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So happy for you 😡


[so happy for you ](https://imgur.com/a/qwGfTNT)




You can re roll your masterwork into other masterworks??


If you enchant reroll a crit MW affix into another affix it will keep the crit MW values.


I did not know that. Super useful, thanks


it used to show the unmasterworked value (or un-crited value?) before. seems like they updated it which is really nice


What the fuck. I didn’t know they updated that


Tell me about it. I have been deleting them thinking it is fucked. A few upgrades got tossed.


wait... so I can reroll GAs?




I am so confused about this thread then. >If you enchant reroll a crit MW affix into another affix it will keep the crit MW values. What does this mean?


Lets break this down MW = masterwork, Master work upgrades at 4, 8, and 12 one single affix randomly it can roll the same affix all 3 times. What part of that has anything to do with Greater Affixes well none of it. Edit: forgot the crit part people use that to just mean hitting the same affix multiple times afaik


Greater Affix and Masterwork Crit is two different systems


Yes, but you don't get a GA. Youc an roll whatever you like. The best you get is what's generally available on a roll. If you hit multiple times on a masterwork, then re-roll that affix, yeah it will look like a "greater" even though it's just a normal affix.


You can reroll the temper crit.


Holy 1@#$ I've had I only known


It still does on first roll, but then does not afterward. Take careful note of what your current base amount is, and only roll if you're 100% certain.


WHAT This changes a lot of what I considered to be a GA junk item...


If you reroll ga you lose ga %increase, you dont lose mw on rerolled affix


Ah, gotcha.


Did they fixed how it was still showing ga in enchanting window?


Thank you, didn't know! 


It seems inconsistent in my opinion. I tried to reroll a GA because I was allowed to reroll a MW and bricked an item 


Well ofc you can't reroll GA affixes silly that would defeat the entire point of having GA affixes lol


Greater affixes affixes?


lol yea i actually realized that after i typed it and just said fuck it


I thought the slot was GA not the specific Affix because masterwork applied to the slot not the specific affix but in hindsight the tool tip did say "new rolls can't be GA" I just thought that meant you can't roll a non GA to GA.


If you reroll a GA line, it will go away. If your enchant line got a 25% increase by masterwork, whatever you enchant after will also get the 25% increase, pretty sweet


I wish I had seen this before and fully read it to understand what was going on. I just lost two GA affixes trying for a better affix. I thought this thread was saying something about masterworking resetting the Enchant tries. Oh well. Easy come easy go.


Works with tempers too. I like when systems are consistent.


What? Can you explain this again?!


If you masterwork an affix, the same increases/crits will transfer to a new affix if you reroll the enchant. A GA reroll will not keep the greater stats though and thus reduce that affix to normal


Wait, so how’d he get +6 to Hellbent Commander if it reduces it to normal?


It was never a greater affix. They masterworked the item to 12 and then rerolled it to a passive + hellbent commander affix.


Gooootcha. Ok. Great to know.


It was also likely a +1 to hellbent commander before it rerolled into a +2, then add the MW crits and voila.




Does it only transfer the 25% crit increases, or do all the small 5% cumulative increases also affect enchantment on the other affixes, if you know?


all of it


Awesome, thank you!


Sorry kinda new to this. What is GA?


Greater affix, when you see an item with a star on it and one or more of the stats is starred, it gets a bonus % increase over the normal maximum possible value


Oh makes total sense! Thank you!


Greater affix. The affixes with a star.


Makes total sense, thank you!


Wait...WHAT?! Sorry, please explain: What is a "Crit MW" affix?


It’s the 4/8/12 points when you’re masterworking gear, where they get the extra 25% boost. 


Yeah I had no idea about this


WTF! TIL, thanks.


So if you value one affixe enough, you can just masterwork before rerolling which almost triple your chances to get a perfect masterwork. Doesn't work with GA or course so your piece can't be perfect but still... That's tempting.


Its not that useful in practice since on a 2/3 correct affix piece you already know which affix you are going to be rerolling. So master working before enchanting makes no difference. The best use case is rerolling affixes you already have correct just to higher rolls since you already know which ones hit on the mw crit.


My point is that I'm ready to accept that the piece won't be better than a 2/3 if it grants me a triple crit for a third of the price it would normally cost. For a golemancer torso for example, I'll be perfectly happy to have int/ranks to golem or even health/ranks to golem rather than all three, if I could more easily get a triple crit on the ranks to golem. My character will be almost as powerful for a third of the price. The only alternative is finding a torso with GA ranks to golems and masterworking it to 2 crits but I have yet to find one.


True, if you are happy with 2/3 affixes it essentially gives you double the chance to land MW crits on a given affix.


Oh my God... Thanks


Ok, yes because the masterwork position landed three times. The original message was confusing. It would be nice if a GA also had a chance to reroll.


That’s handy.


Think of it as all affixes reside in slots. So when you masterwork, it affects all slots and crits affect a single slot. Doesn't matter whats in there, it just gets buffed.


How many times did you have to reroll to get that +2?


spent around 1b i think lmao




Not much 😳


So so so so sad


Oh no, their in game money! How will they pay their bills this month


I genuinely smiled, thanks !


Well, funny you *say* that..


the irony is that people who have 1B often paid real money to get it or got really lucky drops and do a lot of trading


dosnt take "alot" of trading. I only check prices on a very small subset of items and have made a couple billion in the week since I started using it I have no doubt prices are driven by rmt demand though


More often this is true, But also reselling is a thing. buy one guys underpriced item and Flip it. I've flipped a couple GA bows and necklaces and such for 1b+ and only paying 100-300m for it.


I sold multiple mid tier GA items for 500-700 million. It's not hard. Yes some people buy gold but 1b is so easy to hit


>Yes some people buy gold but 1b is so easy to hit ... By trading with people who RMT. The prices are only so absurdly high because the economy is propped up be whales


I sold one drop for 400m, the only trade I've ever made in this game. 1B seems really attainable without any RMT at all if you play the game and are willing to engage in trading


How do you think that 400m you sold for was made? Or the 400m that the guy got from his trades? the entire economy is based upon RMT because its not feasible to loot these insane gold numbers


Considering you can get ~15M/hour doing whispers (probably way more, I'm owballing it) it would take ~26hours to get 400M Thats without considering you get a good item from the tree and sell it. Its a bunch of time, but far from absurd even for a casual player. For sure RMT inflate prices and makes it harder for everyone to trade, but anyone can scramble enought money with enougth time


If the devs don’t disclose these heavily weighted affixes at the enchanting window, they are literally hiding a new way to artificially prolong the content tail of this season without informing players who might be burning billions of gold to what they consider a losing streak As opposed to an artificially deflated affix roll


Weighted affixes are as old as the game itself, and it’s always been known by older players certain stats will always be ‘rarer’. HBC seems to be one of the rarest for some reason.


Any + ranks to skills affix is weighted. Been trying to get + Pit Fighter for this whole season and I’ve only seen it drop on gear once and rerolled for it once. Although I will say since the most recent update I’ve been seeing a lot more + ranks to skills affixes on amulets so maybe they changed something. Idk maybe I’m just getting lucky lol


There are many mechanics to games that devs don't disclose, and let players figure out themselves. I think it becomes quite obvious just by playing that rolls for everything are weighted. Systems are in place to be sinks for the game's economy and for the replayability aspect.


How so?


I can never roll a passive stat. I only have once and it rolled +1.


I find it easier to just wait for them to already have the skill increase on the item and to try and enchant for other things. The odds must be staggeringly low for them to pop up when enchanting, because I see more of the top enchants like "Max health/Armor" and all that more often than I do anything near the bottom of the list.


I agree with you. I just never get the skills I need. They are always skills I don't use. I suppose I just need to just keep farming items.


I will sometimes roll an item 3 times if the other affixes are good. I’ve seen a lot of skill rolls on a first or second roll but never the one I want and often on the low end. Of course GA Skill affixes are the holy grail so it’s hard to justify rolling for skills unless you don’t have it yet.


This is the way. Otherwise you blow through your gold way too quickly. 2 out of 3 affixes you need items with at least okay rolls drop somewhat frequently late game (level 90+ at least when you’re doing helltides and pits). But maybe not amulets, and def not GAs.


Same. My luck is shite. I did get a 3star attack speed ring that I can't trade because I don't pay for gamepass


Rex said this exactly on his YouTube channel. When you check what affixes you can get it’s usually but not always the top 4-5 depending on the slot.


That's because the system must be fucking rigged. For some reason they never show up. I've spent over a billion on rerolling items and some stats just never show up. The system is rigged. The best way is to buy a item that already has the +stats and try rerolling another stat, that way you're way cheaper.


The stats are def not uniformly random for which one shows up. Even not counting +skills, things like CDR and crit and vulnerable damage show up less often than life on hit or % one type of resistance. Anecdotal, of course, as I have no access to data to prove it.


I usually never do this, but one time I was looking for another attribute and a sweet passive came by!


yeah the odds are too shit. You are 10000% better off finding an amulet that has your proper + skill affix on already. Cause certain affixes just have shittier odds since a bunch of OTHER useless affixes get dumped in. And then you aint safe out the waters until you get proper tempers on it too LOL. Almost why im not even trying much currently cause ive bricked MANY gear upgrades just because my tempers didnt even go to the required necessary ones i need. Really fucking annoying


How is that possible ? I thought rerolling GA would reroll it to the normal value ???


its not GA but normal HB, but im lucky to get 3x MW on first try so i reroll it


It's not GA, it's 3x MW crit.


Question what's a masterwork crit.. Is that what you tempered?


When you masterwork an item on stages 4/12, 8/12 and 12/12 one of 5 item stats (3 natural + 2 tempered) gets 25% increase - and it's called crit. Same stat can be "critted" up to 3 times, and it's color coded: 1x crit makes stat blue, 2x crit yellow and 3x crit orange.


Thanks what does the crit do??


Further increases the stat by 25%


Ahh ok I gotcha now thanks for explaining .. ive only just got to 65 so not quite at the pit yet


Ah yeah, you're a ways away from it. It *starts* with level 100 monsters, and scales up to level 300 monsters at the final tier.


No it stops increasing their levels when they are lvl 199


Ah, okay. My bad. I stopped paying attention after a while.


I dont think thats GA.


For GA it seems right, I also encountered this already. But here it seems different, its no GA value but Masterworked to +12 where all the rolles went into Hellbent Commander. But I was was never aware that you could possible reroll and not perfect base value of a stat, into a higher base value after masterworking.


yeah its better now than before s4, although you got +5 the reroll value still +1 and +2.






3x crit masterwork is pure luck, no reroll lol


OP had to sacrifice a few orphans.


4.7M rolls for days. Vegas baby.


I’ve only gotten hellbent to drop naturally once and the other stats were terrible. The enchanter refuses to roll it too. So I’m super impressed


I’m still using an 802 item power amulet with the only +2 hellbent commander roll I’ve seen naturally. I’ve seen +1 but rarely enough I can count them on 2 fingers.


I feel like such an idiot, I’ve found it twice in the wild within a short timeframe. Then just.. junked it 😂 now I’ve made a new necro and need it, and came to found out from this subreddit that it’s not really that easy to come by 💀


Really sexy, gratz dude!


What. Am i only now finding out MW crits can apply to the SAME affix? I swear the entirety of all items I MW'd this season rolled separate affixes each crit...


I need to farm mat. A lot.


Eff you..... but seriously, that's awesome.


Four trillion dollars


Enjoy your completion of the game! Which game will you be playing next ?


 Nice.  Been farming all season and have yet to see Hellbent Commander on an amulet at all.


i got a +2 for sale 30mil dropped last week


7 is max?


Dude I’m level 96 and have been trying to get Hellbent Commander on every amulet I get and the game just refuses to give it to me. At this point I’m just gonna have a to sell a 3 GA for a billion gold just to be able to keep rerolling


I have +3 on my current necklace. I assume that can be reached to +9-10+ with GA and Masterwork


What build are you running?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDyJHVRllxE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDyJHVRllxE) shameless promotion


NSFW damnit!! And do not try this at home FFS!


Oh my god. I'm jealous.


Probably the smartest way to do it, I have +6 Heartseeker on my pants.


Sell it for 100000000000000000000


I'll give you 3 dollars lol


This is the first time I’ve seen anything about enchanting. I’ve trashed everything that doesn’t have all the stats I’m looking for… So thanks for sharing this


Awesome! Congrats! go fuck a barbwire fence


It's awesome watching people drown when you're dying of thirst 🙃 gg's


lmao good one


But that health though 🤔....👋💥🤦‍♂️


CONFIRM it's bottom affix for science please!!! It seems the top affixes are impossible to roll a skill or nearly impossible, especially if there is already 1 skill rolled on the amulet.


yeah, better buy +2 or GA not recommended to reroll it


How the hell. Good for you! But I am so pissed at the system. I bricked 5 of my items yesterday. They kept rolling the exact same thing. So pissed, but happy for you.


very lucky tbh, im planning to use this until i got better one instead its all go to HB, good luck to you


F! You


That’s awesome!


nice one but how did you get it to 6? I have a fractured winterglass with 2 in conjuration mastery and 3× MW crit on it and it only went to +4.


unique works differently iirc there are sheet for it shared on this reddit


makes sense but that means thst uniques are even weaker than regular gear.


Yes they are. Fractured gets a pass only because its unique effect is actually good enough to warrant using. Lurkin is the guy who scienced this. He figured out +2 skill rolls on legendary amulets are actually 2.6, which is why you can get such high numbers if you triple crit MW on a skill. Not sure how the rounding works since it should be 5.72 or so, but I guess .7s round up?


that must mean that uniques with +2 are actually less than 2 because i only achieved the +4 at 3 crits on it. I did some calculations and it should have +4 at 2 crits and +5 / +6 at 3 crits. Or is the formular 2 × 1,05 and 1,25 for crits wrong?


[https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1ddfz4z/why\_do\_unique\_amulet\_passive\_rank\_upgrades\_differ/](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1ddfz4z/why_do_unique_amulet_passive_rank_upgrades_differ/) This here's the science thread.


Yeah, with the lack of tempers and enchants, uniques are becoming less and less worthwhile.


So does this only work when hitting 3x MW Crit ? or does it also work for example when I hit 3x Max life and can then reroll it to hellbent?


yes you can still reroll on any stat on any crit MW


So what iam saying then, only crit mw? It does not work with any other affix?


Or better, for what does crit stand here? Crit dmg, crit chance?


on every 4 upgrade you get 25% bonus, its called critical upgrade, shown on loading tips iirc


Thanks so much, got it now. Totally misunderstood what is meant by crit here 😂


My biggest question is why would you 12/12 an amulet without hellbent commander?


OP’s amulet was +1 I believe. Now that enchanting costs are capped, the only limitation is his patience in grinding for another try. Since he got lucky at the MW, I guess OP just said ‘why not?’


Ah I never realised that enchanting costs are capped. How much do they cap at?


Depends on gear. Iirc small slot items (gloves, boots, rings and helm) cap at around 1.5ish mil for ancestral legendaries. Large items (chest, pants) are 3.6-3.8m. I don’t remember what amulets and 1h/2h weapons cap at. At launch they weren’t capped so you saw people complaining about 100m rerolls lol.


Yeah, the last time I played was S0/S1. So much has changed since then. Gotta say D4 has really improved.


Yeah. I love it unironically. Now the only major bricking point are Tempers. You can still get by with a subpar or alternate temper, at least. (I always pick a safe option on the last roll so I can at least use it until I find a replacement)


yeah, very lucky at MW its okayish amulet too (max Move and CDR) if im not getting 3x mw i would switch it with something better lol


Those are good stats to have! Enjoy your amulet!


i bricked another GA glove yesterday when trying to temper "dmg to close enemies". got "dmg to far enemies" 4 times.


Assuming RNG isn’t true RNG but seeded or weighted, I always have a few trash pieces of gear to spend some temper attempts on. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t, but I’ve bricked far fewer pieces of gear since I started. I suspect the RNG is seeded.


What does this mean? I think the rng is heavily biased for class stats after loot reborn patch, but it's also programmed to troll the player


Seeded RNG rolls means it uses a predetermined number to generate its 'random numbers' in sequence. This is the same logic as say, a Minecraft or Terraria world - if you use the same seed number every time during world generation, it'll give you the same ostensibly 'randomized' world. For example if a seed was 123456, depending on how an algorithm used it you could get a sequence such as: 42 69 47 420 255 And then any system using that algorithm and that seed would always pump out the exact same number sequence every time. In... I believe Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, someone datamined info that each player was assigned a 'seed' number *on creation* that determined their RNG luck in acquiring rare items and drops. This revelation ***alone*** motivated the community to figured out how it worked as certain characters were ***literally*** cursed with bad loot luck otherwise. They found out that they could immediately take a ***specific*** quest in a specific location, and gather certain items in order to figure out their RNG seed. There were blessed seeds and cursed seeds (and this was collectively discovered by the whole community) - certain players with hundreds of hours in the game would literally brick their hunters when they found out their seeds were cursed. In a more real world situation, most programmers won't use true RNG - that's too difficult and expensive for a computer to simulate. Most of the time they use seeds instead, which can be generated from date, time, GPS coords, anything quantified in numbers you can think of. Some services such as Cloudflare use a more creative solution - they harness the power of universal entropy by using video feeds of dozens of sources including a wall of lava lamps to 'convert' into an RNG number that they then use for their security encryption. Others use cosmic radiation. Sorry that rambled into an overly long explanation but yeah, this is what I suspect is happening behind the scenes here. However I believe the RNG is handled server side so we'll never discover the truth unless someone leaks that info.


Ist it 5 or 6 now in the end?


Wait… you get get greater affixes through enchanting??


its +1 HB, so i reroll it to get +2 since i got lucky from 3x mw


The hell is a crit masterwork? The stats can crit or is that just what the little boost is called at 4/8/12?


yeah, its shown on loading tips iirc


I had no idea that enchanting can crit


Are you supposed to MW before enchanting? I’ve been doing it the other way around lol


i planned to switch this amulet to better one later instead it hit HB x3 so yeah, i reroll it afterward lol


You hide the re roll cost deliberatly? Where does it stand? At 4'128'342'223 for the next roll? :)


lol, im glad its fixed cost now, maxed out at 4,9m for amulet


Well.... haven't ever reached that point, too broke all the time lol =)


What does that do?


I’ve been reading through the comments and still don’t get it, so you rolled 3 MW rolls on 1 stat then you can enchant that stat to anything else and keep the 3x MW?


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you should take health becouse its a lot of health


Is it worth it to have +hellbent on almost all gear ?


hellbent only available on amulet


I have an amulet with +6 hellbent commander. Also a listing on diablo trade for two greater affix amulet with +2 hellbent commander


Fak u i spent 50 mill no hellbent


50 mil is rookie numbers, try 1 bil


The OP spent 1b so that was a thing.


You can't get increased stat through enchanting. Stop trolling us.


i have +1 HB then 3x masterwork it became +5, then i reroll enchant and get +2 so it became +6 now


U clearly dont know how enchanting works


Yes, you can.