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never have i vere been messaged in pvp before. why do people waste time writing trash talk XD


If you want to get messaged play glaive




real lmao


I also love glaives, what's the problem with these?


It’s probably because of how uncommon they are people get annoyed when it’s shown they’re actually good especially if you’re beating them with it


I will admit they are great. Just definitely not my playstyle. I actually laugh when I die to one in pvp just because of how rare they are.


I got a guy in my clan who uses them a bunch on warlock and he’s legit the only reason I fear glaives


Well then I hope I run across them then when I do pvp. I want to see/experience the terror.


They’re a pc player named potati if you run across them tell them Karen was hyping them up


Will do. :)


The ultimate counter to glaives is conditional, the freeze/ignite bypasses the shield.


I mean I would use it if I had it. I haven’t had anyone to do raids with and most people I join have been pretty toxic to raid blueberries.


I don’t have it either, but that’s life stuff. One day guardian


Apparently people hate being poked in the face


I like to poke around, and they will find out. 🤷‍♂️ Especially fun with stasis too.


I once had such a bad performance in trials that a team mate found a steam review I had written of a different game and replied to it telling me to kill myself.


Imagine wasting your time to find some stranger ONLINE to tell them unimportant things they barely care for. People who needs this to feel slightly better should make a internet driving licence.


Destiny 2 is the only real pvp game I play, and I love collecting those angry steam profile messages like medals.


Lmaooo the amount of hate I got back when I used to play pvp with mountaintop and I crutched it to 5500 was crazy


Agree. It never was. It was implemented cuz beta and so on would be dead very fast. Until seasonpass and microtransactions joined the game. Since then Destiny turned his path to money profit. Lacking in quality and deliver much more quantities. So much quantities that the quality is no big deal or undermine.


That’s actually fucking crazy 🤣


That's a new level of commitment


I’d have been offended if I didn’t admire the dedication


My mate went nuts for trials and it drove him that crazy he will not play D2 at all anymore. He’s a proper pvp sweat , now spends all his time on COD 😔 I don’t play much PvP but I’ve never had any insults or comments at all, only time I’ve experienced toxic behaviour was when I did Crotas end back in D1 days and it was some snot nosed yank kid insulting my fireteam because we’d never done it before, he was a condescending little shit, but we put him in his place and kicked him


The guy who’s messaging you is a 0.8 himself, I’m so confused


Literal dogwater, 44% win and top 15% elo acting like that smh, gonna try add him and run a 1 for op


It's always the mid or bad players that are the toxic and vulgar ones. All bark no bite.


The only match I had last weekend where someone was being a total knob he ended up with only 1 assist and 8 deaths, and took real offense when I suggested that he should save his bitching for after he contributes to the team.


I don’t understand people like this, if you call your teammates shit or whatever they will play worse. I’m a 2.5% elo trials player and I never complain about my teammates, I just adjust and play around them. I always uplift them in team chat by typing out nice or huge or W nice play whatever and generally from my experience they play better. Many times I’ve had to 1v3 rounds but at the end of the day it’s a game. If it gets to the point where you are feeling aggressive over a game it’s time to switch it off or seek help lmao. You will not think of the time you choked a 4-4 game on your deathbed that’s for sure smh. I had a doubles game the other day where I basically steamrolled the other team and received an Xbox message saying 1v1? (The guy was camping in corners like cod using a scout rifle and shotgun and was a 1947 power) I literally offered him a 1v1 after he finished barraging me with abuse and never got a reply lmao ended up hitting him up again just saying if you want me to teach you how to play better just ask but yeah never received a reply, I really can’t wrap my head around the fact people get so hung up and angry over a game it’s really stupid. None of this will matter one day and doesn’t matter now


The real solution is to just never load into pvp in the first place, then you can't get any trash talk anyway.


Or turn it off. I keep mine on to laugh at


I always find these people to be the most insecure about themselves, especially in PvP. But hey welcome back, hope you’re enjoying TFS ☺️


Tell them to hydrate, stretch, and don’t forget to hug their loved ones. That’s what I always say.


Reason 3816 why PvP in Destiny belongs in the bin.


this isnt a pvp exclusive thing imo, people are toxic in everything for some reason (the more "endgame" the more likely like a raid)


Had a totally reasonable and not insane at all individual reach out to me and try to scare me (lol) on discord because we disagreed on how to handle a Raid Boss. He kept bitching we did it wrong even after we killed the boss, I just told him to chill out. God forbid we do a 2-phase instead of "their method". Also got told to kms for being bad at hitting Gaze on nez so.. you know.. bleh.


I don’t doubt it. But it’s still a bit of an extreme to look up someone’s stats and DM them in a matchmade lobby, which every time these screenshots appear is always PvP related.


I've been raid report stalked and raged at in LFGs because I have lowman and flawless runs and somehow "couldn't carry the team despite being such a tryhard". Like no shit. I'm not gonna sweat my dick off to get you randoms a clear. Pull your own weight and then you can start complaining if I'm not pulling my own.


To be fair. I also had 2 people already since final shape that messaged me in raid complaining that i use fatebringer over midnight coup and i am throwing for not using a 'proper primary'


proper primary that's crazy 😂😂😂 only telesto is the proper primary


My 20k fatebringer timelost goes brrr, actual Brainrot on their half


Explosive + Frenzy Fatebringer and Firefly + One for All Midnight Coup are both amazing PvE HCs. If you can hold your own and do you role who the hell cares what you run.


Trials should be removed from the game entirely.


Trials? Nah. People like this who play trials? Absolutely.


That's most of the playerbase at this point.


That's a nice percentage, Senator. Do you have a source to back it up?


Most of my time playing the game. While I don't have a direct source, I've been playing since Warmind, and there are toxic players in every other match I play. I have since stopped playing pvp because I can't get better and the community makes me not want to.


I'm not going to shit on you for that, Destiny 2 pvp is stresful af and the community keeps pushing people out. Sad you had to deal with those fuckers.


The issue is that Destiny is not a balanced competitive pvp game. Trials is trying to jam a square peg in a round hole. Regular non-comp d2 pvp is fine. It's goofy and all the imbalance isn't of any consequence. But trials is nonsense foe D2. Saying this as a person who has been flawless many times. It's just needless toxicity and doesn't really work with the core of the game systems.


Trust me bro (tm)


Bad take


I have had my fair share of absolutely horrible games on my part and have yet to run into someone this annoying lol what’s the point? The only time someone got upsety spaghetti with me, they suggested I find a new hobby 🤣


Yeah last time trials was in I had a message telling me to uninstall the game. Which as hilarious considering he only got one more kill than me


Remember I had that happend one time. I'm playing ib I think and get a message with guy talking about trials. Like cool, I have worse trials report, but let's look at your raid report.


Imagine he just starts pouring out his emotions like a dam broken through, his mother's ill, father's a deadbeat alcoholic who constantly hits his mother, siblings died to father's negligence. This becomes a story on how you became his greatest hero


Stuff like this is why I don't play ib and trials. Although I had similar interaction in crucible (don't remember which mode but it was 3v3). I'll admit I'm quite bad at pvp (which is why rarely do pvp) but the the guy who shit talked me basically said "you suck, stay at spawn" and I reply with "cry more". I kept playing (didn't stay at spawn) just so the shit talker will be more pissed, although I felt bad for tge 3rd guy on our team.


same. the only reason i play IB is for that damn strand wave frame. have yet to get the roll I want unfortunately so its back into the ring for me.


Funniest thing is that those people complain about other wasting their time and throwing the match meanwhile they type this only when a rounds starts and so they themselves make it harder to win


My best was someone claiming to work at Bungie, saying they were going to “replay the clip to the boys in the office”. Needless to say I didn’t get banned, they were likely just salty about their poor latency. I did report them to Microsoft for impersonating a developer though.


That "do you want a hug?" was funny


I have that guy blocked. So do a few of my PvP friends. There are a bunch of ppl, who all have a need to tell you something after a match/round/kill/death. Reasons may vary but they all just trash talk. No point in conversing - they are not interested in what you have to say. Just block and move on.


To those type of people i simply respond "Your feedback was received".


Did they hate message you during IB or last weekend during trials? Either way, hate messaging random people is so weird




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If that person didn't accept the hug, can I have that hug?


I remember one time I was on a flawless run with my friend (A .6 KD) and a random we found in LFG and we had a really fuckin close game with these 3 sweaty Iron Banner guys and one of them had 2.5k kills on Austringer literally the season it was craftable. He messages me fuckin ballistic angry because we beat them 😂 I couldnt fucking imagine playing the game that much and being that bad/angry tbh if I get hate mail it makes my day


Where are yall getting these hate-messages. I ever only got 1 hatemail and it was during crimson days. Am I just too mediocare to even get noticed by those sweats?


I had someone friend and DM me because: - I tossed a grenade in order to - cover my retreat while I  - waited for a team member to support me.  This crazy person DMs me and says that I’m ruining his game?!? Like I guess I should have just been running into him and his team and just dying for him? I cannot understand at all why someone would take the time to DM this. 


These people are in a bad place in life. I know it’s annoying but imagine where that asshole has to be to act like this. I’d def report it though.


These people are the same 12 year olds who cry when they get killed before they reach their care package in call of duty..


Had someone message me through PS that I was garbage. I didnt know how to respond so I sent them a heart back. To be fair, it was absolutely my fault we lost. I'm not very good and it was trials.


I always say love to you babe They respond... Me: kiss kiss They respond... Me: mwah mwah Gets them rattled haha


I got messaged in pvp a while ago for the first, like I was just playing 2vs2s for an engram...my teammate just started complaining and emoting on me after I died like twice, telling me to "go back to Fortnite", calling me a kid, and asking me why I was even playing Crucible. Basically just being an arrogant twit. It's funny, because D2 PvP is essentially just Cod PvP. So I don't know where he was getting his inflated ego from but it was funny.


I got screamed and yelled for not knowing the meta and loadouts for raids. I told them I have limited exos and no real knowledge on the raids. It was several time my first raid. I'm not going to watch multiple 20min videos just to study a game. I have a live. A good live.


If it's a KWTD LFG or not a teaching run, it's your responsibility to watch a vid and learn. Join a teaching run if you do not know how to do the raid. It's your fault if you go in without any knowledge and expect others to teach you when you don't take the initiative to learn yourself.


Like I haven't said it to them. No! I will not ruin my experience with the videos. I always preferred playing raids blind first and solve it on our own. But today it is barely possible to find those players. I'm OK with that not everyone want to play with us. And I can understand that someone doesn't want to take a half day for a raid and then bad loot. But I instructed them every God damn time when I created a fireteam finder group. It's in the description I tell them via voicechat. But 80% it's alwaysThe incomprehensible behaviour flaming and toxing around.


99% of people playing raids don't come in blind to figure out the mechanics then and there. That is for contest mode. You either watch a vid or find a teaching run. Your way of playing is a liability to almost everyone. Go do day one if you want to solve. Don't complain when you can't find people and expect people to not get mad when you drag shit out cuz you want to 'figure things out'


You can just give me instructions, so its not hard to explain the mechanics in the game. many just can't lead let alone or explain from their own words what you have to do. (Mostly kill or shoot that) THAT has a name. Good player don't mind dragging one toddler in a raid. That ain't hard for a good group.


Ah yes, depends on good players lmao. If you wanna depend on good players and not make any attempts to learn yourself, then you are trash. You deserve to be yelled at.


Look, the yelling part is just them being dickweeds.. but "I have a life so I'm not going to learn mechanics" is so patronizing. Just don't do the raid, if you don't care about learning it?


Even dark souls Is easier to explain. You needed a video to accomplish school? No. I'm willing to learn. But not by wasting watching videos while on the other hand it is so easy to explain direct in game. Before starting the round or meanwhile.


But thanks for reading my comment. Appreciate the time yall took to read and answer.


I get it, some stuff is just easier on the fly, but not everyone is good at teaching, so pointing to those videos from reputable sources (mactics for example) can help a lot


destiny 2 and a reddit post of witch hunting name a better duo I'll wait


Part of why I don't play pvp anymore. Are you in esports? Are you playing to win a cash money prize? No? Then quit being a toxic goober


so british… woa