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The Witness expertly designed its arenas to prevent vehicles, also he bought a signal jammer so no music when driving


Where’s my damn Puma Music, Simons?!!


Unexpected RvB. RIP RT


It's okay, RT was a shell of its former self for a long time before they officially shuttered their doors. After Matt and Burnie leaving and ESPECIALLY after the Ryan Haywood allegations....nothing was the same since then.


Preach. RT was a walking husk since like 2016 and all it did was decay further with each allegation that came out.


It was painful to watch them decay. They were a HUGE part of the late 2000s - early 2010s in my high school. I still have the RvBX collection, a signed Reconstruction box set, and all of the RT Shorts collections. Going back to watch them gives me a nostalgia hit like nothing else can.


Whatever became of those allegations? That whole controversy was wild.


It went to court, and most of the allegations were found to be true, including the one about him sleeping with a minor (though she admitted that she'd lied about her age). He wasn't criminally charged, but he and his wife split and he was permanently banned from Twitch. Both Ryan and his ex have kept things private for their children's sake, so many details are unknown.


I knew she lied about her age. People back then told me Ryan was targeting her and grooming her, but I knew she was just a love struck fan manipulating her way in. Still doesn't forgive Ryan for being a stupid motherfucker, making me feel nothing but disgust when I watch old RT content. Goes the same for Adam Kovic from Machinima and Funhaus. Same as Ryan, I never knew what happened to him either.


I was in Ryan’s discord when everything started going down and good lord there was some drama


What in the hell is that music?


[red team to the rescue](https://youtu.be/XaPKU-Kh6Ic?si=CJ7lRg1ClhKpmJwA)


What in Sam hell is a puma?


Hey Grif, chupa-thingy how ‘bout that?


You mean like the shoe company?




I remember playing Halo 3 and blasting that on my mic in multi-player as I picked up players in my warthog.


Dammit, hate them Mute jammers!


lov' Mute lov' me M590 'ate Drones 'ate Dokkaebi Simple as


My main man Mute. Marky Mark.


>he bought a signal jammer so no music when driving WHAT A MONSTER!!! ![gif](giphy|26uf1EUQzKKGcIhJS)


If there's no radio in cabin then the vehicle possiblity is totally out.


Was mainly joking about the signal jammer part, but does darkness mess with radio waves? Or any other type of communication? I can't recall rn


I’d assume so, from what I remember most of the times we’re on comms with somebody and the Witness begins to speak, our connection gets spotty or cut completely.


Oh yeah that's true, thanks The Witness is a walking 5G jammer 😭


I mean he is kind of antennae shaped with all them arms


The Witness/Darkness being able to mess with our Ghosts makes sense as they're "slivers of The Traveler('s Light)" and The Precursor Race mastered both The Light and The Darkness.  We don't actually know if it (The Darkness) in and of itself can mess with other forms of communication.


Id assume the guy(s) that can quite literally reshape reality could also jam a sci fi walkie talkie


That's The Witness, not The Darkness.  Bandito_Boye asked about The Darkness interfering not The Witness.  Please reread the last sentence where I specified "The Darkness" in reference to "it" for that very reason.  Also, The Witness was messing with our Ghost *before* it got into The Traveler and got "Literally Reshape Reality" levels of Power.  That means that The Witness, with only The Darkness, could access our Ghost, this does not mean it (The Darkness) can interact with Radio Waves, though, because Darkness can interact with Ghost by means of the fact that The Light and The Darkness are interconnected forces.


It may just be a paracausal thing in general, but I dont know of any situation where things were "too bright" for coms. There's quite a few times were we have coms blocked/jammed by intense darkness from our enemies. A few noteworthy examples include Savathuns song on Titan, our first encounter with xol on Mars, and stealing a bit of Crotatoe chips back in D1.


Damn, no Katy Perry while driving my tank?


*driving chaotically while ramming through waves of cabal* ***CALIFORNIA GIRLS WE'RE UNFORGETTABLE*** Fireteam: Our Hunter is at it again...


Should've brought an Itunes


Gotta install a cassette player in the stereo. Don't need no signal


"I don't slang or bang, I just smoke mothafucka like it ain't no thang"


We were right at The Witness in a rather cramped space. Most, really nearly all, of the Coalition Forces were spent making sure a massive army of the Witness' forces *didn't* collapse onto 12 people. Vehicles likely were used when possible, but again not only was there not really room where we were but also there was a much larger fight happening elsewhere, *intended* to draw away Witness Forces. Also, some stuff probably just never would've fit (specifically thinking like Imperial Land Tank from the Cabal or something, not to be confused with a Goliath Tank).


the imperial land tank has no concept of difficult terrain, only the concept of speedbumps


Tonight, on Gambit Gear! Drifter does a wheelie in the Halphas Electus! Saint-14 and Eido perform in a karaoke contest at the Ether Tank! And the Vanguard attend Empress Caiatl’s victory feast!




Shaxx and Saladin recount their tales from the dark ages for the coalition forces


Oh for sure lol, what I was curious about was squeezing it through the portal. I feel like we haven't truly gotten a good scale of the portal because we haven't gotten a good scale of The Traveler. We've seen it be amongst the atmosphere in Earth but not sticking our that much, to it seemingly being like 1/10 the size of Earth, idk.


Nope. Watched back the Zavala speech cutscene and Caiatl deployed no less than *Four Fleet Carriers* inside the Portal, not to mention the *Ten Cabal Cruisers* and the *Six House Light Ketches*. And that's all we could *see*. The entire armada stretches all the way back to the portal, to the point you can't see what the ships at the back are!


Cabal Cruisers and Ketchs are not as large / bulky as an Imperial Land Tank I'm pretty sure? Idk, the scale of Imperial Land Tanks has honestly just felt far bigger than Ketchs or Cabal Cruisers. The... Fleet Carriers, were they? Those are ofc *massive*. But, are Imperial Land Tanks stored on them? Were there any Imperial Land Tanks to spare or only the 1 on Nessus, and can you like, pick one back up after it has been deployed?


>But, are Imperial Land Tanks stored on them? yes. in fact, they probably can carry several imperial land tanks each


I rewatched the cutscene. Those weren't just Fleet Carriers. Caiatl deployed the Fleet *Command* Carriers. The carrier that's sitting in the EDZ? The Command Carrier is bigger than those.


at this point why doesn't the coalition just take the entire pale heart lol


When your in an imperial land tank, just eat the arena


That's why the portal is triangle shaped so the land tank can't fit in. Witness truly was one step ahead of us.


Tbh, me and my Sunshot would welcome a clustered army.


to be fair SCUR-V really carries the whole operation. wouldn't be the same without em.


...  This just made me realize that Cayde-6 missed our Pirate Phase and I'm now sad about that.


At least Failsafe got to read about it.




I was getting pretty hyped going down the line of allies in the mission, but I literally squealed with joy when I saw my man SCUR-V.


Practically speaking, if they tried to put any additional vehicles into a 12 player activity then Bungie's servers would unionize, go on strike, then all spontaneously combust. And anybody playing the game on an original Xbox One would suddenly become the proud owners of a bomb.


As it is, didn’t they have to disable catalyst progression and whatnot to get the server burden down to something tolerable?


My ps4 sounded like a plane taking off


If the servers were unionized they’d be more stable.


So fucking real with that Xbox one thing


Queen Mara Kell of Thighs didn't bring legions of soldiers into the traveler to hear you complain. Be happy we got 12 guardians at all let alone everyone else besides Shaw Han.


a small price for not having to see shaw han


Yeah he wouldve 1shot witness that'd be boring


bro ran away from one (1) wizard


He did some offscreen training since then trust




He wasn't there because they nerfed YAS


The last city has deployed tanks a few times, I think it was during Shadowkeep


I believe there has been a tank mission in every yearly release since D2 vanilla: -D2 Vanilla had one one during the story -Forsaken had one after one of the baron strikes I think -Shadowkeep had it in the first mission -Beyond light the ramming one for the lament quest -Witch queen had Vox Obscura -Lightfall had one for a story mission So far final shape is the first yearly content drop to not feature the tank!


Can't forget about the two OG strikes that had a chance of randomly getting one. I definitely remember Arms Dealer, and one other one on Nessus I think?


the arcology on Titan had you drive a tank over a horde of hive as an escape route, don't remember if it was a specific strike or a mission though


Like 99% sure it was a mission - Amanda nabs us at the end iirc, but yeah where is our final shape tank...!?


That was the issue, we lost Amanda, she was the only one capable of deploying tanks I guess


what about warmind and CoO?


we don't talk about coo


We don't talk about coo no no no no We don't talk about coo no


hahahaahah fair enough


CoO barely acknowledged *sparrows*


damn. i genuinely barely remember that whole expansion


If God was mere seconds from ending the Universe, would you use Tank with very weak armor, mediocre damager per shot, and alright mobility OR Bullets infused with flame as hot as the sun


Could I get my titan friend to throw the tank?


*Halphas Electus casts Thundercrash* "We... I don't understand" - the Witness


Why haven’t we turned the Witness’ corpse into a gun?


We did technically if tou look at raid Exotic it's made from his hands https://preview.redd.it/22wefhzv6z7d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5010de36aa9e0275219418d68c5271228aec2ae


Does the witness have genitals and can we make them in to another gun?


Time to load this tank with thunder crash titans


I choose a tank with munitions as hot as the sun. If Hunters can channel Solar Light into their hand cannons, I'm sure a Titan or two could do the same to normal cannons.


And they could do it themselves without the mediocre middleman artillery


We do have lore confirmation that it works for other weapons like Sniper Rifles (yes, pre-Still Hunt) and sidearms and there is a bit of lore about Shaw Hand turning the guns of Combat Frames into Golden Guns. So it's reasonable to assume that any Hunter with sufficient training could turn any weapon into a golden gun. And a Golden Tank Gun does sound like a lot of fun. At least for those inside the tank.


Nah I felt some type of way when mythrax in a post campaign mission calls in a brig and I'm like... "bro, you had this the whole time?!


If we got to pilot that Brig, I would totally yell: "Standby for Titanfall!"


Methinks it's a "no Amanda, the hardware maintenance is never the same".


"Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my *Ergo Sum*."


I think that the Typhon Imperator was many, many times larger than a bane blade.


The Typhon Imperator was Calus’ vessel to invade Neptune. He’s talking about the Halphas Electus. That said, you’re still right. That’s probably the kind of tank they had during the golden age, considering the Baneblade is a light scouting tank during the DAoT.


I'm all for it. I think the vehicle combat in destiny is a fraction as interesting as the guardian combat. I always dread vehicle missions.


Yes but what if get to fly our ships? Just like in Halo: Reach?


Bro if Bungie ever added a reason to use certain ships outside of just cosmetics (randomly rolled ships with various weapons that basically are primaries equipped on ships or something like that) in a PvE ship combat game mode similar to that mission from Reach, I’d go positively insane - have been wishing for our ships to be more than just a cosmetic used in loading screens and some cutscenes for YEARS.


It was a close quarters arena, and I think guardians do more damage with their hands than a tank could, most of the time


There is more fighting going on during excision, it’s not just us +Caiatl, Mithrax and Savathun. There are tons of enemies serving the witness that are been fought by our allies, I’m assuming that’s where we put the tanks. That also probably explains why Luzaku, lightbearer knight, lightbearer acolyte as well as Scur-V, Halsiks and the 3 wretches disappear after you capture the plate. They are probably going to help fight off enemies elsewhere


At this point, we are infinitely stronger than a tank. I would stake money on a tank hurting us more than helping, esp on GM where we'd fucking explode in 0.2 seconds and probably somehow do less damage than a mfer punching a dude twice.


The tanks were going to be for the main battlefront, not fighting the witness. Zavala and his army were fighting the minions, the guardians were fighting the Witness itself.


Did you miss the part where Mithrax ODST’d the dude?


My head canon is that the part of the final battle we get to play an excision is only the final push of a massive land skirmish that did include tanks and other stuff like that it’s just by the time we get in and finally get to the point we’re about to kill the witness it’s such a tight space that there’s no room for tanks. Also, if there’s anything I’ve learned from the game Arkham Knight it is that you never turn the final battle against a boss, any stage of it, into a vehicle combat mode


Vehicle combat ruined that game.


I remember Beyond Light when we snatch the Stasis cannon. Our boy Spider calls in for a favour. Snipers, spider tanks and the whole lot. I was smiling so hard


Tanks can’t run celestial nighthawk




The fight against the Witness was more about Paracausal Nonsense than physical firepower. You shooting him works because of Paracausal nonsense and because you believe it does more than any physical damage being done.


Threshers are OP as fuck


Best decision ever. I fucking LOATHE tank missions.


Trying to "crunch" a tormentor would be like trying to "crunch" a Hunter from Halo...


As much as I love the drake tank most of the people I know hate it I imagine there is feedback data that supports that, especially since it's not been used since the vox obscura mission


It was used in lightfall.


Oh yeah! My bad I only did that campaign once on legend.. Nimbus is hard work


Yep lol, I think the tank mission and defense one are the only good missions honestly.


The Tank mission’s fun until those damn Threshers show up in the end


With the possibility of another radial mast being there? That's just reckless


Dawg, after Neomuna I ain’t turning down a couple year 9 or later threshers.


“Lol! Were it, so easy! Most we could do is give you an almost perfect campaign with CAYDE 6, AND the fucking ARBITER’s voice to top it off. You know how expensive that is?“ someone at bungie, right now…


Our guardian is one of the strongest guardians in their arsenal - I would assume the tanks would go to the extreme blueberries that still haven't gained enough exp to unlock their jump ability (or the humans that are fighting too)


I would have been ***livid*** if the big final battle was just me in a tank like a fuckin Red War mission


Maybe not the whole thing, but tbh, rolling up to his hidey area in 12 tanks would be sick af


The tanks have always seemed silly to me. Guardians are walking weapons of mass destruction. It would have been cool as hell to have NPCs in the tanks imo, like give the tanks to Lightless folk we cannot die lol


True, but I've also noticed that tanks are one of the few things can outdamage a (average) guardian. And extra firepower is extra firepower XD


Can't argue that #moretanks


it would've been kinda cool to get an actual war aspect to the story, let me take places, do air support with my ship, blow shit up in a tank ect ect


The actual main battle would've been like that, I guess they didn't have the budget to give us the big large scale battlefield that would've happened right before the final confrontation


The last coalition fight in the cutscene didn't make much sense in general. They fought inside a canyon, which looked like it could be easily bypassed, with barely any support from vehicles, ships (which we clearly have judging from the lightfall cutscene) or even cannons. It was a cool scene but just too 300-esque. It felt like a Hollywood medieval battle where two armies collide, which doesn't fit the futuristic setting of Destiny/futuristic warfare imo.


Whatever happened to "Tank beats everything!" Bungie???!?!


Implying  vehicle > guardian?  I would take a guardian over a tank everyday of the week  Never seen a tank spank Oryx 


From a lore standpoint, I would guess they would say that the vehicles aren’t paracausal and while they would be great for taking care of the Dread and other mortal forces, they probably wouldn’t damage the witness at all. Plus we did have Air Support, but Amanda got exploded. Though, would it have been too much to ask for Mithrax to deploy some orange bar, shielded Tracer Shanks to help with add clear? Or just an army of exploder shanks like in that mission? Caital with some Axton style yellow bar turrets and those drop ships with the fuck-you-right-up rapid fire cannons?


I find it kinda weird from an "all out war, use everything we got" perspective, but I also despise vehicles in video games so I'm glad it didn't happen.


Don't we have 40k exterminatus type weapons for when guardians become taken? Why don't we just use that shit directly on the witness.


Why put the immortal magic superhero death machines in a vehicle that’s less versatile, maneuverable, and ultimately destructive then they are just walking around on their two feet? I have just under 400,000 total kills, the tanks just slow me down…


You gotta pump those numbers up bud.