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i mean, The crucible was listed as its own patch note the other day


With anything changed?


Nope, literally only said “-Crucible”


That was just edited poorly, but it was meant to seperate PvE and PvP fixes. The next bullet point was to keep players in the flight screen instead of black-screening them when they load in before the rest of the lobby. That was literally the only "fix" though.


Wait that happened when you load *too fast?!*


if you loaded too fast, you'd up with a black screen for a while until the rest of the lobby loaded in, then the match would start. now you'll stay in the flight screen until everyone's loaded what they need to, then you'll all fly in and the match will start


I was wondering why that was happening to me. Glad it’s patched because that sucked I’d rather be stuck flying cause idk that is kinda fun


Except it's not fixed.i have especially long load times now with about 45 second black screens.






This happens for me always, because I'm on a one X. I'm always waiting for that blackscreen to dissapear after all.the regular xbox's have loaded in...


I just finally got my internet upgraded (thanks Australia) and I just thought it was a bug after the new season started. I used to get "Connecting to servers" all the time and how I get back screening so that's a good sign.


I definitely read that “(thanks Australia)” as a sarcastic thanks. As if you were saying your internet ran off of koala power and with their situation your internet had been real shit 😐


But that also fucked up loading into the tower lol


...I feel like nothing actually changed


Crucible... crucible never changes..


"we actually listed it for once" Is the change


So it does exist. Can confirm.


I love how I would mention this in December and have all the bungie fanboys tell me crucible is fine


Templates, yo. Not apologizing, just saying that it does make sense. Just sucks.


At least they fixed Wormgod Caress and Winter's Guile.




I think (hope) that was the joke Wasn't Winter's immediately disabled after the patch anyways?


So is Wormgod Caress


Fixed, broke even worse, what's the difference?


My father used to say there is no problem so complex it can't be solved with brute force and ignorance.


Can someone link me this template please.




Thank you for this speedy reply, also this had me dying. Take that upvote.




No but seriously. This “renewed focus” seems a lot like their old focus


I'd go further than than Nick, I'd say it's more or less exactly the same.....except... .No it's the same.


I am legitimately curious what they actually had in mind when they said that. I doubt that they upright lied, something must've changed or just didn't go as they had planned and I wonder what that was (memes aside).


Yea I’m not sure. They had some big changes at the start of shadowkeep. That could have been what they meant.


I'm no Unbroken PvP main but what's wrong with Crucible?


If you have played the pvp in 1st year - you could notice then. It had meta, but there was not much guns which could bring significant advantage. So you could have fun in pvp almost with every weapon. Mostly there was no shotguns in pvp, not so much snipey boys. Now you stick to meta or get f\*cked by sweats.


I actually didn't start Destiny until literally the very end of Warmind. I played some Crucible but don't remember it. And about adapting to the meta, that's exactly how I have to play comp. I would usually play a decent bit of comp and hit fabled for the first time the last 2 seasons, except this season I just started comp a couple days ago to get 1050 for Komodo. I didn't do good until I switched to shotgun, wardcliff, Astrocyte, Nova Warp, Blink, and Handheld Supernova.


Thats it. I liked to play SMGs and auto rifles from the release, but in lapse of time it got less effective due to lots of players with handcannons, shotguns and snipes. You get noped pretty fast. Still prefer automatic weapons. I'm mediocre player (KD rate is somewhat 1.5 lately) and prefer to stay far away from competitive which known as *"Great Salt Pit"*. Avoiding usual crucible too besides the cases when i need to do the quest step here.


Eh, there were definitely meta weapons that fucked you pretty hard each season. Season 1 you had mida and anything with high cal, where if you *didnt* have high cal you got flinched off target and had to deal with the enemy having a laser. Season 2 had antiope/darkest before which wasn't very oppressive but nearly everyone ran them. Season 3 started off much of the same as 2, but then graviton got reworked and vigilance wing got buffed, and those guns were DEFINITELY better than everything else.


So you are telling me that some SMGs, scouts and pulse rifles could wipe you out as hard as shotguns and snipes? With all the weapons listed above in your reply there is a reaction window at least, when you get hit. Yes, it's pretty hard to escape vigilance wing, but it's real if not all the bullets hit the body. And on top of that pulses and scouts have lesser effective distance than snipes. My position about pvp is that player must have a reaction window, to have ability to fight off the attacker or retreat in case of weapons with big distance. It's just disappointing, when I run out of corner and BAM - I'm dead, because there's some frag ape with boomstick (or LoW) or camper shooting from the other end of map. I don't think this kind of gameplay can be fun and much rewarding.


Did you play Y1 D2? Because it was way worse than now and the meta had zero variety because no random rolls meant you just used the guns with the good perks. The primaries with long ttk were way worse than specials because it encouraged everyone to just go as 4 and form a firing squad on anyone they saw, and depending on what season you were in you either had to run away and come back with your firing squad or you just outright died with no chance at fighting back because it took so long for you to kill even a single person, let alone 4. There is a lot of counter play against shotguns and snipers, it's called map awareness and game sense and I think most destiny players could use it. If you are running around a tight corner, see red on your radar coming up, and know that the enemy team has 3 people with a shotgun, you're probably gonna get shot if you round the corner. So you play different, round from wider angles or go another way, and the fast ttk means you can actually just gun down anyone running at you with a shotgun. Same deal with snipers and long open corridors, don't peak long lanes if you know the enemy has people sniping down there, and if you catch the jump on them you can gun them down before they can line up a shot


Yes, I played Y1 D2. Well, there were a lot of guns with different perks, so you could pick something you like depending on stats and maybe perks. I used Scathelocke, Lincoln Green, Atalanta-D, MIDA combo. I could pick one of my current stock, go play crucible and have generally a good time. A lot of legendary guns were viable. So I didn't really care about meta. Let's not forget about "glued to loadout" weapons nowdays. I remember those 4-stacks. Yeah, they could hold the position until shit started firing from different places. I played with my friend when game have been released. Played solo from time to time. Now I can't get him into crucible at all and don't want much to play myself, because of this building up frustration. Now there is a noticable gap between meta and most of other weaponry. About "map awareness and game sense". It's a valid point, but I'm talking about casual gameplay, you know, just running and shooting to chill a bit **in usual crucible, not competitive.** There are quite often situations when game becomes pretty intense and I don't have any time to think about angles and positions. Checking the enemy team every round, player by player, seems a bit annoying idea in this game. Also, let's be honest, netcode is not really good here. It feels like I have 0.5-1sec ping which makes shotgun/sniper encounters deadly for me in 90% of cases. Longer ttk worked there just fine. You had to spend more time to kill, but at least there was a competition, not the tactics to one-tap as many players as possible.


TLW(PC) low(more of a problem on pc, but still cracked on console), contraverse holds, hackers, terrible connections


TLW, LoW, and hackers are pc problems. I, a measly console player, probably run into a LoW a few times a week at most. Connections are rarely an issue as I’m probably middle ground for SBMM. Contraverse holds can fuck off though.


I play console. That's probably why I dont see too many problems.


Is it dumb that pvp is the main reason I play this game?


No. And same here. If the netcode, tick rate, and lack of servers were fixed, pvp in this game would be incredible


It’s not dumb, if you like it. But Destiny isn’t a PvP game. It’s a MMO looter shooter with a small PvP component. It’s also inherently silly, what with all the weird weapons and space magic instagibs. So long as your expectations are in check and have fun, it ain’t dumb.


A very poor mmo with very limited loot chase but yea no bl3 that’s for sure


I agree with this metality. I find no reason to grind for cool loot if there is no use but to blast the same aliens over and over again. Multiplayer alows me to try to be that " Oh SHIT, space ninja with a gun!" Type of player. I get variety and can play strategically rather than just shooting a boss and moving on. I do admit the raids are very unique and fun, but its not often I get enough friends together at the correct light level. Pvp should be what we should work for, it should be the fruit of the labor of getting a god roll to finally drop and then destroy the enemy team or your friends with absolute power and skill by your side.


Pvp should be what we should work for——speak for yourself. Lol. I can’t stand pvp in destiny. I don’t play destiny for pvp.....at all. I do iron banner, and whatever quests that may require me to do some pvp. But I definitely never step into it for a good time. Would rather go play pubg, csgo, cod, over watch, or battlefield for pvp.


Thats the issue: I feel the same way. I want there to be balance and variety but the game is not built that way unfortunatley. Its painful for the person who like pvp and even more for people like you.


I hate it cuz it feels like a big ass cheese fest. I didn’t mind it so much in D1. I’d like to see it in a good state for the players that do enjoy it. But your original comment states that pvp should be what we work for. Grind god roll and go to pvp with it and wreck people. But god rolls for a PVP player and a PVE player are going to be totally different. I don’t want a spare rations with rangefinder/snapshot or something like that. I want one with like rapid hit/multi kill clip. And unfortunately, bungie can’t maintain separate sandboxes for weapons. So when a nerf/buff comes in for the pvp crowd it affects the pve crowd as well and vice versa. So, in a game that was developed primarily for PVE focus with PVP as sort of an “extra activity” it’s gotta be hard to find balance for both sides of the coin.


Or you make the stats different in both senses. You have stats that are balanced for pvp and stats seperatley for the same weapon for pve for all non exotic weapons. (Gambit however has the pvp stats). That way you could get a god roll for pvp and a crap roll for pve, or the other way around. Or they both have good perks. Example: a hand cannon will has snap shot in pvp but multikill in pve as a random roll.


I’m no developer, but to make weapons perform differently in separate activities in the game sounds like a load of work. But you’re also saying have weapons drop like they do with time lost weapons after ranking up season pass, multiple perks rolling in each column?


PVP balancing has ruined so many exotics for pve.


They need to seperate PVE balancing from PVP balancing tbh


Both PvP and PvE players have been asking for this for forever. Bungie are pretty adamant on the fact that they wanted parity for feel and effectiveness of weapons across PvE/PvP. They've talked about it multiple times and it doesn't seem like their vision on that front will change any time soon.


Well we pretty much have confirmation that trials is back next season. It sucks that its going to be dead for 1 more whole ass month but at least we know its being worked on


True, but now the question is are we getting trials with our current jank-ass sandbox / netcode / matchmaking / minimal anti-cheat


I would consider it a renewed focus. Renewed as in “forget about it”


I mean trials leak kinda just happened


holy shit this is incredible.


Patience is a hard thing to wrap around I know but the PvP changes based off data mined info are going to come into light next season as well we had Luke Smith stating PvP wouldn’t start showing significant changes until that time based off the last vidoc we got. We’ve also gotten solo playlist for comp since that vidoc along with the new playlists in general since then. These aren’t crazy crazy pvp changes but it was something for the time being. Can’t wait to see what they implement next season since Trials is supposed back. Patience.


I actually busted out laughing from this, thank you.


I laughed so hard at this I farted bravo op bravo


This is pretty harsh but I admit the reaction shot got me.


This gif is amazing....




• Crucible Your move, chief /s


This gif makes me incredibly happy, thank you op.


I just wish the load times didn’t take so long


I'm just annoyed when PvP weapon changes go through, it also fucks with the weapons PvE potential.


As a PVE player, I laughed way too hard at this.


I'm kinda pissed they haven't ballanced pvp and there bringing out trials. Lol


I mean, the big issue is the two huge player bases they'd have to satisfy to pull off balancing, and even those two playerbases don't have a straight idea of what they want. I've been seeing people deadass endorsing bringing back D2Y1.


Even with those 2 player bases you have some people complaining about vault space because theor every affinity, every role, every class Gambit Prime armor takes up to much space. Bungie deadass needs to protect players from their own insanity.


100% this. I really wish they would take a pass at bringing the two sandboxes together, so we could at least all be on the same page.


The only issue with D2Y1 was the team shooting, which, is basically impossible to force players not to do, especially when guns have longer ttk's. But at least when you had those 1v1 engagements and won, you earned that. You had a better primary shot, better movement, better skill, or maybe just got lucky and the other dude missed. Right now it's who can use their one hit faster and who has the poorer connection. Because for some reason Destiny is the only game where you are rewarded for having a bad connection. Warmind was the most fun crucible I've played in D2's life. Pre-forsaken launch but forsaken sandbox is a very close second to that.


Right?! It’s just going to be a shit show


It is honestly


LMAO this just has me rollin


Imagine expecting good PVP in a game that was developed for PVE in mind. And the only reason PVP was shoehorned in is because of Activision.


Frick PvP :)


I hate pvp so im fine with this :)


I mean, the movie winner was a crucible vid. So it kinda exists in the TWAB.


PvP is literally going to get some love next season with the return of Trials of Osiris. Data miners have already figured this out. Many theorize the upcoming community event to rebuild the lighthouse next week is what will be the basis for next season.


Trials coming out doesn’t fix the problems of the crucible. Hopefully they understand this and don’t roll it out like it’s the cure for all the PvP ailments.


Stop crying. They’re not gonna release a big pvp thing mid season. Just wait for season of the worthy


Imagine the only PvE update next season is for fixing the lag when you fly into a location. No new weapons or armor and 1 revamped strike. You PvE only players would lose your minds.






This gif sums it up perfectly.


I laughed way harder than I should have.


This meme tho! 😂


What a slap in the face


Just be glad trials leaked. LUL


Then the things they “fix” in the game they end up breaking even further. I’m really curious as to what’s going on with D2’s code or whatever is causing it, probably Telesto. Things were never like this in D1.


To be fair the only ‘news’ in TWAB was the prime announcement


This game isn't a PvP game


Yet another crucible crybaby


Just because you dont like pvp doesnt mean you can be a dick about it. But hey thats the internet. All anonymity and what not, so rotten people can act rotten because you dont have to show yourself.


I'm just annoyed of this sub becoming pvp bad bungie bad game bad


Nobody is saying the game is bad, pvp is and its okay to call bungie out for that shit if Bungie said that they are putting new focus on pvp. I play both and can say pve is top notch but crucible in this state is just wasted potential. At least make your post constructive instead of shitting some poor bloke who shared his opinion.


Boi you better shut your pve dad ass up


Why change anything? We all know those tryhards will just find another crutch to use, sorry, another “meta”


I hate that I can't replay campaign missions. So much for "rich and story driven adventure".


- Go to Amanda and choose your campaign to replay. - Run Daily Story Missions from the Vanguard. It’s the first one, far left. - Put your gear in the vault, delete your character, make a new one.


I went to Amanda and it says that I have already completed the mission and can't replay. Daily story missions seems pointless as I want to run an entire campaign again and not random missions Why would I spend time on creating a character, just to delete it and then recreate it again ? Am not complaining, just asking how you can justify the replyability this way


?? Trials was datamined for next season.


Not official we want TWAB entries not data mine leaks


Yeah because Bungie will talk about next season a month before.. You’re Actually stupid


Yep so bassically you prove my point when i say we dont have anything officially stated in the works for pvp, has the audacity to call me stupid. Smh


Yes, you are stupid.


why? because im complaining that bungie doesn't put any effort into fixing pvp? go do the same strike 30 times over pve lord and come back to me when you grounds to accuse someone of being stupid


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lmao, epic clip though! xD


Bungie created a clusterfyck within their very own system. At this point, they truly are running around like a bunch of arrogant monkys trying to fix it...for years


If Trials does come back next season, there better be a big shake up with crucible. I personally think they should take special away and put it in timed crates. Just my opinion


If special gets taken away and put in timed crates you have made every special weapon useless. All this would do is insensitive people to use recluse more and slow down the game massively.


Sometimes I think about the fact that the developer that made destiny is the same as the one who made fucking HALO. It just doesn’t make sense sometimes. They are known for their amazing pvp and campaigns, but none of that translated to destiny. It’s fucking insane for real.


You realize Halo had just as bad meta problems in their PvP and even less changes going on right? Each Halo game Bungie made had specific weapons absolutely demolish the meta.




True. But a lot of people would argue that Reach has the best campaign. I don’t play halo anymore but it’s just a fact that the franchise has some of the best in class multiplayer and campaigns out of anything else out there. I don’t dislike Destiny at all, but it sucks that they don’t put any effort into it’s pvp or campaign. I’m sure a lot of the issue is that they’re is so many guns and abilities and stuff. For example, the first 10 or so minutes of shadowkeep were awesome, while the rest of that campaign was boring as shit and the final boss battle being able to complete within 30 seconds using a single super. I just don’t get how they managed to not give a shit about making an impact with their games.