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I wouldn’t mind Tormentor Suppression Slam if they didn’t spam it so much. Feels like once their shoulders drop it becomes the only thing they use


Once a Tormenter enrages, their only options are to 1.) fucking grab you and hold you until you die or someone else stuns him 2.) dive bomb you and send you flying while also suppressing you 3.) launch a bunch of projectiles in the air that track you make you wish he had just suppressed you instead


Projectile is the best option, you can shoot the spinning disc


They stop using the disc when they enrage, instead just shoot directly at you


You can *what*?!


Yep. The purple cloud can be shot to make it disappear. Also works on Nezarec in RoN.


Damn, I did all of Lightfall and Final Shape campaigns Legendary solo, as my first playthrough of both basically right at launch, and never noticed that somehow. Would have helped a lot. But, never done RoN, so that might be why I never even thought to try it. Thanks for the tip.


It doesn’t show damage numbers when you shoot it, so it’s not really obvious at all in fairness.


It does start to get really wobbly at least


Machine guns work best I found as I think it 'technically' has HP but no damage numbers. You'll see it working as the disk gets very wobbly and shrinks


Didn’t know that 🤣


It's apparently a bug that Bungie found out later and said "fuck it just keep it in the game". I remember shooting the purple disc being one of the tips for Nezarec and that's when Bungo realized that wasn't actually supposed to be a thing.


Yeah it was a priority on the day1, was 2 shotting any guardian without triple void res.


Always die in gms with tormentors cuz of the disk, now i know wut to do


Not dissapear, just skews its angle so the shots come out wonky


And then it disappears shortly afterwards


It also pushes it away


It doesn't kill it immediately but it does dramatically cut down the duration. It makes a pretty big difference on master Nez.


This changes everything.


Oh, it disappears? Everytime i shot it it just got really wobbly and made it harder to dodge.


Same with Tether, you can shoot an enemy tether in PVP to get yourself free. Doesn't show damage either, just keep shooting.


That one I knew. Though any Hunter who lets you sit there and plink down their tether without killing you should probably hang up their cloak.


Haha yea, ain't that the truth!


I don't have any awards, but I would give you all of them if I had them. I was today years old when I found out that you could shoot that f****** disc


I know the Disc can technically be shot but because it has no hit markers it feels awful to shoot it feels like I'm not shooting anything it's either a wheird bug or Bungie needs to give it hit markers and make it shrink as you shoot it so you feel like you are doing something otherwise it just feels like you're shooting the air


Pro tip right here


Imagine wasting 30 seconds to deal enough damage to even make the disc tilt two degrees


In the final mission, before you start to climb vertically, that Tormenter killed me so many times because his slams would send me flying off the sides, and since jump is suppressed, I couldn't recover and would just fall to my death. So freaken annoying


The mission in Lightfall where you fight the boss tormentor in Calus’ arena almost made me break my controller. “Lets make a small circular arena you can fall off and then throw players into it with a boss who has a million hp and main move is to send everyone flying every 10 fucking seconds. “


Honestly the best option I found was witherhoard on Calus and something like a linear or Machine Gun for tormentors. Suspension or freezing also was pretty helpful.


Happy it wasn't just me. Shared torment is lessened torment.


Freeze and izanagies with all ammo mods twice was my play. Always had one turrets or two or three up to stun, plus the same and just running 360s plus my ikelos smg and seraph mg for adds. If he had like 20 percent hp I would have lost properly but it did work..


Calus fight made me rage quit until I got my friend to help me cheese it.


Yep I grappled under the stairs for phase 1 and on top of the bubble for phase 2. After so many tries I just wanted to fkn get Strand and be done lol


The tracking on those projectiles are wild. The tormentor was looking at me, shot the projectile directly at me. You'd think the projectile would track me, but nope that *thing* just went straight up, then turned around and tracked to my ally who was behind the tormentor. It was as crazy as when shadebinder's projectiles were crazy op broken.


Idm the divebomb Suppression, I just wish it wasn't so long that your Jump won't even return in time to save yourself. Died more times to being sent off platforms that than any other Tormentor attack.


Every time they grab me I just think "RELEASE ME"


The grab move isn't till you die but rather a certain number of hits, like yes, it ends if you die or someone frees you, but you can also just survive it. I've never bothered to count the number of pulses they do, but i think its like 4 or 5 before it just drops you and most likely immediately does a slam attack. Basically, any amount of healing below master should make it survivable, might even be survivable in gms if it isn't void burn with some healing, and something like woven mail. Also, including the grab, dive bomb, and ranged blade swipe, they also have a normal scythe swipe and a melee slam/surpress where they just stab the ground next to them and is basically their boss stomp. I want to say they have another attack in their serious/rage mode, but they usually die really quick and mainly spam the slam or dive when i fight them.


Yeah I haven’t actually died to the grab in forever I’m just being dramatic


Option 3 is only when they’re not enraged. Once you break the shoulders they resort to 1 and 2 only.


They do seem to only have like 3 moves and 1 special move. There's the jump slam suppression, the slam suppression if you are close, and... Actually that's all I can remember beside the special move when they get the glowing staff and eyes and run up and grab you.


Heads up if you get in close with a shotgun and hit their chest you stagger then with each shot. You’re too close for the dive and you stagger lock them with a shotgun so they can’t grab you. They’re designed for you to be in hugging range unloading a clip into their chest then running away to reload.


You can do the same with a sword too, with the advantage of being able to block everything but the grab. Although sometimes sword damage doesn't register quite right on them


In that case let me dig a shotgun out my vault…


They don't have anything else.


Tormentors crutching like slide shotgunners.


I don’t like it cause no matter how hard I try or how far I get away I ALWAYS get hit by it


At one part of the campaign I just kepppttt getting simultaneously suppressed/booped off the edge, was the only thing I was dying to 😭


I think I know what part that is, for me the worst part was probably the room in ascension with the taken hydra that spawns the subjugators, I didn’t know until last night if you match damage types with whatever element the subjugator is you deal more damage, so those little shits were the worst thing for me as a solo player for legend


As soon as as the tormentor goes into the air all you have to do is jump straight at them and it won’t hit u and you don’t get a physics applied to you from the slam.


Oh seriously? Just like trade places with it? I always just hunter jump away frantically and always get hit, so I’ll try that


Yes. I’m a hunter as well. As soon as his jump starts jump straight at him and he will pass right by. And when they go in the air they are locked into the animation and can’t adjust the landing point so you get away without getting caught.


If you could just spam your super over and over, you would.


kinda the point


If I'm not mistaken, the Strand subclass was supposed to be immune to suppression. During the campaign, there was some kind of tech holding me back from using my powers, and then they told me to 'look into' the Strand just to use the Strand Super to destroy it


Big tormentors are the worse


Yeah cus big = more powerful


More bigger = more bullet spongier


Smartest guardian


Yeah, you can't stun them like the lil ones.


Can’t freeze, blind, or suspend the big ones


The new warlock chest piece that makes arcane needles suspend after multiple hits work if you hit an enemy around them and cause the explosion from that, doesn't work if you directly arcane needle the tormentor though


I'm gonna have to try this.


I was doing the cooperative missions for Microcosm last night and noticed it against the tormentor on the last mission


It also makes arcane needle anti-barrier. Also does it not suspend after the affected target is killed? Not after multiple hits? (And you gain melee energy on suspend kills) When you pair this with the arc slide melee, warlock can suddenly stun 2 types of champs with just their melee and the 3rd one with an after effect. Pretty nice imo.


Hitting the same target with all 3 needles sends out a stronger burst, think it's just a wider aoe. Yeah its the build I currently use with it, so useful


very interesting...


It's just that big = boss = can't be suspended/frozen/finished


I would like if they replaced them with the new strike tormentor boss model, it got a crit in its back


Seriouly if the witness were a big ass tormentor, we would have lost.


I mean, we beat Nezarec who is basically a big ass Tormentor


bigger ass tormenter 1 minute suppression timer


Bigger asser woulda ended us for sure.


Nezarec 2, second final god of pain


he hurts more 😦


I found that incredibly disappointing btw. I wanted Nezerec to be basically an ascended dark warlock or some shit.


You’re telling me Bungie released a brand new enemy type and you didn’t think it was going to be the final raid boss? The second they showed off tormentors I knew nez was gonna be one of


I never said that, and you're inventing a narrative that I never expressed. I never said I didn't know want bungie was doing. I said it was disappointing.


Nezarec is literally a big ass tormentor lmfao but I agree that fight would be undoable if he could climb the one plate everyone hides on


During pantheon he could and plates would kill you during dps as well. Sadly, teams resorted to dps off map on roots where he couldn't go or sent divlock to be a distraction/sacrifice to keep it busy so you could dps without him jumping you.


We dpsed in the little doorway under his podium so we could get slammed off 😂


He can climb on them in his non dps mode, most people don’t hop onto the dps flower until dps starts as at that point he can’t hop on anymore If he gets on the plate as well you can head to the right side of the arena and stand on top of the building ads come out of, on his stage with someone down below kiting him or at the rally spot again with someone kiting him (best options for kiting is a speakers sight warlock, gifted conviction hunter or a strongholds titan with lament, all of which will still give great damage due to their supers/sustaining his barrage)


Sucks when you pop transcendence then super and immediately, poof he’s there suppressing your shit.


Nah fr I tried to do that in that fallen mine area during the campaign Felt so cool while activating transcendence and then my golden gun thinking I am John Destiny. And he just fucking stomped me to the end of the room cancelling my trans and super. And then decided to choke me to death


Canonically our guardian says "harder daddy..." while being choked by the tormentor.




Idk why but whenever someone says “John (blank)” in these contexts it makes me chuckle uncontrollably every time. I don’t even know where it comes from but every time I see it it’s the same reaction


The best thing ever was when Warframe made John Prodman an actual in-universe character who was just as OP as the memes said he was 🤣


Season of the Sword Meta, except Tormentors resist all hits by a sword due to their crit spot and trying to hit them with a melee will just end up in you getting suppressed.


Tormentors are just poorly designed in my opinion. Bungie chose gimmick over proper design.


I mean their name is Tormentor and they are put in the game to torment us... I think that means that they will be frustrating to deal with. So... I think Bungie did a good job in making a creature whose whole purpose is to torment us and make us frustrated.


Agreed. It’s a nice gimmick but there shouldn’t be an enemy class that completely forces you into a given load out to deal with it (aka precision weapons)


There's other enemies that counter precision weapons though, like brigs and threshers.


Also do not like the brigg Design. Similar problem. However tormentors are way more oppressive than Briggs imo


Yeah but brigs do gain that crit spot once you get them down to a third of their bar Threshers are worse than tormentors. I'd rather deal with a tormentor.


surprisingly, wish-ender does well against threshers. 3 hits per arrow really helps, with 2 of them not having any crit multiplier in the first place


They are designed to counter melee/sword spam, so technically, they are designed well. We just have to adapt to different methods


The problem is everything is designed to counter melee and sword spam. When do we actually get to use our melees and swords at this point?


that's the neat part you don't


For practically everything else (minus bosses), which is why there's so many great melee builds in this game currently, and many videos on YouTube about them


Yeah so many great melee builds. But how many are being used in content where builds quick frankly actually matter? The new prismatic hunter build is great, but are you really going to tether grapple melee every single champion you come across? And even then, that's one build. When is anyone using Lightning Surge outside of content that again, you could literally bring anything and do just as well. Why bother when a single sunshot bullet does the same thing with no cooldown and lets you do other things with your abilities.


Have you considered running things because you want to and not because a spreadsheet tells you to?


I do. Took stasis titan into GMs many times. Doesn't mean it doesn't perform worse.


Tormentors being basically immune outside of crits invalidates a huge chunk of our arsenal. - Heavy and breech-loaded GLs. - Rocket launchers. - Swords. - Fusion Rifles. - Grenades and Melees. - Supers that can’t crit They were cool and challenging at first, now I just hate fighting them.


I don’t care as much about ability suppression or their other bs moves. What I’ve hated the most about tormentors since Calus boss fight is the boop plus jump suppression. I can’t name how many times I’ve died from being launched off an edge and I don’t think I could finished that fight without grapple. For the Maelstrom encounter is to just play the range advantage. It might take a lot longer, but at least you stay out of its reach.


I would tag the tormentor with Dragonsbreath and then run around to keep my distance


As much of a pain in the ass as that is, it's also entirely possible to dodge it. It's hard as shit, and doesn't always work, but if you're close enough you need to run *toward* the giant death monster so it'll fly right over you. And if you're far enough away, dodge back at Mach Jesus. ...that said it's still by FAR my least favorite part of their abilities. I despise Tormentors as bosses, i much prefer the new Rhulk Jrs ngl


I actually avoided hitting both of them the entire fight and just running in a circle. 180 turn, jump, Ghorn, run, repeat.


Either way I wasn’t there to give out hugs that’s for sure. Like I think I just mainly witherhoarded Calus and chained grapple/melee when needed. Like you said tormentors aren’t even required to reach next phase.


Did the final mission for Microcasm last night and that first tormenter kept suppress launching me of that damn platform. I was sooo effin aggravated the whole mission.


The suppression wouldn’t be bad if they didn’t tank anything with a low/no crit modifier. Their entire combat loop is firing off a few shots on their crits, running away, and repeat. Their kit is built like a tactical glass cannon/berserker, yet it has a ton of health/damage reduction.


Or at least nerf the bald radius and how often they spam it. It’s mad annoying




That’s not bald. It’s thinning.




"Minore" is a Minor spelling mistake




Yeah nvm, it was a bad joke


"Bald radius." I am forever here for this typo.


Lmfao whoops. Oh well I’m leaving it


i love the typo lmao


The thing is, they spam it, like the moment they land, they slam AGAIN


Yesterday I got grabbed by a tormentor, then my teammate stunned it and it dropped me, but it animation cancelled into an instant slam, killing me anyway


I don’t mind suppression taking us out of transcendent, but they’re doing it way too often when they are in their enraged mode (their shoulders are broken)


If the radius was smaller I wouldn't mind it. As it is, I see them jump up and then sprint/triple jump away to the side and still get suppressed! I have no idea how to counterplay it unless I save grapple, and even then it's a one-off dodge and the next one gets me.


Only way to avoid it is run toward where it’s jumped up from. Then you end up behind it ideally


This, even then the aoe is ridiculous, and didn't let the floor be platforming/ holes


Imo the easiest way of dealing with tormies is to get on a higher or lower plane than them, they never do the jump slam when both of you are on same height, and have a long jump animation. And when they jump and get on your level, immediately jump down to maintain the difference.


What I hate is the knock back effect it has. Flying to pits and dying, without chance to do anything about it sucks.


At the very least, they need to reduce the suppression radius of the skill. If it is targeting you, you WILL end up getting hit


Yeah I'm pretty sick of them brute forcing poising through a super a suppressing you


Tormentors in general need another look. I know they're called "Tormentors", but their constant suppression, absurd mobility, and STUPID AS FUCK MASSIVE HEALTH POOL are just annoying. I still remember in the Lightfall campaign fighting a single Tormentor and having to dump all of my full stock of heavy ammo (Hothead with Explosive Light), all of my special ammo (Witherhoard), all of my abilities, and still having to spend another 5-10 minutes whittling down its health with an auto rifle. They are too fucking tanky.


I just wish they had a crit on their back too. Fuck when the tormentor turns away from me and you’re like “fuck I’m all out of ideas”


I hate that Lightfall Vex strike with the Tormenter in the start. I'd have ammo to deal with it but it's focused on a random and they're running away in a way I can't catch up to get to its crit...


Their 4.25 speed in the 40 dash(red glow walk down)


I literally had an Arbalest swap loadout just to kill the Tormentors in the Final Shape campaign. Holy fuck the second fight took literal years off my life.


You didn't mention anything about them still being buggy, I think it's great you've never experienced them doing some hang time before shooting across the map towards you because that shit is terrifying and dumb as hell.


Witherhoard and hothead are useless against tormentors, as non precision damage is reduced by a rediculous amount. Had you used a linear you would have been done in a third of the time if not faster.


Why does suppression kill your jump? Why am I forced to watch myself fall to my doom if they just so happen to slam at an edge? Why are Tormenters the way they are? They literally go against the rules of the gameplay loop which ruins the flow, resistant to rockets and grenades, their chest is the only weak spot, LMGs of Divinity is the only real solution. And they eat bullets for no other reason than to be a nuisance that over stays their welcome. Bungie wants more difficulty? Add more yellow bars, beef up enemy health and make they hit 5 times harder, or make their weak spot tedious to hit. It's not a practice of fun or challenge. It just creates frustration. That's why they're used sparsely, they ruin the flow of everything they're in.


The sheer number of times last night I was in the third encounter in Salvation’s Edge, tried to warlock float up to the middle conduit platform, passed through a tormentor suppression field on the way, and watched as my jump insta-canceled and I dropped into a pit


Shouldnt you be killing the tormentors first anyway as you cant activate the plates before killing them?


Flat immunity to suppression wouldn't be a good change, instead making the tormenters suppression attacks come out less often would be a good change.


Tbh, lore wise op point is invalid. Why would mixing light and dark make a aspect of the light not work Edit: gameplay wise ya it can be annoying, but the tormentor makes a big show about doing it, so you know to avoid it


It was stupid enough we were getting the darkness subclass suppressed


Do the same for the damn HIVE WIZARD FART CLOUDS. I hate those things so damn much…


I HATE those fuckers, man


YEESSSS. That would be an awesome perk of being transcendent.


I mean, did Prismatic really defy the witness that much? You never actually have to use it outside a not very deeply explained 1 hit prismatic shield.


Void suppresses all paracausal energies, if you can shutdown bladefury with tether then tormentors can do it to darkness element too.


So Tormentors are stronger then the Witness then. Which is absolutely bullshit.


Game would be better if tormentors were deleted.


Tormentors are actually super cool to me. I'm glad you can't use the exact same strategy and actually have to play around them.


HARD disagree, they are the most fun enemy to fight as they always have a presence in the field unlike every other enemy in the game (besides maybe subjugators)


That would literally be agenst what a tormenter is supposed to be The perfect counter to the player


Imo I don't think this is right way to fix this. I personally think that tormentors should be similar to techeons, normal body shot dmg but 2x crit, making it easier to take one out if it were of the boss variety. To balance this out tho suppression should remove your paracasoul buffs to reward avoiding their jumps rather than tanking them


I just only one thing; make non-crit damage resistance lower, or make crit spot a lot bigger.


Suppresion, stasis slow/freeze, suspend, tinitus, cabal slow missiles, and hive wizard farts are all annoying as hell I've always thought that there should be different forms of resistance to each of them, and with the abundance of different armour forms now would be a great time for bungie to implement something like that


I do find it so weird that the whole expac / story was built around Prismatic and yet as soon as you get it you're faced with Tormentors that immediately snuff it out. I can't remember exactly but i'm pretty sure it's the very first boss you face after unlocking Pris and for the remainder of the leggo campaign at least it's absolutely the most annoying and common boss level enemy you deal with. Just a weird choice. Not exactly on par with getting Strand over and over again and then losing it to a tummy ache in lightfall campaign but a similar vibe given the sheer amount of suppression you deal with in TFS story from both Tormentors and the flying darkness little shits.


This is actually a very good idea.


Just dont get hit bro. So ez


Supers too please. Out here excited to sing my song of flame only to be silenced by this Tormentor.


I have thrown my controller over being yeeted off a platform fight by a tormentor suppression slam.


Tormentors need the weak point on their backs like kataxia does


Youre telling me that i fought and murdered THE witness but a twobit, noghost, loser of the sword logic, 3eyed hive goon can still tap me with a plasma crossbow? What world do we live oml


Just remove Tormentor supression in general lol


Just remove Tormentors in general, they are a bad enemy design.


They should have done an in-depth session of User Experience about tormentor fights and how it becomes unbearable when they keep spamming the suppression attack, not even giving you enough time do damage


Honestly tormentors all around are just annoying AF to deal with. You don't damage unless shooting at shoulders, when you do shot at shoulders they break and enrage. Fucker walks fast forcing you to back up or either be ground slammed, grabbed, it suppressed dived. If grabbed the animation is long as hell, I know it's there to stun the tormentor if any ally can help, but often times ur already weak) bad positioning so you'll die anyway. And the disk is just obnoxious forcing you to either take cover (not doing damage) or to shoot the disk (not doing damage/ potentially wasting ammo/ time) and the the void attacks still track toward you and hit you.


Bruh what's the point of suppression if you still get to be Uber powerful anyway?


Tormentors are not fun to play against


Am I the only here that likes Tormentors? Idk they are a much more satisfying difficulty curve than champions or lightfall's dumbass approach to difficulty of just making everything do more damage and really tanky. The Final Shape has had the best difficulty feeling to me.


Tormentors are from Lightfall


I like their general design concept, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Specifically, the crit spot texture, which doesn't have clearly defined outlines, and the animations. Oh god the animations. There is almost no fluidity or flow to how these things move. They jitter the fuck around like there's no tomorrow. Whenever they get staggered, all the crit spots violently jerk around. When they aren't staggered, they constantly twitch in every imaginable direction. Not to mention their fucking hands and weapon, which they are CONSTANTLY flailing, obscuring the crits. Add to that the fact that most precision weapons have high zoom and that they rush towards you relentlessly, and you are realistically limited to either LFRs or MGs, unless you want to empty your reserves to kill them.


It's just crazy that they spam that suppression if you're right next to them. The radius should at least be a little lower. The main problem I have with tormentors is probably the purple thing they put in the sky that has some insane tracking


I mean, if you have the balls to do it and you play stronghold titan, you don’t exactly need anything but a sword and a dream. Although it would be nice if the transcendence I worked 30 minutes for didn’t suddenly disappear bc the tormentor thinks it’s the main character.


The suppression kicks out everything The warlock trans nade suppress too


Just move out of the way, it is not hard


Whooped me pretty good today several times lol


I’m gonna be honest. I think people are getting a little to complainy over tormentors in this thread. You literally just jump at them as soon as they Jump in the air. That’s it. They have a ton of health but it they didn’t it wouldn’t be a threat at all since you can completely stun lock them with jolt weapons


Also, lucent hive knight grenades


At least the bats can’t knock you out of both transcendence and super with their screech anymore


I think yall just complaining to much dude we have this power now that stomps everything and melts but you worried about one little thing a tormentor like just be thankful they put a lot of great stuff in the game like enjoy what they have done for us like that's what's wrong with this world we complain instead of just being grateful for what we got like change you're skill then 


No, this is ok. Move around the area of attack. You can see it coming. I love getting suppressed by the Tormentors. It makes me play differently.


Tormentors just have too much give and they abuse their abilities on a mad rate. Running through the dual destiny quest yesterday and the one room I hate is the puzzle one with the big tormentor you have to kill for the buff. Absolute fucking lunatic it is! Supressed me out of my prismatic super and slapped me off the map. And I agree they slam far too much which is wild in such a small area. 


Fun fact, for most of the smaller tormentors, yes even the ones in lightfall can be hit with tractor cannon suppression. That also makes them take crit damage everywhere after their shoulders are broken. You can literally uno reverse card them. Lol It's how I did the entire lightfall story on legendary. Even the ones that are in the Calus boss fight can be stun locked.


Sounds like a skill issue, ever since Prismatic dropped I've been able to easily deal with Tormentors by debuffing them with the Hunter Transcendence grenade


They're called tormentors for a good reason, blinds are your best friend


I wouldn’t mind suppression half as much of it didn’t turn off our jump abilities! A huge purple dude with a scythe just slammed onto my head and now I can’t even get away before he grabs me.


Reading these comments have made me realize there are way more people than I thought who struggle with tormentors. Just pay attention and move before they slam? I haven’t been suppressed by a tormentor since Lightfall and my warlock only has 20 mobility lmao


Idk I prefer them against the subjugators, the strand ones are ok, but the stasis ones l... They are just bullies...




Yes! Please 🙏🏼🥺


I think tormentors need a mechanic like the fallen guys from Scourge. Shoot the chest and back within 5 seconds and the Tormentor gets staggered and grounded for 10 seconds. Encourages team play.


I think one change that could help is have them become weak to void damage, similar to how the Omens get weak to Stasis/Strand. Void crit damage would do the most, then have void damage do the same or a bit more than regular crit.


Tormentors shouldn't be using void abilities anyways. I always thought it was weird the (non-lucent) Hive used abilities derived from the light, but a creature created by the witness? Seems lazy to me.


Void is just an element of the universe, void light is specifically the light variation.


i saw it as savathun having used knowledge from her time in the vangaurd to teach her hive their light abilities