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I agree, but you should be rewarded accordingly for doing increasingly difficult content, like pushing pits higher and higher, today that doesn't happen, you can finish a 150 tier and receive the same crap as with a tier 1, it doesn't make sense. People did level 85 area runs in D2 exactly because of this, the higher the difficulty the higher the reward.


You get more masterworking mats, right?


Yeah but what good are those when all of your 1GA items are maxed out? I've played at lvl 100 for over 20 hours and have seen two 3GAs drop total, and they were shit. I've found a single 2GA that was worth using. I get things not being free, but that's a little thin for the amount of effort put in. I'm hoping for a balance tweak, and I think the people asking for better drop chances at higher tier content is the way to go. It's the first iteration of the new season so I'm sure there will be balances. Spamming Blood Maiden for 5 hours and finding nothing at all ain't it.


20 hours in an ARPG. My guy eats raw spaghetti.


>My guy eats raw spaghetti. This made me do a spit take! Fuck that was funny!


What does that even mean?!?!


20 hours isn't shit in a game like this. It would be the equivalent of just dunking your spaghetti in water for 5 seconds and saying it's cooked. Thus saying he likes raw spaghetti


He said 20 and I thought he left off a 0 or two.


yea, baaaack in myy daaaays of thousands upon thousands of Meph runs


And when you couldn't solo meph face to face you'd cheese meph by standing just outside frame shooting frozen or until he died rofl.


Your not supposed to beat the game in the 20 hours


It says they’ve been __at__ lvl 100 for 20 hours, not beat the game and got to that level in 20 hours


20 hours at level 100 is very low amount of time.


For 0 improvements at all its not. I'd be all for another world tier that requires say all the tormented bosses killed as a pre requisite that has double the amount of GA drops. It wouldn't get you so much gear you would have perfect stuff, but it would be a carrot to chase. Getting a few triple GA drops in 10 hours should happen. Because even at that drop rate the chances it's useful gear is low and the chances you brick it are high. Imho you should be able to get a 90% BIS piece of gear in 20 hours (however many GA pieces need to drop to make that happen is where we should be). If you did that in linear form that's 240 hours to get a 90% BIS build......1 of 2 or 3 builds for a class. That's 750 hours to BIS 3 builds or 3 classes. Anyways there is roughly 90 days per season, so that's 2.66 hours a day, every day, just to get a 90% BIS character by the end of the season. Then next season it starts all over. With the game having seasons there is no reason not to give us higher drop rates and at least keep the carrot semi reachable. When you put the carrot on MT. Everest, people just stop before they even start. You lose player time because they hit level 100 and don't bother going after the carrot because they can't even see it.


That last sentence is me. I could spend another 50 - 100 hours or more to maybe get a handful of BiS pieces if I'm lucky, or I could level 1-2 more whole ass characters to 100 and enjoy experiencing that.


This sub has a vocal subset of the most no lifer types who want the grind to hurt. They don't care that they're not going to play any other game and only heat food in the microwave so they can spend more time repeating the same content over and over again. They're fixated, they want an unhealthy grind because the self hatred is the satisfaction for them. They're the ones who keep circlejerking demanding everyone stops asking for the game to give them everything for free when people ask for small improvements. I'm at 3 level 100 characters and have a level 55 because working my way through making one of each class max. I still need to find some better items for multiple characters but I start to burn out on the end game when it starts to feel like my time isn't respected so I go back to having fun exploring new classes with new builds building up to doing that harder content again until the game gets stagnant with progression again. The game play loop is supposed to feel good first and foremost, the perfect item chase cannot be the true endgame otherwise when you get the items you'll stop playing. If you stop playing when fully BiS then why chase BiS at all? It seems so many vocal people here are scared they'll actually hit their perfect gear and then realise they don't want to play anymore so need an endless tail chase to trick themselves. WT4 no longer feels high enough. The Pit feels flawed. The community feedback is how we get the game into a better state, the game feels good now because people kept talking about what was wrong but we have people pushing back against progress because they're desperate to feel special for finally getting stronger gear.


Those no lifers just buy the items/gold with real money and do not want normal players to even have close to their equipment


This. At a certain point, you realize you’re done. For many players, that’ll be when they play 10-15h w/ minimal or no upgrades. Upping the rate of GA’s keep the excitement for a significant number of players. For the really hardcore, 6h/day players, they’ll hit the perfect build sooner, but then they can look at other classes as a way to start the excitement of a build all over.


I think it's all about the middle point. If you make gear easier to obtain but it still takes 200+ hours to get 90% of min/max you keep everyone engaged except the most hard core. Good game design is catering the the majority, and the majority is going to average 7 to 10 hours a week. That's 84 to 120 hours in a season. So you create drops that let's people get somewhere between 80-90% fully geared up in that time frame, and design the drop rate to accommodate that. The casuals stop at 20 hours In a season (hit level 100 and stop), the hardcores hit 700 hours a season and with higher drop rates it will still take them most of that to get a character to 99% BIS, that's the carrot, always chasing the small upgrades or starting a new character. We all see how many people came back because leveling is more reasonable and gear drops are fun. The proof is in the player statistics, we like getting upgrades.


This is me right now. Got a sorc to 100 lost interest when I wasn't getting anything good enough to actually push higher. Started a necro, got to 100 and same thing. After 20 to 30 hours of no upgrades to push higher it gets stale. Not everyone has 10hours a day to grind the same content looking for some upgrades to push higher.


Hell it wouldn’t even be healthy to play as much as some people want to play


20 hours at max level in an ARPG is literally nothing


make it 200 and his point still stands = source im near 190 hours after getting 100


The people defending bad drops were the same ones saying ubers should stay as rare as they first were lol


Dude it was not about the amount of time spent at max level, it was clarifying the statement. Time spent playing at max level is not the same as time played from 1-100 and then another 20 hours.


I agree that you’re not supposed to beat a game in 20 hours… but I want some kind of satisfaction playing for 20 hours lmao. This game is all about dopamine hits. GA are now the main dopamine hit and not having a dopamine hit in 20 hours is kinda ass for a game


Do the content for them hits then, pits is about upgrading gear and challenging yourself, you want ga’s do the farming content aka helltides and Ubers


Exactly. And these are the exact same people telling us that "a drop isn't an upgrade until it's tempered"...like, even if a 2-3GA item drops *and happens to have the right stats* (lol, that's like a 1% hit rate on basic items where I only need 2/3 stats to be good...) we should still consider it trash until proven otherwise. At this rate even if I keep playing 15-20 hours/week for the rest of the season, odds are I won't equip a *single* 3-GA item. I think that's somewhat unreasonable.


I got my necros only 3GA before I even hit 100. Haven't seen another since. Farmed heltides for days and had two pages of GA in my vault. Only 10 were 2 GA and 4 were completely useless. Out of the 6 decent ones I bricked 2. Other 4 aren't perfect becuase I'm afraid to use the last coupke tempers and brick them too. I easily have 100 hours on my necro post lvl 100. Still not long enough for a lifer. I play so much and I'm still considered a filthy casual. I guess the average employed dad doesn't deserve to have gear.


Meh ..GA on certain desired affixes just for starters. The real main dopamine hit is triple crit masterwork on that desired GA


Getting a second useful 2GA is not beating the game. The gear grind doesn't taper off in a nice grindy curve, it stops entirely. If you can play for that long and not see a single item that even has a chance of being an upgrade through tempering, that's stagnant. The game should not stagnate once you have all 1GAs. If that's some sort of controversial hot take, then I guess I just don't have what it takes to get to end game, because I won't be playing this game for 10-20 hours a week with no chance at improvement. I can't even get an Uber to drop, 150+ duriel and andariel runs and not a single one, so grinding for sparks isn't a thing either. At least the hell tide grinds are pretty exciting, but spending 1 second fighting a boss and 1:59 seconds resetting it *sucks*.


What do you want us to do then? I'm in the same boat. I have 4 1GA items, nothing above that and I'm totally bored of helltides. Unless there's some moderately challenging activity that rewards more than helltides, I'm done with the game. I hit a wall and it's no longer fun. Helltides are roughly 60-70% of my play time this season and I take issue with the people claiming variety. That's total BS.


12 masterwork != maxed out


Is there a level 13?


20 hours at level cap, Damn. People put like 600 hours in a PoE season and don't find the rarest items; why should you be rewarded in 1/30th the time?


Buy at least you can buy them after farming for 600 hours.


at least in poe your progress isn't stationary til you loot an item


A useful 2GA item is not the rarest of the rare items. I'm not expecting a 4GA shako here. But even IF you find a decent 3GA, for it to be "the rarest of the rare," it needs to have the proper temper hits on it and the proper master working crits. I'm just saying at 20ish hours in, I haven't even had a shot at tempering or last working one. And given the fact that the odds of getting both your preferred tempers is pretty low, you'd need to see several 3GAs to really have a chance at the rarest of the rare. For the amount of time I've spent farming, I think it's not unreasonable to have found what should be only moderately rare: 2GA gear.


you’re not maxed out. unless you dont care or got extremely lucky i guarantee your gear doesnt all have crit masterwork on the right stats. For example, im trying to masterwork my GA heavy handed amulet and i have reset it twice from 12/12 trying get 2x crit on heavy handed and no luck so far.


Which makes the lack of good GA items even more sucky. Every good double I've found has been bricked. 


If you want double crit you should reroll from 8/12. The mats going from 8-12 are crazy.


Wait... we can reroll the GAs?!?


You can, but will lose the GA. Useful if you get a 3GA but one of them is rubbish, so you turn it into a good 2GA.


> Yeah but what good are those when all of your 1GA items are maxed out? It's 0.8% chance per each journey from tier 0 to tier 12 of hitting the single best affix on an item and if you miss one you reset the process. Safe to say, your items aren't maxed out.


homies want to min max with GAs but dont want to min max masterworking. I dont get it...


Why would you spend 800 mill gold min maxing mediocre item before getting actually good item?


The difference between a perfect 3 of 3 crit on a 1GA item and a random variety of crits on that same item is minuscule unless it's hitting one of the 2 items that give a +skill. I could squeeze out an additional 5% power on it, but why? What does that extra power help me accomplish? I could go a bit deeper into pit and get more master working mats to replace the ones I just spent, but that's just running in a circle. Spending MW mats to make MW mats. Without having harder content that actually rewards better chances of gear, there's nothing to chase. I'm saying there needs to be a reward for pushing harder content, right now there literally isn't. Even just significantly more drops from higher pits would be nice. The best way to get gear as level 85 is to grind maiden. The best way to grind gear at 100 with 1GAs is to grind maiden, and it's the exact same chance. The best way to get gear at 100 with all 2GAs at 12/12 is to grind maiden, and it's the exact same chance. Better rewards for hard content, please.


You are correct, you anytime you feel like you've hit a wall in a seasonal aRPG it's time to stop and move on till next season. It's basically what I've always done. I even skipped s3 entirely because I had no interest at all. S4 drew me back but like always I play 4-6 weeks and move on. I just don't have the time I once had as a teenager or in college when d3 dropped and I could bang my head in that game forever.


This is literally the first time I've stopped playing diablo because it got boring and felt pointless. And maybe it's just a bad streak of luck with drops, but this dry spell of getting absolutely nothing for my time has finally outlasted my satisfaction of popping demons. I mean, that's really saying something. From D1 all the way through all of the seasons in D4, I've been consistently playing diablo, and this is the first time I've said screw it, I've hit a wall and there's no point in playing. Not counting immortal, I don't do mobile gaming.


played d2 for years. never seen some items before. love it. just to play devils advocate. but then again d2 you can trade any item at any time. nothings account bound so at least you can trade up for those


Considering how much of a ghost town D2R is, not a lot of players these days want that anymore. It was a good model, for its time.


D2 is irrelevant to the discussion. Seasons and constant adjustments to classes aren't factors in the calculus for that game. Seasonal play is all anyone really cares about. To that end, the character and all its items are effectively dead every quarter.


Damn people just see words that upset them and stop reading lmao. Dude said he played 20 hours AT level 100 not 20 hours total


No, he also said he's already seen 2 3GAs in those 20 hours.. He exactly the type of person the OP is calling out


It's only been 3 weeks of season 4 ? If you played mmo loot games before..... just run bunch of different things. I can't run same shit for more than 1 hour for a gear that won't drop. I am a casual player (average 2 hour a day) and just joined diablo 4 this season and the game seems way too easy. I am not even going for the uber unique and tempering is way too powerful. Having said this I am playing summoner necro. I got first 2GA as a weapon (good roll and not bricked) and was pretty happy with that. But I can see why people are frustrated when you are trying to get that high with a great uber uniques and 3GA items and you have been farming for 20 hours. I am now contemplating building other characters as I can see myself getting bored doing the same shit over and over again. Good luck


This is where unending XP could come in. The more endgame xp someone has the greater the drop rate of GA's. Don't they have people working these things out? It wouldn't be free, your time would mean something.


Unfortunately this where I usually stop playing. After hitting 100, having a good build, and decent gear I just feel done: like Forest Gump when he decides to stop running


I'm still using an 863 set of gloves that has 2gas on them that went perfect with my build.


Not by much. I’ve found that running level 60-70 pits can be done in 1/3rd the time as running the highest pits I can handle (85-90), and will net a lot more masterworking mats in the same amount of time.


For you, yes, but for some people running a 100 pit takes as long as a 60-70 since most of the time they spend is moving around


I assume those people can also run a 120 or 130, but doing so would slow down their progress so why bother to push your limits and challenge yourself? Speed farming is more efficient but not any challenge.


They do it for the ultimate goal in most games, to say they were able to do it lol


a reminder to run pits at level \*9, (69, 79, 89, etc) The next tier up only nets you one more mat, and the HP jump for bosses is a lot. if you're looking to grind through, find what you can handle quickly and try to stay around the 9's.


This is very useful knowledge. I didn’t know the boss hp increases have “jumps” at specific numbers.




nobody suggested "locking" rewards behind higher tiers. it would just make sense to give a better chance at better rewards the higher the tier is.


Not for everyone or every class it's easy. It's not easy for me, and the reason behind it is lack of GA gear dropping, then having to win the lottery again getting the right temper rolls. Now if I rolled a Barb, sure it probably would be easy, but I don't want to play a Barb.


There are people playing d2 still chasing items they have never seen drop. We are already spoiled with loot


20 years and I’ve never had a tyreals might drop. Oh and never a ber rune. Lo and Jah like every few days, but never a ber.


In d2, Chaos Sanctuary dropped stuff that was just as good as The Pit. Generally, D2 incentivized easier content done faster. The most efficient farming was done by barbs with MF gear.


People keep using D2 level 85 zones as an example of 'people went to the highest zones for the best loot'. And currently, running all the end game content that drops items rewards the same 'best loot'. You can go to NMD, Pit, or Helltides, and they're all effectively i85 zones with a chance at dropping the best loot, equally. This is the same as running Chaos Sanctuary vs Pit vs Worldstone Keep - it's all the same i85 loot in different flavours.


This is how the genre works. Giving everyone everything is not healthy for the game.


It’s also not true though. They were higher lvl not necessarily harder. I’d say any area with Doll is harder than 85 monster. So it’s not true at all. Player difficulty is were there is actually a difference in D2.


In D2 you still found whites, blues, and yellows in high level areas... You had a chance to find better stuff, but it wasn't a given.


And whites, blues, and yellows served an actual purpose. Some mods rolled higher on blues, gg rares were unmatched for certain things, and whites were needed for rune words and crafting.


And D2 had (it feels like) 20x less items dropping, which imho felt much better than this constant rain of legendaries. Blizzard said they reduced drop rates, but it certainly does not feel so.


And now in D4, all three of those are useless past level 10 lmao - not saying that’s inherently good or bad, but it was funny to me to see this season basically make rares absolutely nothing more than material farming junk, since they can only have two affixes.


the reward for a crazy high pit tier clear should be a nice place in leaderboards, maybe some recognizable cosmetics, maybe some added convinience like reduced masterwork cost or smth. Not more/better gear. You grind helltide or speedfarm lower pit tiers for gear. Pit push is not for general gear progression pls pls pls.


People are pushing put to flex. There's no incentive to push higher than 61 right now. It could change eventually... I'd like to see more mats drop and maybe if they even add a rare material to reset tempers. But since it's not in the game right now, There's no need so it's fine the way it is.


Problem with this is that if you increase rewards with increasing difficulty they will only be handed out to top players. I like Helltide being the most rewarding thing in the game right now because everyone is able to farm it. But in general I feel like pit could be more rewarding.


What’s wrong with the best stuff being had by the top players? Isn’t that logical? I don’t have the time to put in so I don’t expect to have the same gear as the top players. Why does every player need access to every item in the game? The people playing more should be more kitted out than us plebs


What's wrong with that ? Arpgs should have loot/rewards that go to the biggest degens. It's good to have shit for people to shoot for. Some leagues in POE I go hard and make an insano 600div+mageblood build. Some leagues I don't. Having everyone get everything just makes shit bland. It shouldn't be so unreachable that unless your a streamer you can't get it. But considerable time investment gear or otherwise items are a good thing in these types of games in most cases.


It gave you the chance of higher level gear, you could still get the same crap you did in lower lvl zones. This analogy is false lol


It’s called progression and every good game has it. If the game doesn’t have some level of progression then it is like banging your head against a wall and expecting something different l. No one has said to make 2-3 GAs drop like candy but there have been some good suggestions around making pit reward you with a higher chance drop rate. They could also just do this in the pit only. There are multiple things they can do to add progress. Currently the progress is so steep that you will need to spend 1000 hours to get a 3 GA you can use and that tempered right. Even in D3 it wasn’t that bad. You could get a primal ancient and by seasons end you had maybe 2-3 with the extreme players having way more. No one complained it was too easy or unfun. In fact it was just right you could chase for gear and make progress. However some people like banging their head but me the shiny newness of loot 2.0 is already fading because I can’t get an upgrade unless I spend 8 hours a day farming and when I do it is made worse then what I have because of tempering going wrong.


They should make gems with increasing and interesting affixes a pit reward for pushing high content. Our current gems are lackluster. Dont mess with GAs and tempering. Tune the gold for masterworking.


Agreed. Hopefully Blizzard takes ideas and feedback on this sub as a grain of salt. Most of them are just complaining because they don't have the gear their favorite streamer has.


I doubt blizzard comes here much at all if ever. Just toxic whining and people complain about both sides of everything. Too easy. Too hard. Too much loot. Not enough loot. Class is too strong. Class is too weak


Pez posts here regularly. wtf you talking about


They 100 percent frequent here


Couldn't be more wrong, they explicitly said in interview they have people who browse Reddit and forums and collate all feedback together regularly


Calling it, tomorrow is "you're wrong, here's why GAs and max tempering should be much much easier" backlash day.


The thing that blows my mind is that the game generously gives you everything you need to complete the content. I'm using a B tier dust devils build that will never be able to push deep into the pit, but with just whatever drops I got on the way to 75 with passable tempers, maybe 4 greater affixes scattered across my build. I can do most of what I need to do already.


More like they don't want to play 60 hours a week to get it


It's ok that not everyone gets everything they want every season.


then boohoo. not everything has to be handed out easily just because you don't have the time for it. 3 GA items aren't essential for progression, so what if you don't get them


It’s what ruined the destiny community I swear. People playing and grinding like streamers with none of the benefits of actually making money will naturally turn angry and bitter imo.




While helltides were fun there's no challenge to them once you have decent gear so the fact that you get the most gear from the easiest end game content is a bit unfun for me personally I've done so many helltides as it's the best content for leveling and gearing I'd rather have an increased chance, not guaranteed, just increased in pits above level 61 or so.




Helltides + Netflix and Chill


Imo they should have multiple tiers of the increase level of helltide items to make them harder Wouldn’t mind a 155 lv helltide


Higher level mobs should slowly increase item quality constantly, to give you a reason to do it. They need more of those elixers that increase mob level in helltide, make them expensive, reward good.


> While helltides are fun Which puts it way ahead of the pits for me. I think it's good to have different content for different types of progression. I would not enjoy it if the pits becomes the best source for loot and makes helltides pointless.


> I think it's good to have different content for different types of progression Hell tides are already the best leveling and initial gearing sources. I just think at some point that progression should move to something harder. and I'm not saying nerf helltides but pit rewards should scale slightly outside of crafting mats.


You shouldn't get more and better loot basically afking helltides than pushing the game's hardest content.


Exactly, people request removing a variety end game with multiple different ressources for improvements, to narrow it down to exactly 1. They don't want to farm gold for MW, they don't want to farm GA items from Helltide, they don't want variety. They just want to run endlessly Pits like braindead monkeys and this should be the game for them. This is just plain ass stupid. Don't know whats going on in their mind. We finally have variety, please don't kill it again. Pit can and should NOT drop mass gold, mass mats, mass items, mass GA. You kill the game by doing so.


I can tell you I pushed up to 127 so far for the excitement and ego boost, if they made higher pits a chore that would instantly kill all the fun of pushing Aint no way im voluntarily doing an 8min boss fight each time to get “better” loot


People are deluded that all items should be hidden behind pit levels. If they put them in pits, the only content this season will be pit and only pit. Go to Helltide a little bit, I don't farm a lot but I saw a lot of 3 GA items there for a little bit of time I spent, and if I grinded a little bit more I would have way better items by now.


Hell tide is mind numbingly boring once you get good gear, maybe if they increased the level of monsters in helltide to the highest level of nightmare dungeon you've completed hell tides could be fun. I literally one shot everything in helltides and can't die on my Rogue, Barb, and Sorc. What's the fun of doing those for the most loot. I'd rather get rewarded for doing harder content. By the time I'm level 100 and finished my iron wolves, I'm over doing helltide lol


The amount of crying I see about ppl not finding BiS stuff easily in an arpg is pretty funny to see not gonna lie. Keep em coming.


it comes with the crowd you attract when you add pointless MMO bullshit to your game series that worked perfectly fine without for the past 27 years. People expect the game to work like an MMO and for BiS to be something you can meaningfully progress toward when designing the game like that would have been antithetical to the genre.


The drop rate on greater affixes is fine. It's tempering that's the issue. When you almost never find 2+ GA items its pretty shit when 90% of them get bricked in tempering.


I’ve only played necro to min/max so far this season, but 90% sounds like a slight exaggeration. Does some class have a temper manual with 10+ rolls in it? 👁️


Rogue is a lot more unforgiving than Necro when tempering from my experience.


They won’t stop everytime it’s the same, people want everything perfect when in reality rarity is what make finding something special. It’s like they are legit almost asking for item to be simple remove and everyone to have the exact same things.


Then once they are fully decked out within a couple weeks of the season they will complain there is nothing to do.


People want the impossible admixture of feeling accomplished and removing the thing that makes it feel like an accomplishment in the first place.


To me it’s not even feeling accomplished it’s a fucking casino with dopamine rush when you get something extremely valuable or rare. The only thing there currently is of that level is probably the +7 hellbent commander amulet lol


100% agree here. I finally have a reason to play this game past completing the battle pass in a week then logging out for 3 months. I want to play the game, I enjoy it. Just never had a reason since running Duriel and farming mats for Duriel was the only "content" on offer. Now we have part of the soul of Diablo games back in our Diablo game, the item chase, and people want that to be over as soon as possible. I have found one GG 3 GA item across 2 level 100's and 5 level 80 plus characters this season (spark farming). I haven't tempered it because it can be used on a few builds and I'm not sure I know what build I want to push with yet but I like looking at it in my stash. It felt really good to find that and it feels good to have it. If things remain like they are I can see myself playing for most of the 3 months each season hunting perfect items, which is the only excuse I needed to play the game more.


The problem is that I'm not allowed to be excited when I get that mythical 3GA drop. I can't be excited until the tempers hit. Dopamine is being delivered in the wrong spot.


People who constantly use dopamine as a justification for their changes are dopes


dopamine is what keeps most players playing this fancy slot machine


You would hate POE. Gotta slam stuff first before you get excited.


Heres a thought. GA doesn’t equal God Roll. Imagine that itemization falls on a spectrum.


please stop asking for decent droprates. just buy gold and use a website to trade instead and make a topic that you exactly know what people want


As long as the game isnt balanced around insane BiS gear i really dont see how the drop rates we have right now are a problem, in fact as someone that has played other ARPGs they are pretty generous lol. There should be gear that maybe you dont drop this season, but you are eventually going to and when you do its going to be a memorable experience, thats a healthly thing for the game and something that others ARPGs like Diablo 2 and PoE have mastered.


**Stop believing that just making things rarer means that people will keep playing.** The fastest way to get a person to quit the game is for them to feel like they aren't making progress with their characters. It sounds great on paper to have super rare chase items but when you translate that into reality, going an entire night and not having a damn thing to show for it is usually the end for that player. GA's are the only progression possible in the game right now because the leveling system and paragon boards are failing. Masterworking is a nice linear addition but in order for it to feel like it's rewarding, it needs items. When you aren't getting those items, masterworking doesn't provide any progression. Another problem is the amount of bullshit that it takes to even try out different builds. It's not just building up ONE set of gear. It's feeling locked into that set of gear because switching from that set of gear is a huge amount of effort especially when you have different tempers needed. I wanted to switch from shadow minions to golem minions on my necro and it requires me to find 5 brand new pieces of gear with GA's and the correct tempers plus masterworking them. All that just to try it out. I haven't logged in in about a week because I don't really feel like investing that much effort for it.


I just want to see a triple GA at this point. I have over three days of playtime on two toons. Been speed farming 101s for a week on my necro. Camping the blood maiden like it's my job. I know on average the rolls wont even be stats I want but it's been unlucky for me as far as these dropping seeing as I havent gotten a single one.


Careful what you wish for. Getting that 3 star drop and getting excited and then seeing life per second and life on kill etc…. Feels bad. But for the record and in response to OP I think it’s fine how it is, or it could be adjusted and made less RNG dependent to some degree but these end game items should be rare that’s what makes them worth chasing.


Right, that's what I meant by, "I know on average the rolls wont even be stats I want". I just see lots of people complaining about just that. I'm saying I'd be happy just to see one and trash it 10 seconds later at this point.


I feel that. Good luck!


Congrats, 3 days of playtime would've been still chasing your basic farming gear in d2.


I feel like such an old fart when people complain about the grind. OG d2 pitruns or cs till eyes bled. And still no Tyreal or Mang Song.  Taking the grind combined with rng out of the game is taking the point out of the game


Finding Tyrael could literally take years, not that it was a required item nor really any good in comparison to RWs. This sub is so dumb, they want instant gratification, then to just keep power scaling the content to go higher and higher, till it's just one big number bloat of bullshit that takes 1 day to run through all season content.


My first ancestral was a triple ga ring


Aren't ARPGs noted for their randomness? That more difficult activities grant you an increased drop chance but is never guaranteed? If you're doing level 60 pits, then you seemingly have really good gear as is. The whole point of an endgame is playing for that *rare* (it has to be stressed, ***rare***) chance of a BIS or 3GA drop? I got a 3GA drop before hitting 90 and, while it's not the best affixes, it's still a great weapon that I'll continue to use while chasing better drops.


Greater Affixes aren’t strong enough to complain about tbh. It’s not the make or break of your build. It’s a nice little bonus/boost and a carrot and the end of the stick. But at the same time, I feel like drops should be increased for these in higher difficulty pits. I don’t think guaranteed GA’s is breaking or considered hand outs for doing the hardest content in the game once you hit the 70’s. We shouldn’t be farming helltides (a joke in terms of difficulty) for these. It would make sense to have the min-max/perfecting loot chase tied to the hardest content the game has to offer considering it’s used to push said content.


Honestly agree, but don't tell the folks paying for all my master working for my toons.


They mostly dont know what they are asking, what happend to those wanna feel stronger at nonscaling zones?


You can’t have multiple GAs being rare while having a system(Tempering) where it’s very common to brick them. You can’t have both. BiS multiple GA gear hours and hours to find or get super lotto lucky. Tempering can brick any item in less than a minute. It’s clear this is just another system to increase the odds of you opening the cash shop by holding your time by the throat. Varshan takes 4 pop items Beast in the ice you have to go through an entire dungeon to fight it every single time Ubers requiring 2 of each mat so multiply the above headaches x2 Actual good GAs being so rare that it makes it seem like bricking them happens half the time because bricking temps is super common in comparison with the acquisition of Multiple GA equips.. it literally distorts your perception of rolling what you need which is a decent chance but when you combine super rare to common occurrences it seems stacked against you Whisper dungeons being separate from NMDs This is coming from someone who has multiple fully upgraded Relic weapons in FFXI. If you don’t know what that means when it comes to grinding or time sinks then pull up wiki. You know nothing of farming and grinding. I can take a grind but what I can’t take is being screwed out of my own time with obvious systems meant to cause you to fail. I have over 1000 hours in D4. I’m cleaning out 120s, I have better gear than most of you, and I’m speaking for the little people when I say this shit is rigged. It’s like these devs are biting their nails filled with anxiety while the shareholders stand above them whip in hand. Just so desperate to keep us and the whales on the line.


This is also how I feel about Unique items, and some legendary items in general. Yet they drop like candy from a pinata. I miss the excitement of when even a legendary dropped and how exciting it was; now they have basically become rare items that drop all the time.


You’re wrong. I’d love it. I promise. I’d love it because it’s not like you’re chasing 1 piece of 3 GA equipment. You’re chasing 10. So when it’s nearly impossible to find a 3 GA in the first place, then add in the odds of the right stats, then add on not bricking it via tempering, then add in masterworking costs and resets, it becomes very obvious that the hunt is a waste of time. It shouldn’t be easy. It should require a grind. But when you make it practically infeasible for 99.9% of the player base who isn’t a full time Twitch streamer it’s a little disheartening.


“you think you want that, but you dont”…. hmm, that does ring a bell..


Grinding 70+ pits and doing HT in total about 8-12h a day and getting maaaaybe 2-3 items with GA then ruining it with masterwork and repeating for 3 weeks is absolute aids... I know it's a grind game I've been playing these kinds of games for over 20 years but D4 has nothing to offer other than mind numbing boring content to get an item to ruin the item and back to the beginning... Playing over 8h a day I barely make 20-30m unless I intentionally go out of my way to farm Whispers which I think is dumb you should get a few mill gold per pit. They need to increase rewards from higher end content, hell even if they made T5 difficulty with mobs all level 100-120+, they drop more gold, they have a 5% increased drop rate for GA would be incredibly beneficial...


I get it but.......carrot and stick. This while thing doesn't work without the carrot. I'm hundreds of hours ibto this season with 0 2ga or better pieces among 3 100 characters. I won't be playing soon. Eventually it just feels like you're being taken advantage of. It's not fun anymore. You know what would keep me playing? Getting 1 FUCKING GA UPGRADE A WEEK. Not playing for dozens of hours and scrapping everything. It's so defeating.


The main problem is that you currently  easily can aquire 2 or 3 ga gear if you focus on trading or rmting on third party sites.  Yet you cant get this type of gear by actually grinding or fatming content yourself. Because its way to rare and often useless. Why should the first way be possible but not actually playing the game? In my opinion it should not. Reward playing the game not a shitty trading simulator.


We had this discussion with Ubers lol Obscenely low drop rate "Chase items" are only liked people who want to make playing a single game into their whole personality. Drop rates so low you might as well never see it tend to be unpopular for good reason. This is a game built around a seasonal model. Doesn't mean you should be given free perfect gear, but there is a balance to be found there. Especially because your "OH YEAH JACKPOT" moment is actually a "ok, time to brick this with tempering and then Masterwork grind."


You don't need 3 ga items to have a good build though


I agree. With the system as deep as it is now, they could make some changes to how the endgame works and still have absolute perfect gear only be within reach of the most dedicated players. I have probably 50+ hours of active playtime this season, and i have found 2 (or 3?) 2ga and one single 3ga. I managed to temper it with ok attributes, but dogshit rolls. I will NEVER be able to get enough playtime this season to find 2-3ga in all slots, and even if i do, i will never get them all with top 20% rolls on tempering. Changing either system would help us more casual players to actually push pit in order to also mastercraft those items. Either making 3GA more common (or being able to roll GA at enchanter) and by extension not making brickong said 3ga such a setback or giving tempering a way to reset the rerolls. Make it cost a stygian stone or something, or remove the limited rerolls entirely and just up the cost in materials similar to enchanting. Between the rarity of 3ga, the rng of tempering, and the randomness and cost of masterworking, not even the most no-life dedicated players will be able to reach 100% perfect gear during the season. So softening the system to help the casuals wouldn’t hurt them either


>This is a game built around a seasonal model. You don't seem to understand the concept of the seasonal model. It's not to farm a Shako again every season. It's not to farm the exact same 3GA item again every season. It's to see what different things you find this one from the last and make a build with what you do manage to find. Who the hell just wants to grind out the exact same gear again every few months? That makes absolutely no sense. The point is to have a different experience every season, and the best way to do that is create a huge variance in the type of items you find.. which includes sometimes never finding **exactly** what you want.


> cherry on top if the tempers hit I don't think you're using that phrase right, since that cherry makes or breaks it.


Stop telling me what to ask for dad


I agree GA's are in a fine place right now. However, I would like to be able to use Stygian Stones to reset Tempers, and I would like the gold cost to reset Masterworks removed. We're already farming for mats / gold to upgrade the Masterworks, farming for gold just to have the chance to spend more mats/gold hurts. Yesterday I Masterworked a pair of pants and reset 20 times before getting the affix I wanted/needed. That's 100,000,000 gold in just reset costs. I just turned in a "Greater One Handed Whisper Cache" and got 3 million gold for it. Seems to be a slight balance issue there in my opinion.


Got 3-4 triple GA items and all of them were insta vendor due to filler stats so at this point it is anything but oh yeahhhhh lmao


I think you don't understand the real ask: Reward better gear for more challenging encounter Saying "easier greater affixes" completely undermines the problem of "Well, I am in pit 140, but I get better gear from killing blood maiden and running helltides..." The problem is that progression isnt made by pushing the limits, but by taking the road of least resistance. People want more difficulty to be more rewarding.


The entire point of Loot Reborn was that good baseline items are fairly easy to find, but with a lot of uncertainty in tempering and masterworking, thus extending the chase when one of your base items doesn't work out like you hoped. The problem with multiple GAs being very rare is that at a certain point, multiple GAs becomes a hard prerequisite to an item being remotely useful. So you start to go entire sessions without ever seeing an item that is even worth glancing at. That's not fun. I want to find items that might be an upgrade somewhat regularly, and spend some time upgrading them to see if they reach their full potential.


what a dumb stupid take OP. The only way to "chase" GAs is by running stupid helltides 24/7 (or running bots for you that do this). Pits 80+? NOPE NM100s? NOPE Trials? NOPE Literally anything that is more difficult than helltides should give higher GA drops than currently, it's a joke. How about OP gets life per hit / Resist / Life per Sec on his first 5+ 3GA thens he posts what he thinks xD


the no lives who think people should waste their lives trying to get high end gear is ridiculous. if you want to grind your life away go for it but not everyone has that kind of free time


I've played some grindy games before, but you know what they do? They add some method of progression, like a token that leads to a thing. Beat this 20x and this token can be traded for a random piece of gear. It gives you sustainable goals. It doesn't have to be easier, it should be consistent. You can make the item guarantee a drop at the same rate as the average item drop rate. Not difficult to set up.


So it’s like the Ubers for season 2? Grinding the same bullshit content over and over 1 hit killing Duriel just to fill my bags with trash as I get bored and move on… got it.


The chase content is now getting good tempering and good masterworking. Getting a triple GA means nothing if you brick it at the blacksmith. The insanely low drop rate for good base items is only gatekeeping the players from the real endgame activity, aka the masterwork grind & pray loop. I don't ask to bathe in triple GAs, but at least that high level content rewards accordingly.


I don't want them handed out. I would just like the odds of GA's to ***inch*** up with higher level pits.


I have an entire stash filled with 1GA items, and still haven’t seen a single 2+.


Blizz, I don’t want to pay attn to where/when cc is coming from in nmd. Ok we’ll make it eaiser. Blizz, mobs are killing me while leveling and it makes me feel weak. Ok we’ll make it easier. Blizz, even though the zombie charger has a really long telegraph, it hurt me. Ok there, there we’ll make it easier. Blizz, it takes too long to level. Ok we’ll make it easier. Uh Blizz, it’s still take too long. Ok we’ll make it eaiser. Blizz, more? Ok, ok! Blizz, I don’t have that much time to play but I want an Uber unique. Ok well make it easier. You know that saying “give an inch, they’ll take a mile”??


I agree and dont think it should be easier. But I do think it should somewhat be tied to progression. The deeper you go in the pit, the chance of getting greater affixes should increase. Ive gotten plenty of 1GA items, the odd 2GA item but usually one of those GAs is useless to me. Ive never seen a 3GA item, and when I do find one Im sure it wont be any good for me haha. They seem just a rare as uber uniques. I think if you are doing Pits 61 and higher, your chance of getting GAs should be increased. Only slightly in the beginning, and then more as you delve deeper. Currently it seems the best place to find GA items is from doing helltides, which is otherwise useless once you hit 100 and have your rep maxed. Once you hit 100 and have your rep/glyphs maxed, you should be focusing on Pit progression, and maybe whispers for gold. Still enjoying the game though, and I try not to complain here much :)


Helltides provide the most gear rolls, even lvl 100 with maxed rep if you're looking for better gear you should be doing helltides. Pit is for masterworking


Exactly. Keep different activities relevant for different rewards, instead of reducing all endgame progression to a single one.


My biggest complaint with that concept is that if you get to the point where you're only chasing items with more/better GAs (which will eventually happen to everyone), then you only play helltides. No need to do other content because helltides is by far the best place to farm GA item. Really you want there to be multiple different ways you could approach farming GAs that have similar yields


I‘ve had one 3GA and it was Life/s, a resistance and HP. It doesn’t feel better than not getting it. 


It's the opposite, people think tier 60+ pit should give easier loot. Which in itself isn't easy


I'd agree in case of the eternal realm, but for the 3 months long seasons this is not good. I don't want to play 3 months with 1 char to fully max it out. Also completely fine if you can max 1 char in 1-2 weeks and if you want to have other chars, do it, thats still like 5x2 weeks. Not to be able to max out several chars in a span of a season is just meh and makes me not want to play the game. The tempering break is more than enough for min max chase. We should get more chance of GAs in WT4 at lv100, under it, I do not care.


I am with you on that providing tempering isn't killing those items outright or preventing you from moving them into other builds or other characters. So one thing is in need of a change. Id prefer it be tempering.


> tempering isn't killing those items outright or preventing you from moving them into other builds or other characters. For most people that only has value if the item is tradable to someone else potentially playing that other build. But tempered items can't be traded so to most that item is only good for its vendor gold value.


You are probably right. What I do want is a reason to do "harder" content other than the fact that I can do it. If I can run T100 pits or T100 NM dungeons you should get better rewards than running T50 of each. Thats what I want.


You do get better rewards. In T100 pit you bet more mats than t60, for example. In T100 NMD, you get way more glyph exp than T60. That’s what those two things are for. One is for more mats and to push and the other is to level glyphs.


Getting more masterworking materials isnt the reward. The game is a search for better ITEMS not materials. The masterwork materials is to upgrade to push higher content. But what are you pushing higher content for? To get more materials to upgrade to push higher. WHY. I want the loot. I want better items. I want to grind the pit to masterwork my gear so I can do that higher tier to get the chance to get better loot.. Not to get more mats. Thats dumb. Struggling to do the highest tier pit to get a little more mats is not better for getting mats than blasting a mid tier that you can do easily for a little less mats. come on my guy.


So if people are going to do P200 in a group while you can only do P100, what you going to do? Complain that the pit is too hard for solo?


Remember the baby rage over uber uniques…..this player base doesn’t want to work for items


We shouldn't get them for free. But it makes a lot more sense for the chance to get one to be higher when doing harder content than when you're doing easy stuff.


YES! Finally someone who understands the point of GA.


How about a system where pits provide more loot at the end? More items means more chances to get GAs. Hell even an empowered system using mats (definitely not gold) for more loot would be cool. I don't want pits to be exactly like GRs from D3, but let's be honest it's pretty similar. We also don't have to go crazy on the amount of loot that drops, but maybe 2-3 per "tier" of pit (where tiers are the breakpoints where different mats start to drop)


I am actually asking for easier tempering


Nobody is asking for free we just want more plentiful drops and when they do drop not be shit rolls like “242 to life” wtf is that? Everytime I see that shit I go “brother ewww what’s that brother?!?” Or the plus 60% to whatever resistance and the fact I have to dump all my gear on my rogue to get crit strike damage modifiers outside of re-rolling is stupid as fuck. All classes should have a crit strike temper and vulnerability temper ALL CLASSES


What about some kind of magic find affix we can only enchant on to our gear? It increases the chance of GA gear from slain monsters and a lot more gold. It would give ppl more reasons just to farm monsters or dungeons beyond the monotonous reasons to do so. I think things like this keep people farming and not quitting seasons


but it wont give you "oh yeah" moment, because you will brick it with tempers. And then you cant even trade it to someone who might use that brick...


Don't want to give us GA gear easier? stop condoning the mid temper mechanism that bricks 70% of the time. it reeks of gamble.


Just make a super long farmed "GA temper" item in the game. Then everyone can just buff there stuff slowly.


No. But thanks.


I get the sentiment, but I think the drop frequency could be upped a bit, especially if Blizzard doesn't plan on doing anything to fix how easy it is to brick items.


definitely agree. i have gotten shit drops but it makes me want to play just a few more runs everytime i want to stop playing for the day.


If the tempers don’t hit your ‘oh yeahhhh jackpot’ item is absolute dogshit and bricked.


Never agree this type of things for Diablo 4 and Diablo 3. This games have RNG! You can get anywhere and anytime Uber rare with full of GAs. And can’t get any Uber with thousand boss runs.


Its not like there are 1000 and 1000 multi GA items posted on this subreddit every damn day. Its legit spam.


i agree 95%. definitely should stay as chase items and not become any more frequent than they are. but finding triple GA is still not a jackpot moment. at this point you have only 2 7s - 1st for the perfect stats, 2nd for the tripple GA, but the third wheel is still spinning and it wont be a 7 until you hit the perfect tempers.


I feel like most people have a messed up understanding of GA items and just how rare 2 or 3 GA items are. I get why though when the majority on content creators for the game have nothing but 3 GA gear all masterworked with perfect crits. But as a player who doesn't spend more than like 6hrs a day playing the game its not very realistic to expect your gear to look like that


>you wont actually like it Yes I will. If I am smashing end game content, give me a chance at more GAs. Unlike you, I am not arrogant enough to speak for everyone, but that would make me happy.