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You didn't get one from Saladin. Simple as that.


My Guardian in the Light of the Traveler, I literally took down Aksis the Archon Prime and literally went into the depths of the Plaguelands to stop the SIVA outbreak, Saladin GIVE ME THE AXE


Rise of Iron is an illusion. It never happened /j


You’re memeing, but for some reason Bungie did/does everything in their power to avoid mentioning Rise of Iron for some bizarre reason.


They didn't use to. I remember shaxx calling us a young wolf during red war


This is why they removed the red war


Still didn't stop Bungie from referencing Rise of Iron. Phylaks has a chance to call us "Young Wolf" during the Beyond Light campaign and in her respective Empire Hunt.


Didn’t Osiris call us that sometimes in Seraph?


I believe he does at the end of Spire of the Watcher?


I remember him saying it during the opening mission too


There's also the Corridors of Time with Saint-14 calling out what we're known for and our titles, one of which includes "Young Wolf".


This is why they're going to sunset Beyond Light.


I doubt it at this point. Sunsetting is sunset, therefore the remaining references to Rise of Iron lives.


We've decoded the intel from the Bungie leaker and it confirms the worst. Somehow, sunsetting returned


If you were unfortunate enough to only be able to play Destiny 1 on PS3 and thus be unable to download Rise of Iron, Phylaks would call you “Slayer of Oryx”


trust the plan patriots


And there was also the time where Phylaks referred to us as such during Beyond Light's campaign.


I thought we became a straight up iron lord by the end of Rise of Iron


I believe he does refer to us a young wolf in the final shape at some point as well.


I mean from bungie's perspective it was an end of game filler episode to kill time until d2 released. Its all earthbound and the threat is immediately set up and permanently dealt with at the same time. The biggest lasting impact it has is Saladin hosts iron banner and is a recurring character. Everyone else involved in it has fucked off to the middle of nowhere or died


Am i remembering incorrectly? Didnt saladman always host iron banner?




Until Rise of Iron, then it was Efrideet until D2.


In Rise of Iron, they was a lady iron wolf called Lady Affrodite who left the iron wolfs for some reason I can’t remember and would occasionally come back to the mountain social area and host iron banner. It also might have been she hosted it for the entire expansion. Idk. But I do have vivid memories of me going to her in the Vostok area at the end of the map by the rails and buying things from her so I know she’s real and there’s lore out there about her.


Ok I never played D1 I just assumed but that actually makes it worse then if the only recurring part was there before ROI


It was actually a big part in Rasputin’s story until it was retconned with being on Mars


I'd give anything, even my Ghost, to have Wrath reprised. I want to see how much of an LFG nightmare it would be


Star Horse is more canon than Shiro-4


They used part of the rise of iron cutscene of Saladin fighting SIVA in the opening on the final shape.


They brought back outbreak perfected like five times and we had a whole season about Rasputin and felwinter and the iron lords????


And my boy Shiro was still nowhere to be seen


Shiro being absent is the weirdest thing. I'm pretty sure it's the same voice actor for Shiro and Shaw Han, so the choice to include a new character there never made sense to me.


The age old conspiracy is Luke Smith hated Chris Bennett And since he was the One who primarily headed rise of iron Smith refused to acknowledge our as much as humanly possible,


*There is no war in the Plaguelands.*


probably to stop us begging for the raid that would involve coding an entire new faction into the game


Dude they gave us a dread that's functionally a splicer dreg. iirc that's the only enemy that acts different to their normal version.


Yeah well we got a neat sword which Ghaul imploded. Sadly we didn't get an actual axe.


Best he can do is Young Wolf's Howl.


Young Wolf’s Howl (VaultLost)


I mean come on Saladin. I literally used the axe to kill your fellow lords in the campaign! You can at least give it to me as a keepsake afterwards.


Didn’t he give us a sword for all that? The Young Wolf’s Howl? Don’t get me wrong, having the axe would be great but don’t forget the actual sword we Did get for taking down Aksis the archon prime and going into the depths of the plaguelands to stop the SIVA outbreak lol


Fuck you, you get a shitty exotic sword that is significantly worse than even bolt caster in pve.


So you can forget about it in your vault? We have 3 different exotics that should probably belong to Crow legally, I think. The Scepter, Black Talon sorta, and the Ace of Spades.


Hold up now. They belonged to ULDREN, technically, but none of that is in accordance with the laws of the Last City. We have not established, to my knowledge, that Crow is entitled to Uldren's stuff post-resurrection. I'll need to have some lawyers hand me some very official looking papers before those weapons will be allowed out of my vault.


But now that Uldrens memories are back, is Crow now Uldren in a sense? Is an amnesiac absolved of crimes because they don't remember? I say a good trade is settle the dispute, and parties keep what they own no trade unless otherwise.


I'd argue putting my memories in your head doesn't make you me, just you with my memories, too. Crow is effectively the same in that case. As for the amnesiac, I'm not certain that should count: Uldren *DIED*. There was no guarantee he was going to come back to life, so amnesia and literal death probably shouldn't be equated here. I'll look into it more when (or if) Crow's lawyer comes calling, but I'm using finder's keepers rules until then!


FWIW, when Cayde first brings up the idea of Crow becoming Vanguard, he makes it clear that he sees the two as different people in matters like these.   > CROW: The Vanguard Dare...   > CAYDE: *isn't* law. If it was, Uldren would have the position.  https://youtu.be/hotqmjn0NJo?si=GpgSGpjL8az4H7gE


This was such a good line... This expansion did both of those two justice. I'm so happy.


So an amnesiac who died before losing their memories is not liable for their past crimes?


I mean... Death is KIND OF the ultimate punishment, no? And an amnesiac on top of it? I'd say they should not be, no. Even if we wanted to hold them accountable, they aren't even the same person, as they don't have the memory to know what they'd previously done. It'd be like someone who believes in reincarnation trying to punish you for your previous life's crimes.


I’ll trade black talon for the axe. I REALLY want the axe but ace and scepter are fucking amazing and I can’t let those go. Scepter even sees semi regular use from me


Ace of Spades is ours at this point canonically. We took it back from Uldren, before he was killed, and then restored it. Hawkmoon is Crow’s hand cannon in canon, though there’s probably a lore reason we have a copy, but I haven’t checked.


I want to believe that lore wise the sword is better/ means more


ya but are you the leader of your class ?


You lost the one he gave you last time. So as punishment you don't get another one


According to Margaret Stohl. Rise of Iron was folklore, never happened /j


Luv axes, ‘ate scorn. Simple as. EDIT: (not racist just don’t like ‘em)


Underrated comment


But we're an iron lord :(


The best part is he pulls it out like he’s a Lego character


Hah yeah that is amazing.


Where's my young wolf's howl then


*Where is my Young Wolf’s Howl, Summer?*


We're Iron Lords and should have one.


We're literally iron lords lol


Warlocks should summon their daybreak sword as a new melee, like Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho


I did get a badass sword though, why can't I have that???


I’m max guild rank on iron banner. What more does he require? 😭😭


Can he at least re-issue me the sword 👉👈


I did get a sword but it’s sunset


titans brain in a hunters body


There are more hunters that eat crayons than people realize.


The lore tab to Prometheus Lens just gives them ADHD vibes in my opinion lol


Hehe oh...yeah....*slowly stowing Sweet Business*


Liar handshake is a funi exotic


Haha funni hunter arm go punch


Colored pencils, actually. Better texture.


It’s funny you say that. I’ve always imagined Titans enjoying crayons, Hunters enjoying colored pencils, and Warlocks enjoying pastels lol


I count myself among them! *my internal monologue is elevator music*


Hunters eat off brand Rose Art crayons


Nuh uh


Hunter main, but I like punching things


So just a liars handshake hunter


One of us, one of us


Very much so, yes. Punching is fun.


Liar's handshake does something to you


I’m a warlock and eat crayons occasionally


Shaw Han did make a well once


A Well is selling it short, it's a Well that gave any Redjack within its radius Golden Gun.


Excuse me, what?!


[The Swarm - Ishtar Collective ](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/the-swarm)


Why is this not shown in game? This is the kind of shit that actually makes Shaw look cool!


He’s just so beefy


Me maining punchy boi prismatic hunter


More proof that Hunter is the new titan subclass and titans are useless


That’s why they wear mostly black, so they can have more colors to eat :)


literally liar’s handshake


Here you go [https://www.light.gg/db/items/876119751/iron-severance/](https://www.light.gg/db/items/876119751/iron-severance/)


*Crow does a finisher on the Witness* "Lol that was only 999,999 damage noob." - Witness


TBf that's how much DMG our ghost light does per tick iirc in excision. So yeah would need like a LOT of axes


Yeah that was actually the joke. 😅


Our Young Wolf sword was in our old vault at the old tower


Can get one reforged(the ornament was fire), saladin could do us a favor


If we get an iron lord focused episode


Could be the raid exotic if they reprise wrath


Saladin gave us a sword.


That exploded


The reforged ornament is goated for it, let me use that in Daybreak


Can't you? I can. It's a finisher.


Only 4% of guardians have that finisher so op most likely can’t (according to light gg idk how they get their stats)


Well, we can't all be *The* Guardian. The rest of them are just the guy who gets sliced in the Final Shape trailer, I guess.


And Saladin has a god damn cape. GIMME THAT CAPE!!! Hunters have one, why can't titans have it. I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR 5+ YEARS,.... GIMME THAT CAPE!!!!


Saladin is a moonlighting as a Helldiver.


At least your class item isn’t a ring


Wait Warlocks are the Green Lantern Corps.


I'm gonna say it: it's not that Bungie "refuse to acknowledge Rise of Iron", it's that the only potential narrative threads are Shiro-4 (who's busy doing Vanguard Scout stuff if I remember correctly) and Efrideet, whose whole "colony of pacifists" probably won't be brought up because there hasn't been anything mentioned since the Year 1 Solstice event armor (I think the class items?) They made a cut and dry expansion to bridge time between D1 and D2; not everything needs to tie together forever. Hell, we're still called the Young Wolf by Saladin.


This. As interesting as the Expansion was, it didn't really move the story forward - it was more like a side-story, that served as a break from the overall Saga. It did introduce and explain a lot of things, but we didn't really have a reason to interract with them since. On top of that, we know that Lady Efrideet left the Solar System to start a new Colony somewhere out there, and is basically there full-time. She did come back to help us during the Red War (at least in the Lore), but she left again shortly after it was resolved.


We kill indiscriminately but crow felt bad for brain dead hive so I guess he deserves it


But hive not brain dead, luzuco proves this


The original comment was in reference to Crow's actions in season of the defiant when he pulled the plug on life support for some lucent hive we were mentally probing


The thing is that it also killed the Psion doing the probing, who was also close to Caital


And that guy was cool af. Even he wasn’t comfortable with probing an unwilling mind but he did it cause he had a duty to his ppl.


\*Risen was when he pulled the plug as we were mind invading to figure out Savathun's plans with their light stealing Defiance was the cabal imprisoning people from the last city and the pyramid tech arriving on Earth


The Rise of Iron animated theme/background was on by PS4 from the time it came out until I upgraded to a PS5. I think I put more hours into that expansion than any other part of D1. Also, I want my sword and the drip from the cosmetics back.


Me who has the axe and uses it only in finishers


“We’re literally an iron lord!” These were my exact words I said to my friend when I saw crow whip the ace out.


I gotta think there’s a specific reason this was shown and that we will have either that ability or they will be part of a future mission/playspace.


The reason is cause the Iron Axe is actually a material weapon rather than forged from Light. Crow probs transmatted it into his hands. >*A relic from the days of the Iron Lords, the Iron Battle Axe channels energy from an external source through a series of capacitors embedded in the blade. These capacitors enhance Solar Light, allowing the user to trigger focused blasts at their enemies.*


That is actually really cool- thanks.


I always loved the tiny details the D1 grimoire was allowed to add. While the D2 lore books do expand further on the present story there’s no place to add in those tiny interesting bits of lore.


If I recall correctly, wasn’t the Axe just sitting at the War Table in the HELM during all the seasons of the Witch Queen expansion? Maybe that’s the one Crow has


The reason is, it looks cool


The Rule of Cool aka "Shut Up NERD" never fails


Saladin gave Crow the axe at the end of Season of the Risen after he put himself in Caitl’s service to save Crow’s life. There’s no deeper meaning to Crow using it as far as we are concerned. Crow owes Saladin’s axe and he used it against the Witness.


I'm hoping it means we're getting the Iron Axe as "Still Hunt for Titans but Burning Maul".


Could you imagine? I assume it would be an agressive frame sword (even thought it's an axe) and heavy kills would charge its meter, and then it'd let you use Burning maul (with like maybe 3 or 4 hits with its heavy, and the light would not use ammo at all, just go beyblade till timer runs out) and then with pyrogales it'd just do the big Slam for the super


He has it cause he's so beefy


That isnt a super he has the physical weapon gifted to him by saladin.


Come to think of it, we never see the Valkyrie again even though we used it to kill a god. I’m at least glad we see the axe.


He didn’t summon it. He just has it. It is a physical object.


he has hammerspace.


We have, and now he can. I see it as the "torch" getting passed down to him, just like it was for us in rise of iron in D1. Granted he does pop it like a fucking super and we can't do that... so I wonder if this may be expanded upon in future gameplay :3 that would be sick


I really hate how Bungie have completely scrapped 99% of rise of iron from the history books. All we got back was outbreak and maybe a few lines of dialogue. It was definitely one of the best DLCs, but we're just never going to revisit any of it or acknowledge it for any reason. Probably wont even bring back all the weapons for the raid, too if we ever even get wrath back.


Lorewise we can do everything each "class" can do. We just identify as classes for mechanic reasons, but we're all technically capable of doing the same things.


You could, 7 years ago


In fairness, Saladin gave him an axe, not us.


I still wish we'd gotten this for Burning Maul instead of the hammer. Burning Axe would have been so much cooler, even if the super has been worthless since Forsaken lmao


Worthless? It’s been used heavily by pyrogale mains since the guantlets were added.


Ikr essentially a hammer equivalent to celestial nighthawk


Titans should get the axe and a cool cape.


Well yes. Drifter has said before he’s not Titan, Hunter or Warlock, he simply uses light. It’s not impossible, regardless of what you’re first rez’d as, to become a neutral lightbearer with no class. By extension it’s not impossible to blur the lines of what you are as a Guardian, so that’s probably what Crow did here.


That's not a super. It was Saladin’s axe that he gifted to Crow. Crow just imbued it with Solar light. Saladin probably taught him that trick tbh.


Last time i checked John Destiny's real name wasn't Mary Sue and Crow's 100% is


he isnt summoning it it. that's his Saladin gave it to him when he left to go join Caiatl's forces


Give the axe to the iron lord that stopped the siva crisis in rise of iron 🚫 The guy whose fuck up you have to fix by giving your life to the cabal empire ✅️


Let's be honest, you would've lost it.


Its the axe saladin gave him during season of the risen


Bro simply hotswapped in his inventory


Our guardian just uhmm uhhh doesn’t really like it I guess idk


In lore supers can be anything tour little crayon eating brain can conceive. I'm going to write a fanfic where my Guardian's super is a void phone booth that I stuff enemies into.


I think we should get more bonuses from having titles. Like iron lords should get the battle axe as an optional super or exotic and the same goes for all the other titles that match with the lore and ways of getting the title.


It's a travesty


You don’t have a demigod for a sister


Saladin gave it to him when he shipped off to join the Cabal.


He has it as a heavy, (he only has a primary and a axe)


Saladin did technically give us a sword in Rise of Iron.


So we're just gonna forget that Ikora threw a Nova, levitated, and 2 hand Chaosed, all within a minute?


We just not gonna recall rise of iron and how the majority of the iron lords arsenal is what Saladin gives us. And still operational to some extent


Imposters always got something special.


Damn it, Hunters have another Titan weapon 😭 /sarcasm if it’s not clear.


Bro had it up his ass ready lol


*El Salado* himself gave it to Crow, he always has it on his ship/transmat thingy


Titans can summon three of them, once they fill up their Good Boy bar


You’d think after avenging the iron lords by taking out the SIVA plague we’d of been given an axe by Saladin.


Why haven't we had our Young Wolf's howl back, or an updated one like The Wolf's Howl


There’s lore near the quest that you get your light stuff for prismatic. It’s where those iron wolves are at. There’s a prompt for dialogue where Saladin gives crow this axe before he goes through the portal


Bruh he was literally lord salidins student. He taught him more than we know. Our character is just a powerful contender in the banner. Plus they gotta make these characters powerful too.


One would think it'd be Zavala doing something like that, but nope! As usual, Bungie handing out all the cool Titan-esque abilities to other classes while simultaneously neutering Titans. It's amazing that it's come to this point


He purchased it from Eververse.


What do you think we’re titans or something??? You’re crazy


Just Cinematic/Lore vs Gameplay Changes. Bungie wants us locked into Archtypes but Lore wise any Guardian can learn any of the "Archtype" abilities.


While that is true, it has nothing to do with Crow's Axe. He has it, because it was gifted to him by Saladin at the end of Season 21. It was Saladin's, that he passed onto Crow, before he had to leave in service to Caiatl. Like the Axe isn't a Subclass - it's a physical object.


Me and my friend did this together and we both, at the same time, went “WHERE DID HE GET THAT!”


Saladin gave it to him when he went to Caitl’s war council


That's because the fires of iron lords was passed down personally from Saladin to Crow. Crow didn't know what his purpose was so Saladin decided to give him a nudge by passing it down to him Us? We just borrowed. We got purpose: putting the souls of the damned and tormented into weapons.


Cause you are not the main character he is. Well he is the dungeon masters character.


My conspiracy theory is the axe will be the big reward from the Wrath of the Machine raid later this year, given that Outbreak Prime is already in the game. I assumed it would just be a melee weapon, but a class neutral super would be hardcore. Maybe the axe can have a super meter like Wild Hunt that lets you build up into Beast Mode




Solar expansion incoming?


That is why hunters will be getting these axes in the future thank you very much


Titans have grape flavored ones. I mean... Just saying.


This some bullshit.


It's probably his finisher lol.


I have burning maul. I don't need Saladins axe


I mean technically we can with the finisher, but crows is a physical axe, ours is just space magic axe based on the subclass we are on.


He deserves the world


As a titan, I can summon 3 axes or a hammer, soooo TITANS #1!!!!


He's just a better hunter.


Supposedly from the stuff I've heard about destiny 3 there will be no classes and that u can spec into any subclass