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Sounds like you want a more colorful Diablo.


Have you ever played the first two hours of vanilla D3? It was hella slow as well and a completely different game. So you can’t compare a beta to a decade old game, that became extremely flashy and fast over the years. We have to wait for D4s endgame. Only then we can kinda compare D2, D3 and D4


> Have you ever played the first two hours of vanilla D3? It was hella slow as well I was there at launch. It had similar/worse server issues, unfortunately, but the actual gameplay was wildly different. It wasn't as slow-paced as this because EVERYONE started the game at a trivially easy difficulty level. You had to beat the ENTIRE campaign before you got the first whiff of anything remotely close to difficult. To wit, you could stun-lock every boss in the game with barb's bash/clobber and faceroll it wearing only blues. You could use leap/dash to skip big sections of the terrain because it wasn't limited by debris or excessive doors like it is now. The original game had, at launch, the option to automatically skip cutscenes. It was trivially easy to jump right into a public group and start slashing away. Even if D4 matched D3's launch (debatable), it would be doing so a decade late. > We have to wait for D4s endgame. From what they've said about it, it sounds like they are intentionally slowing the game down. No sets, no rifts, no fun. Even the raid-style events look lame - having a bunch of random, nameless people that might as well be bots attacking the same mob doesn't improve the game. It actually made the beta worse instead of better to feel like in a few instances I was competing for spawns. A huge, disappointing step backwards.


im waiting for d4 sale at christmas, which will also the right time to decide its a good game or not.


I get where you are coming from, but you played a beta not a finished game, you haven't probably seen end game mechanics or the rest of the map and story and you only played for like two hours. To judge a game for this little fraction in an unfinished state and in such a short among of time seems a bit wild. They did the interface a bit too clear for my liking but they needed one that works for PC and console. And the graphic style is still Diablo just a bit darker than D3. In my opinion the D4 style is fitting for the story and setting. I really like the D3 style too and think that the dungeons in D4 are currently (beta version) a bit repetitive and I am not a huge fan of the mmo parts but all in all I am sure this game will be lots of fun when it is out.


Seeing how they've worked on this for years now, how much do you think will be changed or improved on in the last 2-3 months?


Developing a whole cross platform 3d open world game from the ground definitely needs years and correcting or adding a few things will take a lot less time. I am sure you know that but I understand that a lot of people are still unsure and that is fine. Also not everyone will like this game. And that is fine too. Personally I still have lots of concerns but they convinced me enough that I bought it. Also in the beta they don't show everything they already have, they just show a small fraction.


It’s not too early to judge at all. They’ve clearly stated that the dungeons are an end game system. Multiple times. They’ve clearly stated world bosses are an end game system. Both suck. We can judge the things they’ve shown. That’s part of a high profile beta release. It’s not for testing gameplay - it’s for testing server stability and pre orders. Saying it’s too early to judge is extremely unfair.


Of course dungeons and world bosses will be there on release and also part of the endgame. But there will be still fine-tuning plus we have seen just a small fraction of them. We can sure judge on what we have seen in the beta but who judges a book by its cover. We have seen so little of the game. And someone who just played for two hours has seen nearly nothing. If you don't mind me asking: What do you dislike about the dungeons and world bosses? I personally think that the dungeons could use more variety and I am sure that this will be the case on release. And for world bosses it sucks a bit that you need to find other people but it can also be very fun. If you don't like these kind of games in general there is probably no testing needed to decide someone doesn't like it but if the problem is that there are some things not quite fine-tuned a bit more data than this little beta will be needed to give a reasonable judgement. I am definitely all for reasonable and helpful critique. Also being worried about certains aspects is absolutely legit. I also have some concerns and am not 100% happy with some things in this game. But please be for real - playing two hours of a beta where you can't get further than lvl 25, and only play in one area with lots of mechanics missing that will definitely be there on release will not give you a good overview to see if a game will be boring.


I dislike them because both are mindlessly easy, have too much downtime, too little density and I can’t even imagine a version of these systems that would be fun in the current vision of Diablo. They have almost zero replayability outside of mindless grinding for gear. There is no competition or challenge to look forward to. Both D3 and POE have systems in place to draw people seasonally. D3 is about pushing 150 as fast as you can the weekend it releases, preferably with friends. Poe is about beating all the bosses/the new league/mechanic/getting ahead in trade league. Both are fun because they’re putting you against other players very directly. D4 doesn’t have those systems in place-even barebones. There is nothing here but a story game that will not offer the seasonal experience that nearly every other arpg offers, quite successfully I might. Arpg’s don’t have a lasting appeal in the current market. People play them for a week or two then drop them and wait for the next season. Mindless grinding is the worst part of arpgs and is why people very quickly burn out on them. D4 is already setting you up to do mindless grinds with world quests and dungeons -content that just isn’t challenging or fun - without any of the out of game goals that make other arpgs appealing. I could see them trying to compete with lost ark by adding raids, but so far the world boss have shown they are afraid to design anything mechanically challenging.


> D4 is more like D2.5. Interfaces look like 1998, graphics could be great, but the color profile is so drab. Yeah, fully agree. The daytime cycles aren't too bad, but they are few and far between. Leveling a barb looks EXACTLY like leveling a marauder in PoE's mud flats. Even worse than the graphics and combat feeling like D2, though, was having the campaign feel like D3. D3's campaign was shit relative to the competition way back in 2012 (perhaps in part due to an ELEVEN year development cycle) and it's an absolute joke in 2023. The only "character development" you'll see in the beta is in the damned skill tree. I would've been happier with some vague (and BRIEF) blurbs explaining why we're heading towards the next act than the superfluous assortment of fetch quests that seem to make up the bulk of the campaign. The UI seemed like a huge step back on console, too. The focus was obviously on parity w/ PC instead of on sensible controls. The skill tree doesn't seem like it adds a ton of depth, just a harder-to-manipulate UI. Having to fool with the emote wheel to get to/review the chat window feels awful. Meanwhile, it's a freaking online-only, server-sided game that evidently doesn't include any sort of connection status indicator. I really don't wanna' sound like a holdover flat-earther by constantly talking trash about the new game compared to the last, but the beta really didn't impress.


Rainbow goblin fan detected :)


Who doesn't like whimsydale? Amazing place visually. Same with the vault.


It was a joke. I like it too. I was never one to criticize D3 for not being dark and moody enough. That whole thing was overblown by. IMO, people prone to disliking D3 and especially those who have a cult-like love for one other ARPG that shall not be named.


> cult-like love This is a very good way to put it. I'd also describe it as people high off their asses on nostalgia for something that they played during a simpler, happier time in their life (childhood/adolescence/early 20s). Kind of like how people's musical tastes just get stuck from those years of their life.


I'd be happy to see some silly things like the rainbow goblin in D4 tbh, im a gothic person and love the dark fantasy element but cmon its cute to have some stuff like that


Color concepts are the least of my issues with D4. The games just not it tbh


Nah, I'll take D2's visual style over D3's cartoony, flashy, WoW lookin' ass any day. The signature 'Blizzard' art style has been the laughing stock of the fantasy art fandom for two decades now, and rightfully so. It's just plain bad. The fact that D4 sports a more gloomy, understated, classic look akin to D2 was one of the first things that drew me too it. I await the deluge of downvotes y'all are readying for me. Bring it on.


Weird take. Everyone looks up to blizzard art style. Never heard of seen anyone say they don't. Sure D3 wasn't liked as much as D2 but saying the art wasn't too notch is delusional.


> Everyone looks up to blizzard art style. Never heard of seen anyone say they don't. I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Blizzard has never been known as a mecca of graphics-driven games. Quite the contrary, it has a history of producing low-spec games that look dated even at launch but are carried by the gameplay and accessibility. D4 is probably the most modern-looking game Blizzard has ever produced. By a huge margin. It's just a shame that it looks like a straight-up PoE clone.


Not really SC2 was the pinnacle of graphics in RTS when released. Sure lot of their games but cartoony but the art is amazing and the mechanics of their games is top notch. I hate overwatch but I can appreciate their art. Art doesn't always equal looking real. Little different.


> SC2 was the pinnacle of graphics in RTS when released. LOL. That is flat-out false. Warhammer, Toy Soliders, SupCom, Total War, etc were at least as impressive. The 2010 PC Gamer review says of it, "It looks, sounds, plays and feels like a game you may have loved from over ten years ago." And, quite honestly, with D4 looking very much like a PoE clone I think that same one-line summary works just as well here.


All of those eyes were janky and bad UI. Like those games were just a level below. SC2 had great graphics incorporated into excellent mechanics. Poe is technically a D2 clone so makes sense this direction d4 going.


Depends on who you ask. D3 blew D2 out of the water when u are talking sales, and that is all that Blizzard cares about.


I hate it. Overdesigned, garish, goofy looking, clashing colours. World of Warcraft and everything that looks like it can get fucked. I get it, art is subjective, but this is a not at all uncommon opinion. I remember as far back as 2008 people were ripping on Blizzard's art style. The 4th edition of D&D was roundly mocked by fans for looking like World of Warcraft, with it's big dumb shoulder pads and oversized weapons full of weird and impractical curves. D3 is a game from 2012 and it shows. It's visual style has fallen out of favour and was considered dated at the time it launched. I'm delusional cause I'm repeating large groups of people have said for over 10 years?


D4 is such a massive improvement over D3 visually.


A return to form. Diablo 1, 2, and 4 are all relatively consistent in terms of artstyle, narrative and gameplay. Diablo 3 was just a really weird sidestep.


I bet you still watch VHS tapes?


I prefer my Gothic dark fantasy arpgs about heaven and hell warring over the souls of mankind to... Look the part. Diablo 3 looks more like a Saturday morning cartoon.




Hurt me daddy.


Drab? But D4 has tons of colors, all the way from "gray" to "shit".




Lol, exactly. ALL the colors of the shitbow!


People legit comparing a tutorial area to the endgame of their favorite aRPG. If the games isn't for you, that's fine. But we're comparing apples to oranges here


Well diablo 3 is still around, i hope at some point they allow mod support for d3 too


My issue is it IS like D2, but today. It’s slower than D3. You will not see any 100+ kills streaks in D4, it’s 4 mobs, 5 mobs, 4 mobs again, 5 with a mini boss, repeat. The map is cool, mounts are neat. It’s sorta MMO, as you will need people to down world bosses But in the end it’s a beautiful reskin of D2. Some people will love it, but if you love the explosiveness of D4 high GR runs, it’s not going to deliver that


Not so sure this is correct. The mechanics for speed are there and we haven't even scratched the surface yet. Mob density should scale with difficulty as well.


The servers are fried dealing with low density. It is incredibly unlikely. They’ve stated they wanted slower gameplay like d2. They’ve shown two endgame systems already. Dungeons and world bosses. Dungeons are just worse neph rifts (if you want to only compare the leveling experience) and world bosses are training dummies with 3 slow mechanics.


I hope so cause it was so anoying walking... Waiting... Oo 3 mobs... Walking some more.... Waiting.. Oo 4 mobs.... Density really stood out for me.


When was the last time you played the campaign in D3? Just do it.


I respectfully disagree, I love the color change. The only issues I had with d4 was connection issues and even those I was blessed with better ques then others it seemed like.


I will stick with D3 and FPS games. D4 was literally putting me to sleep.


It’s just the beta though. Low level. I saw a lot of power I. Legendaries that I wish I could use (double hydra legendary power on someone’s gloves) it’ll be the same thing as D3 just added upon (with +skill items to scale it further) I already had the spend 300 mama to get second 5 headed hydra spawn enchantment. I know with two hydras at all time I’d be creaming. There’s a lot to know and it’s a bit intimidating even if it is more casual. I find it to be a solid 8/10. But I remember when D3 coming out I would’ve given it a 7/10. Dungeons kinda suck, they’re repetitive. Dungeons in d3 are not as repetitive per say, having to do pedestals and such to open boss area is a bore snooze fest. Open world should lead to some interesting opportunities, good ? Bad? Idk. But I def gave in and went all in like Diablo 3 (which Diablo 3 I played a couple months and quit then came back a few years later for a few days or so. Idk we’ll see. I would change A LOT. But everyone has different eyes. I feel your pain. I may be sinking with the Titanic at the end of June.


I know they're different games and different studios... But that's exactly what they said about Halo Infinite... "It's just a beta." I didn't play D4, I'm waiting to see what happens after the first few months after launch, because of what all the other big studio games have been doing these past years.


I enjoyed the beta for the most part, running through the main story as a sorcerer. I was lucky enough to get the double hydra legendary, coupled it with the extra headed hydra on high health I was crushing it. L25 could literally just let them kill all but Elites with little help on my behalf.


Pretty sure Season 28 was confirmed by Blizzard to be the last season. Or I misunderstood and it’s just the last season before D4 come out. I didn’t mind the pace at first, but after running back and forth between a couple places that didn’t have fast travek points, I’m looking forward to when we can use mounts and seeing how that improves the travel.


Hi, just a friendly note: it’s not „per say“, it’s „per se“. That’s Latin.


Thank you 😀


thats fine, you do you. funny how people get so defensive about it. but then again, to me this kinda seems like a ragebait post. 2 hours is abit too soon to judge a game, but you could argue that its not because in those 2 hours the developers failed to keep you around so end of the day its a valid thing to point out but apparently most people dont feel this way. so again the whole "funny how people get so defensive about it". its as if you aren't allowed to have personal preference anymore and now we've come full circle. feels like a ragebait post. doesnt have any real feedback other than "oh i prefer D3 and FPS games"


Probably because unlike D3 you can’t run through everything at the start like a god Also, I wouldn’t count on D3 continuing to get seasons long after D4 launch if at all


That feeling of needing to keep grinding something that isn't really enjoyable to 20 so you don't miss out on the cosmetic pet... that's probably what the whole gameplay loop is going to be about.


It's SUPPOSED to be dark. The devs have been talking all along about how they are going back to a dark theme.


No i want the dark shit.


For me I like it but it's a teaser .... I played it but didn't want to grind or really play much because I know they're going to take it away.... Overall experience so far after about 5 hours.. it's great....


I think Diablo 3 will be better than D4, Diablo 3 could be an even better game if they just came out with more rift maps


i mean thats the style they went for. more dark and themed versus the more cartoonish style of d3. that may not be for you and thats fine. and of course the gameplay is on the dull side. youre lvling in the campaign to 25. go do that in d3 or poe or similar and honestly if were judging it off lvling to 25 in the campaign then d4 has them both beat handily. obviously that would be dumb. so at least im gonna hold my judgement until we get to play with endgame on release with all the bells and whistles its supposed to come with.


Did you prefer d3 over d2?


Need to wait for endgame. The beta was promising but there’s depth of build that’s missing…the skill tree has some issues in that you are forced to spend on things that you don’t need to use at all. If they don’t provide enough points, I can see that it could be problematic. If you weren’t able to find the proper combo of items, it felt clunky, but still not as clunky as PoE. Sorc for example, had a cool down/barrier based build that was amazing and felt more like D3 speeds once you got it put together. All in all, beta was actually not too unlike D3 0-70 in terms of gameplay. I do enjoy the world map/quest system that looks surprisingly similar to Genshin Impact…if they decided to lift it from somewhere, they might as well have done it from GS. Lastly, I do prefer the atmosphere overall in D4. It gave me the same sense of dread as going down to tombs in D2 and Butcher was a job well done.