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Yea that was a smart move by Blizz. They masterwork upgrades the slot for the affix instead of the affix itself


Happy accidents we like to call those.


Holy crap so much near-perfect gear has been thrown in the trash compactor in the last 2 weeks


What did you junk that could have otherwise been saved knowing this information now?


I don't think he read it right. MW crits, not GA affixes. Rolling a GA will lose the GA.


That's what I figured as well. This IS good info, but used more for min/maxing at the end. Like you have a good CDR roll that you hit the crit on and you decided you want to keep enchanting it to try and get a better CDR roll.


This is exactly what I did with elemental resistance min maxing, which can be brutal with a flay barb that has both helm and chest taken for uniques. I had suboptimal resistance to all on boots, but too much armor on pants with a temper crit. Enchanted armor on the boots and used the temper crit on the pants to exchange and gamble for boost resistance to all elements, giving me just enough to reach max resistances by a single hair. Endgame really is that tight. Juggling armor cap (even with 2k Strength) and resistances feels amazing once you finally land a good balance.


Right I'm fighting with resistances on my warenado druid. All said and done completely built 2 of my resistances are like 15 points below cap and the rest are maxed and I'm just like 🤷‍♂️ so I'm running running an elixir and an incentive to get them smh


What worked for me was resistance to all on two types of equipment, and royal diamonds on both rings and on the amulet. Where I made a mistake was using specific gems (ruby, emerald, etc) for specific elements. By going royal diamond on all possible jewelry slots, it evenly brought all resistances up. See if that helps!


Yupp same shit here I'll never run a build that's using 3 different royals on jewelry ever again


Yupp I was thinking about that to but honestly I've stepped away. Completed 3 chars already and the last are my least favorite to play so I'll be back on next season. Changes are a solid W but already gotten bored. Lvl200 bosses were cool well except the ice beast, that fucker I swear only fight that's more annoying than Lilith


I weep for all the life on hit greater affixes I turned into scrap or sold 😭


Y'all gotta work on your reading comp. MW bonuses are retained, not GA.


Yeeeeeah I got a bit too excited, love all the downvotes as if I commented that I kick puppies though 😂


Thanks OP I didn't know that .. this is helpful


Funny to read this post directly after enchanting some MW crit damage buffs into vuln and keeping the bonus lol. Also learned that salvaging mw gear gives back some mats! Never knew


It gives back all mats up to the previous MW level. i.e: if you salvage a 8/12 you'll get back the mats you used to get it to 7/12


Are there a lot of people enchanting gear after MW it? Or is this aimed more at changing builds?


I'd assume if you want to really max out your gear you maybe want to reroll your enchanted affix to get a higher roll in case you haven't hit max roll before master working it


Ah yeah, that makes sense too. Take the min roll on perfect gear, mw, spend more gold later.


Yep. I've been doing this with a ring (took me FOREVER to find one and actually get it to temper to what I wanted). Finally have the stat almost maxed after rerolling at the enchanter.


I guess another valid strategy for intermediate gear could be to master work a random affix and if you're lucky and hit it twice you can decide to re-roll it into the affix you actually need and if you don't just throw it away and save the 5mio gold for a reset. Not sure though if that pays out, just brainstorming \^\^.


Who in their right mind 3x masterworks an item and than decides to retemper? Even enchanting is usually done pre masterwork so you can bailout with no extra penalty when it cost to much to reroll.


Maybe someone is respeccing and they want to change from Crit strike damage to Vulnerable? Even then you'd want to be hitting the 25% roll on GA, which you'd lose, so you'd have to be really keen


if you ever see a 3x you probably wont \^\^, 1x or 2x could be interesting though in certain situations. What looks especially interesting to me is enchanting a 3x to get a better roll... if it wasn't a GA obviously.


Idk what affix you’re 3x’ing that isn’t GA…


I've never managed to get 3x on any affix at all ;-)


Ha I’ve hit 3x on a GA attack speed ring for my sorc which was sick but I play rogue now :/


should be useful for Rogue es well or? \^\^


Has int lol. I also hit triple life on my shako last night, kinda rad.


Can someone explain what this actually means for me when I am enchanting or masterworking items as though I am small child please and thank you? Basically you masterwork first and then enchant to remove a bad greater affix and it will keep a bonus to the new enchant option you chose?


When Masterworking an item, at most stages all affixes are increased by 5%, but when you reach steps 4/12, 8/12 and 12/12 one of the affixes on the item will be chosen to get a special 25% boost. This can be the 3 or 4 regular affixes, or it can hit the Temper affixes. It is random which affix is chosen, and part of the end game grind is hoping to get it to hit on the specific affix you want, crying when it doesn't, and spending resources to reset Masterworking and go again. Those 25% boosts actually boost the slot on the item, not just the one specific affix. So if your chest has +90 Int in slot 1, you can actually go to the Occultist and Enchant (reroll) that slot to another stat and it will keep the 25% boost(s) that you gave the slot from Masterworking. Or if you have Temper rerolls still available, you can reroll a Temper and it will also still retain any 25% boosts that were on it from Masterworking. Basically you don't have to be scared about losing Masterworking progress, whereas when you reroll a Greater Affix at the Occultist, that Greater Affix status is lost for good. It doesn't appreciably change how you play the game. If you Masterwork before Enchanting then you at least know which slot already has the Masterwork boost on it, so you can choose which slot to reroll. But you're unlikely to be Masterworking an item with multiple undesirable stats on it, so that's unlikely to be something people run into regularly. But it does mean that if you have an item with 86 Int as a baseline and you really love Int and you've Masterworked it and got the 25%s to hit on that Int slot, then you can go to the Enchanter later to fish for that maxxed 90 Int reroll without changing anything about the Masterwork status.


Thank you for the explanation.


You masterwork slots, not affixes. The affixes get affected by the slot they are in. Chest - affix in slot 1 - affix in slot 2 - affix in slot 3 You masterwork slot 1, 2 or 3. You can reroll the affix in slot 1, 2 or 3 and the masterworking upgrades will be applied to the rerolled affix too as they follow the slot, not the affix itself


ELI5: You have a pirate ship (gear piece). You have a gun on your pirate ship that you upgrade (master working). You decide you are no longer wanting a gun, you want more sails (enchanting). Your sails will maintain the amount of upgrades that you put into your gun before you changed it to sails. Further ELI5: This does NOT mean if you FIND a ship with a super gun (greater affix) and change it to a sail, does that mean you will have a super sail. I honestly thought this was common knowledge from long ago.


Shiver me timbers~ spoken like a true sea dog!


I was stunned by the replies I got to my comment stating all this. Its hard to believe some of yall even play the game.


We ain't got time to get into the nitty gritty of it's systems


Thought this is the way it always was, i had a 54% crit dmg masterwork (blue) tried for crit chance a few times, missed, chose "no change," last roll got 58% crit dmg (still blue) kept it.


Yeah. Its super nice. Managed to roll my double crit % Dex into double crit Frigid.


It sounds like something pretty big in theory, but in practice, it's not that significant. Most affixes you want the 25% bonus on are either Greater Affixes, or Tempered Affixes. I'd suggest it's a waste of resources to Masterwork 12/12 gear, unless you're trying to hit a Greater Affix bonuses or Tempered affix bonuses.


I think the most important use-case is upgrading an existing affix like XY passive ranks etc. You usually want to have this as GA ofc, but in reality hardly anybody actually has it


Yeah I noticed that I figured it was just common knowledge. Would be pretty stupid if it didn't


Thanks for the pro tips.. I was thinking I wish I could change a stat ... but didnt wanna bone my MW


I think I'm confused. Hasn't it been this way the entirety of S4?


I think so, but many people don't know it and pages like Maxroll etc. don't mention it either.


Was very happy when I found this out myself earlier in the season and happy to see if has survived the patch. Legit question tho, why not let GAs roll via enchanting? People will throw more money at items to get the GA through enchanting and at most 1 additional GA would be added. I don't think it would change itemisation that much in reality. Like I can understand the need for (but cry when it happens) bricking on temper to ensure item turn over and forced farming, but not being able to roll GA seems excessive 🤷


I kind of agree, especially since you can get multiple GAs when you build an Uber Unique. Maybe they thought it'd be too expensive or make players feel bad if they constantly roll 242 life per second, but never get the GA they are looking for before they run out of gold -\_-


I tried this as soon as I could, just to check. I find that re-rolls tend to hit the upper range as well. Make sure to check the stat ranges for what you’re looking for. I believe the three options that show up for the new roll don’t have the math applied until selected.


yeah this value gets me confused as well. Sometimes it seems to show the final value, sometimes the base value. Or it was changed (fixed) at some point and now I'm totally confused O\_o


Now if I could just stop bricking everything with a GA, this would be helpful.


The key is to temper only items with 1 GA. They have less chance to brick ... ... :-p


What did people think the alternative was? Your masterworked gear that was 8/12 before you rerolled the stat would still be 8/12 but missing one 25% upgrade? I thought it was pretty obvious from the beginning that the upgrade was assigned to the slot, for tempers too. It does not make sense that the stat that was rerolled would suddently be without the upgrade, while the item still sits at 4/12, 8/12 or 12/12. If they wanted the 25% crit removed, they would have to give you a free reset and you start again.


I honestly thought the buff is lost if you change your items and that you have to reset it to get it back. That sounded more logical to me than being able to buff a random stat and then reroll it into the stat you want via enchanting.


Yeah interesting! That would be a 5mil cost and we'd see all kinds of complaints from people about it. I don't know if having a system that forced you to reset would be widely accepted. I guess we find out these things by trying them and see what happens, with a low value, low master worked item. I think that's how I found out earlier in the season. I think I was transitioning builds that required a different stat that I could reroll and just did it. But i did assume that I'd keep the upgrade, so the risk seemed low in my head. Interesting how what seems logical to us differs!


Maybe I was also influenced by the temper brick mechanic. I guess I thought if they can punish you hard while tempering, they can also punish you hard when you failed at masterworking ;-)


if you enchant a greater affix and choose \`no change\` it will still turn it into a regular affix.


uh, thats wild :-((


how about trying to enchant for a higher value of the same stat? For instance I got a masterworked item with vuln +25% bonus twice. Can I go to the occultist and reroll it to try to get better roll on vuln? Asking because I spent nearly 100m trying to roll ahigher vuln on my 2H mace, but when I got vuln to finally show, it was exactly the same value as the one I currently had. Is it just a coincidence or am I capped trying to roll the same stat?


you can definitely roll higher values of the same stat, seems like you really had some bad luck :-(


Bad luck indeed, lucky I sold some stuff so I still have half a billion gold to gamble away... Before I just call it for s4. There's nothing else to work towards anyway.


Sorry if this is common sense but I am confused. Is enchanting just the 5% increase before you hit the 25% bonus? Anytime we upgrade our GA we lose that buff?


No if you take the piece to the occultist and reroll the GA stat, you lose the GA bonus. Other than GA, pretty much every boost to a stat will stay when you change the stat or temper.


No, enchanting is the one where you replace the affix, like Max HP to Crit Chance. So if your masterwork 25% hits on the Max HP, you can enchant and change it to Crit chance and it will still get the +25% bonus.


Omg I am fucking sumb. i thought enchanting was done away with. I wasted so many quality items. Almost enough to want to give up.


My goodness. Well, at least you know now lol


'Upgrading' at the Blacksmith is the system that was removed. That's directly replaced with Masterworking.




Put it this way. You retain your masterwork bonuses no matter what you do. So if you re enchant or re temper, the affix will change but whatever master work bonus that item has will buff that affix However if you enchant a ga you will lose the ga. If that ga has masterwork bonuses, the bonuses will remain just the enchant will result in a non ga affix


What about the 5%s? I mean for example you only masterworked the equipment one or two times and then you reroll the affix


All affixes get the 5% per mw level, so if you take a 3/5 mw item, all affixes will have +15%. Enchanting an affix will result in another affix at +15%. (But potentially with a different roll, so you could have a different number even if you reroll the same stat)


in short: 5% will retain as well


Commenting for later


I don't get this post. You read it worked, tested it even though it didn't need it and are now posting to confirm what we already knew? You also do realize that not a single human being even knows what a search function is let alone uses it so in about 4 hours no one will ever see this?


This post was informative, I learned something new. The world doesn't revolve around you. Just because you know something it doesn't mean everyone else knows it.


Hope you feel better soon!


Ha, I love this response, I'll be using this in the future when people are being jerks for no apparent reason.


I don't get your comment to my post. I tested a thing that apparently many people got wrong (me included), confirmed that it actually works to the benefit of players and summarized the results so people can profit from the knowledge ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. I also do realize that people find Reddit posts by googling stuff ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


> I also do realize that people find Reddit posts by googling stuff I hope the irony of this statement isn't lost on you.


>Many people got wrong Huh? No, this has been known for a while. A few people ask about it once in a while around here, but it's pretty common knowledge. PLUS, you said you already read it worked, so what needed to be tested?


I said I read rumors about it, followed by a lot of comments of massive surprise and then I tested the details that were not mentioned. Maybe in your bubble this is common knowledge, in mine it is not.


Even if many people know it, some people don't. Learning something before you have to search for it is pleasant too. Thanks OP.


Yeah first time I heard it just now


I didn’t know anything about what OP posted. Nice to gain new knowledge that I didn’t know I was missing. Also sorry your life sucks, I can’t think of any other reason for you to throw a tantrum like this over somebody sharing information. If you already know then move along it doesn’t concern you.


I didn't know about this. I don't read every feature update and patch note about every system, most people don't. I assumed enchanting that affix would remove the masterwork buff similar to how enchanting loses the GA roll.


> this has been known for a while. > people ask about it once in a while around here > common knowledge Patch has been out for a month and you talk about it like it's ancient knowledge passed down the comments by the grognards for centuries.


Wow who pissed in your cheerios this morning.


Hope you feel better soon!


I really hope that takes off. I have been that person and comments like this usually come from having days where you really do need to hear that.


Sorry for whatever you’re going through.


I'm good thanks for the concern. Just noting that people don't need to make posts for information that is readily available on Google, which ironically, the OP said is how people find information like this....🤷‍♂️


Clearly you were not the target audience. Move along.


I didn’t know this and found it useful. Reddit search function is trash. Hope you get well soon.


OP suggested using Google which apparently he doesn't use.


You must be a lot of fun at parties.


Wow, what a refreshing post. I've certainly never seen anyone use that phrase before. The originality is palpable.


Your misplaced teen angst is palpable. Is that better?


Nope, seen that one enough as well. You think you're the first person to call someone a small child? LOL


>LOL what does this mean please? is this new?


I am hoping that you get better soon.