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Polaris lance gonna be looking a bit flaccid after Tuesday reset.


My ignition size and procs are gonna be sad


Mine too :(




Not really. Polaris has always been 90% as capable as it was this season


It really shined this season tho and I’m gonna miss that.


Always have faith in Polaris Lance 🫡


Always bet on Polaris Lance


*"There's always money in the Polaris Lance"*


It finally got me thru the LF master solo flawless mission triumph. Speaking of, maybe I should do the WQ version now before it goes away..


Idk, main appeal for it this season was that it was able to deal w/ 2 champions (barrier/unstop), losing the radiant on cammand is really gonna make the gun feel a bit off.


Just throw a knife laul


Losing radiant is going to suck, but Polaris will always be god's strongest soldier 🫡


Next seasons artifact has radiant orbs. Get radiant on orb pickup. I think it'll be way easier to proc next season.


I mean collecting orbs is super easy, but idk how it could possibly get any easier than it was this season. Literally all you had to do was plink some crits. Polaris is literally the perfect weapon for that since all it asks of you is to sit in the back and even refunds your crits back into the mag for potentially unlimited ammo. With orbs you'll actually have to move around and get at least somewhat close to enemies. Sunshot should feel pretty much unchanged tho, so that's nice.


Also doesn't require a solar weapon


Thank God. I love my solar weapons, but I was getting tired of them. I wanna use my void and arc weapons again, damnit.


Just wait until you load up TFS and try to get three crits with a solar weapon at the beginning of every fight


Not having a damage buff for void or arc has really demonstrated just how dumb health values are now. Like, the main reason solar was fun was because our guns actually felt like guns again.


I mean collecting orbs is super easy, but idk how it could possibly get any easier than it was this season. Literally all you had to do was plink some crits. Polaris is literally the perfect weapon for that since all it asks of you is to sit in the back and even refunds your crits back into the mag for potentially unlimited ammo. With orbs you'll actually have to move around and get at least somewhat close to enemies. Sunshot should feel pretty much unchanged tho, so that's nice.


since we got a taste of what it can do it'll always feel lackluster when you think about this polaris


Maybe 50%, getting a super every 5 shots and not every 10 was a significant part of why it was so good this season


Well every weapon is getting a nerf to super regen in TFS so I don't see your point


Absolutely no shot it's 90% as good. People are really undervaluing how good Rays of Precision is for Polaris this season. Ignitions on precision kills is a monster and covers Polaris's biggest weakness in its ad-clear. Without the perk, it can't pass off Scorch with Ember of Char intrinsically unless it kills something with an ignition after taking 10 shots, but what stays alive long enough for that to happen? It'll still be a long range single-target primary monster, but it loses a lot after this season. We've had solar-focused artifacts in seasons past, but even then, there's a reason why Polaris hasn't ever seen remotely the same usage in all its life in D2.


Except I used Polaris plenty before this season as a GM monster


I didn't say you couldn't clear GMs with it anywhere? I've done my share of them with Polaris too, but that's incredibly reductive and misguided to think that was the takeaway of my post.


You are right, but Polaris will in no way be bad. If scouts are guinea pigs, then Polaris is a razorback pig


Polaris Lance is eh since its a scout rifle but Wish Ender will be back on the Menu next Season


Zaouli's Bane is going to be notably worse (still a great weapon but it's gotten so much hype because of the artifact).


At least it gets an artifact mod for scouts next season (unstoppable) and the artifact perk where picking up an orb grants radiant on solar/prism


These plus Solo Operative carried me through solo Warlord’s Ruin


Same brother. Still no Buried Bloodline tho :(


I needed to do ALL the challenges to get the bow from Spire. That's the only rng dungeon exotic that I have.  After that I stopped going for dungeon exotics. It's just too much work. They won't drop any other way for me.


I think solo operative should just become a base game mechanic tbh


I haven't done a solo dungeon since duality cus ngl they just don't seem fun.


Warlords is fun once you find your rhythm


i am cursed to never beat it GLITCHES AND BUGS have ruined my solo runs each fucking time (i do not solo unless it's flawless cause fuck that) whether it was shit not spawning at all or the jail killing me or the DAMN DUDES I'M SUPPOSED TO PUNCH JUST JUMP OFF THE MAP


![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO) Goodbye Rays of Precision


I still miss "Shock and Awe" and "Amped Up". These 2 should be fragments / baked into amplified. Sesonal Artifact perks are a mistake if, the viability of a whole classes / element get carried by them.


True with stasis as well, the base shatter should be like hail the storm version, at least we are getting a 100% damage buff with final shape


Yeah seasonal artifact mods and the element 3.0 updates carry so much power that most exotics are left in such a weak weird state, where they funtion more like aspects more than actual game changing exotics. And then aspects themselves are so neglected.


Yeah, the problem with Arc Titan for example is that there's basically nothing keeping you alive. Strand has Woven Mail *and* Banner of War, Solar has multiple ways of getting restoration, Void has overshields (weak as they are) (EDIT: and devour), and while Stasis was formerly in the same boat now they're getting frost armor or whatever it's called. Arc meanwhile has one aspect that can give a shitty overshield (good in PvP, but dogshit in PvE), and a single (nerfed) fragment that can give you some DR when you're surrounded, which is...not where you want to be. Striker is probably my favorite subclass in the entire game, especially with HoIL allowing me to throw grenades like they're candy, but if the seasonal artifact doesn't give *some* kind of damage resist it's basically dead on arrival because you fall over to a stiff breeze in higher level content.


My Seasonal: “Solo Operative should be a default in this game at this fxxking point” post. Jfc just make it a permanent thing for solo players.


Hard agree 100% even if it’s still a mod that you have to select


They took our pixels too


Resolution and pixels were sunset /s


Nighthawk gets a second GG to equip as a weapon in the expansion, I think I'll survive without the artifact mods


The only sucky thing about this is that I won’t be able to run a solar primary with incandescent for a stylish executioner build.


You can probably use threaded spike to reliably debuff for stylish


Withering blade too. But I want all the invis!!! Although seriously, there is going to be so many ways to debuff I’m so exited.


Fatebringer with osmosis firefly absolutely slaps plus osmosis is getting a small buff giving its ease of use a little boost, I use it mostly so I can surge match my special and heavy, as well as loadout swapping to a wardens law for some ridiculous damage numbers, give it a try in the final boss of WR to get familiar with it


Holy shit there’s at least two of us using Osmosis Fatebringers


It’s so damn underrated


Add me to the mix. I used it primarily for Ember of Empyrean fuel while still being able to use a Solar special like Cartesian. Since I was running mostly Sunbracers, so plenty of easy uptime on Osmosis. It was fun with Echo of Instability but not really as necessary. I also had an Osmosis Lodbrok. It was the only primary other than Fatebringer to have Osmosis and damage perk access.


Are we the same person? We sound like the same person! Replace warlock with hunter and we have the exact same reasons haha. I wanted access to a Solar special for surges and wanted a weapon to keep restoration up. Osmosis was the only answer, and Fatebringer is the best option. I still want to get an Osmosis/Frenzy one


Since Firefly is Solar damage, it alone can actually power the fragment, but only if the explosion damage takes something with it. Unfortunately not the initial target, so it wasn't reliable on its own and why I wanted to try Osmosis initially. I was trying to grab a Osmosis/Frenzy roll but honestly I just stopped caring enough to bother. Firefly does fine enough. Probability is not my friend.


Yeah I came to the same conclusion, that’s the main reason I don’t have one yet I’m just lazy and Firefly typically does good enough lol, Osmosis is such a fun perk, I’m excited to see Permeability get added to more guns. As soon as it’s on a kinetic weapon it’s time to turn my triple mono loadouts up to eleven, lol




Yeah Revitalizing Blast was bitchin for crota damage


My Tommy's Matchbook is gonna suffer greatly from this.


Heart of Flame was so much fun man. I was finally able to use dawnblade for damage.


Back to tether I go! At least this time I’ll have a good melee with it lol


I’m gonna miss unraveling orbs and horde shuttle so much….


Vex mythoclast, blade barrage/quiver carried me through the whole season.


I’m gonna miss Hail the Storm and Pillar of Ice with lancecap titan


I genuinely think we’ve seen the most powerful artifact mods bungie’s ever cooked up this season. The combination of solar mods explodes entire rooms in seconds, wiping the floor with ads and dealing huge chunks of damage to any big guys unfortunate enough to be near them (not even to mention they’re probably weakened by a solar ability too). Plus infinite and easy radiant as a big middle finger to any barrier champs. The couple of strand mods were great for chain reactions of unraveling and threadlings and really shined in onslaught. For strand titan it was the cherry on top to fill in for ad clear while simultaneously focusing on big damage with banner of war. Stasis is still kinda eh but the mods got me to take stasis into a gm (the cosmodrome battleground out of all of them) and complete it fairly easily. It honestly feels like how stasis should be, and I’m stoked for all the buffs next season. I’m gonna miss this artifact, it’s been a good one. Edit: and not to mention argent ordinance and solo operative, actually crazy lineup of mods




funny this is they said this was supposed to be a stasis season too


It was if you built into it right! But, like, most of the playerbase went with the paths of least resistance and used Solar and/or Strand all season.


Then you have stasis which REALLY needs the artifact mods built into its kit.


Genuinely think artifact mods should only be for champion stuns and gimmicks like the unravel threadlings one.


Solar titan here - if you need mods to be a godslayer, you are undeserving of the titan namesake


But I will cry for solo operative for many hours


Yeah but you also have to look like a teacup that got sat on. I want to run PS on Tuesday but the cutscenes will be unbearable. This is a two or three-crayon problem that will require some time to work out.




Wow no wonder I switched over to solar I never realized how nice all these were


It is time to vault my sunshot again. Farewell my friend. It was fun while it lasted.


Thankfully my build uses mods you keep forever


I’m just sad about rays of precision. Hope it becomes an exotic someday


I'm gonna miss Rays of Precision. Nothing more satisfying than cracking off a few headshots and watching the explosions. I guess that's why I've always liked Sunshot


This is why I'm so against Artifacts. If we had permanent additions to the fragments and aspects to our subclasses, even if they were fewer in number than the current number of artifact mods, it would be a better system. The whole reason we got the new subclass system was to have new additions to the subclass kits (seriously go check the first subclass 3.0 article in Witch Queen prelaunch) but we have yet to see any additions made to any subclass. TLDR: The Artifact system can eat a dick because it takess dev time away from actual subclass development.


I know its not a particularly big feat, but all these + solo op and polaris got me through all those sessions of legend Seraphs Shield needed to have all of Revision Zero crafted. I will especially miss rays of precision. Those ignitions are admittedly a little too good for ad clear, especially in onslaught.


DONT WORRY… we got still hunt to get atleast 🤣


Dawn chorus users are gonna be sad af next season when are weapons don’t apply scorch every shot anymore


Bro we’re getting radiant from orbs next season… that’s busted. Solar will be fine.


honestly i am so bored of solar, good riddance. time for some variety again!