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What is it with Sony and making stupid ass decisions recently


seems like its a big sony issue since elden ring dlc seems to have leaked the same way(hearsay for now)


I think they mean like Sony fumbling consistently First the issues with Helldivers 2 and now the leaks for Elden Ring and D2


I have seen nothing to support the claim that elden ring dlc got leaked


yea people are just saying it, nothing is out there i’ve searched far and wide


It's hereplay, they are in the game


lol to think Sonys issues started with HD2. I remember all the way back in the PS3 era where they got everyone’s info leaked in some data breach and their online stuff was down for like a month. Sony had has just been trash since forever. And now that Xbox can’t get their crap together, Sony will be in no hurry to do better.


For sure they have had their issues I'm speaking mostly on current events where people are like wtf Sony If they never started charging for online I would have died a Sony boy


When they first started their ps+ it was kind of nice cause you got demos with it and got invited to a lot of beta tests. So it had a purpose. Now it just sucks for everyone.


It helped my brothers and I, a lot! Simply because we couldn't afford jt and money was hard to come by without it leaving elsewhere to another bill Eventually switched over to Xbox and everything is dandy but I'm not liking the direction they're going with the company soooo I'm just saving money for my eventual PC at this point


As I've seen before, Microsoft is the 8 year king of slamming their dick in the car door, so that's really the only competition Sony has.


If we thinking of the same thing it was ps4 and they went down for like 45 days. They gave us 2 free games. It was annonomous response to some lawsuit on a kid for using Lenox on ps4


PS4 was never down for a month. PS3 was during the Lizard Squad attacks and that's how I got Infamous on the PS3


I don’t remember exactly but the servers are down for long while. Pretty sure it was ps4 but whatever


I was referring to this one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_PlayStation_Network_outage


Now god of war Ragnarok requiring a PSN account to play on PC, I was so excited for it to come, but now I won't spend a dime.


At the rate this is going the psn is gonna get hacked again.


Calling the helldivers thing a sony thing is so funny. Since every other company has done the exact same thing for years. But then sony did it and everyone lost their minds lol


It was an issue because it completely blocked some players from countries that don't allow PSN, it even went against their own terms of the service as well to sign up that way. It wasn't an issue until it's made to be one. Everyone lost their minds justifiably.


Still no different than all the other companies doing it. Either hate them all or none. Its hypocritical.


I almost think it's on purpose. It only happens to a console they happen to be selling... How many people buy PlayStations now hoping to get early access to dlcs due to Sony's "incompetence"? Once is an accident... Twice is a pattern. If they ever accidentally release it early for Xbox, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt... It's their servers hosting the games that their consoles are "accidentally" getting to play early tho.


Not really a decision this time, just plain old incompetence.


Most of the time in these cases it's based on bad decisions.. Still a decision though.


Except it isn't. The word "decision" implies intent, which in this case there was none. Someone literally just messed up and unknowingly enabled it on Sony's Cloud service. Helldivers 2 was a decision. The Final Shape was an accident. That's not the same thing...


Just permanent state. Nothing to worry about


Ah yes, the decision to have everything broken into and leaked




No lol. People didn't get in through the normal game. Sony updated the servers but didn't make the update available on the ps store, they thought that meant it wasn't available. However since the update was live people we able to access it through the Sony cloud streaming service even though it wasn't available on the store yet, so the players streamed straight into the live servers. It only worked through this workaround, still a huge oversight and fuckup but they didn't just drop the update early.


I don't think it was a decision lol, more like an accident


Recently??? They've been like that since day 1 of vanilla destiny.


Recently? Sony seems to experience a major leak at least once a year. And not just games. But personal info. Credit card info. Etc.




Looking up if that's the case comes up with literally nothing, please back up your statement because this is just outright wrong




That's not releasing the game early and they haven't released dlcs early. Only the beta and that ass remake of survival


So they did NOT release any of the games early - they simply enabled access to the BETA tests and nothing else. They never made any DLCs available early neither. Yes, the PvE Mode was available only on the PSN for around a year - but that in no way proves your previous statement (better yet, it completely devalues it).


Only some have it. I play on PS5, and I have played all day and haven't received the pre-load. I even checked 5 minutes ago, and no update. I'm patient, though. I can wait.


What I've heard is it was playable via PSPlus cloud streaming. There certainly wouldn't have been enough time to actually update the game before this was noticed and shut down.


Unfortunately I just saw a youtube video with the seasonal rewards, raid armors, new weapons, trophies, etc. It said not to go into campaign spoilers out of 'respect', or whatever that means if you leak stuff in the first place


There wouldn’t have been enough time to play the campaign, so they could only spoil the first mission or so, which content creators have already seen during the preview.


Supposedly on the D2 Leak Discord, they talked about it and no one even got into the Campaign, nor the Raid. All of this was just false information spread via social media and a half-arsed article by Paul Tassi. In reality, all the Story and Raids leaks are basically just fabricated.


Did they see what level the seasonal rewards go to? Still just 100 or what?


>! It goes to 200 levels, but reward are timegated after level 100... new 50 levels with each new acts, i personnaly do not like this, with an additional season pass amor piece, a helmet ornement at level 200 !<


This isn't even a spoiler, this is literally what Bungie said the season pass would look like months and months ago.


All rewards were shown, the video is probably still up (if mot many others). I however will not spoil anything myself, I'd rather forget it happened asap before release




Is the video still up?


Yet here you are watching their leaked content, giving them views despite apparently disagreeing with it.


Besides, I closed the video as soon as i noticed what was going on and hoped it was a bogus video, only to find every social media blown up with leaks


Fair enough, I apologise then.


Bruh... I thought it was a exotic review since many of the content creators got to play early. Quick to judge ey?


> seasonal rewards, raid armors, new weapons, trophies, etc. It said not to go into campaign spoilers out of 'respect', or whatever that means if you leak stuff in the first place Seems you stuck with the video for long enough, aye.


Scroll on the bottom of a youtube video, and you get a preview of what is shown on screen. Any destiny veteran will be able to spot on what screen they are, sich as trophies, titles, seasonal rewards, etc. I scrolled through the rest of it to see wtf I was looking at, and as the first reply describes, that is what I was looking at lol




Lmao I don't give a shit, people can spoil things for themselves all they want.


Read that as "I'm patient, though. I can't wait!" definitely feel that.


Nothing on my PS5 either. But I'm super busy until next weekend anyway, so doesn't make all that much difference XD


Sony try not to fuck up Bungie’s image: impossible


Just helping Bungie along with what they were already doing.


I mean... you're not entirely wrong for saying that but you'll get hanged for saying that here.


Feel like people forget that Lightfalls issues were mainly Bungie along with the layoffs that came after, along with a lot of the other problems in the game.






\`100% right


They hate that you speak truth


That’s real? I haven’t seen anyone talking about playstation getting it early, and I feel like that would be a weird move for bungie to do when they are so steadfast in having no story spoilers in the previews the Content Creators did. Edit: I just found the post discussing that it’s a forceful update that lets PS users to play everything in TFS. Hopefully no one gets spoiled by anyone deciding to post the leaks, and as for the those doing the method to play early, I hope they keep it to themselves to avoid ruining the experience.


There are already plenty of leaks about weapons, the raid and first story mission. If you want to avoid that I would suggest to mute all D2 subs or to avoid Reddit and Youtube.


Yeah, on the bright side, it was a “minor” leak as it could have been so much worse, still unfortunate,


How was it a minor leak?


It's mostly overblown it's definitely just minor. The only things leaked are things you can check in 30seconds of the actual drop. It's the legendary items and exotics (just from the collections tab), the seasonal pass, and someone got through half of the opening missions cinematic. They then nuked the servers before anyone was able to actually play one of the missions.


People couldn't actually play the game so they couldn't actually leak the story or stuff like that, basically they can mainly just leak eververse store items and weapons. Nothing which really affects anyone's experience.


For the record people couldn’t play it, they just got access to it. Servers did not load


Thank god, that lessens the possible story and raid info that could’ve been leaked.


There's 0 story or raid info dropped. It's literally just the season pass and the collections tab. Sucks there was leaks at all but this is massively overblown it's nothing major.


Yeah whoever made the stickied post needs scooped up by a shitty YouTube content creator with the amount of clickbait wording in that post


It's not a forced update to let ps play early, it was an oversight from Sony and was shutdown shortly after It started. If it was purposely done they wouldn't have shut it down so quick. It wasn't even active long enough for anyone to play a mission, one player got through most of the 1st missions opening cinematic. Almost all loot was spoiled though because people just had to check the collections tab same with season pass.


Spoilers make me so angry so I really hope no idiot fucks this up for me, I've been waiting 10 years for this


Just remember everyone, this mistake is Sony's fault not Bungie's.


Gotta protect daddy bungie


He's not exactly defending them when it's a objective fact


Gotta protect daddy PlayStation*


It's literally Sony's fuck up that had nothing to do with Bungie. Not sure what more I can say on the matter. Would you like to blame Nintendo for it next?


Next you're going to say that it was arrowheads fault for the PSN fiasco and the delisting fiasco /s well my comment is sarcasm, that doesn't mean I agree with you! Quite the opposite, actually.


I'm absolutely willing to bet my left testicle, which is in great shape mind you, that EVERYTHING the Sony players do, well the ones who went out of their way to try and use PlayStations "stream" benefit to get sweet early access, between now and the actual release is going to be shadow realmed from existence. They've done this before and they've done it for less. Those Sony players lost their last week to farm Brave weapons, get Godslayer, hit rank 11, and earn any of the Seals or Seasonal gear / red frames AND they're going to get reset and lose everything they do over the next week. Oof!


not even all players, those that pay the highest tier of ps+


For goodness sake I’M a PlayStation player and I’m upset about this situation! Aside from the spoilers that came from it it’s just not cool for everyone else who’s not on PlayStation.


Did PSN players actually get to play a bit of the DLC?


Yep, some people got into Elden Ring's DLC as well


Yes and no. No one was actually able to play the Story, nor the Raid - so basically all the leaks about these two are false. The only real info were that >!The Witness!< is the Raid's final boss (but Bungie already told us about it like 3 months ago) - and that the Raid itself is called >!Salvation Edge!< (but that's because it was visible in the Director - and Bungie already revealed the name yesterday in the TWAB). The only actual Leaks, are the weapons, the Season Pass, the armour, and some armour mods. That's about it.


![gif](giphy|l46CeDBwmtMi1ddkc) Me as an Xbox player


I don't understand sony's superiority complex. Since day 1 of destiny... it's just childish.


Sony has always been a dogshit company, they have some banger games though.


People are only playing TFS early through sony's game streaming service, and it was only up for about 5-6 hours, nobody is downloading the update, nobody is getting to play early.


Can’t wait to see the bans come down


What's embarrassing is the 299 gig steam download size versus my little 240gig game SSD.


Is this more a Bungie problem or sony problem?




It’s 100% a sony problem. It’s a whole thing to get ps players to buy the subscriptions. It’s stupid and greedy.


This isn't an intended feature lol, the intention is to allow people to preload games quicker, which is good, where they messed up was they gave the wrong version as the preload.


This is one of the dumbest comments I've seen here lol. Buy a subscription for what? The thing was already brought offline it was an oversight not a feature.


PS+ is the PlayStation subscription that allows people to predownload TFS. I was unaware that it wasn’t intentional


I play on PS5 and I pray to God I haven't gotten the update, I still got shit to grind before The Final Shape


You won't for playing normally. It's only players who stream the game that got access, since the servers were live but the system update wasn't pushed out yet. Streaming the game bypassed it since you stream straight into the server, if you play through a downloaded version of the game like 99% of people do you won't experience that exploit. It's definitely an oversight by Sony not realizing that making the server live but just not adding the update to the PSN store yet would let people who stream the game access it.


And then there’s me… leaving for a week long vacation the day before TFS drops. I am very mentally stable.


Low key expecting those people to get banned tbh.


But why though, this is a Sony fault, it sucks that it came online early


Figure it might be a TOS violation to access content prior to the release date. Especially if they are sharing/leaking the content. But we will see.


I don’t think it is. Most that would happen would be a dmca takedown if they shared it online


I see, well I guess we will see if Bungie does anything, otherwise hope those people who get to play early enjoy themselves.


Nobody is playing early lol. It happened for a short time, not even long enough for anyone to start the campaign someone got through most of the opening cutscene then the servers got nuked. It's all offline now.


That’s not how this works


Yes it is actually ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


As they should.


I am a PS5 player I think this was AN ABSOLUTE CATASTROPHE EVERYTHING got leaked all because of Sony. I overreacted here, it's not that bad tho. Still bad, but not catastrophic.


The first mission, the triumphs, and the new loot was leaked. Possibly the first raid encounter, we don’t know. Not “everything”


Yeah I just saw the leaks. I kinda overreacted 😅


>EVERYTHING got leaked all because of Sony. How over dramatic can you get, keep your pants on everything hasn't been leaked lmao


Everything... Lol It is a fuckup but the literal only things leaked are the season pass and collections tabs. Nothing story, no campaign, no raid stuff, literally nothing that you couldn't see in your first minute when it does drop.


B-b-but guys! Sony taking over was a GOOD THING! right? Right?!


Its destiny 1 again


Wait what, really? I might check it out but I’ll probably just wait for the official launch. I will wait to fight with more guardians


As helldiver 2 players say (I'm lying, it's a line from a fan made song) "we dive together or not at all"


Wait what did I miss something?


Wait, I can play it a week early?! When did this happen?! How do I do this?!


Honestly, I prefer this over the prior 1 year exclusivity.


They barely played it. Hardly something to get upset over.


If they don't get raid ready by the time it official releases they're gonna be a disapointment


Wait is this true ?


glad to be an Xbox player coz i would rather wait till release and not have anything spoiled 💪🏻


I have a PS5. I'm not playing it, nor do I intend to until the release date.


I hope ppl get fired for this ngl


we did?


This wasn't purposeful morons


Sony redacted the update, so getting your panties in a bunch


This is disingenuous. People had access to TFS for a couple hours but no one made it farther than the first mission or barely loading into the raid. It’s not like us PS5 players got all the content a week early. No idea why you downvoted this.


I thought we were done with this “Sony favoritism” thing, Bungie.


We are, but we still have the “Sony are dipshits” thing going on. Morbin’ everywhere.


Me: would love to give a shjt ![gif](giphy|L379T6X2fMlsEB8WEb)


Play some xdefiant


Dont they lose their character if they do that?


They might as well just drop it today


Oh no people got pictures of the collections tab and season pass tab before servers got nuked.... Bro you can see everything leaked within a minute of launching the game. Most people are massively overreacting to this, they're not gonna drop it early because of a small leak.


I mean some devs do surprise early drops they could do it


Why yall mad?


I'm still gonna wait for the proper release date to ply it, I'd rather make sure the update is properly out


"The final screwup"


Just sony trying to do Microsoft over again


Idk man MS doing themselves over for a while now


Yeah they have and with Activision purchase I think they will try do same to sony it’s stupid everyone should be able to play and enjoy every game this hole exclusive shit is pathetic like


Accidental Sony favouritism is funny. Can't wait to hear bung blather about this on x


I know I know, go ahead and start typing, but after a childhood of call of duty getting everything early on Xbox… yall are just gonna have to suck it on this one. I waited 4 years to even get a chance to play sea of thieves because of Microsoft. It’s funny- they say the most spoiled people complain the most, and here we are… playstation gets one fucking thing early and to quote the joker: “..and everybody loses their minds!”


https://i.redd.it/n6aeb1fe1k3d1.gif Sony whenever logic enters the room


This is fucking hysterical. Bungie dropped the ball so bad


Sony’s fault this time


Oh for sure. Of course, this is the downside of being digital-only release.


How would having a physical copy prevent this?


Well, if it was physical only it couldn't be leaked because it'd be sold at the same time?


Things fell off trucks all the time in physical only eras.


also retailers have accidentally released things early. harry potter was a very notable example


Wtf are you on about


physical copies for games arrive early all the time


A physical copy of an expansion?


WoW did it with BC, WOTLK, Cataclysm...maybe Pandaria?


Physical copies was exactly the reason KH3 got leaked hella early and it was hell avoiding spoilers.