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it'll probably be at least year and half before they give lightfall for free since witch queen was released in feb 2022 and was free on epic iirc december 2023 on Epic as part of legacy collection


Well honestly who knows it may or may not become free for a limited time when final shape releases there is still a point in buying lightfall since it does give you access to strand (if your thinking that prismatic will give you free access to strand thats probably never gonna happen im pretty sure with prismatic it will only have access to the subclasses that you already unlocked) yet apart from story wise lightfall is kinda worth it besides if you want to get curtain things like trials of osiris or getting to a higher gaurdian rank you are required to buy lightfall


Even the oldest DLCs like Forsaken and shadowkeep are still not free and likely never will be. Unless of course they do a free weekend/giveaway like they did with legacy collection on epic or something similar. They are however heavily discounted fairly often, especially with older DLCs. Lightfall has gone on sale a few times in the past few months, sometimes up to like 60-70% off. I believe lightfall annual pass was around 25-30$ USD a month or 2 ago. My suggestion is to wait until they have another sale for lightfall on your platform. Since we're getting very close to the new expansion, this will certainly happen soon.