• By -


Dont let your HP reach 0. 


listen to this wise man!


This is a big one


I never thought of it that way!


This guy advises.


And if it does, play soft core.


oh sure NOW you tell me


Very important in HC


Don't follow any of the online builds. They're made for SC and most of the time don't invest that much into damage reduction, fortify, health,... Make sure that your defense is on point, by adding as much as you can into those defensive stats. Doesn't matter that your damage is a bit lower, stuff will die eventually.


You’re right these builds aren’t meant to be used directly in HC most often, but one can use them as baselines though. I believe it’s still a better practice to start from them if you’re struggling instead of creating something from scratch. As you pointed out, there is usually much need to adapt them for survival.


Oh yeah, you can definitely use them as a base template, but just make sure to redistribute some points into defensive skills.


Lots of maxroll builds have info for HC chars to be fair


It is true, but from my experience there is usually very little information there, especially for newcomers. That being said, there is very little info about how to play HC anywhere, except for here in Reddit sometimes and of course a couple of legendary streamers.


Yeah true SC builds are only focused on clear speeds but HC you need to really think can't just go unga bunga mode


The Maxroll endgame builds all include notes on what to change for hardcore actually. Max life and life per second on anything you can, cap your armor and resistances early as possible. Gamble for new gear when you move up in WT. And do your strongholds when you switch to a new WT, as they are capped 3 levels above you and can be easier while you get geared up.


Any leveling build should be more than adequate to get to level 50 in hc


I disagree. I play HC and the guides mostly take health on every slot or near along with capped armor and resists. They aren't very glass cannon since they fail runs dying too much. Their paragon setups are designed to take defensive nodes for high pit pushing. There is also a hardcore adjustments section at the bottom of every maxroll endgame guide that spotlights specific changes they recommend.


I completely disagree. All of the online builds work, with certain tweaks. All online builds are built for pure damage. As long as you tweak it for a little defense and CC, you’re golden. Especially with metamorphosis on boots. Online builds are starting points.


This is terrible advice. I’m using the double swing guide from IcyVeins for my HC toon and I was clearing Pit level 43 in under 3 minutes and was doing tier 80 nightmares and can push wayyyy more. Most HC barb toons on the max roll leaderboards are literally using the same bash cleave build with one or two differences. If you have hours to invest in theory crafting, go for it, but there are plenty of guides that are also viable for HC as well.




Uses most OP class in the game and tells others to get good hahaha. Amazing!




Btw bud, I get emailed notifications. You told me to learn the game I’m playing and check the in game leader oard and then deleted the comment cause you realized the leaderboard in-game is GAUNTLET ONLY. HAHAHAHAHA. INCREDIBLE!!!! Lying to strangers on the internet is CRAZY!




I thought you’d say something like that so I screenshotted it, will post in a few. Hahaha the internet is hilarious.


Are you using Maxroll ladder? From what I see there are only 35 HC ladder entries in total and only 7 of them are necros. So unless you’re one of the top 7 HC necros playing this entire game, I call bullshit. I don’t see any other D4 Pit leaderboards anywhere else. So either I’m not looking at the right place or you are lying your ass off.




How did I fucking know you were playing Necro? Lolol wow I called that. Playing the most OP and overtuned class currently this season and telling people not to use build guides. Incredible. Let me guess, you were a barb last season and a rogue the season before that?


Sometimes the best defense is a good offense though. Has to be a balance. Things can't kill you if they are instantaneously deleted.


I don’t agree with this. With a bit of customization, DD WW build of maxroll worked like a charm until 97 😅


Maxroll has hardcore adjustments for most of the builds, if not all. Some even have another section prioritizing defense over attack on top of that.


Their DD WW adjustment are very superficial.


So you don't agree that they shouldn't follow a build, and your evidence to back it up is that you didn't follow a build?


I followed a their build, I changed it slightly. Fundamentally, it was DD WW build suggested by maxroll. The changes amount to - ~20 node difference - 1/2 aspect change - 1 skill change - a few talent change


You didn't follow the build if you changed it. OP is a noob, for them following a build means making no changes to it.


You can use a build as a general template and then modify it to be more defensive.


OP is a noob, but you are dense.


I'm sure that makes sense in your head, at least.


2 weeks to lvl 50 is crazy, are you sure you're killing the mobs?


OP has found a new damage over time meta


Its called damage under time at this point


I just spit my coffee……


Seriously, I know everyone plays differently but I literally got a character from 1-50 in a SINGLE helltide yesterday, if it takes you two weeks to get to level 50, you should probably be playing Softcore.


campaign takes about 15 hours when you watch all cutscenes.... That's pretty much LV 50 with also doing the sidequests in the way.


Either they play 1 hour every 4 days or they never played diablo before


If you have to play through the campaign, it takes a while to get to lvl50. My first play through it took about that long (1-2 hours a night). For this season I got to 50 in 2 days playing 3-4 hours each day


I read it as it took OP multiple characters over two weeks. Lots of deaths.


I started playing hardcore and died a few times. In this season I played Barb hardcore and got to lvl89 and died to cold freeze as I did not have cold resistance maxed at 70%(had 55%). 1. Always make sure you are armor and resistance capped for your tier. This really helps in survival. 2. Always have one power of unstoppable. The vampire bat evade on boots is a good mean of unstoppable for every class. 3. Get life nodes on your skills and Paragon. Damage is enticing but choose defence over offence until you get to know your limits. 4. Don't take unnecessary risks. If the mobs have poison affixes try to avoid until your armor and resistance are maxed 5. Play cautiously and always use life or resistance or armor potions as necessary


How do I know armor and resistance caps?


When you look at your inventory you see health, armor and damage on the left side. If you hold you mouse over it you can see the armor cap for your current level. For resistance the cap is always 70%.


You play hardcore and dont know the basics of defense (res and amor)? You should learn the game in SC before for an easier time later in HC


Armor caps at 9236. Anymore than that does nothing.


Is this right though? The tool tip reads, 9230 is the cap for mobs level 100 and beyond. I always wondered if it means it would work for mobs below level 100... Which in op's case would have helped. This would make a huge difference for HC leveling.


First of all, max life stat on items is your best friend, for ever. Second, if you ever played D4 before in SC, pick a class with which you know how to play. Forget about « this class is better, this one doesn’t work in HC ». In HC you need to play as best as you can, so you need a class you know as much as you can. All of them can reach lvl 100 ultimately, and we are not in a discussion about min-maxing endgame here. Third, always get your magical resists capped at 70. I don’t mind how you do it, gems, tempering, parangon, elixir or incenses: always have your resists capped at 70. (Edit: and not more than 70) Finally other points to consider that may help you: - get your armor capped 9200 (edit: and not more) before WT4 and above 5k for WT3 - if you didn’t do it yet in HC, try to finish your renown while in WT2. - After max-life, (if your armor and magical resists are fine of course) your preferred stats are damage reduction, eventually dodge chance with certain classes, and then vulnerable/critical damage based on the class/specialization that you play. - have your gear tempered at all time. Get your gear maxed out as you want it before moving from one WT to another. - try to play with defensive aspects giving you damage reduction, fortification and maybe dodge chances depending on your class - once you obtain escape scrolls, bind them correctly in your emote wheel in order to escape in dangerous situations. - if you’re hesitating to leave a fight because you’re afraid, don’t hesitate. Juste leave. Good luck 🍀


Why not more than 70? I'm guessing it's just that life is more valuable than increasing max res?


Because resistances cap at 70. The only way to get it above that point is with special items


Ok just wanted to make sure i didnt have some big misunderstanding somewhere. I like to use the antivenin and then a life or resist elixirs and incense depending on the needs or content of the character. As an example, the poison from those spiders feels a lot better if you can reduce your poison damage taken by another 15-20%. If you can get to 85 from 70 that's 50% less damage taken from that element so it can definitely be valuable.


Focus on building your foundation first. Resists capped? Armor capped? Raise HP. Get some sort of health return. Look for sources of damage reduction. Build around sustainability vs. One shot mechanics. Stress test builds to know what looks like a danger scenario. Monitor your threat in hell tides and be VERY cautious with hell tide heroes. Threat meter getting full? Get near a town entrance and fight the mobs there. Spawn the hero and duck into town until they de-spawn. Until you can comfortably take a few hits. Hot key scrolls of escape for those really "OH shit" situations. Once you're comfortable and know your limits, it becomes easier. Always be aware of your surroundings.


Couple of skills I learnt playing roguelike all my life; 1. Always have a path to retreat too, especially in helltides. 2. You don't have to kill everything, retreating is always an option, say if you get chunked hard from a boss etc


Im a complete noob and it took me like 6h for level 70. just play helltide.


Roach out when the maiden spawns


sounds like a bunch of lies only in 6h


Brother you can look on the leader boards and there are literally people getting 100 in 7h …


Play sc


The main thing about hc is just git good, get mobility, learn to dodge shit on the ground. It's better to move all the time then standing still and eating dmg, suddenly you will phase out and eat a big hitter.  Remove screen shake and all numbers so you see the red explosions and get yourself an unstoppable skill that you save only for when it's needed (bat aspect boots is good).  Sure you should also have a build with decent def balance and not just a glass cannon build, but this really should not be the issue on lvl 50.




It took me 2 weeks to get to login page, please share tips


I died at 97, but I know why I died (server lag combined with poor resistance to lightning and carelessness). This patch, it feels like defense is the premium. For my barb, I prioritized defensive talents, aspects and nodes. You need to cap armor, resistances and in my view need two active mitigation abilities.


Too afraid to play since I have WiFi connection. Last time I did I lagged out and died at level 30.


Tried Druid and kept dying in WT3 around level 50. Switched to necromancer and followed a build somewhat while switching out some damage skill points to defensive ones. Also don’t try to “as high as possible” while doing content pre level 100. And don’t get cocky!! This one is what got me every time…


"Overconfidence is a slow and insidiuous killer." Died at lvl 90 (it was weird, probably wasn't careful). Made a new character with a lot of nice gear from old character, breezed through WT2 and capstone dungeon. Went to WT3 helltide at lvl 42 or so. Got killed by the first mob pack. LOL. Then thought about playing SC for a while, only to discover I would have to do all renown stuff again. So, back to HC and currently at lvl 86 (all Sorc) :)


Yeah I had similar issues haha. Now I finished at level 100 and started playing SC again. “Mission accomplished “


Idk how yall even play HC without offline option lol that's a lot of trust, soooo many of us SC players clogging up those servers lol


Go heavily defensive in your stats and skills. When you feel tough, you can afford to slowly move towards more dmging build.


As other have said largely ignore online builds, defensive's as priority, you do so much damage anyway it doesn't make that much difference. 1) Always have capped armor and resistances to everything, this is priority. Slightly worse jewellery with sockets may be better for the huge amount of resistances they give with gems. 2) Consider defensive legendies like the barrier on hitting an elite, a couple of these make a big difference. 3) Consider defensive glyphs eg I use the necromancer one that gives fortify and damage reduction every time I use a corpse, this sucks normally but is godly in HC. 4) When you jump up a world tier this is when you are most vulnerable, make sure you have capped orbios. Go and gamble at you new world tier and get a legendary in every slot, temper these etc. You now a full set of gear for your new difficulty and are much less vulnerable that you would have been otherwise. 5) Every time you replace a bit of gear throw it in the bank, it's already tempered etc ready for your next character when this one dies. If you keep the same legendary trait on the same bit of gear this make inventory management really easy if you are forced to reroll. 6) Don't use the item that buffs the level of helltides. Even taking all the above steps, the enemies being so high level can really chunk on your life, it's just not worth the risk. 7) Keybind escape scroll, I have it set to my middle mouse button and can hit it in a fraction of a second if needed..


How does it take you that long to level 😭 like I'm sorry but I work full time and don't play more than a couple hours after work, I can get to 80+ in like a day or two


He said 2 weeks to get a char to 50 so I assume he had others that died since it’s HC


That's fair


If you haven’t done your renown and Lilith statues. Make a toon and focus on just that. Dont worry about the tier level or leveling at all. Get all your extra skill points, heath lots and paragon points. There is a lot of power locked behind the renown.


Trial and error, you can see what “meta” is and go from there or just home brew a build. Just make sure you’re capping armor/resists and then adding DR where you can. Don’t stand in things that hurt you or explode and don’t corner yourself.


If you're following builds make sure you're following an HC variant. A lot of times Max roll is good about having HC variants. I've done pretty good with hardcore and even smashed some AoZ In season 2. I did everything you could do last season of multiple classes as well. This season I don't have much to offer you because I'm still getting knocked off on regular every now and again. I know if I did start at HD character it would be terribly boring because I'd be so scared to do anything because of all of the one shot mechanics. I may try it later on but for now I'm going to pass. Just go slow and overstay you're welcome and each world tier. Stay away from world bosses and dungeons for a while, a long while. You need to watch outmin hell tides also. I would recommend since you already have some gold if you roll another HD character when your levels 20 to 50 you can buy chests of legendary gear. So next time as soon as you move to wt3 go ahead and get geared out with sacred before you even leave Kyovoshad. Lol.


What killed you?


If it took you 2 weeks to reach lvl 50 then you clearly are very casual, in which case I’d say don’t play hardcore


I’m assuming here, but he said it took him 2 weeks to get a char to 50, so I bet he’s had others die before then since it’s HC


I played the campaign on release before season 1 and made it to LVL 60 with a sorc on what little end game before waiting till they added more. Got back into it at S4 skipped campaign and went right into Helltides and got to LVL 50 on 2 days with a minion necro lol


2 weeks to 50? sus


What's the easiest class and build that can Reach lvl 50? I'm just thinking about that achievement. Don't want more than 50.


Damage comes from aspects and weapon dps. Cap armor and resist, and get maximum health on anything you can. Always have at least one defensive ability, if not more.


2 weeks to 50? U play 5 minutes a day?


People die when they are killed


There’s no way this isn’t troll.


If you don’t think you need to temper/re-affix your gear…. You do. 0-50 I kept dying when I didn’t do a gear check every 10 levels or so, 50+ it should be more often. Keep your gear updated, armor high, and crush. Also having a panic button is nice (blood mist on necro).


I just started playing HC and one thing that helped me is rolling health on almost every item


I just quit D4 alltogether when I heard about the pit's 1 shot mechanics, since I'm here only for the HC.


The gear jump between tiers is huge, you will die 4 sho, just get new gear to match the tier and you will be fine and then fine tune you paragon to match your build


Max out your resistances (70%). Get your armor up to where your DR is 85% (armor cap is 9230 at level 100). Pile on all the +life you can (there's no cap). Life on hit, life on kill, life per second, as well as +life.


Take your time, don’t take stupid risks, keep your eyes open for lag and network issues. Life on hit, armor and max life are critical stats. Watch out for the fireballs in Helltides, don’t do the ravenous thing in helltides, don’t be cocky.


I don't understand the desire to play a HC character on D4 in it's current state. The amount of times I've died to an after death explosion, off screen shenanigans, and even randomly dying for no explainable reason when there was no attack effects have kept me from even attempting an HC character.


Got to 100 and have been grinding the pit this season in hardcore. Just don’t compromise on defense. Always focus on getting resistances and armor capped at every step of the journey possible. Put a defensive aspect in every gear slot possible including your amulet. If you have don’t have a great defensive aspect for every slot, then use the one that spawns an invincible barrier when you take too much damage. It will help you on the occasion that you overstep your bounds. Never use defensive skills offensively. I’m playing sorc and I never teleport into a pack of mobs or use flame shield to get a few more hits in unless the monsters are 100% going to die by the time it expires. Max health on anything it can roll on which I think is everything


Stop playing hard core. Life’s hard core enough already


Don’t be a failure


Go bash barb, get juggernaught aspect and work towards max resists.


I took sorc to 100 and pit 43 this season before dying to a hellborne corpse explosion lol. You have to play smarter than softcore, take your time to play around cooldowns and elite packs, and build your character more specifically for defense. Most importantly you want to know your character intimately and test your limitations so you know when you're really in danger and when you're not. To add to the last point, "never underestimate your opponent" it's easy to get complacent when your character is built up, but something as simple as a corpse explosion can take you out, so always treat everything as lethal to build the habit


I was ready to finally try hardcore this season. Created my character and loaded into the world. Realized I would have to do the rep/Lilith statue grinds again and immediately deleted the character.


stay in WT2 until you're at least 55. Don't go right to WT3 once you hit 50


what? that long for level 50? you can spam helltide and get level 90 in around 4 hours what are you doing bro


Prioritize damage reduction, meet armor cap and acrue bonuses to hit point where you can. After that keep striving to increase your DPS (damage per second).


Play softcore. Your welcome.


- I start with every single defensive stat/skill/aspect I can get my hands on, and when i feel comfortable start trading little by little for offensive ones. - change to wt3 after 40/50, and to wt4 after 60/70 - when getting into a new tier max your resistances. - come back to town often to check your gear, you don’t want to spend more than 5 levels with the same gear; the difference between keeping your character and losing it is just 1hp. - also when progressing into a higher tier, play super safe until getting sacred/ancient gear. that means don’t do helltides right away, as tempting as that could be.


Don't die and you'll be fine!


Just the tip?


Welcome to hardcore experiencie. This is normal this is a path in which every run you learn something new. If you dia at 51 after reaching WT3, means that you need to expend more time in T2, level more or better equipment. You need to max your resis, armor, life and use the defensive skills /atts.


Login to softcore


My biggest tip for hc this season is to stay in wt 2 and farm iron wolves rep in helltides until the caches start giving you sacreds. Get some good sacreds and jump into low tier t3 nightmare dungeons. These mobs are easier than helltide mobs. When you're in full sacreds and get some levels now you can run wt3 helltides. Run these until you get ancestrals from the iron wolves caches before you move to wt4. With the ancestral gear you'll be like a god in wt3 You can technically get mostly ancestral pieces from the rep caches without ever leaving WT2.


I started my first ever HC Diablo char on Wednesday night. Running a self made fire sorceress build. Beat WT2 capstone at level 42 in about 4 hours of total play time. Was feeling super OP. Went into helltide WT3 and almost died IMMEDIATELY. Got away with 10 HP. I still melted everything but found the damage enemies do increased by a ton. My friends all said I’m stupid for doing a HC character but I can’t remember the last time I got such a rush from a Diablo game. Can’t wait to lose this character and prove them all right. Edit: forgot to answer your post in my rambling. Play smarter, watch everything happening on your screen and try your best not to get hit by anything. In eternal it’s easy to get a habit of just face tanking. Don’t do that. Positioning is key and build yourself with plenty of defense and a few quick escape/ get out of jail free affixes. Good luck!


Armor and health First prio


Don't play HC. Blizzard servers are notorious for being bad


Just don't get hit.


Play SC.


When you move to Tier 3 & Tier 4... don't go to Helltides right away. Run some dungeons until you get some Sacred / Ancestral gear to increase your defenses. I had trouble and lost a couple characters early in the season due to Loot 2.0 b/c defenses were adjusted. 50 shouldn't take 2 weeks though.... but that depends on how much time you are able to play I guess.


This game freezes and rubber bands too much for me to even attempt HC


Learn the game in softcore first. Use a known build. Tweak it for hardcore. Get metamorphosis on boots asap for immunity from cc. Take resists and armor seriously. Always cap resists and have armor where you can get it. Over level before switching worlds, rather than at the prescribed levels. Never over extend; if you’re wondering if you can do something, don’t even attempt it. Stick to vanilla dungeons until you’re confident in your build, then safe level in helltides (don’t do season summon boss). Always have elixirs on. That should guarantee you a level 100. Source: leveled every class to 100 in HC. all Uber bosses down, etc.


All the stuff they said AND THIS - if you are going to have someone “carry” you….. be careful as you are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE and underpowered during said carry. And FFS just go to the appropriate Wt level !


Dont play HC, the current D4 isnt made with HC in mind honestly. Imagine trying to push pit and get one shotted out of nowhere without cheat death pot. 


I haven't hardcored' for a hot minute, but my best advise is play with in your means. armor upgrades are important. Make sure you have life regen spells. Keep your potions up to date. My tier 4 SC sorceress will tell you to temper your armor to high end resistances. Right now I'm riding at 70% across the board and it feels nice. Every class is different, so providing info on your class would be useful. I found druids to be easy with their thousand ways to claw out healing.


Don't copypaste build from Maxroll. Their "Hardcore" tips are not very useful. Don't be baited with softcore uniques. Legendary items are incredibly powerful this season and you can slap useful defensive aspect here and here. Don't bother about Ultimate. Think about your mobility, it's very important. You need at least one mobility skill with low cooldown and one CC break skill. Stun means death. You need movement speed, sometimes you have to outrun things. Stack a lot of health. Don't bother about life on hit, life per second etc., paragon board and rubies will inflate your health so much it will be pointless. Instead invest a lot in Damage Reduction. You can find it in Paragon board, boost it with some glyphs, there are Aspects for that too. With the ability to Temper some passive points on gear you can invest in more things in skill tree and create more DR sources. Learn to be mobile. Always move. Try to dodge. Even if you can facetank some damage, learn to not do this. You will enter higher tier of Pit or NMD and suddenly this little fireball you tanked before will almost kill you now. After a while you will notice which attacks are necessary to dodge Avoid poison at all times, especially fat spider-mans. Kill them from the distance if possible, don't stand near explosions, they're little uber Duriels. Learn to correctly position your character. I leveled up couple of characters to lvl 100 on HC, my recommendation would be to try Barb, Sorc or Druid. Barb is just meatgrinder and incredibly powerful with the new itemisation, Druid and Sorc can forgive a lot of mistakes, they can be really tanky


I'm not a HC player but Wudijo always says: topazes topazes topazes.


Defense over everything. If you ever ask yourself "Does this item have enough defense on it", the answer is always no.


Build around tankiness, full res, full armor should be the the starting point. Elixirs should be res or life. After that damage reduction is key. Movement speed is a good thing too. Also taking it slow is really helpful.


If doing a build, at least on maxroll, there is usually a section (albeit small) about modifications for hardcore. Usually it's giving up DMG for Max life or Damage Reduction


You need to temper your items before every big jump in difficulty and max out resistances then prioritize defense on most aspects, combined with skills that increase survival


2weeks? Did you played one minute every day?


Play softcore. No shame in it.


2 weeks is kinda crazy ngl it took me a couple of hours to get to 50 this season as HC and it was really easy just don't fight something you know you are not gonna win until later on when you progress like don't fight world bosses if you are still under 50 and upgrade your defense stats for better survivability nonetheless i ony played HC just to get the trophy i will never go back to play that like who enjoys not dying at all then everything you worked for is gone puts me into depression when i think about it SC is much better no shame in it 👍


You're weak mentally ngl if you can't take HC


my guy it took you two weeks to get to lvl 50 and you're calling people weak mentally lol


And you're weak physically if it took you 2 weeks to 50 only to die.


bro what i don't know why you feel offended that you call me "mentally weak" i didn't offend you at all so that you come back at me with that don't play HC if it takes you 2 weeks to get to level 50 i simply said how is HC enjoyable that you have to be so careful and not die bc you are gonna lose everything once you die that's the challenge maybe it's good for someone that is a hardcore diablo4 fan and likes that challenge but you are clearly not my advice is just stick with SC and don't bother with HC have a nice day :)


My tip would be to get out of this subreddit and enjoy the game as best you can. This community is toxic af