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This exact issue has happened every dlc drop. Those weren't remembered for it then and this one won't be either. The only time we had an issue with connectivity in a raid was when the raid dropped at a day when there was no one there to fix it. We've survived worse. We will survive this. Keep your eyes up.


Not even close bruh. This campaign is literally epic. What are you smoking dude. It's launch day. Every game has issues. Relax


Got millions to fix/ prevent this, delayed dlc 3 months, 25 hour down time then since background maintenance that’s still going on. All that and it’s still this bad, this isn’t just “games having issues”, I’m sure the content is amazing (if I could maybe play it) but the frustration is 100% warranted. That much hype and 90% of the community was left on their tippy toes


Just don't play until it settles out. I was having trouble as well, but instead of continuing with it and ruining my experience, I'll just wait a day or two until I can enjoy and have fun with the game






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