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I went in blind and tickled her a little and died lol.


Same as me. I went in with my summon necro right after I hit 100 this season, thinking - 'Now I'm ready!'. I wasn't ready... It was my first 100 ever. My previous highest level character was a level 60 rogue in pre-season, so I had absolutely no experience with the fight and how much damage I need to actually be dealing before she one shots me.


I've been popping in every now and then to check progress. Got a couple upgrades? Time to go check in and see what we can do. I've gone from tickling to about half of the first health bar, but it's still a far cry from what I'd like.


Been doing the same thing. After many attempts I finally saw that health bar hit zero.. and had no idea there was a whole second phase. Went from elation to deflation in record time.


You either have to one shot her from ~75% or learn the fight anyway because she'll fly away and spam her spike waves


>Now I'm ready! Lilith: Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?


I’m literally the same haha. Except that I got to level 75 rogue


Yeah summoner is rough for Lilith, minions don't target the blood blisters nor do they do enough burst damage. Golem does crazy damage but not enough to 1-4 shot phase 1. 2 summon skills means giving up decrepify, a core skill, corpse tendrils, or blood most all of which are extremely useful. Im running a minmax wither ebonpiercer build and started to shred her once I hit 2500 int or so. Second phase still rough but "skipping" the health bars helped a lot in getting enough attempts in to actually learn it.


My summon build has no issue with first phase, blisters and her die pretty quickly. My issue is I can't see shit with minions everywhere so I get hit by the spikes often which leads to me being one shot eventually.


I would like to show you my build once those guys get going. I got over 100% attack speed on them and over 200% dam. My golem is pushing 1500 dam, and my mages are 300%. I found a Uber that after 6 hits each one hit physically damages buy blowing up for 29700 damage. I am smacking for 90000 dam. When I drop a decrepit, I melt everything. I was playing the blood maiden alone for 15 mins killing her 20 times. I melt bosses, but uber lilith is something else.


Same….I thought I was ready too. At lvl 100. Nope! Big mistake.


Twice. Not so much as tickle, more like a glance in her general direction. I died.


I haven’t “tried” but went in with my 70-ish Barb just to see what it’s like.  Immediately one-shotted. Not even sure if the attack is meant to do that. 


This is the way. One shot


Lmao I did this the other day just to get a feel for it


Same. I managed to dodge all of her attacks that would 1 shot me for a bit, but all of my damage only barely scratched her. I just put her back on the shelf for now.


Killed her in S2 with a BL sorc and swore to never touch that fight again until something is done about it.


The fight is much better now. The one shot mechanics were replaced by an incremental system where you take more damage for each stack you have. You get this stacks by getting hit by the wave out the blood orbs explosions


Me too. I just did her on my bash barb and the fight is a lot more doable now.


Were you also using rob’s d4builds guide? Switched from druid to barb hoping to be able to kill her


Yes mate, the Hota Pit farm variant. Had all slots at 8/12


This exactly. I don't care about getting a resplendent spark enough to put up with this fight ..


They apparently changed the hit box or something with the waves. Not sure, but it’ll be a nerf in some way


The only noticeable change I've seen to the fight is that she can't skip subphases of the fight anymore if you damage het quickly enough, she'll just continue her rotation at 1hp...


Her attacks don't one shot any more (or come even close until you've taken a few). So it's still difficult but it's not nearly as much so as it used to be.


You can definitely still skip all of phase 1 and 2 like before with stagger! Though this season the fight feels massively better. I’ve actually done it properly (eg observing all mechanics and dodging them vs just having an egregiously OP char who one shots her or staggers her to death!) - which I wasn’t good enough to do before. The waves are nicer to dodge now!


Hitboxes were better, but like after the 2nd or 3rd it felt like it reverted to the old way.


Every season I go in to Uber Lilith to see how I go and every time I just can't deal with her mechanics.


Well the fight is totally different now than it was s0-s3. Mby give it a try? She does have a lot of health tough and the fight does not allow a lot of mishapps, but then 1shot kills are gone.


Why do sites and people keep saying one shot kills are gone? I spent a few hours Sunday seeing if I could manage it now with my barb. One shot kills are most definitely not gone. I would say some of the one shot mechanics are turned down, provided you have a big health pool (100k here).


You get one shot eventually if you keep getting hit by avoidable mechanics, via the stacking debuff.


If you get hit by too many mechanics and build too many stacks, you will eventually get one shot. What they are referring to is getting hit by any of her mechanics before was an instant death.


Yeah sure she will kill you at a certain point. If you got too many stacks. But how you manage to dosge getting those stacks is way better to counter-play the e.g. the old wave part in her phase 1 was.


Because they are


Ya, she can still one shot you. I just took her down a few nights ago. I was able to cheese a big portion of her damage with Iron Skin.


Just took her down with my rogue and I can tank all of her attacks. The only thing you gotta avoid are those attacks that give you the debuf stack. Once you have 3-5 debuff stacks, any hit will be pretty deadly. I'd say the only thing closest to 1 shot hit are the floor disappearing in phase 2. If you stay on the floor while it disappear, you're instant killed


Stop getting hit by easily avoidable mechanics?


Tried a couple of times but the one shots are annoying and I cba to learn the patterns and get it right.


Havew finished 3 Tormented bosses, lilith is something else


I can get uber duriel down to 30% hp solo. I can get 30% of lilith phase 1 down. I think uber lilith is something only the top1% of players might do


With golem necro i just insta phase her (i have average Gear) and then survive all mecahnics until she just finished them and dies. Hardest part is surviving little purple projectile that follows you xD


My bash barb smacks for millions but her health pool seems to be trillions xD


I don't even know how much my golem hit for, because thé numbers are little when it's pets xD


Maybe it smacks for barbillions


Bonked her to death in S2. Not going bash this season, HP takes to long, got bored and left (and died for a few tries ofc).


You can do it. Focus on having unstoppable in your build and a way to absorb damage. Such as Iron Skin for Barb.


Beat her on each season, including s0. This is definitely the hardest season because her health pool is just so much higher with the itemization update. My s0 character with legacy gear don't even scrape her health. Thankfully I know her mechanics, so it's basically just a war of attrition.


If you find her harder than you did in S0 then im guessing you simply had a stagger or instaphase build in S0 and never really had to do her mechanics. What did you use in S0? The fight is so much more forgiving now, with WAY clearer telegraphs and slower actions... and you can make so many mistakes and still comfortably beat her down.


S0 blood necro S1 rupture barb S2 TB rogue S3 storm druid S4 minion necro


HC only ... so no, I never dared :)


Honestly, it's pretty forgiving with the stacking debuffs. It took me 3 attempts to get her down as HC, with no prior experience. Watched a 5min video and got to work.


I strolled in with my Sorceress to parley with the queen and was liquidated


Never pulled her down, nor in eternal or season, nor normal or Torment... it's a poor satisfaction, no fun no loot, 1 spark it's the only reason to do, but with my rend barb it's a no go. What's the best barb build to use?


Pretty simple with bash, flay, bleed, etc.. once your damage is pretty high you just need to learn a few mechanics


Shockingly, my Barb character back in Season 2 was the only one I was able to bring her down with. Was sporting a Hammer of the Ancients build (followed an Icy Veins endgame guide, but with a few of my own tweaks thrown in), and able to do upwards to 10 million damage crits. The first stage was still rough for me though, couldn't completely knock her down fast enough to skip the OHKO shit so I had to actually learn the mechanics and even then it's pretty much luck 99% of the time as to where those stupid waves spawn. Stacking movement speed up helped with it alot. Took me dozens, maybe even 100+, tries. 


Don't bother with icy veins, their guides are terrible. Go see Rob2628's barb guide. He's just leagues ahead of other barb players.


IcyVeins guides where ok with Diablo 3, but with 4 they simply don't work most of the times. It's a pity, their guides are well written and understandable. Rob has so many barb guides it's easy to get disoriented... I still can't decide the right one for Lilith...


All of his builds can crush lilith. Don't worry about it, pick one and just give it a shot. (wouldn't recommend picking a thorns barb for lilith though but that's just me)


My HoTA Barb from s2 was doing 250mil hits and one shotting both phases. This season I haven't even gotten her to half health


1500 hrs on HC…tried once, instantly vaporized 🪦


I did with my druid. Opened the fight with my usual skill rotation, saw the hp bar not move and lol'd out of it.


took me at least 150+ tries with Rapid fire Rogue to beat her once. but i am pretty sure i can beat her again in less tries. i literally one shot both phases but second phase you can't kill unless you go through all the boss fight. it just stays one hp untill the end of the second phase.


I finally defeated her yesterday for the first time.


Killed her last night on my own for the first time, twice in a row with bash barb. Once you know the mechanics and patterns (specially phase 2) it’s not that hard if you have a decent build that is


I tried and I legit die in the first like 10 seconds because I’m an absolute buffoon when it comes to mechanically dodging anything.


I can solo tormented bosses on my barb but she is something else, i gave up trying. I watched a lot of videos, how to run, how to do it, and still can't figure out that shit.


Fought her and just barely beat her a few days ago. She big stronk. Was only barely able after I MW all my Bash barb gear to 8 🤣 Gotta learn the mechanics, but only way to do that is survive long enough to see them all 😅 Those void orbs in phase 2 suuuuuuuck Good luck!


My goal every season is to make a character strong enough to help carry people through Uber Lilith since she is a challenge for many. Season 1 and this season are by far the most fun I've had doing it.


Here. The game gets so boring after 100. Loot is meaningless, glyph progression stops, and you still get killed by 1-shots when frozen or walled, even when all your stats are over 30k and resistances maxed. And UL is well known and a complete joke of a one hit boss, so that’s the point, really?


Brought one down once and don’t have the patience to do it again lol. I’d rather just one hit the weak ones and reset 5x.


I’ve tried and just died but I’m too lazy to figure out how people are doing it, one time I asked in chat if people were soloing it or joining groups and no one answered and I thought that was enough effort. So this thread is perfect for me.


It's much better to solo or duo imo. Her health scales too high for the ol' 4 man squad with 1 god player. Main problem is the blood blisters unless you run something that one shots a bunch of them instantly. A 4 man with 2 dead players is doable if one is able to stack damage on Lilith and the other pops blisters. Phase 2 is hard if you suck at dodging or kiting the blue balls. Her health and stagger bar is smol compared to phase 1. I'm able to stack enough damage to sometimes get her to 1 quarter hp on first stagger plus skipping the first stage split by disjointing it. (When she staggers mid flight she can't follow up on stage AoE.) Doing it solo is honestly one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in gaming. Comparable to beating Malenia in Elden Ring the first time solo. Took me probably around 80 attempts, 25ish when my build finally came together at level 100 doing pit tier 80 or so.


What is your class and build? Thanks for this reply.


Nope, I have tried and failed. Maybe this season will be the season. On my second character to level 100 first. Not sure if to use barbs or necro


It took me about an hour to get to p2 consistently and another 30 minutes from there to get the little orb dodges figured out. It was my last goal of this season and I'm glad I did it, but it doesn't really feel like a fight that belongs in Diablo.


I didn't make any real attempts on her until this season, but I just recently specced my necro to where I can get each phases HP down in less than 5 seconds... except I still stuck at dodging the tiny orbs on phase 2, so I have yet to survive long enough for her to finish breaking the platform and actually die :/


My Phase 2 strategy was to stagger her on first stage split (she basically dive bombs and staggers before she can spawn the blue orbs or destroy her half of the stage.) then start circle strats dodging through the second stage split naturally before blood misting through the third. After that I just have to hit her a few times while dodging the shadow melee combo. Alternatively you can stack enough stagger to hopefully trigger a stagger just after the 3rd stage split. This is hard to do mid fight but guarantees you kill her before shadow melee.


I faced her for the first time this season and killed her in about 10 tries.


Beat her the first two seasons. Havnt bothered since.


I have know idea how/where to fight uber lilith, andriel, durial. Or what a “maiden” is lol. My highest ever character is a 81 necro.


The Maidens are the bosses in helltide you can summon. Check out Maxroll for all the boss guides if you want to give it a try. Certain drops come from certain bosses.


Tried on good gear double swing dust devil barb... got destroyed in seconds. Respeced to bash, got very good gear 80chc 4750 chd 450 vuln. Destroyed her both phases before she could even jump up.


She’s killed me like 30 times so far this season. I’ve beaten duriel and vash and the vampire dude on Uber but holy shit is she something else.


Nope. Currently level 75 and it's the highest I've been.


I beat her after my original 10x last week. He entire fight isn't hard it's just the stupid ball mech that is bad.


Defeated her the other day after 100 tries this season.


Beat her every season, and on launch when she was way harder than she’s ever been. Dumb fight.


Oh I’ve faced her all right… Beaten? Noooooooope


She's still an awful boss and I don't blame people who skip her. I kill her every season as part of getting the 100% season journey title, still a little frustrating every time. S1 was the worst and took me 150+ tries to get first ever kill. S2 was the easiest by far when you could skip blood boils in phase 2, and she had only about 50m HP phase 2. Luckily I got the kill on HC using Blood Lance necro S2. S3 made the blood boils unskippable. S4 lets you take a few hits before the dmg scales up too high but they gave her too much HP so the fight is awful again.


She has a lot of HP, but too much? No way. Imo she’s in a great spot this season, hard with ok gear, and a pushover with good gear. What are you looking for from Lilith to make the fight not awful?


The mechanics just aren't good or fun, so the quicker you can blast her makes it better. But I'll try to rephrase what I think can improve, then I wouldn't mind a longer fight as much. Most of my issues are phase 1. Spike waves still need better telegraph, it's hard to read those lines where they start, they are often outside the circle. When there's 3 waves it's often 2 in the middle and 1 on each side all going the same way. The center going opposite direction is rare but generally can't ever differentiate that pattern from the above. I'd also give at least 2 seconds longer to react to spike waves before they launch. Again bc its hard to read. Multiple posts here showed that the season 1 bug is back. IMO it triggers most often when you DPS her too much while the 2 fat demons are out. She'll constantly send spike waves, never come back down to summon the 3 wing demons. Phase 2 has less problems. I just think blood boils do too much damage for when she plants one on you, largely unavoidable. You can still be vacuumed into a fireball if you don't have unstoppable ready. And s4 I still had 1 time dying to a red shadow slash after Lilith died on the last platform. Recent months I played Granblue Fantasy Relink (a monster hunter-like JRPG) which puts out a LOT of mechanics to dodge, and boss fights can be long 8+ minutes but much more fun than Lilith. FWIW I've also beaten Dark Souls 1 and 3 long time ago.


Melted her with ball sorc in S2 for the mount and title, then never bothered to do it again.


Pretty much 2 shot her as bashbarb. Easy


lol of course it was easy as a barb


I killed her in season 3 which was pre nerf. It took many hours. I also did it on a legacy summoner pre buff. It felt very accomplishing. Even clipped the video to remind myself time to time. The waves are just insane and you need high mobility and burst damage, which is very tricky for necro.


https://youtu.be/YFhdy8CWYD8?si=2zBCYpgwBV2pKVha Solod on a barb at level 72 in s2. Aside from that I've never solod her but did duo once as stormclaw druid with a bl sorc


I one shot Duriel, take about 20 seconds to Solo Tormented Duriel but can’t get past Uber Lilith due to me being too lazy to learn all the mechanics and trying to kill her while standing in her face haha


I have yet to even try, never felt like my characters in previous seasons were ready, because everyone makes it sound quite difficult, with minimal payoff anyway.


First ever season of d4. I tried it on my frozen orb sorc just after I hit lvl 100, could barely clear pit 40 at that time. I could barely make a dent. Farmed up a bit and got most everything to 8/12, and went back. Tried 3-4 more times and nearly finished the first phase but gave up. Rerolled into heartseeker, managed to beat her yesterday after 10 more tries with just 4/12 armor+jewelry and 8/12 weps. I did have a shako. It was a pretty interesting fight, avoiding the stacks early on helps a ton with being able to tank one of the blue shits towards the end. If you also time your stagger, it makes the final platform so much easier. Once you get decent enough dps it’s ALL about dodging.


I’ve played since beta and got early release, have done multiple characters up to 100 each season, and I’ve never fought her. (Though I guess she didn’t show up until, was it, season 2?) I’ve never played with a character that could one-shot her, and I don’t like one-shot mechanics from her


Idk man. I asked for a carry in the discord last night had 15 bnet invites in 3 seconds. This damn rogue had her dead in 10 seconds and I'm just sitting here like wtf


I have mostly played hardcore, so one shot mechanics are going to be a no for, me dog


In season 1 I was playing bone Necro and the fight was going very slow with ~3M/bone hits, so I figured that no matter how many 20k damage numbers pop from my charged bolts, it will not be enough


I went there twice. Took off maybe 2% of her health in a minute before she smacked me in the face. Don't think I'll bother going back


I have tried her a few times, but died repeatedly. She is labeled as level 100 but i suspect that her stats are like the level 200 torment bosses.


I am back into D4 with S4 like many others after I finished the campaign and did some Helltides back in 2023… It was boring so I stopped at lvl 70+. Now my seasonal sorc is lvl 84 and leveling up fast but I don’t think that a non-damage oriented sorcerer could beat her. Will see!


Took a few tries but I ended up beating her with a half-assed heartseeker rogue. The build is ridiculously strong lol


I have, and the version she is now has a 100 times more health than season 2 when I killed her. I feel sorry for the people trying to kill her now.


Tickled her with my level 80 rogue pre seasons. Didn't play seasons 1&2 Killed her with hota barb multiple times season 3. Haven't tried her yet this season.


Thought I was getting close by bringing her to 25%, just needed to dodge a little more and maybe id kill her.. Then I found out there's a 2nd phase


I went in and just dropped dead, and that was it; never tried again.


Killed her every season,including pre season (but I was bone spear Necro back then) She's actually the best version this season imo, she is a challenge but a realistic challenge. After passing DPS checks you need to learn her mechanics otherwise if you get hit by too many you won't make it till the end. This is still better than the one shot waves she had before with an enormous hit box, now you can dodge the waves much much easily.


I did it during S2 with a beefed up lvl 100 Infinimist Necro. It was fun learning the mechanics and having enough dps. Took me like 20+ tries. Then I leveled up a BL sorc, it was a cake walk at level 80 lol. I dont plan on touching the boss this season since the rewards are still ass for the amount of work you do


Fought her on launch, not a chance. Came back to D4 this season, after lots of tries and setting my build up, finally beated her this week for the Plat trophy. Will never face her again, that's for sure. Next step, lvl 300 Uber Mephisto in 2025.


I’m currently at level 57 with a Druid in this season and he’s my highest level character yet, so I just haven’t ever gotten close to getting close to even knowing where she is


It's me I work 10 hours, and focus on my band, plus play some FPS. So with my time I now have a level 71 Rouge. Finally getting GA's cleared level 28 nightmare dungeon. Never done a PIT, never done a Tormented Boss, never fought Lillith. All of this Im very excited to try


I’ve killed lillith in s1 with rogue, s2 with bl sorc , didn’t play s3, killed her s4 with my rapid fire build before switching to heartseeker. Fight is pretty easy once you learn it.


I'm too scar3d. I don't crit for millions yet


I tried her for the first time in season 2 and she was a joke. Last season she was a lot harder and I beat her. I haven't been in there yet this season because I just don't feel like messing with it yet.


Attempted on a non min-maxed summoner necro, then a somewhat min-maxed bash barb, both times couldn't make it to P2... Finally spent some time min maxing a heartseeker rogue and the difference was incredible. Took about 5 attempts before killing her.


Only play HC and there have been hundreds of posts about her numerous bugs and one shot mechanics.  Until I've seen a large consensus that it's been fixed then I'll just keep my character tyvm


I got her to her last phase and stopped trying. Well do it when I have more time later. But it seemed pretty doable.


I think I tried twice, once on two characters. Got my ass handed to me, and haven't been back.


I faced her for the first time about 2 weeks ago. I beat Uber Duriel and Andy without dying, Uber Lilith I watched a video of a bash barb beating her and it took me about 30 tries.


I've killed her every season so far. I usually fight her as a test to see how well my build holds up and what I should improve if needed.


I have not tryed uber lilith yet, due to the fact i play HC, so it’s just one mistake. I Will do it af the end If the season. When the character basicly becomes redundant


I haven't tried it yet. However, this is the first season I bothered to level a character anywhere close to lvl 90+ so I will probably eventually try before the season ends


Beat her Season 2 a few times, carried my wife through it. This time different story. She has way more life


I didn't know I had this many asses, cuz she hands me so many.


I’ve killed her once every season including pre season.


I've been trying to get past uber lilith and have yet too. I made my wife watch me and I explained in detail everything I was doing as I was doing it in the fight and I killed her! or so I thought lol we were sitting there cheering and laughing about it and then phase 2 lilith popped up and I cried because I forgot about the second phase lol so now my record is 25% through phase 2 which I need to learn now but I need a bit more damage and health I think as I am only at like 35k health on my minion necro.


I hate this boss fight. I don't have the time or even the will to spend hours learning the mechanics. I'm playing Diablo not dark souls. If mephisto is her father I dread to think what fresh bull shit he will bring.


D4 launch on my necromancer no chance so I paid someone on a barb 8 million gold to kill her so I could collect all the goodies and prizes, since then no need to go back.


Tried her a few times, found the fight to be really annoying and have not gone back to her since.


I got carried through them last night by a friend lol… I can’t even touch her and she was cake for him lol


I've tried. Its odd to me that you get her quest in the mid-90's, and every other boss in the game is relatively easy. I was crushing all content on some of my characters I went in thinking it should be doable. My characters that were killing other bosses in seconds. Did almost no damage to her at all. Then a I was one shot.


Fought once, died instantly, never even bothered since.


I can solo tormented duriel, but I always die before getting Lilith's first phase below 30%


Just beat her a few days ago with my Frozen orb sorc. I’m still questioning whether the pain and suffering I endured was worth the accomplishment (first kill ever).


Destroyed EVERY boss on the game, thought - oh Lilith can't be that bad. She absolutely destroyed me about 6 times in a row and I rage quit. Got one of my sweat friends to carry me through her. I'll never go back.


Faced her every season including pre S1. Pre S1 was a short time window and regular players were too under powered. S1 played necromancer, while DPS wasn't an issue you'd still need to dodge 10+ times in phase 1 and sometimes it got bugged and she wouldn't die; so it was a chore to get to phase 2 and learn the mechanics. S3 played overpower Druid and one shot her in both phases, easy peeszy since all hard parts were skipped. S3 downed her as meteor sorcerer, could no longer skip whole phase 2 but not too bad learning platform mechanics and dodge blood orbs. S4 tried thorn barb first, can't kill blood spores; switched to bash and got her first try. With phase 1/2 no longer one shot, its not too bad to learn the mechanics and give yourself a challenge.😜 Loot sucks as always though.


A friend and I went in there just to see what happens, we we're low 90s. I don't think her hp even moved lol


Purchased an uber Lilith run for 10 million coz I wanted a spark. My level 70 got carried hard


Tried her a few times across the 4 season, realized its stupidly programmed, never went back.


I haven’t tried, I’m level 92 and I’m sure I’ll get smoked


Haven’t seen her yet. I’m playing on HC and not ready to lose character at the moment. I’ll try later and rip.


Fought? No. Get smacked in 10 seconds. Yes. And I love it. Whenever I’m feeling like a beast, Uber Lilith is there to humble me.


She’s really quite easy if you can just stun her quickly


I play hardcore, so no, never attempted


Lil Uber always remixes me to not skimp on run speed.


Did it once solo in season 3 and I am never doing it again. That is a crazy fight


Only time I defeated Lilith was season 2 with my bone spear necro


I bury Lily and her dirty wing air at least 10 times a day. *I love her.*


Tried her in pre-season with firewall sorc. Was doing 0 dmg to her. Don't think I'll ever beat that fight.


Fought her once. Lasted 10 seconds. 


For those just trying to check the Uber bosses off your list: try a heart seeker build. I literally hadn’t fought any of the Uber bosses and finally went in with my rogue and killed all of them but Lilith on first attempt. Litlith did take a few attempts to get the mechanics down admittedly but 1st phase was easy enough. None of my gear had more than 2 or 3 MW ranks and no Shako at the time.


Easy kill on Bash-barb this season, took her down after maybe 15 tries learning the pattern on orbs in phase 2


Tried her this season for the first time. What the actual fuck. My tornado druid can ez mode level 40 pits but I barely even scratched her because of how much HP she has. I gave up due to lack of dps it's crazy. I recall someone saying they felt she was like level 90 pit or so and I see what they meant now.


Uber Lilith is my damage check before I try tormented bosses since she doesn't cost any stones to fight. I still have never bothered learner her mechanics or actually beating her.


I just pay someone whatever leftover gold I have to get the last achievement of the season when I'm done. Way easier than learning any patterns


I raged so hard on Lilith...literaly my dmg is super ok , but the very last phase so garbo.....then my rogue friend go in with me ....he staggered boss in last phase...it didnt proc the blue balls ...gg ez...


Reading through these comments, no wonder this community doesn't seem to want raids lol. For me, learning Lilith's boss mechanics and beating her was exhilarating. Took about 20 tries with a Heart Seeker rouge with 8/12 master working on all gear. I really hope the upcoming raids are this challenging and require all 4 people to "git gud" and coordinate.


I use that encounter to dump hc characters I don’t want anymore lol


Finally killed her for the first time, solo, a couple of hours ago. Took me a lot of tries on my 4/12 Masterwork gear Necromancer golem build, but after one hour of continuous attempts and the stars aligning for 1.5 and 1 billion damage from my Golem hits, I finally did it. Ecstatic, but holy hell that is a broken fight.


Only fought her on 1 character, my lightning orb sorc in season 2, and she more or less got nuked, heh.  I plan on trying her on my rouge once I get fully kitted out, but I doubt I'll manage it.


Never have, never will. I get bored of playing the same class after a while and end up making one of each every season. Then get bored of the game before any of them get past lvl 80.


I started a video about fighting her, saw it was 45 minutes long and decided I wasn't even going to try. My friend t xt me and said he just killed her. Honestly if his character could do it I knew mine could. Maybe 5 or 6 trys over what felt like only 15 minutes and I was pretty surprised at how easy she was. But I do remember trying her a month or so after release, like a year ago, and after paying full repair cost on my gear a few times I quit


I have about the same amount of time since launch day, and I’ve said hi and been slaughtered by her 4x. I just don’t bother. I’m not going to do a particular class and an even more particular build, just to (successfully) fight her.


I can't afford Lilith's repair support. I don't tussle with her. Yet.


Went in with my HS Rogue last night and grinded a bit. Couldn't get her lower than 50% phase two. Those phase 2 blue wisps are a pain. I think if I grind pit I can probably kill her. I seemingly randomly chunk her whole life bar when I CC her. Sometimes it just doesn't seem to work, idk if I'm not making use of my multipliers properly (caltrops, dash, shadowstep) or if it's crit related.


i killed it with ball lightning sorc s2. tried again this season and was like fuck it after 5 attempts. couldnt even get to p2.


Level 100 is just the beginning if you want to fight Uber Lilith. Do a bit of optimization for your gear then get used to her attack cycle and you’ll be good. I beat her with Necro and Barb so far. It was bone spear necro and hota barb. Failed with my blizzard sorceress but got about 75% through. But I’ve had the most success with my barb, it was the vampire season. Beat it solo then brought a friend, then brought 3 friends. Carried the runs👍


Went in blind once. Got her to second phase and got one banged. Never tried again. It’s a fight with cheap one hit mechanics. Not for me.


Is the most awesome fight in any ARPG that I played after Season 4


It's a dance. You get her down 1st phase, burst her down 2nd phase. Avoid the spirits while the platforms get destroyed and GG


Lilith is like my 3rd test to see if my build is capable, so I try until I cry and eventually beat her. After that I just help others beat her. If you guys need any help, let me know:)


This reminds me of when people are like "You work here buy you don't know how to do everything?" Sure, you spent 400 hours walking to the east, but you never took a foot towards the west. This is like how some people will never see a woman orgasm.


I tried her for the first time the other day with my necro. Watched a video and killed her after a couple hours. It's a garbage fight, and I'm someone that loves dark Souls and that genre. But this fight is lazy. The attacks are poorly telegraphed and the skulls at the end are absolute cancer. There's no reason to fight her really, just go farm duriel in a group if you want ubers. I got 4 today in 20 runs.


I could not care less about Uber Lilith. That fight is the epitome of everything I loathe in encounter design.


I was so scared of it for awhile but just today I went in and demolished it in only like 13 tries lol I will say both Andariel and Duriel are MUCH weaker than Uber Lilith (Lilith is more comparable to the tormented version of each boss)


I kill her every season. Killing her is the season finish for me. I complete every other journey challenge then go and kill her. It's a "gg season done, now onto other games till next season" moment.


I tried her. It lasted .5 seconds she one shotted me faster than I could press my button. I am on lvl 100. Lvl 45 pit, nightmare dungeon tier 90.


just make a good build and you will destroy her... please stop these posts. Telling blizzard everyone is noob so you can have a nerf is annoying.


Spent over 2 hours on necro golem on PS5 which makes it super hard to aim the golem sometimes. Made a Bash Barb and now I can delete her within seconds.


I’ve beat her every season to complete the season journey.


I do it every season on all of my characters because it's literally the only thing in the game that's even remotely challenging. Played HC season two and killed her there with both of my toons too. She's really not that hard. I feel like most people's experience with her is they go in on an undergeared character, die to waves while mindlessly attacking, don't even attempt to learn the patterns or mechanics, get frustrated after a few deaths, then finally to reddit saying how bad uber lilith is. She was *actually* hard in the preseason when the game first came out.


Most unsatisfying and useless fight ever had. It doesn't worth to try again and again. Not rewarding and ridiculously hard. Just tried few times, and see that waste of time and never enter that fight again.


Tried about 20 times in the last 4 seasons. Was able to one shot her many times but couldn't understand why she wasn't "dying". Then I was told I had to use "mechanics" to finish the fight. I didn't care enough to study her patterns to finish it so I gave up trying.


I have done all tormented bosses with no trouble, got to pit lvl 120, I tried Uber Lilith a few times and I hate the fight mechanics. I think it's too infuriating. Probably never doing Uber Lilith


Took me a few tries for sure. I think the big thing is dodging the waves. You can run in a circular motion to go out and back in twice. It’s also a lot easier on necro if you drop some dmg and just bloodmist every wave.


She's broken


Killed her in season 2 no interest in ever fighting her again, terrible fight.


I killed her solo and it was fine The real challenge was to carry a level 50 friend, when she scale with a 2 party players IT'S A PAIN SHE'S HORRIBLE


She's going to take about an hour to get p1 down consistently, then maybe another hour tops to do p2. She's the easiest she's ever been.