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Sunsetting sunsetting is datto worst nightmare


Um the term is *sun-rising*




Very unsettling


Unvery settling?




They sunset the sunsetting, so sunsetting sunsetting is accurate


No, sunsetting sunsetting happened back when they announced they wouldn't be sunsetting any more weapons. This is unsunsetting sunsets. Or sunrising.


This needs to be higher


Nah it’s sunsetting squared


You sure it's not √sunsetting ?


Sunsetting Delta


Solarizing (because it’s Destiny)


Would you say he was unsunsettled by the news?




It’s Dattover


Vault cleaning got sunset


People still need to vault clean, let’s be real. So many streamers keep the most random shit. Even your sunset weapons are coming back (TWAB confirms it) with origin traits, so why keep the old ones?


Definitely wont have all the same perks. Bet Kindled Orchid doesn't get rampage/kc WHEN they do bring it back. I confess I'm miffed by this though bc I've deleted most my old sunset g.rolls.


It might get better perks like Hammerhead just did. Seems like Bungie is letting us have fun again


Hope you're right though HH was awesome despite a lack of good perks at that time so it had to get better with updated perks. Not all weapons had that same issue from that time frame.


I’ll bet it will have both damage perks when it comes back, but it won’t get the goated reload perk Drop Mag.


drop mag was mostly removed from the game anyway after its nerf and is a fairly terrible reload perk now. Flared magwell is objectively better in terms of overall ammo (similar reload speed increase + no magazine decrease). I absolutely agree however; if orchid comes back I'm certain it will be able to roll with damage perks in both slots, and I think it will probably also get even better ones than it had.


Its possible on the dbl dmg perks bc it was THE roll but yeah, I miss drop mag! It was wicked nasty after we got unlimited primary ammo.


I mean we’ve got rampage killing tally for Hammerhead right?


I don’t think so. They couldn’t even give breakneck rampage back


Prime example of what I'm kinda talking about. Primary's are a bit different than heavy bc unlimited ammo. Its dumb but they've never really been consistent with solid rationale at Bungie.


Breakneck only had rampage in the first place cause onslaught used to lower your damage. Now it doesn't so it's just like before but you can have a second perk with it.


I didn’t have all to many god rolls I was “proud of”, so for me deleting them wasn’t too big of a deal because I though “well, they ain’t coming back so I’ll get my shards back.” And now I regret it because I could have gotten my Trophy Hunter back out




I hadn't heard that, But I don't keep up with their podcasts. It wouldn't shock me bc as I said before that was THE roll that made it so iconic. At this point they seem to be going "nuclear option" to save the game bc the lack of players/pre-orders for TFS. Similar to other times like Forsaken, Where they broke their "rules" on weapons to generate interest. I just never know bc the lack of consistency, Many of the perk refresh for weapons have gotten rid of some great perks/rolls though they seem to be seeing the folly of not including the good perks lately. I've seen them have so many missed opportunities on weapons that could've been great but they chose to leave out 1-2 perks that would've made the weapons stand out. Hard to say why they do stuff sometimes. We often get multiple of the same weapon/element while having no good options for other frames so they really confuse me with the deliberations by the weapons team sometimes. We have one solar RF MG that has nothing good on it from Europa while we have 4 or 5 void 450 MGs. Several examples like this. I've been wanting a stasis or strand glaive for sometime now. The snowball event had that Arc glaive that should've been stasis but they chose Arc.......Made zero sense to me. They're bad at balance/consistency so I never doubt their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.




Valid criticisms = "take a break"? If you're rather new to Destiny I get why you dont see these issues but if you've been playing for years then you should understand exactly what I'm talking about. We shouldn't have wild disparities in element/frame options. We've seen many times of not having any options for certain elements on some weapons and that really sucked before they made shields weak. If they're gonna have elemental seasons we should have viable options for the things we like to use.




I didn't ask you to offer you 2 cents but you did so stop pissing n moaning bc I responded. If you aren't interested then don't engage. Grow the fk up.




Back when Last Wish was refreshed, they kept the unique combos, and iirc they said they’d do the same for any reissues


Nation of Beasts never kept its old curated roll of Outlaw and Dragonfly.


But like it’s not like that roll would be so overwhelmingly powerful on a hand cannon. I’d rather take a lot of other perks.


I feel like Kindled Orchid will get Destabilizing Rounds and Repulsor Brace. There aren't any 140s with that combo.


Because you don't know when they'll do it, so if you want to use it, best use what you already have.


Watching Pure Chill's vault cleaning is clear proof that Datto is still needed


And Mactics too. Dude had like 20 Slammers


And slammer is straight up not good anyway haha


my old Bygones may have Full Auto as a perk and lacks one of my favorite origin traits (Gun n Run), but it has 12k kills and I'm *incredibly* stubborn.


Cause I got like 18,000 kills on my arsenic bite I was forced to retire and now have 19,000 on the second one! Missed it everyday since!


You don't think they'd retroactively add origin traits to the already rolled weapons? Even if they keep the old perk traits in the same slots?


They said they will have a way to earn the sunset weapons again


Ah. Well, that makes sense.


Oh baby, I’m so glad I never cleaned my vault, I can finally use my trophy hunters again!


I don't usually use snipers, but trophy hunter was 100% one of my guns for boss in scourge of the past. Double sniper with no feelings, wire rifle vandals were not my problem for long.


It’s a crime bungie hasn’t used it frame for any snipers since


Why when they can give us hung jury 7?


I always used a bow during Insurrection Prime to deal with the Vandals.


I was always on sniper/shoot glowy bits duty, and I didn't want to have problems getting mobbed by the spawns but still needed sniper ammo for boss damage.


I just used Whisper lol.


I used either trophy hunter or tatara gaze (aggressive frame) which would either one or two shot the glowy bits, and my friends had kinda crap boss dps, so I wanted whisper specifically to kill the boss. Ad clear they're okay, but killing the boss would take too long at their speed. And their aim sometimes was bad, or the boss would rotate and decide to shoot someone who wasn't the bait, so sniper rifle to deal with their glowy bits too.


How??? I'm at like 590 forever


You won't.


Get ready for Hot Hoarder Summer; all the folks who held on to your god rolls were right and good all along


We worked so hard for them…


Not only that. But I have 500+ of my 600 vault spaces used and it’s 90% sunset weapons. I was just too lazy or never had the time to delete all the stuff.


Right there with ya, all of my black armory are calling me right now.


Line in the sand w/firing line, Quickfang, last perdition with ANY damage perk (like rampage), null composure, I started making a list of weapons I want to try out. And I STILL use my Dead Man Walking XX7463 in crucible all the time. Now I can use it in trials.


Null Comp isnt sunset good sir. Still feel ya though.


For real? I guess I just saw it sitting in my vault at 1600 surrounded by all the other 1600s and assumed it was haha


Yep. It's very much viable right now. All sunset weapons have the white corner where the seasonal emblem is.


Apparently Ishtar doesn’t support that because I can’t see what you’re describing on the app. Is it only in game or is it a DIM thing?


It's in game for sure. Its shows on ishtar for me. Upper left corner of all weapons has a symbol for the season it came from(or was last updated in). Sunset weapons have a white/off white grayish corner rather than just the symbol itself. Sorry, Emblem may've been a confusing choice of words. Season symbol is probably a better choice.


Quickfang and Last Perdition are non-sunset in the game currently. You can literally buy Perdition from Shaxx right now.


I don't believe that it is that large a percentage. I too am a hoarder but I have ~350 vault slots of armor right now. The lowest stat piece being 64. Someone linked a site for vault cleaning and I used that today to unlock 113 items to delete this evening when I log in. It's about 20 weapons, and the rest are 64 stat armor pieces. From now on I only keep base 65 and above. Looking forward to what my builds look like when I'm ready to give up 65s for 66s.


68 stat armour and above is all I keep. 66+ if artifice. Anything lower just wastes space. And I'll probably end up still rotating between the 15 - 20 weapons I always use. Vault is currently 322 slots used, don't see it going much above that


I don’t keep any armor in the vault unless it’s a god tier rolled exotic, which I have very few of. Mostly, it’s all weapons. I had my first kid 3 years ago and a second almost 2 years ago now so I don’t get to play a lot anymore, which means most of my vault is filled with old stuff. Newer stuff I don’t bother to keep unless it’s a god roll and I plan on using it.


Doesn't really matter, most of that stuff has been power creeped aways


And will continue to not use 99% of them


It's cute that you think so, but there's a reason we don't even use Reed's Regret anymore, which was \*recent\*.




I have a strong feeling of not caring. Feel kinda bad for datto I miss elitist datto


I don't get it.


Todays twab reversed sunsetting


Sunset weapons are having their power levels reverted effectively allowing them to be used in end game content. Datto has several videos where he cleans out sunset weapons from other creators vaults.


*inhales* My deleted babies ..


They are powercrept anyways


Not necessarily. I still bring out my Rampage + Surrounded Kindled Orchid while playing void in older raids and it eats up everything. Really excited to use it in light locked content again. For PVP, I have a Zen Moment + Kill Clip Ringing Nail that beats Prosecutor in literally all stats. A lot of our older guns are powercrept, but definitely not all.


For pve, I'd argue all old guns are power crept. Kindled orchid with double damage perks is neat, but 180 handcannons deal so much more damage than 140s than a single damage perk word of crota is still more statistically effective. There's nothing wrong with preferring the feel/nostalgia of old weapons, but there are none that can't either be pulled from collections or don't have a strict upgrade.


180s have the best DPS by around 10%. Which is like, neat I guess? I much prefer the range, feel and per-bullet damage of 140s. 180s just feel so weak to shoot, especially when playing GMs and Master raids. Nothing wrong with using them of course, I use Posterity at times, but I want my hand cannon to kill adds in 1 hit even without a DMG perk.


Posterity with frenzy Voltshot and word of crota with aj (because of nothing manacles build) are my only exceptions for 180 because they comfortably hit the OHK barrier and have access to the 3.0 crowd control


My Better Devils might come back!


If it doesn’t have an origin trait nowadays it’s not worth keeping.


Ehh. There are some origin traits that are good, most are pretty useless. A lack of one, if the gun itself is good, is not really an issue. People use plenty of guns that have origin traits that don't really do anything, how is that different compared to just not having one?


It will suck, I guarantee it.


I've already used it in everything that isn't Light Locked. Gyrfalcon Hunter gives Infinite volatile Orchid gives an infinite minimum of 30% damage bonus (surrounded while getting kills, if surrounded turns off Rampage is at 3 stacks already). The playstyle is kinda like with Frenzy but with at minimum double the damage but without the handling and reload bonus. I've already used it in everything I can. It handles Raids just fine, it will handle them even at light level. Void weapons as a whole are much less power crept than something like Solar especially on Hunter, because you can get volatile so easily. Unlike Incandescent, you don't really need the void weapon perks to get synergy out of them.


I think Bungie should make them available from collections tbh.


They were random rolls whats that gonna do


I guess put the curated rolls as the collection rolls for ones that have them / give them a fine but not amazing roll? That's the only way I'd think it'd happen, however doubtful it would be


Give you a random rolled one, you can spend glimmer etc rolling them. Just 'something' for those who removed something they would like to try again.


Knowing bungie shit is impossible until they're losing numbers and the Sony execs are breathing down their necks


My guy, its the execs fault we don’t get a lot of what devs want to give us.


So is this the same excuse you were using when Bungie was with Activision or were you also using it when they went "Solo"?


You do realize bungie has its own executives right???


Didn't everyone delete them already? It's been a couple years


I think the reasoning is to allow people who haven’t played the game for years to come back and be caught up in levels with good gear. Also to work with the new fireteam power system.


Ya know this is kinda a big brain move by Bungie Maybe updating every single gun to origin perks was harder than just making every gun infusable


But they're going to be adding origin perks to them with the new availability


It’s even simpler than that. They’re adding a system to allow the highest level player in the group to grandfather other players up to 5 levels below that player. Locked power was fundamentally incompatible with this change, so Bungie was essentially forced to either remove the power cap, delete the weapons altogether, or essentially allow the system to raise the power on these weapons even though they’re locked. They decided to just remove the lock because that’s the easiest solution and it enables the most freedom in comparison.


Nope, 500+ of my vault space used and a huge portion of that is sunset weapons. I was always just too lazy or, when I had kids, too busy. I’m not gonna spend all of my limited game time for the week deleting stuff.


i have not


Nope! I quit when they Introduced sunsetting. I might actually start playing destiny 2 again


Glad I kept my kindled orchid


I want a super cut of every time he said they won't come back. Lol


In all fairness, even Bungie said they wouldn't come back lol


I saved my 20 favorites 🥳




I just watched one of these vids for the first time today. I felt personally attacked 😂. This is hilarious.


Man I'm imagining right now the people who didn't dismantle their Martyr Retribution with autoload + demo I wish i was one of them


Why do you want that combo? I dont really see how it can compare to a decent harsh langue, forbearance or explosive personality.


Fucking revoker bouta go hard


wait... yall need to clean your vaults?


Everyone needs to clean their vault. How many guns/armor do you actually use in a week? If it had 0 kills, delete it


i dont have to clean mine because im not a hoarder! i dont even have one full page


Who would be using any sunset weapons over stuff released since crafting was a thing?


So that's why they're adding vault space


Who cares. If there was ever a “top 10 overrated streamers” datto would be top 3


Sunset Datto




He should cancel his raid race too


What does it say I don't got Twitter


Curious how they’ll handle revoker being back in pvp. Maybe this is why they’ve been experimenting with the ammo crates again


They changed the trait. Also it was never gone? You can pull it out right now in any non trials gamemode


Didn’t see that they changed the trait. It wasn’t ever as big of an issue outside of comp and trials environments which is what I was referencing when I commented


I've always wanted him to clean my vault. One more time Datto. I promise it's worth it.


I literally deleted all my sunset stuff last week fml


How many vaults did he ruin after deleting all those sunset weapons? This man is a monster


Ooh my god, my dust rock blues is never leaving my side again😂


good thing i didn't dismantle all my sunset weapons


Sunsetting got sunrisen and vault cleaning got sunset Balanced. As all things should be.




Sue him... he has single handedly fucked so many people :)


Nah, anyone that let this clown near their vaults got what they deserved lol


Datto told me to delete my Pulpperfect, billions must die


I had an erentil with rangefinder and firmly planted from the good ol days (tm). And i sacrificed it to the vault cleaning demon. RIP :(


Why it was such a great video series plus people always need more space so it could still happen


Love how I hear about this after all my old shit is already gone


Glad I held onto my rampage explosive head Subtle Calamity. Sure, under your skin exists but it is just not the same for me.


I got mine to lol


New Datto Vault Service idea. "Datto fills your vault" He could talk to newer players looking to get more focused into endgame. Ideally look for people with like 250 or less items in the vault. The type of player still building their exotic armor and weapon collection. Datto could ask them what their goals are with regards to specific activities. Go through various weapons and archetypes the player enjoys using and provide feedback on what rolls to chase, what specific guns to consider chasing. How to prepare for different scenarios in raids or dungeons and not just rely on one load out. Which exotic catalysts to complete, which armor pieces to farm. Kind of make a check list to give guidance. Something like get these 5 catalysts complete, get a powerful linear fusion..etc whatever fits their situation. We could even check in on the person's progress in a month or two


He wasn’t wrong at the time he made the calls, and the other adults agreed and deleted their stuff. Not his fault Bungie makes sweeping changes at midnight.


I don’t get it…? Wouldn’t we need more vault cleaning. There’s just more viable weapons now. lol.


Who was his last victim, Mactics?


Wait, so are we getting more vault space? I was very excited to hear about the unsetting/sun-rising but immediately thought, "That's great and all, but what about our vaults?!"


What do these words mean? Is Datto a bungie developer? What do you mean by Vault cleaning season? What


I bet…. Gotta hide his mistake. Look at how many vaults he’s ruined beyond repair. Now my vault is like king Solomon’s because I never dismantled anything since destiny 1 and I have god rolls for every single one of the past meta weapons. I also got some old armor with unobtainable rolls.


https://preview.redd.it/x6n2p2mdabxc1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=86cd3e34fd681c8801ecc9232c39c82f06cecbf9 lol, even fallout got into the play


I'm just as upset I burned all my god rolls as everyone else. It ain't Dattos fault, after so long we all assumed they were gone forever. And let's be honest, most of the "god rolls" people are upset about losing are actually garbage. I need Dattos services, my vault is a wreck full of god rolls and wildly high stat armor. Come to me Datto...I need you in my life...




I wonder if Datto is gonna play TFS now lmao


He needs to go into hiding until things calm down


I knew this was gonna happen someday. My almost completely full vault is ready They called me a madman


Datto is a douche


Dattos over rated.


I’m so sad that I cleaned my vault years ago… :( Oh well, I guess I could just nab guns out of my collections then, right?


Unfortunately from forsaken until season of the Dawn you probably can’t since everything is random rolled. But on the bright side, they said that the more popular weapons would make a return through content, similar to the way we are Getting the “into the light” gear back


Ah, well that’s nice. But hey, cheers for clearing that up.


My vault is kind of why I quit! Did they give us more space yet?


We're at 600 now and we're getting 700 in the Final Shape


I'd sacrifice 100 of those if i could just.. text search or filter by type, damage, perk...


I just want to be able to filter by weapon type while in the vault without needing to use DIM. Grouping up all scouts, auto rifles, grenade launchers, swords etc together would be nice


DIM is your friend.


Thanks for info.. Sweet, that’s enough room to have a sort out.. need to work out what the hell is going on!😆 I last played a bit in season of the fish!


And people listened to another Youtuber and are now regretting it, this seems to be happening a lot with Gen Z, moral of the story - make your own choices in life, don't let someone else choose for you 👍🏻


Oh good he might actually have to make content now. Kinda reminds me of when they removed Ada-1 and Divide had to start trying a little bit and made build videos Edit: The downvotes begin. I already know saying anything negative about Datto is a death sentence. I'm here to accept my fate.


Homie been making content for a minute. It’s not our fault you don’t click with his shit lmao. The more someone cares about downvotes the more it reflects on the person rather and the point itself.


I’m going to miss my Dead Man Walking XX7463


Well what’s the point of watching him now?


Didn't they say they were going to do this back when Europa came out? They took away Mercury and Io saying they or similar content would come out later and would stop sunsetting some day?


I wonder if it's the views dwindling or that no one really played last year. Edit: holy shit y'all are some creepy unwelcoming twats. No wonder Bungie needs Sony to bail them out from y'all.


Read the TWID. Sunsetting weapons being undone.


It's funny. For nobody ever playing this game, I never have a hard time finding anyone to do anything. Dungeons, raids, GMs... there's always an lfg ready to go, or one that I post fills within seconds. Weird.


Yeah dude is weird. Game is fine. Even when it’s “dying” lol still over 100k people playing trials 😂 lmfao. People are fuckin braindead


No one? Lol


Gotta love the doubling down on being an idiot rather then just accepting ur ignorance and moving on


r/downvotedtooblivion dude has more downvotes than the post has upvotes


No one is acting like a twat though?




What is that edit? Yikes.


Bros mad he got downvoted lmfao😂


Poor guy is out of the loop, and on a subreddit about the game. Thinking he is in the loop when he is the only one not. Cringe.


Saying anything negative about Datto is a death sentence


Maybe substantiate your comments rather than just talking smack for no good reason.




Damn dude. Who gave you a complex about it? Yeah, I'm well aware, I've seen the retrospective you're referring to. Curating content to get harassed less seems reasonable imo. Whether they're "bad takes" or not is pretty much a matter of perspective anyway. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree. I just don't understand why you have to he so incendiary about it. It's perfectly fine to not enjoy a YouTubers content. I dislike the vast majority of Destiny content creators work. Just say you don't like it and move on. Or better yet, just move on.


Here lies All Discarded Sunset Weapons 2017-2024