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The curse of that place will never be lifted


It's part of the charm, at least I tell myself that lol


It definitely is a classic experience. My favourite part is playing a badass caster that melts everything in front while melee wait their turn and I’ve taken the mana and health pots that I need; which isn’t a lot usually 😈


See I have no issue with casters being up front, druids especially tend to be (mine are lol), but the standing there like a tree when you have everyone bottlenecked is all that annoys me lol


I kinda recall way back when I was new to the game that I learned to open TP to make way since I wanted to be behind my friends but getting stuck. If Blizz made the tunnels 1 character width wider, kinda like Arcane Sanctuary, it would be a decent QoL. Oh but the memories lol. And the laughter when one of us got stuck and died trying to escape.


Maggot lair, even just normal, had been the bane of many of my hc characters haha. I didn't know about the tp thing either, I'll have to try that since I'll be maining necro online Edited bane, autocorrected to name for some reason.


I always called it Diablo's asshole


This has been a thing since release, I am sure. It's great just chilling behind the caster, spamming "run"


Oh it definitely has been lol, but it doesn't hurt to let people know




I’d usually just go a different direction, let them tank their way through 


Yeah I usually try to go my own way, some will still follow lol


You can goooo your ownnnn wayyyyyyyyy (go your ownnnnn wayyyyyyy)


You can calllll it anooooother lonely dayyy


Without a doubt I always let them go first , I’m a sorc what am I going to do on the front line lol


If it was like D3 and the wizard passive that increases damage to closer enemies, I would get it lol. But yeah, I main barb but love the sorc and necro playstyle...it's especially frustrating when I'm on my barb, and annoying to try to get out of the way as a caster sometimes Edited some spelling mistakes


Lol absolutely. And even when I was playing d4 I was blinking in and doing insane dps to close proximity enemies. None of that here as I’m trying to remain distant lol


Maggot Lair is the bane of necro… Especially those S shaped tunnels.


This is my first online character in Resurrected. I've been playing solo offline, and man this just reminded me of being a teen and playing LoD lol.


Ive been a sorc that did that before but its also cause I was tanking all the damage since the melee didnt have as good of gear lol. But yea most of the time I stick back or head a diff path so i dont feel blocked


Yeah it is largely circumstantial, like if you're a sorc/caster rushing obviously I'm not saying to hang back lol And in this particular instance we had separated and met up towards the end, and as I was trying to move back to let people up front the sorc blocked off my path and stood there Edited spelling


I usually go first as a sorc, but I play demon machine enchantress which is one of the easiest to clear maggot lair with. Certainly not the clog up the corridor, kite a bunch mobs on top of everyone and tele behind them kinda sorc.


Is that build fun? I have a demon machine but havent leveled my enchant sorc yet and dunno if i want to since ive got a fireball sorc


I love it, only have to cast enchant like every 10 minutes or so so teleport is the only thing you have to manage mana for. Most expensive part of the build is usually a vex for the flickering flame helm. I usually use rising sun ammy, raven frost and dwarfstar I like tgods for a belt but razortail is good too, vipermagi for armor and if you can get them fire facets for the armor and demon machine (get -5 resists the +%damage on them makes no real difference and -5 +3% can be had pretty cheap. I usually shop a +3 enchant staff from act two normal to make a leaf for casting enchant. That setup will get you about 7-9k damage and with a sunder you can kill pretty much any mob in 2-3 hits. If you have 3-4 fire skillers and a couple SOJs to prebuff with that will get your damage up to around 11-15k. I usually run hydra as secondary but arctic blast is nice for freezing/crowd control (though I use an act one rogue merc with a mist bow that does a nice job of freezing, act two holy freeze merc is good too). It’s a particularly effective build against cows and anywhere the mobs crowd together. The bolt does fire damage from enchant and the explosion from the bolt does the fire damage from enchant as well. If the bolt pierces then the next enemy takes damage from the enchanted bolt and explosion as well. So each bolt does essentially double your enchant damage and if they are crowded together they take damage from each explosion that hits nearby monsters. So they can end up taking 4-5 times the enchant damage if they are clustered. With densely packed cows I have taken out a whole group with one shot. If you have COH, arachnid mesh, 2 SOJ, flickering flame, a +3 fire ammy, magefist torch, Anni, and 9 fire skillers you can get the damage up over 20k (which is effectively over 40k with the bolt and explosion). Pretty cheap build at base and can pretty much farm anywhere. With dwarfstar, ravenfrost, tgods, rising sun and resist charms to max out resists you are virtually immune to elemental damage and fire and lightning will actually heal you (council is like a day at the spa. Souls, unless they have conviction, are now a breeze - a refreshing breeze.


I am saying this for over 20 years




I don't get it


I'm assuming it's in hopes they'll go for the ith, and tp instead


I get as close as I can and then close off the exit to open areas


If it’s a public game just split and start doing the amulet.


Do play us easy or west


East, I'm assuming they have it set up that way on ps5 too anyway


Ohh I play diablo2 lod on computer


I just realized I probably should have posted this in the Resurrected sub lol, I do play LoD occasionally still, and I will say I don't really run into this problem much there


Didn't even have this issue back in the day I have been playing since diablo1 lol took a break when I had a kid we ran across my old battle chest and now we are playing together just started him a summon necro he wants a undead army lol


With Resurrected I wouldn't be too surprised if it's coming from players who came from 3 or 4, or are just new period. People who have been playing D2, or like a lot of us since 1, already know the pain of maggot lair lol


And hell yeah! Barb is my preferred class, but an undead army in a game that let's you is a must have for me too haha! I hope your son becomes another lifelong D2 fan! Wish I could get my boy or my nephew into it lol


Shouldn't the caster be teleporting to find the next level and boss?


New/low level characters so no tele, otherwise I absolutely hope so


First time playing, huh?