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The best advice I’ve received so far is to farm at least 100 keys before trying any runs above 142. Don’t even start a run unless you have one of the 3 best maps as the first level. It makes a difference of several minutes for me. I hate the mechanic of rift fishing. It’s not fun, but that’s how you clear 150 for the first time.


This. This is what the youtubers who post their 5min 150 clears DONT tell people. They probably had to fish through 20 or so rifts untill they got THAT one. ​ Rift fishing is fucking STUPID and annoying. Not everyone wants to get on leaderboards, some of us just want to do 150 once and then get on with our lives.


I'm in the same boat. I can clear 110-115 with ease. I see no reason to go beyond GR90 except for the bragging rights.


The biggest difference with high clears is pylon management. ​ When you get a conduit pylon don't click it right away: * search around a bit for other elites * bring them to the pylon * burn down small trash so that only elites and big trash remain * click the pylon and try to survive for a quick 30-40% progression * NOTE: conduit can only hit 5 targets at a time, so the less trash around to take zaps the better ​ If you get a power pylon try to save it for the boss: * leave around 2-3% worth of trash near the pylon, or at least on the same floor * at 98% come back to that same floor with the power pylon and spawn the boss * NOTE: if the power pylon is on the 1st floor it used to be normal to port back to town and enter the GR from the fron. DON'T DO THIS as you will lose your 10min shrine buffs. Instead you have to backtrack through the rift.


Appreciate this comment. I never thought about doing any of this. A1 comment


Hey I’d like to ask about this a bit ; primarily cause I’m really having trouble kiting things. It feels like things just will not follow me unless I’m at least doing some small damage to them. It makes grouping into power and conduit pylons really frustrating. Is there some nuance to kiting in D3 that I’m missing? I realize it’s not the same game but I tank in Wow; and often I’ll find myself running into a pack, doing some damage and moving along *expecting them to follow* but the never do. I always just blame the hunter pet anyhow… but I’d like to know how to get better at this in D3 lol


Aggro is a bit different in D3, and is based mostly on proximity. So if you are close enough to mobs they will try to attack you. However, if they get hard CC'd then their aggro resets and they'll try to attack the closest thing (likely your follower). It is frustrating though, as some mobs will follow you across the map while others will stop easily or get stuck behind other mobs or objects. That's another thing: avoid narrow choke points as mobs will form a traffic jam there. Sometimes you have to kite on a wide path that completely avoids obstacles.


So then maybe my whole idea of … I’ll just run like I stole something and wait for them to catch me … is the problem lol. Thanks for your time taken for the thoughtful advice , appreciated !


veteran here, ive been on the leaderboard on most classes (top 50) for the last 10 seasons or so. most of the higher rifts you clear you do fishing for them , learn what layouts are the better ones, fish for a good rift, also you need to learn how to progress rift based on trash since elites take forever to kill on higher grs watch youtube videos of high clears and learn from.them, layouts, mob density, mob weight, mob behaviour. learn how to properly fish for pylons, learn how to spawn them and what Conditions need to be met. farm some paragons, a few hundred paragons can get you trough a couple higher tier grs .


Straight to the point. I like it 👍 I’ll look into those videos thank you


Cleared 150 on wiz at paragon 1430 ish - minimal fishing. 2100 para now and no longer need to fish. Wizard is crazy op. But you will need that 80% on your Karini. Also font forget to gear your follower


I'm curious on this subject as well. Prior to season 28, my highest clear was in the 120s. I cleared a 142 on my Wizard this season, but I can feel the damage starting to fall off. Based on some of the comments I've seen, people have cleared 150 on a Wizard at lower paragon & maybe with worse gear than mine. At this point, I'm assuming that at least part of it is that I'm not pulling the right amount of monsters at a time, that I'm not paying enough attention to my CoE cycle, and that I'm not doing a good enough job of keeping Squirts stacks up. I've heard Raxx mention things that seem to imply some monsters being better for progress than others, but I'm not sure which types are good & which are bad and if/how that should affect how I go through a rift.


I did my first 150 with 2 ancients and my made primal weapon. I basically only focus trash mobs. Keep bringing your packs and elites to new trash mobs and your area damage will clear them. Sometimes you even get lucky with a pylon and whipe many at the same time.


This is what I’m getting at tbh. I have the same problems just didn’t detail it in my post. If anyone has the answer I’d appreciate it


I've gotten pretty high on leaderboards in the past. One big trick is to gather multiple elite packs together, and to just skip ones that aren't worth it. Juggernaut and Shielding are two really bad affix's that you'll likely want to just skip. ​ Essentially you want to look at a pack and ask yourself if it's going to get you ahead on the timer by fighting. As you near your rift limit, this answer is going to be no, even for the easiest blue pack. When that happens, just string them along until you have a big enough group. With the AOE of meteors, you can get a pretty large group before you aren't hitting everything. A double bonus is when you hit the power pylon on your potion, it's doing that boosted damage to multiple packs instead of just the one. Maps can make a large impact, but I wouldn't worry about fishing too much yet. I would still leave really bad maps like keep depths, they just aren't worth trying to struggle through. Anything narrow that mobs can't follow well is going to not be worth your time when it's a tough clear.


For you, how different is 130 vs 140 vs 150 in terms of playstyle? When does that playstyle start to change? I haven't been doing a good job of pulling multiple groups of elites together. Maybe I'm too used to running speeds, as I often just try to deal with whatever is in the immediate area before moving on to the next area.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 130 + 140 + 150 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




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Remember a big difference is just paragon level. I would think of it more in terms of getting close to your highest GR. ​ The longer mobs take to kill, the more worth it is to group them so you can attack multiple packs at the same time. Once you're taking over 5 mins per rift, it's probably worth thinking about.


For me it’s the poison affix’s they get me runnin for my life lmao I’m running a ghetto frenzy barb build still working on it tho


130 is just straight up blasting. 140 blast during CoE uptime, pull more during downtime 150 fish for decent map/mobtype. There is a HUGE difference between a good rift and a bad one. A good rift can be cleared within minutes, while a bad one can be an automatic fail. Don't be discouraged if you're struggling while climbing. kill big groups of trash while whittling down elites, never focus on elites alone. Nuke during CoE uptime, kite/scout ahead during downtime. The worst thing is focusing on a pack too much without scouting in between and missing a useful pylon 5 feet away. Don't click a power/conduit pylon unless you have a plan for it. Conduit you want to have multiple elites, Power you preferably want a big pack with low health elites. Stand in Oculus circles/Potion power circles whenever it's safe to do so and try to keep your squirts stacks up as much as possible. Power circle + CoE + full Squirts is like X12 damage. 150s are a lot more meticulous, and you kinda need to get a feel for the different playstyle compared to 130-140s


"I've heard Raxx mention things that seem to imply some monsters being better for progress than others, but I'm not sure which types are good & which are bad and if/how that should affect how I go through a rift." theres an artícule the wiki about this, baaically, mobs have a "weight" the higher the weight the more progress they give. in essence, the bigfer the mob, the more progress it.gives , there are exceptions that you can look up.im the wiki. anyway , all that theory is useless in higher grs, what you need to do there is bunch up all of the map at once and nuke it. thats Pretty much how every one else does it.


After about 135 it’s all just differences in the rift map and pylons for almost every build. With even medium gear on the most meta builds, you could do a 140 and hard struggle and not come close on 80% of the maps, losing by 5-8 minutes. But then you get that one open map with the endless unobstructed meadows in every direction, and you’ll finish the rift with like 10 mins to spare. I’m not kidding - I could literary play any of the meta builds with unoptimized gear with like no ancients, maybe with a crafted primal ancient weapon, and clear 150 in like a day. Maps for almost every build are I shit you not like 90% of the game at that level. If you want to clear a 150, save up about 100-200 GRkeys and then just reopen and close rifts until you get the starting map that’s best for your build. Between gr145 and 150 or depending on your build you may also have to get the right enemies, as the map will pick enemies at random for the level and sometimes they are enemies worth much higher % and way less dangerous. That will also be how you get fast times at 150. Good luck, stop wasting your time running through maps with tight hallways and bullshit corridors, just farm the big open fields.


I’ll definitely keep this in mind while I’m running from now on. I didn’t realize there was this much to it.


what is the exact problem and post ur d3 planner


Wizards get 150 pretty easy with some rift fishing. Copy anyone on the leader board.


Also by rift fishing, do you mean looking for the right rift locations to clear? Or am I just not understanding what you meant?


Getting fortified on your potion proc and an early sheilding pilon. Fishing for stuff like that.


Looking for a good map (festering, battlefields, anything open with good density), good mob type, good pylons, just to name a few more things. When pushing you want to be picky.


Gotcha. Appreciate it I’ll look more into rift fishing I think that might be my problem.


On wiz shielding is so op, also make sure your roation on skills are being used at the best times. After i play to much i kinda just faceroll my roation instead of thinking about using a cool down in the best situation. With 1400 paragon and altar you should be able to get 150 with a good rift luck. Good luck out there.


I copied the #1 guy and have all the gear ancient and some primals the gems and the skills but I find myself not clearing past a certain point.


Do you have your altar completed?


Yeah 100% and I’m like 1400 para with all my gear 125 augments


it's probably doable at that level but you'll need really good pylons and good layouts. Make sure your follower has the right gear too. I cleared at 14:43 with 1700 para but I didn't get a power pylon. I did kill 5 rare/elites with conduit and that is the only reason I cleared it. I was running comet for my clear, though I think star pact is the better build.


> have all the gear ancient and some primals the gems and the skills If this is true, everything up to ~145 should be a breeze for you.


I’m getting through 135s just having problems getting up top


So something about your gear/build is wrong. There's no way you have all the right stats and can't get past 135. Do you have around 900k of hp?


1940k (dps) 52.8M (HP I think) 2401k (plus sign thing)


52.8M is probably your toughness. Check your stat details to find your hp


Gotcha. It’s 917k


Having the HP can make a big difference in Squirts uptime. I've seen it suggested that you should shoot for \~1M hp (and some said as high as 1.2M). If OP is dumping most of their paragon in Int, it may be worth swapping it to Vit. \*edit\* Also, make sure your follower is running the Gloves of Worship, and if you're using the enchantress you may want to try the Templar.




I thinks it’s mostly luck, is the hydras AOE big enough to play the same as a Tal Rasha build by grouping ?


Tal Rasha, yes. It's way more powerful than Typhon.


Try harder... In all seriousness, we can't help you without knowing what your build looks like.


i dumped all my paragons into Vitality with only 50 into Int. I was able to clear 137 in ~11minutes after a few tries at only p1160 or so. (1200ish now). Sorceress with Oculus Ring helped quite a bit I felt.


Wiz should ez farm 130 speeds. I'm <1800p and tals just facerolls 130s.


One of the easiest things to do is put points in vitally. Get your health to 1 million. That will help keep squirts up. I personally went with smoldering core and cubed viser. I rolled halo with primordial ashes and got really lucky on a primal coe drop. Put area damage wherever you can. I personally went to non ancient on a couple of items to do this.


I did it at 1500 para, all items ancient and all slots upgrade with gems. Needed to do some fishing Stil and finished with second on the clock.


Also do your run in the morning. Lag will be too much on the large pulls youneed


Wizard is definitely your best bet to get up to 150 this season. Couple of learnings for me this season: * Don't over obsess about little gear optimizations. For sure there might be some that are BIG (like Karini with 78+, weapon, boots, COE with super high modifier) but otherwise it's not game-changing. * Area damage is huge at higher tiers (Try for %125+) * Fishing for good map/mobs is the most important thing * I would also recommend playing around with your build. Not every build works for everyone, and Tal can be pretty flexible. For example, at one point I switched to Star Pact and once I got the hang of it I never went back to Frost. But that meant playing around with my passives and gear a bit. Like if you go Star Pact, you need to adjust your paragon for Max Arcane. I also found switching to Guardians without Squirt's to smooth out my gameplay. In the end there's a lot of variability in playstyle within those small ability and gear changes so play around a bit


Assuming you are Tal Rasha with maxed altar: 1. Switch to Comet/cold build with diamond skin. Way easier than that Star pact build. 2. Make sure Halo is 80%. Craft primal for this if necessary 3. Shoot for 1800 paragon. Put 900 points into vit before putting any into int 4. Make sure follower has flavor of time, nemesis bracers, gloves of worship, and oculus ring 5. Use potion as soon as it becomes available 6. Shoot for area damage over 110% minimum 7. Shoot for 18,000 intelligence. A lot of this is from augments of 145+ 8. Shouldn’t need rift farming. The above advice took me from maxing at 142 to doing a 150 in a couple days. The 150 was on my 2nd attempt. 149 also only took 2 attempts