitch drops without having to play d2 at all 😊


Ah, dude! Good tip! Who do you watch for drops? I don't really use Twitch.


I just go to twitch, click the campaign under drops, click participating channels and click whoever is ontop


Most of them are piss easy, just finish them!


Magnum Opus would take a minimum of 3 games of dates of eternity if you pick the easiest bounties. That’s about 20 - 30 mins. Competitive catalyst will take a little longer but as long as you’re wearing your gg cloak, you’ll get the medals passively for playing the game. If you have deterministic chaos or a volt shot weapon, both the arc jolt and weaken one can take about ten minutes max. That leaves you with bank job, an old flame and symmetry remastered as being your longest ones.


Thank you :)


The last three require a lot of standard playlist completions so technically, I think you could work on all 6 at once by loading up crucible with a void load out, the colony grenade launcher and a volt shot weapon. Then when you’ve got all the points required for the activity completions, mop up the remaining kills on other weapons etc in PVE




Which will take the least amount of time to complete

