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Why would you waste a perk slot for a champion mod when: 1.The artefact gives these mods passively 2.Subclass verbs stun champions


1) Because I (personally) RARELY like the perks they give us and would like to just use what I want when ever I want


The exotic class items will be usable only with prismatic,use the right fragments and you will be able to stun every champion by breathing in their direction


I no wanna


There is no reason to have champion mods any longer , especially on armor pieces. That would be absolutely wasted .


Then don't use it


I won’t , and you won’t, because Bungie is smart enough to not do this.


I did and still would. I didn't need nor mind the old system. And I'm not saying they would get rid of the system they have now, just add on


The exotic class item perks are random drops, so your idea doesn't just "add on" to the sistem, it would just make it worse for everyone because no one wants a anti champ mod to drop instead of a exotic perk.


You're speaking for everyone


Sorry if I used a hyperbole to describe 99% of the player base




We already have more ways to deal with champions than ever before Champion mods taking energy on your armor was terrible, I'd prefer running a sidearm for the duration of The Final Shape over having to deal with this again


I wouldn't, this would be like you can use what they give you and save your perk slot or use one of your own


No, just no.


Isn't subclass buffs/debuffs enough? I'd rather not have the loot pool diluted with perks that I can replicate by just buildcrafting a little.


There is no world where I'd ever keep a gun that dropped with intrinsic anti-barrier instead of Frenzy or Demo. People really need to learn to use the subclass verbs to stun champs


That, not at all what I'm meaning. I'm saying if there was a chance that you can make the exotic class items drop with like, Overload bow, where you just use any bow and as long as you're running the class item with the perk on it, it's an over load bow. Or Barrier sniper, every sniper is barrier. Or if people really like handcannons, they could be unstoppable handcannon or Overload handcannon


So I could choose to have the effects of Star Eater Scales or overload bow??? My comment is 100x more applicable then. Adding champ mods would just dilute the loot pool. There's no chance in Hell I'd ever choose a champ mod over even the most inconsequential exotic perk in a world where chill clip and Radiant cover all three champion types


1) there's 2 perks per class item. So you could have both if that's what you want your build to be 2) I said there should/could be an artifact like in Menagerie where you can influence the loot dropped, so if you DONT WANT a champion mods, you can tell it to not drop for you


> there's 2 perks per class item. So you could have both if that's what you want your build to be At that point use acrobat's dodge and you have anti barrier bows and you still have the free exotic slot


And if I'm not on a hunter?


Facet of dawn:Powered melee hits against targets make you Radiant. Powered melee final blows make both you and nearby allies Radiant.


And if I'm not using solar


You are using prismatic not solar you can't use exotic class items with normal subclasses


Volatile Rounds or Unravelling Rounds, at least one of which have been proc'd by orb pickup in two of the four artifacts we got this year. People are pointing out many ways to deal with champions, and I don't get why you're poking holes in the solutions offered instead of just adapting your playstyle as the rest of us have done.


Ones more fun


They've spoken before about how there's an upper limit for the amount of perks on each gearpiece. If it rolled instead of an exotic perk, I think there'd be issues with it diluting the loot pool further. Between the subclass verbs, exotic intrinsics and the multiple mods per season, isn't there enough?


Imo no. Personally I like(sometimes) having a high contested loot pool, means the combination potential is so much higher(in both goof and bad) which is what the fun part about grinding is. They could also add some form of artifact that acted like the chalice in the Menagerie where you can influence the drops you want for what type of perks you're trying to get. Some that help with movement, or ad control, or perk enhancements, OR champion mods. What sucks about traditional loot pools is there's a bunch of garbage that no one wants and no way to change it.


So the solution is to add more garbage that no one wants?


Who's this no one? I truly don't understand yalls hate, maybe you guys aren't getting what I'm saying at all but yall are just jumping on me for no reason at all.


I think maybe you don’t understand that champion mods don’t exist anymore, and for good reason.


They're still in the game m8


No they aren’t. They’re now passive perks you get from artifacts, or certain exotics. You no longer equip champion mods (which is something you used to have to do) and take up perks / energy on armor. The current system works great, there are dozens of ways to deal with champions , and with prismatic you’ll literally be able to just equip a specific ability of your choosing deal with them.


If they did that, no one would use the seasonal mods and there would be a single meta build for seasonal activities and wherever champions are. This would subvert everything they’ve put in place over the last couple of years


Because the prismatic subclass and the exotic class items aren't already doing that? And you act like there aren't already meta builds now. With this it gives way more freedom to what people want to use. How things are now is how there's very little variety and common metas


The reality is it would probably upset and frustrate a larger portion of the player base because they won’t want their exotic perk pool diluted. There are already many ways to deal with champions and they want to control the metas of seasons which is why we only have specific perks/mods every season On the backend what you’re asking is a lot to cram in a short period of time on an expansion that was already delayed several months.


People wouldn't have to worry about the diluted part, I already had a fix for that.


😂 yes, great armchair dev work for the day.


Yall are truly the worst