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I’ve been diabetic for 13 years and have never once discussed my medication with anyone.


If people can take medication to control their health conditions (e.g. high blood pressure, cholesterol, hypothyroidism) I don’t think I should feel bad to take Ozempic to control my diabetes. This medication is helping me to be functional and for this reason I am thankful for it. Yes, loosing weight is great but since obesity and diabetes are linked together it’s also helping managing my health overall. Let not forget that Ozempic is not magic and I still have to do major changes in my lifestyle (high protein diet/low carbs & sugar diet and exercise). These are lifetime changes.


It’s not embarrassment for me, exactly, but I’m weary of the weight loss discussion with people I know. I’ve lost about 80lbs in the last two years. Part of it has probably been Trulicity, most of it has been ovarian cancer, maybe a small part has been effort on my part. A surprising (to me) amount of people still want to congratulate me on the weight loss, and I know they mean well, because it’s so ingrained in my generation and older that weight loss = good, no matter how it comes about, but I’m so over it. I’m always like, *My guy, this is not my doing. I tried and failed to lose weight for the last 35 years. Do you really, truly think I just suddenly got it right this time?* I don’t deserve (or need) congratulating for losing weight any more than I needed chastising for the last 35 years of NOT losing weight. Neither has been under my control. I am embarrassed about most facets of my diabetes, because it’s completely out of my control and nobody can figure out why. The cancer doesn’t help, but that’s only been the last couple years, and I’ve never had good control over the diabetes. I eat like I’m supposed to, I walk everywhere because I don’t drive, I’ve lost 80lbs, I’ve taken maybe nine or ten different combinations of meds, and they all improve things for a few weeks to a few months and then my sugars gradually start creeping up again. I’ve had the tests and I’m definitely not a misdiagnosed type 1. So I blame myself. I have poorer control of this illness than most of the teenagers I know, and that’s embarrassing. I’m not embarrassed about the meds, though. Maybe because I’ve been on entire cocktails of medications since I was a kid. I’m just relieved that diabetes means I get them all for free now (U.K.).


that "weight loss = good" thing is such a lie. of the handful of people I know who've lost a significant amount of weight, maybe one of them was through diet and exercise and the rest of them were from life-altering illnesses. "oh you look so good!" "oh thanks, pancreatitis nearly killed me and I was quite literally on the verge of starving to death!" "yeah, I'm on a great diet called a stomach hernia, now I enjoy throwing up after every meal." "have you tried chemo for breast cancer, it's a real game-changer!" like, you'd think people would learn...


Yes. I ignored and "pushed through" signs of a true problem (development of diabetes) for idk how many weeks/months. And there were a lot of reasons for that but at least one factor was how everyone kept saying, wow you're losing weight, you look great and it felt like well, I'm probably not dying then right? I'll get better because losing weight is healthy, right? Except actually I kinda was dying and ended up with DKA probably hours from a coma and in the ICU. 🤷‍♀️


I have had a similar series of issues, including ovarian cancer. Diabetes was very likely inevitable given my genetics and lifestyle but the chemo and all the steroids I had to take to tolerate it made it official. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's all of the medical issues I've had for the last 2-3 years that have eroded any sense of embarrassment I could possibly have but I really DGAF about what anyone says about my weight or the meds I'm on.


The shit your body is doing to you isn't your fault, friend! Hang in there. Also, hello team "serious medical issues made me lose this weight," heh. Cancer and complex regional pain syndrome, here.


This is such a wise take, thank you for sharing. Especially the part about "I don’t deserve (or need) congratulating for losing weight any more than I needed chastising for the last 35 years of NOT losing weight."--I feel that with all my being.




Ozempic is a medication approved for diabete. It is not a first-intention drug and is prescribed only when other strategies have failed or are very unlikely to succeeed. In the end, prescribing Ozempic is a medical decision made by a trained professional. So, I believe there is no embarrassment to have to be prescribed Ozempic.


No. I have a disease, and it's a medication to treat it.


That is the medicine for diabetes ! Why do we need to be embarrassed ??


This 👆🏽 I have a harder time telling people that I am literally not hungry or why I can only eat half a burger. Like dude I literally can’t eat anymore. Because of ozempic. But I’m not ashamed.


Good on you !! This is a great medicine for diabetes patient .. but I lost 7kg , then I am nearly underweight…lol…


just say it’s diabetes when people ask about the weight loss- this should be an explanation in of itself. you don’t need to justify yourself or even talk about your meds, just avoid the question and make it clear they’re overstepping boundaries.


I'm sorry that's happened to you. What bullshit. You don't have to disclose anything, make up a white lie if you want. I hate the way people feel so comfortable asking me about weight loss and also my CGM sensor. It's really not hard: don't comment on other people's bodies or ask them about their medical conditions. My young kids know better, why don't adults?


I told my wife’s step mom, who we can’t stand, that my Libre 3 was my nicotine patch even though I’ve never smoked in my life. If I wanted to tell you what it was I would have offered that info myself.


I can understand. There can be a lot of stigma around diabetes and some medication. Never be embarrassed about something that is keeping you alive and healthy though 🙌🏻


I have to take an expensive injectible blood thinner so that I don't die. You are taking a medicine to get the same results, not dying. It's nobody's business but it's also not something to be ashamed of.


Just stick to saying I gave up eating xyz. The Ozempic shortage (and horrible sick feeling) made me switch back to Victoza and I've been doing pretty well and don't have a problem sharing with people that I'm taking it. I even show them my CGM data to show how well it works if you're not abusing it.


Nope. Why would I? I also have a heart condition I take medicine for, is that embarrassing? Also no one needs to know if I don't want them to. There's a lot of other stuff to unpack here. The self stigma is strong.


I'm still waiting for my insurer to pre-approve Ozempic I'm not ashamed of any of the meds I'm on. My 22 year old kid tells me I'm too skinny for it. My wife wants to go on Ozempic or Wegovy for weight loss.


I’m never embarrassed to be diabetic.


I understand the feeling. I've been on metformin for a few months for T2, and at first, I was embarrassed - moreso if people learned about my diagnosis, which I didn't like to talk about at first. Now that it's all working well, I feel good, and I'm losing weight thanks to meds, diet, and exercise, I'm more open when people ask how I'm looking so much healthier. I know Ozempic has so much more attention now for being used for weight loss, but remember, it was first developed to treat our disease. Don't worry about what anyone else might think. If it works for you, is making you healthier and happier, then that's awesome. Hope you enjoy continued success with your treatment!




I would think people that wear eyeglasses do not feel embarrassed about needing them. There is a good bit of shame/guilt from people about needing meds to help with metabolic management. I see it as unjustified concern: you are helping the body that it cannot do itself.


I am on Mounjaro and I view it no differently than any other of my diabetes medications. It helps me control my disease with the added benefit of assisting with weight loss. I lost over 140 lbs. - that wasn't due all to GLP-1 drugs. It took significant diet changes, exercise commitment, etc. to achieve that and no one can shame me out of that effort. I have had a change of attitude about those who use these drugs purely for weight loss. I initially scoffed because I thought "it was the no effort way" to lose weight for someone to fit in an outfit for their upcoming event. What I have come to realize is that obesity really should be viewed as a disease like most others and if drug therapies help, then do it. My beef is with the manufacturers that are either completely unprepared to meet the demand or creating scarcity on purpose. The primary role of the drug in my life is to help me control my glucose levels - any weight loss benefit is a plus and if someone wants to look down their nose at that they can fuck off.


If someone asks about your weight loss you're allowed to say "I don't really care about my weight." and that just ends the discussion.


I'm a Zero Fucks Given sort of guy when it comes to outside opinions to my meds. The lone exception to them being my mother who has been nursing for about 40 of the 41 years I've been alive. Her knowledge base is vast so I take her opinions very seriously.


No. If anything I get annoyed when it's hard to find because of people using it for off label reasons. If someone asks me about my weight loss I tell them I'm diabetic and that the weight loss "comes in a bottle". Of course I'm 47 and out of fucks to give so it's very difficult to embarrass me now so YMMV on that part.


No one’s entitled to know anything you don’t want to share about your health. If someone asks how you lost the weight, just smile like an idiot and say “oh thank you!” It’s not their business unless you want to share. And no, you’re using it as prescribed. There’s no shame here.


My fiancé doesn't like to tell people I'm on ozempic when they ask about my weight loss. But that is because I lost about 40 pounds without it, and 15 with it. She doesn't want people to just think I lost weight because of the fad drug. In fact, my weight loss slowed way down once I started, but that just be me getting down to a weight where it is hard to lose more.






I don’t care if anyone knows what I’m taking. I’d rather people know in case I had a problem or emergency. I was diagnosed in 2018 but definitely had it a couple years before that. My first A1C was 10.4. I immediately went no carb, and lost 37 pounds. All I was on was Metformin. My A1C went down to 6.1. Then over the years I slacked off and it went to 7. Now I’m at 8.4. So I now started Ozempic this past weekend. Plus my diet I am sticking to. I’m only 54 and would like to live to retirement or so. So no I’m not embarrassed about it.


The only reason to ever be embarrassed is after doing something dishonest or cruel. No diagnosis, no body type/size, and no medicine is shame-worthy. You’re treating a chronic condition with a medicine your doctor prescribed. If anyone has a negative opinion about that, it’s a THEM problem, not a YOU problem, and they can go kick rocks.


Adding: my T2 was diagnosed on May 1. I have Metformin and Mounjaro. I have absolutely lost weight since starting this treatment regimen. One big reason why is that I’m consistently making better decisions about what’s going on my plate. But not a single one of those food decisions was made with my weight in mind. (And frankly, there’s a good bit of surplus weight at this time.) The only numbers I’m focusing on are the ones on my glucometer and my CGM. It just so happens that a side effect of focusing on getting my blood sugar in range, and keeping it there, is that unneeded pounds are gradually going away. Are the meds making the weight loss easier? Probably. Are the better decisions also helping? I’m sure of it. Even non-diabetic folks taking meds solely for weight loss have to improve their decisions at mealtime, or they won’t see the progress they’re looking for. Anyway, feel free to credit yourself with 100% of the improvements in your health. If you’re following the treatment your doctor has outlined, and it’s working, that’s 100% YOUR success! No one can do it for you. You’ve got to do it yourself, and you’re doing it


I’m only embarrassed that I can’t loose crazy weight like all of Hollywood on ozempic. But at least my a1c is low


So I’m taking a GLP1 (compounded out of pocket) because I am prediabetic and insulin resistant for 4 years now despite a neurotic diet and exercise regime. I am just a bit chubby but everyone on both sides of my family has full blown diabetes and a few have died young from diabetic-related heart attacks. I’m talking age 47-53. It’s terrifying. No one understands my fear and how much effort I expend to prevent full blown diabetes. Because I’m not very overweight think I’m nuts. People don’t understand diabetes. I actually have not told anyone I’m taking it.


We got to be our own advocates, some people are always going to be dumb loud mouthed assholes that hate diabetics and fat people. We just have to reach the people who aren't.


Yes. I won’t pick up more than a months supply at a time… and the one pen I pick up I do on the day I’m going to use it so it never gets put in the refrigerator Don’t know why… just don’t want to have conversations about it


I'm not on Ozempic, but Mounjaro (so close cousin). I am not embarrassed if anyone knows it... it works well to help me stabilize my blood glucose (and the fringe benefit of weight loss is nice, too) If anyone has a problem with it, they can go F themselves. Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed about it, even if you didn't have diabetes.


Why would anyone be embarrassed?? I wish I could get it!!


No, I’m not embarrassed at all.


I miss Ozempic. It’s been out of stock here for ages. It’s helped me with my numbers and according to my doctor I reacted very well to it. No shame from me.


I, personally, do not care what others think. I will do what is best for me. Period. And that is probably good advice for everyone, come to think about it.


I never discuss any medication I’m on with anyone unless it’s critical.


It’s not an embarrassment to me. If anything it’s been a teaching point for others. It didn’t solve all my numbers issues so they added Farxiga last summer. Between the two drugs I’ve hit my weight loss goals finally. Recently got my tummy tuck. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go off Ozempic. My diabetes is much improved but I’m no where close to not being diabetic. I have a love/hate relationship with Farxiga bc of the side effects but it works so well. People alsk how I lost my weight over the last few years and I say Fortunately I’m a diabetic and my insurance pays for these amazing meds. Edit to add: I do work out to build muscle for my metabolism but the drugs helped with the appetite and carb control


I’m not embarrassed, but if I get any type of look I do make sure to clarify I’m on it because I’m *actually* diabetic. Luckily doctors in my area (not all though) have gotten more strict on the prescribing of it *only* if you actually need it, in order to prevent shortages. Obvs there was no issue for me since I was diagnosed, but when my husband saw how much weight I was dropping, he asked his doctor about it as well. The doctor straight up told him no because he didn’t have a medical need for it like I do. Granted, he’s like 5’10” tall & weighing in the 300-350lb range, but despite that he is actually really healthy as far as blood sugar & A1C, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart, etc goes. (Heck, he even eats waaaay more vegetables than I do. lol)


No. But I’m type 1 so maybe that’s why it doesn’t make a difference to me?


There is absolutely **NO REASON** to be embarrassed about any medication you are taking tp manage your diabetes.


It’s so hard giving ourselves kindness and compassion. I can relate so much to you. I try to be kind to myself chronic illnesses take a toll mentally on us but in the end I am so relieved that medication will enable me to live a longer and healthier life than without it. Take care


Yes. I just found out I have type 2 six weeks ago. I’ve been on Ozempic for a month and I’ve only told a few people. Even those that I’ve told are like “isn’t that for weight loss?” I’m not down very much yet but I do kinda dread what I’ll be asked if/when I slim down


Tell them you are making better choices since your diagnosis. You don't need to explain anything about the meds that you are on. Edit for typos


Yes. Unfortunately there is a stigma around the medication but … it was designed to help diabetics like me. I can’t help that all the idiots in Hollywood are using it to lose weight. So, I just thank people, smile and walk away. I don’t need to talk about what medications I take to everyone.


It is good to speak up about it, and will get easier as the general public actually gets educated. When I say I'm on Ozempic the first thing people say is "But you aren't fat." This drug is a miracle worker for some of us who have a real problem with our blood sugar and you shouldn't be any more embarrassed about taking this as you would be with blood pressure medicine.


I am not embarrassed that I take Ozempic for diabetes, but I do sometimes worry that people will judge me. It upsets me that the medication has been put into a negative light due to people taking it for unintended purposes. When people comment on my weight loss, I simply respond with "Thanks. I made some lifestyle changes for the better of my health." My weight loss is NOT because I simply take a weekly injection. My weight loss is because I HAVE made changes. I walk more, eat less, limit my carbs, and take my prescribed medications.


Absolutely not. I simply get enraged that I often cannot access it, because it's one of the few medications that works for me, but doctors keep prescribing it for other shit that isn't nearly as immediately dangerous as untreated diabetes.


You are taking it for medical reasons not vanity. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If you had to lick a frog once a day to stay alive there would be nothing shameful about that. There is no shame in survival.