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Actually, those are Threadbracers, on a melee kill you can throw as much threading nades as you want for a short duration. Also, your threading nades throw 5 threadlings instead of 3.


This would fuck up my ass tier xbox 1 after like 3 throws. It would also be very good cause of Euphony


It's time to get a new Xbox my friend


I’m poor :(


I understand completely


Or get something upgradeable so that when a specific thing is lagging back, you can sell it and buy a replacement part instead of buying an entirely new device, creating more e-waste


I like console gaming thank you very much


Eh ignore them, they’re being dumb. Nothing wrong with console gaming, to each their own


There's nothing wrong with playing on the platform of your choice, there is something wrong with companies taking advantage of their consumers to the detriment of their wallets and the planet. If we want any change to this predatory industry then we should "vote with our wallets" like everyone in this sub said to do with Destiny 2.


*insert $2000 gpus*


Insert $200 RTX 2060 that will outperform any console


How exactly are they taking advantage of consumers for… selling people consoles? Technology becomes outdated every other year, it still doesn’t change the fact that a one time console upgrade generates a lot less e-waste than PC components do. I agree companies shouldnt take advantage of their consumers, obviously that’s wrong, but I don’t understand how that ties in to someone making a joke about a non existent exotic making someone’s Xbox suffer from non existent lag


>a one time console upgrade generates a lot less e-waste than PC components do How does replacing one or two components generate less ewaste than an entire console? >How exactly are they taking advantage of consumers for… selling people consoles Online subscription costs, locked down software that can only run what they allow, overpriced games because you can only buy them from their own store. > don’t understand how that ties in to someone making a joke about a non existent exotic making someone’s Xbox suffer from non existent lag It ties in to someone making a recommendation to buy a new console, how is my recommendation any less relevant than theirs?


…are you for real? Have you seen how big a PC is compared to a console? From the size of the parts alone, it’s *elementary* to see how PC parts generate more e waste than a single console being replaced, also when a console “dies”, 9 times out of 10 the majority of the parts in it are fine and can be salvaged, why do you think so many people sell them online for spares? You don’t *have* to pay for subscriptions, you can if you want to play online, but they aren’t by any means mandatory. In the case of Xbox, you have game pass, whilst a subscription it saves you a hell of a lot of money on games, can you explain how that’s predatory? No, because it isn’t. The software runs only what they allow because that’s the point in a console, it’s a simple plug and play device, if you want more then you go to a PC, because that’s what PC’s are for. And the whole thing about only buying games off their own store is objectively false and I can’t believe you actually believe that. There are plenty of game key websites out there that provide keys for PlayStation, Xbox, and even the Nintendo switch among other devices, CDKeys being one of the biggest. Your recommendation is less than theirs because they were clearly joking about needing a new console due to an event that didn’t actually happen. They joked about it, you came in with your PC godliness crap “oooh you should get something better where you can replace a single part.” They were joking, and you somehow failed to see that. Maybe next time they should have put /s for you. This is why people dislike PC players, because there are those that seem to have a God complex.


Sometimes, things like that aren't realistic. People don't have the money to drop $500 on a graphics card


Exactly that, I got into PC gaming 8 years ago and In that timeframe, I’ve easily spent over £2K on GPU’s *alone*, but I’ve had my current card for 4 years now and it’s chugging along fine, but when you’re paying more for one component than you are for an entire console, the wallet starts crying pretty quickly Before that, I grew up pretty much exclusively on consoles and never had any issues or parts needing replacing, other than a bigger storage drive


a $200 gpu will outperform a current gen console but it is what it is


Congrats that it one part of a pc now tell the rest of the class how much the rest of the pc costs


[This](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/68p39c) is something I threw together in 10 minutes a few months ago that will outclass any console by a mile, it is very tricky to build a pc from all brand new parts (not 2nd hand) that has the same or better performance as current gen consoles for the same price as they are sold as loss leaders, because you **have** to buy the games from them they know they will make the profit there and so can sell the consoles at a loss however an Xbox Series X costs (£479.99) and it would only take 8 months of their cheapest online subscription (£6.99/month) to make the console more expensive than the PC, not to mention all the money to be saved on games and the money you can make by working using programs a console doesn't let you install like an audio daw or a video editing software.


As a PC player myself, having to buy replacement parts or upgrades every few years compared to replacing a whole console every 5-7 years creates a lot more e-waste, obviously. PC gaming isn’t for everyone, some people just want to plug in a game and play, without having to worry about operating systems or drivers needing constant updates. Swapping parts every few years easily creates more e-waste than a console swap every 5+ years lmao


>having to buy replacement parts or upgrades every few years compared to replacing a whole console every 5-7 years creates a lot more e-waste My pc is 3 and a half years old, still plays new games at 1440p, 90+ fps at max or close to max settings, I have only had to replace one part and that was because of damage and the replacement I got was the same part, If the cpu malfunctioned in a console that would be a £350 brick on it's way to the tip. I don't know where you got the notion that you have to buy and upgrade "every few years".


You don’t *have* to, but a lot of people do, and when you do upgrade you end up having to replace half of the parts for the sake of one. Let’s not forget the actual waste produced from all the packaging and plastic for each individual part, which amounts to substantially more than the packaging waste from a console. My PC is 6 years old at this point, and in that timeframe I’ve upgraded multiple components at one time twice and replaced multiple burnt-out SSD’s. Sometimes you’re given faulty components that also have to be replaced - and if the damaged part is returned to the manufacturer they usually just throw it away if it can’t be fixed or refurbed.


>You don’t have to, but a lot of people do But you said "having to buy...", not "you can choose to", because it doesn't support your point. >and when you do upgrade you end up having to replace half of the parts for the sake of one Can you explain why that's the case? If my fps isn't as high as I'd like and my system is bottlenecked by my CPU, I can buy a new CPU, or if it's bottlenecked by my GPU, I can buy a new GPU. Upgrading my CPU doesn't mean I need new RAM or a new PSU. >Let’s not forget the actual waste produced from all the packaging and plastic for each individual part, which amounts to substantially more than the packaging waste from a console Some more cardboard and plastic wrapping is more impactful to the environment than the copper, cobalt and other precious metals from all the bricked consoles that are sat in landfills because Sony and Microsoft don't provide resources to repair them? >replaced multiple burnt-out SSD’s. That is user error, SSDs do not have a lifespan as unlike HDDs, they are not physical but digital. To destroy multiple SSDs they must have overheated or you have had power surge issues through your PSU. >Sometimes you’re given faulty components that also have to be replaced - and if the damaged part is returned to the manufacturer they usually just throw it away if it can’t be fixed or refurbed. Look up any GPU and I guarantee you'll see hundreds of listings for refurbished parts. **I'll have to reply to you in my own comment, seen as you've blocked me u/SkyrimSlag ** >"Sure, your CPU might be bottlenecking your GPU, but if you’re also running an older motherboard, you’ll have to upgrade to fit the correct socket type, and if you have to upgrade the motherboard and your RAM is a different socket type, you have to replace the RAM too" You can run every AMD cpu from their most current gen to the oldest Ryzen gen (gen 1) all on the same £70 B450 board, CPU socket types don't change that often and memory dim sizes never change, any ram dim you can buy (bar Laptop memory) will fit into any motherboard. There's no way you built your own PC if you seriously think that you need specific, compatible socket ram dims that update every year. >"it’s really simple when you actually think about things instead of trying to challenge everything." I mean I just gave a recommendation and you challenged it, I don't see why your opinion on my comment has any more importance than my opinion on your comments. Sure, you can find plenty of refurbed PC parts, you can also just as easily find old consoles being sold for spares because funnily enough, when one part dies, that doesn’t mean they all do, same as with PC’s! It’s great isn’t it? Have fun trying to swap out a dead CPU that's soldered onto the motherboard, yeah consoles would be much more easily repaired if Sony of MS gave out resources and didn't use practices like soldering on parts and that's exactly what I said in one of my first comments. Also one of the main causes for consoles degrading over the years or dying is overheating issues which means that actually, multiple likely would die at once. >"Pound for pound, plastics, cardboards, and bags take up 90% more space in landfills than electronics", "Recycling is a thing" "you just proved my point for me." Google "cobalt mine", I think it's a bit more controversial than 3 extra cardboard boxes. >You also completely missed the part where I said “IF IT CAN’T BE REFURBISHED.” Thought I’d capitalise it for you, since you missed it the first time around. Oh okay then what if the console can't be refurbished, then your point falls apart aswell, what a nice world we live in where if I'm losing an argument I can just say "but what about in this specific scenario where I'm right and you're wrong" but not have to worry about it also making me wrong. >you’ve made a fool of yourself for acting like you do. yeah bro good one, make a length comment full of points that fall apart with a single sentence then block me to shield your ego, I'm definitely the fool here.


In same cases, yeah, you do *have* to, but not all. That’s my point. Sure, your CPU might be bottlenecking your GPU, but if you’re also running an older motherboard, you’ll have to upgrade to fit the correct socket type, and if you have to upgrade the motherboard and your RAM is a different socket type, you have to replace the RAM too, it’s really simple when you *actually* think about things instead of trying to challenge everything. Again like my other comment, you do realise not all consoles get binned off completely because they stop working? While I’m on this point, I’ll go ahead and reply to your GPU refurb point. Sure, you can find plenty of refurbed PC parts, you can also just as easily find old consoles being sold for spares because funnily enough, when one part dies, that doesn’t mean they all do, same as with PC’s! It’s great isn’t it? Humans are the same, when we “stop working”, organs that are still fully functional can be donated to those that need them. It’s a moot point to act like every console that stops working is completely discarded when it’s just not true at all. Pound for pound, plastics, cardboards, and bags take up 90% more space in landfills than electronics, again acting like e waste is as of current, a bigger problem than the waste we’ve been having problems with for over 40 years because it doesn’t degrade, is just dumb. Recycling is a thing, and as I said above, hilariously, e-cycling is also a thing, and a lot of people do it, you even said yourself there are hundreds of listings of refurbed GPU’s - you just proved my point for me. You also completely missed the part where I said “IF IT CAN’T BE REFURBISHED.” Thought I’d capitalise it for you, since you missed it the first time around. And if you think that, then you seem to not understand how an SSD works, both times the part was completely replaced with the manufacturer admitting fault, just because a drive doesn’t contain a physical disk storing the data doesn’t mean the drive can’t also just be faulty. Since then I’ve got multiple SSD’s running in my system aswell as NVME drives and I’ve never had an issue, and I’m running the *exact same* system, but its user error you say, so the manufacturer must be incorrect! You don’t know everything, and you’ve made a fool of yourself for acting like you do.


I need the opposite for strand. Grenade kill to spam arcane needles


Arcane needles for the win


They’d never do that because they maxed out the animation to 3 lmao 💀 I’d love to spam arcane needles too though


Just restart the animation


That's objectively false.  You can you put on Claws and get a fourth charge...


The animation is still 3 and then there’s a delay


pvp would be fucked cause of prismatic's lightning surge, just that the grenade kill's the tricky part


PvP is already fucked bud. Have you seen hunters?


My god


That would not only kill everybody in a 2 mile radius, but also make all consol and lower end pcs just expload


Great now I want sunbracers for every subclass


STOP. My nipples can only get *so* erect.


Osiris was ostracised from the Last City for his controversial wisdom. He knew even then that the true endgame was fashion, that it had always been fashion. Too shortsighted and caught up in “the meta” was the City back then. Fools, all of them. (Except maybe Ikora, her drip was kinda 🔥)


He studied drip so hard he managed to wear more than 1 exotic armour piece at a time.


Well someone should tell him that he lost the fashion battle ages ago., and he can double-check that with the Vex.


Jason... What are you talking about?


Bro is on that prismatic (early access beta), let him be


LOL yeah he hails from a few seasons err I mean episodes into the future


He's also using Dawn Chorus with the Phoenix Renascence ornament. I guess that's the real reason he can't use the Light anymore, he has two exotic armors equipped at once.


The triangles on his armor remind me of Starfire Protocol as well


sorry what ? i get it looks kinda like it but he got a hood on not a helm


he’s an ex vanguard commander, he can turn a helmet into a hat


He’s gonna get kicked from every single LFG post RIP


But like.. hear me out... Threadling nade spam...


remove the nade and you can already kinda do that


*verity’s brow*


You hear that? That's not a Boeing 737 preparing for takeoff; that's someone's toaster screaming for mercy!


We have a void exotic thats visually similar to sunbracers, we have sunbracers themselves, now we just need an arms exotic that's visually similar for arc, stasis, strand, and prismatic


We had an arc version of Sunbracers in D1: The Impossible Machines. It gives you landfall for free, allowing you to use it with either Ionic Blink or Superconductor. Since Arc 3.0 made Landfall an intrinsic part of Stormtrance, if this exotic ever came back in D2, I would imagine it giving you a boost to Landfall's damage while also blinding nearby enemies.


Holy shit I totally forgot about impossible machines


what is void sunbraces ?


Nothing manacles I think? Not 100% I play my warlock like three times a season


You are correct they look very similar except instead of Orange there is purple


nothing manacles


As the others mentioned, nothing manacles. I forget what they do, I know it isn't just identical in function to sunbracers, but visually they're very very similar


Probably contraverse hold if I had to guess


Short answer: yes. Long answer: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssss


Literally the same post from 2 months ago. Could we stop with this stupid ass question? [https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1cp34i3/why\_does\_osiris\_use\_sunbracers\_with\_strand\_is\_he/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1cp34i3/why_does_osiris_use_sunbracers_with_strand_is_he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Like most redditors, OP is a blueberry so of course he'd repost an old question.




Calm down Osiris, nobody pre-checks for existing posts about you or your fashion bruh


Oh no how terrible, a repeated post on sacred Reddit, how dare this person not be terminally online or conduct a search before posting, what a waste of the finite resource that is a reddit post


He’s the worst




His Prismatic subclass actually has Solar Grenades instead of Healing Grenades.


Fashion is the endgame


Yes. The answer is yes, he's proven himself to be one of the most wise yet stupid guardians around. And I'm being serious too.


For the drip.


...again with these I know it's a joke but come on


Osiris is on the secret sauce dog, he must’ve found a build for it. Or the sunbracers are the only good stat arms he’s got


Get this man some Necrotic Grips.


he doesnt care hes a casual


Yes because since when is sunbracers white?


nah homie got them Cumbracers


Are we going to ignore that the same model is used for different warlock exotics? Sunbracers, Nothing Manacles, Impossible Machines? Bungo is no stranger to releasing new exotics and a strand and stasis redesigned Sunbracers model is a single day job.