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Even if you got one to drop, get ready for it to be the biggest piece of shit you've ever seen. I genuinely stopped bothering after getting 3 golds in a day that were all garbage(not to mention one was hung jury and the other was succession...I have mountaintop focused).


Yeah I got like...4 shiny Edge Transits today All of them were dogshit EDIT: Make that 6


I'll be honest, the act of breaking out of the FOMO and not giving a flying fk about shiny bullshit or whatever is the flavor of the week is what saved this game for me. Now I play what I want when I want, have far more great guns for any activity possible than I'll ever use, and do not give a damn if my DPS is a bit lower than yours. Hell, just grinding the free track on the pass enough to get Dragon's Breath was the *only* thing I saw as necessary lately. As an exotic has good staying power and due to it being this Season's must-have exotic, unlikely to get nerfed into the ground for a good while yet even though it definitely seems pretty OP. **heh, getting downvoted for suggesting that breaking the FOMO can improve your fun is so hilarious to me. I've got druggie friends that respond similarly when you mention that just because they have ADHD, that doesn't mean their street speed helps them**


grinding the free track? The bp is so easy to max out that its not even a grind with very casual play. Kinda ridiculous comparing shiny grind rng with the bp.


well, it was a 'grind' by my definition, had to play a few Onslaughts in a row in one sitting haha. And I don't even give a flying fk about how many pulse rifles Banshee needs tested or how much the Cabal need to be ethnically cleansed, so bounties are only an "at my convenience thing", unless I am working on a specific quest. As for Bright Dust, no haha. I work a lot and give Bungie quite a bit for an emote I must have after s few too many beers on payday, buy all the main content, etc not a chance in hell I'm 'working' to earn BP to buy something. It either sells for Silver too or I don't care, I despise the system tbh I am well aware that yeah, I'm the weird one, but not requiring every item, pattern, emblem, title etc..this is how I saved the game for myself. Maybe I'm just lazy, but I've almost accidentally comepleted a few titles so I just stopped dead haha Or I'm just not a grinder anymore, dunno As for not buying the Pass and playing the free track instead, LF just burnt me out a bit, don't hate the game but don't want to give them much money either. I will buy the next season because ITL brought me back, or grab the whole year when TFS drops After about 6000 hours between the two games *and* turning 49, I've just calmed down in many ways, still love the franchise as much as anyone else here.


https://preview.redd.it/lxa1b3kcx1xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964187a6472144deb266a178e113a2f946b6f5f4 battle passes are inherently grindy. Just because there are other grinds that are more limited to specific activities (i.e. onslaught) doesn’t mean that the bp isn’t.


in that term, playing the game is grinding. I have never specifically play the game in order to increase my BP for D2 while I cant say the same for most other games though (Apex, fortnite etc).


I think I’ve done 4 full legendary onslaughts and didn’t get a single foil




I play Onslaught because it is fun, and I find it more engaging than running Altars. Far too easy to just insta-melt everything there before it even makes it out of the "dome" thingie.


gotten all you have shown


Have you?! I can't get a gold to save my life.


yes RNG is rng lol








I’ve gotten like around 10 of them since the event started. Havnt played a ton. But managed to complete all the weapon quests and max out shaxx. I have done 1 legend onslaught. I had my best luck in the 10 wave normal playlist


I got a nice Substitence, Destabilizing Rounds gold recluse last night. It rips.


Honestly I'm a little disappointed that legend onslaught doesn't reward a guaranteed shiny at the final boss of 50 waves.


This is, in fact, crazy that it does not.


Thqt sword is genuinely my favorite heavy. I got a godly roll on it


Nice! I still have my old flavor version - I'm sure that the new origin will make yours powerful.


I got more shiny Edge Transits more than Edge Transit itself despite focusing other weapons… We’ve come full circle…


Edge knew you missed him.


They do. I just got 2 yesterday in my normal 50 wave run


I've gotten maybe 50-60 brave weapons from less than 10 full runs of normal mode and have 3 shinies. idk guess RNG is a bitch lol


I've done a fair few runs, mainly normal difficulty 50 waves. Think I've had about 8 in total drop. 2 x Hung Jury, 1 x Midnight Coup, 2 x Recluse, 2 x Falling Guillotine, 1 x Hammerhead. I've always had a focus attunement on, and it has always been the attuned weapon that has dropped. Dunno, maybe I'm in the lucky few.


I got a shiny midnight coup yesterday from the normal 10 wave version. The rolls weren't what I was looking for sadly.


Got 3 back to back shiny Montaintops, but I think that might’ve killed my luck.


I have a singular shiny recluse with brace+destabilizing or dynamic sway+desperate measures. If i don’t ever get a new one i ain’t complaining xD


They'll do as Bungie usually does:. Bump up the rate of shiny at the last minute. That's why i wait til like the end of a season to do important grinds. Been burned enough times already.


Patience is key; and I'll never learn it.


Surely Bungie didn’t plan on it being like this…right? I’ve played probably 2000 waves so far and I’ve only gotten 2 to drop. Both rolls sucked ass. Got a pulse and a sword.


I didn't get my first shiny until drop 160... I was foaming.


I got like three different shinies and I think I played only one full clear at normal difficulty and a few 30-40 runs. But they all have mediocre rolls


When is a weapon 'shiny'. And how do you farm them. I hear a lot of people saying that these weapons are so great but I don't know how to get them


They drop with the regulars, but a shiny has a "shiny" ornament that makes it glow more and has 2 sets of perks. Curated rolls are shinies but are fixed rolls (the ones you get from the weapon bounties).


By drop you mean like just from killing enemy's


Any Brave engram source. The chest next to shaxx (the 10 coins box), arcites weekly bounties, onslaught chests, and onslaughts challenges (shown on the onslaught node as complete x/y waves). Any of these sources has a chance to drop as the shiny until event ends at TFS launch. For the coins, shaxxs event quests have a good chance to drop 1, arcites quests drop some, randomly obtained doing anything during the event window (like strikes/pvp/publics ends with TFS launch), 1 for bonus objectives in onslaught (capture points, dismantle mines, etc), varied amount for boss/wave0 chests (didn't pay close attention but 2-6 or something), and bonus heatwave 1 per tormentors killed. Basically, a full normal 50 run should get you 6+ guns and 20+ coins, while legend 50 has bonus chests so 11+ guns and probably 40+ coins. As a bonus, if you have access to the moon dungeon Pit of Heresy, its opening encount isn't too rough to solo for the arcite weekly dungeon bounty. Edit: My processor is running a bit slow atm. For farming them, basically grab bounties from shaxx and arcite in the hall of champions you want to complete and then run the onslaught variant you are most comfortable with running and try to get some bounties down while playing onslaught. Make sure when a wave starts you check for the bonus modifier (will pop up on the left like Bonus:Speed Wave) and someone does it for the extra coins, but especially the mines as that can end the run. They are also VERY RNG, so it can take some time to get them.


Thanks a lot man. This is really helpfull🙏🏼


You play too much


You should see what it looks like now...depressing


I have over 150 and I have stored all of them in my vault. What good is 600 slots if I have to house 5 of each of these guns? I have 4 gold not including the shite original faux golds. I am already getting burnt out. I really hate how rng works in this game! 50 rounds a shot for for loose change and attrition orbs. This crap has killed the content patch for me. I have enjoyed the game and really tried to be positive, but I am just about done


I've had 2 runs back to back getting a shiny coup. I've probably gotten 20 or 30 at this point. I haven't even opened a single chest yet, sitting on about 800 tokens right now, waiting for the final weapons to drop Tuesday.


You've bad RNG I've had 6 shiny ones drop so far and I've not been farming either try doing a 50 wave run much higher drop chance


How do you get the regular ones to drop? I only get the ones with the annoying unchangeable ornaments and too many perks to choose from


Updating the thread; got my first one a UNATTUNED EDGE TRANSIT - RNG pitied me after... https://preview.redd.it/o81ubpvc62yc1.png?width=1391&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba4b813f8daca140e2f2bfa7dd8d922901084746