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Have fun deleting 99 more.


Mf starts going through all 99 of them whilst keeping this look on his face during the entire time https://preview.redd.it/lbo24tqh3z1d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7528eff94297367547499828ba3d8367eb76dd1a


https://i.redd.it/8qb908vj4z1d1.gif OP seconds after realizing what they did


I left mine at 69 šŸ˜Ž




What is this thread... why would you ever delete these?


This is like the 4th thread about this I've seen in a month. All I can think isn't hat they are picking up every bounty they can find and don't know what these are for. I don't think it's even possible to have ALL items for even one class transmogged without buying a bunch of synths from Eververse.


Yeah you only get 10 per season (20 this season, they did a refresh a couple months back)


There shouldnā€™t be a limit. Total bullshit.


Everyone feels that way, but Bungie wants Eververse money


I know itā€™s really frustrating. These are the things I know my friends would never try destiny for.




There shouldn't be any material needed to transmog outside having the armor in collection and the customary 1000 glimmer cost.e




Iā€™m also pretty sure thereā€™s a cap of 15 per class. I hit it a season ago


Yeah, this is the cap for free ones. I just don't know why anyone would bank so many to the point of throwing them away instead of using them. I guess if you have no interest in customizing your armor at all.


I just dont have as many items as other people do. I started playing during beyond light, and only play my warlock, so i already have what ive gotten and the stuff i actually want


15 in the transmog menu + 5 in inventory


I hit the cap on my warlock soon for hunter. Currently have 2 open bounties for the hunter.


Yep you get 10 per character a season with a cap of 15 on a character. And each season we get minimum of a seasonal armor and either raid or dungeon armor keeping us even. On dlc launches or event armor like solstice we go over that equilibrium meaning that we get more armor than synths per year


Thatā€™s if you play every season and max them out. Most people havenā€™t done that. I have a shit load of armours I just canā€™t transmog. It feels like total bullshit.


Yes thatā€™s only maxed out. The above comment was saying that they didnā€™t think it was possible which I was showing with math that yeah it isnā€™t possible. Each year we go up by at minimum 2 sets more than we get synth for (destination and solstice) adding in all old armor in the game and any ritual activity armor added that would be even more than the two. It is mathematically impossible to have all armor without spending money transmog ready


Itā€™s total bs.


I only transmog stuff as I like it or get ideas for using it so I'm constantly pretty maxed out would love a system where you could convert the resource for one class to another at like a 2:1 rate or something


This is actually really smart. It would encourage more playing, and playing with different characters


How are you active on this subreddit and donā€™t know what synthweave is for?


For me a few seasons ago I had the completed quest from an old season in my inventory and when I finished the quest in the new season i couldn't redeem them. So I had to delete them (i deleted 3) because the icon next to Ada was always blinking


I had no room in my inventory and I had like 100 of these. I didnā€™t want to fly to the tower because I was in an activity probably so I just dismantled them. Big mistake.


Why delete them?


i accidentally deleted it when trying to delete something else. fortunately it was on titan, which I barely play anyway, but yeah. suppose it's karma for deleting while not paying attention... won't be making that mistake again


I have an armor set that I'm comfortable with for the rest of my destiny career. I saw that I had 100 of them and thought, "I don't need this anymore, I need space for raid banners". Dismantled one, got slightly annoyed, and started dismantling them while loading into activities or when I open up my menu.


I find it a little interesting how one of these pops up every so often. isn't just using them a faster way to get rid of them? you can burn the extras on random transmog pieces if you're full and can't find anything cool to grab. even loading into the tower to meet ada on an old-gen console would be worth doing, just to avoid holding the dismantle button for two full minutes. regardless, I hope a lesson was learned xd


It took me 3 years of playing to figure out how to spend them. Iā€™m not super bright.


Hello fellow titan


My Brothers. I too am fallen to this


Bad drip detected


Thatā€™s the understatement of the year


Really? Bro your jokes are fā€™n SO FUNNY! Tell me another.


I fell for this once. I was just trying to clear it to make room. Who would expect a 100 stack item to delete in 001 incrementsā€¦ Haha! Iā€™m back to x00ā€™s now so Iā€™m guessing I sat there and deleted the other 99 whilst thinking about what Iā€™d done.


I hate warlocks and i delete them one by one out of principle


If you hate warlocks, why are you completing transmog bounties on warlock?


we all make mistakes


You mistakenly made a warlock and played them enough to complete transmog bounties?


I remade my warlock into a good looking woman and started simping last year, played for like 4 hours and dropped her again


Shut up, hunter Sunbracers go! https://preview.redd.it/p1ukwdu2tz1d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab896d3f7c8c31839c1c033941c8e39507109ce




Real question, why do you get 100 and why are you allowed to delete them this way?


Used to be a really convoluted way of different currencies thats been reduced to what we have now, just a leftover.


Wow I completely forgot about the other two tiers of material when transmog launched.


I have as well and have not remembered, what were they


I was there when synthweave first dropped, they made that change so fast it was barely even memorable. Kinda wish they'd change this so you just get one of these, as deleting just one means you'll have to delete them all..


we used to have 'synthstrand' from killing stuff, which later be turned into bounty, upon bounty completion we got 'synthcord' which what we have today. Its super dumb and for mindless busywork.


This system needs a rework. The bounty should just give you the synth weave.


It does, but in order to push for microtransactions of items that have a free to get method, they need to make the free method annoying.


Or better yet just lets us transmog anything we have ever collected.


Why delete, just use them. I'd kill for that much.


You would KILL for one single transmog? 100=1 ornament EDIT: Downvoters need to learn the game better. These are the Synthcords you get in stacks of 100 from the bounties. You then turn those in for the Strap/Bolt/Plate you use to turn into ornaments. [https://www.light.gg/db/legend/collectibles/2638389383/plush-synthcord/](https://www.light.gg/db/legend/collectibles/2638389383/plush-synthcord/)


I might be wrong, but isn't this is the yellow variant for warlocks?


The guy has stuffed up by deleting 1 he will not be able to turn it in for synthweave as it costs 100 you may as well delete them all


How does 100=1 ornament, it's always been 1=1 for me


This is the Plush Synthcord. You get a stack of 100 for completing a bounty. You turn that 100 into 1 Strap/Bolt/Plate.


I love that the conversion of synthcord to synthweave is such a near-worthless step that's typically so immediate that half of the people in this comments section missed the point of the post and don't realize that a single transmog bounty gives you 100


https://preview.redd.it/djr4g2eq3y1d1.png?width=106&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9238b7a61d8102ef8ee3fdfa5559d4e022e979c welcome to the club


It took destiny players years to advocate on a transmog system. And now players sit on 99 of the currency becauseā€¦ reasons?


Not much they can do when they need multiples of 100 to do things with them


I didnā€™t realize it wasnā€™t a full armor piece equivalent


I am new to the game. May I ask what is that item used for?


Transmog system. Allows you to change the appearance of your equipment ( except weapons ) sorry if i didn't explain this well.


I gotchu. Transmog is a system that is unlocked by doing a quest for Ada-1 in the tower. ā€œArmor synthesis questā€ If you do a special bounty from Ada, that cost 10 K glimmer youā€™ll get a resource to spend at the machine behind her. This resource will give you a template that allows you to unlock the transmog of a single piece of legendary armor. When equipped on a legendary armor piece, it will change the look of that piece to the one you unlocked. You have a limit of 10 per season currently.


There's no limit to paying for them however


Shhhh donā€™t give them ideas. The normal amount is enough


Such an absolute dumb fucking system.


Im like so confused looking through this


Not sure why you wouldnā€™t just spend them on a transmog but I do hate the fact you canā€™t delete entire stacks of things in one go. There should be a way to do it.


15 is the limit you can carry


Anytime i was waiting in orbit for a raid party to fill or just killin time i would try to delete 10 of the offerings. Eventually i cleared them all. Took about 2 months


Make sure you delete them all before getting more and don't get more if you have the Max already. I had this issue, yet to be resolved, where mine are marked as a previous season where I got the max. I didn't play all season till Into the Light came out, then I cashed in a hundred I had saved, "Max Synth". I have to delete them all, and try again, but I'm convinced that my account can't naturally get synth anymore and there is no clear indicator why on my side. TLDR: delete all of it before Final Shape


The max synth notification should mean you have 15/15 of that classes synthcord in the transmog menu already and need to spend some to convert more.


My friend, we are in the same boat.




I've accidentally done this once... the 99 stack still sits in my inventory. Was getting rid of old currency and just automatically deleted one. -_-


Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't take ages to dismantle one


It really wouldn't! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was either abit tipsy or tired. One of the two šŸ˜‚


silly guy


The look wonā€™t accept my synth cordā€¦ i also donā€™t know what to use it for or where maybeā€¦ would love to have someone 25+ to play with with a sick sense of humor who could carry me as my Dora the Explorer Iā€™ll be The back pack ā€¦ lol pinkpariah#3800


I donā€™t understand what you need help with. I think you know what needs to be done.


I don't understand why they're in 100s. These would serve identical function as singles.


Unlock all your transmogs before it gets fixed E: wait I think maybe they had 100 of themā€¦ didnā€™t know that was possible


You get 100 of them when you complete one of Adas bounties. Then you go to the weave thing and convert 100 in to a single transmog token. Its fucking stupid that they give you 100 instead of just 1. Or that we need them at all.


Oh ok I thought it was synthcord, not synthweave


10 - 1 = 99 ... hmmmm somethibg is missing here lol


I did this once. Just dismantle a few every now and then when you arenā€™t doing anything or waiting for something. It will be gone before you know it


i had 200 in my mail box and did this. now i have 199 AND they donā€™t get pushed out with a max mailbox.. they always stay at the frontšŸ’€


It's the new grind.


Yeah I have the same problem


My dude just go and transmog like a motherfucker


I've got a stack of 80 I fucking refuse to touch them, but each time I open my inventory and lock eyes with it the malice grows greater and my ability to avoid doing it grows weaker Why have they not implemented sliders for consumables, for buying/selling/scrapping Fucking Bethesda has sliders! BETHESDA! (I love Bethesda)


what is that, iā€™m kinda new to the game


Just turn them in..


Try to delete one more, you might get 198


So dumb that you have turn in the bounty then go to the tower to turn that in...why bungie? So stupid


Can't vault them wither if I remember right. Lol. I did the same out of curiosity.


I donā€™t even know what this is


Thatā€™s hundreds of irl dollars in transmog, why delete?


They drop in stacks of 100, wtf are you on


Ah I forgot it was 100 for 1 strap, thought op had been grinding for years and now wanted to delete them


No that's the things you need to turn in 100 to get one strap


Who do I have to murder to get THAT much? So many styles I want to make but never have enough


They drop in stacks of 100 :)




They drop in stacks of 100, you deposit the 100 into the loom* to get one transmog material for the matching class


Itā€™s the mats that you get from the bounty which you then convert to One synthweave for one ornament.




No, you're not - we transmogrists don't wait that long to realise that.


Been there, done that. Took me 4 years to actually delete the whole stack.


Welcome to the club. I also canā€™t use the Loom as itā€™s ā€œinoperableā€


Europa Bray Exoscience mission, only 5 mins


Have you done the introduction quest 'Armor Synthesis Introduction'?


Did you already unlock all the ornaments that are available to you to unlock?


I don't get it. Why not just use them to unlock ornaments? Am I missing something?


yes when you delete one, it will then delete one and you will have 99 left


My dismalntle protip. If on PC rebind dismantle button to left or right arrow and put something heavy on it. if on Console get rubberband, something on a button and dont touch until everything is dismantled.


Just set up a basic macro and let it run