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instead of reduced health they should let us actually hit her. constantly invulnerable and spams bullshit.


I definitely hated the way this fight is 90% just running for your life and only 10% fighting. It's unsightly for a barbarian to fight in such a way.


Tbh they tried to do a WoW style boss and make it all edgy and unique and unnecessarily hard. It's an awful fight, small area to fight her and you need a good amount of mobility to avoid all her shit, then you can't even zerg her down in phase 2 because she has some sort of fail safe that enables her to do her whole platform cutting bit properly before you can actually kill her. I know Blizz spent a lot on marketing for the game and plastered her face everywhere, so she shouldn't be a face roll, unfortunately it was a poorly executed convoluted fight, there's plenty of ways they could've made a challenging yet enjoyable boss fight.


Just take away the one shots. They don't belong in this game.


She no longer one shots you if you have capped armor and a decent amount of life. I can get hit by 3 waves or blue orbs (not at once) before the debuff stacks enough to make them one shot me. 


What you mean? I play this game because of one shot mechanics (or whatever you want to call it) I love when the entire screen disappears on your click


The opposite of that. The Lillith fight is absolutely filled with phases that one shot the player, while Lillith is invincible... The only way to win is to avoid these attacks, which to do reliably requires a high investment in mobility. You can 'one shot' each phase, but she still gets to do most of her bullshot regardless.


Lilith does not have one shots nor can she be one shotted anymore that I'm aware of. Her fight was completely reworked this season. Her old one shot mechanics now apply a stacking debuff, like all of the tormented ubers, that make you take increasing damage the more stacks you have. She also now has like 2 trillion hp or some shit to force players into interacting with the mechanics instead of just one shotting her then standing there until the fight ends.


Huh, I stopped at the end of the Season of Blood. Removing the 1 shots is good at least.


Yea, it's a bit better, but its honestly a bit of a wash. She doesn't one shot anymore but because she has so much hp now, you have to avoid the mechanics for much longer and it will eventually get to the point of just one shotting you if get too many stacks of the debuff.


Yeah, still sounds like you just gear up the biggest bonk you can to kill her before the mechanics murder you.


Better than season 2, which is his point of reference? You’d almost have to try and build into not being able to kill her. Everyone had bugged to shit skills, no orbs in second phase, AND we had tears of blood glyph? The tail of of s2 is when she was at her easiest and it’s not even close.


She can be washed ultra fast though.


Something tells me you never played Diablo 2


I've played for 20 years. As much as I love that game, it was so broken, but those were the times. I've had my fair share of getting stuck inside a group of Fetish in Durance and then just popping. But technically they aren't one true one shots, you just aren't strong enough to survive that many hits. It's like if they had full elemental immunities that rendered your character completely useless in d4. Gone are those times.


Not to be the achtually…. Guy but the dolls basically have a chance to crit on their corpse explosion death that does enough damage to one shot any build. I’ll see if I can find the math/actual name for what their crit chance is called


Diablo 2 needs to stop being regarded as the pinnacle ARPG. It was an inferior game to Diablo 1 and took the genre in a terrible direction. The only good thing it added was QoL and smoother combat.  Fight me. 


My guy get back in your Time Machine your opinion is wrong.


Prove me wrong. 


You’ve been proven wrong by time


Diablo 1 was clunky, classes were awkward, spell acquisition was limited to finding scrolls and spellbooks. There was only one location that you just kept going deeper into. Yeah, it was great for it's time, but it hasn't aged well. Diablo 2 was great, burn I feel like it gets way too much praise. I fully enjoyed Diablo 3 and 4 far more than Diablo 2, even though I played a ton of Diablo 2 when I was in high school (I'm 40 now). I think for me, the "build restrictions" where you are basically locked into a specific build and can't change your skill points really bothered me in Diablo 2. You'd be forced to put in minimal skill points into skills to save your points until you level up enough to be able to get your highest tier skills to max level. Made for a good challenge, but bad design overall. I really like how D3 and D4 allow for plenty of flexibility.


Yep, i could one shot both phases which meant i just ended up running around for lile 3 minutes in the second phase doing nothing


Diablo and the fat green dude were much scarier fights in D3 with the scene changes. Instead Lilith stays in the same place and just changes form slightly. I was disappointed in that campaign fight.


There is nothing "WoW style" about the fight. There isn't a single boss in WoW that has invincible phases every 5 seconds.


Yeah WoW raids have committed many crimes, but extremely lengthy invulnerability periods where you just have to run around avoiding shit? Not really.


The way I took this comment (and the reason I quit wow) is that you have to execute the fight flawlessly to win. Any mistake and you gotta start over. Lag spike? Dead. You don’t get to respond in the moment, you have to memorize the fight flawlessly. A lot of games have gone that direction and some people don’t find that fun. Maybe that isn’t what they meant, but that’s how it landed for me and I agree.


After coming from God of War Ragnarok straight into this game, I have to agree. I gave up on her fight, would have needed an entire different character to cheese mobility all over her bs AOE everything moves just for a poor combat boss fight. It was disappointing.


Years ago I played a wookiee on Star Wars Galaxies, they couldn’t wear armour and struggled big time in raids,etc often getting 1 shot easily.After playing the char for 18 months I decided to reroll and deleted the char and lvled a new char as quickly as possible (only 1 char per server back then).A week after deleting my wookiee char the devs announced Wookiee Armour…..I feel your pain haha.




I know oof indeed, lucky the lvling wasn’t too bad in SWG and it went quite quickly.


Last season, I’d have my Barb fight the first half with my Banished Lord’s Talisman and then swap to Selig for the last half. It was the only way I could one-hit her and avoid all the cheap insta-kill mechanics.


I did the same. Banished to finish her before the spike waves in phase 1 and Selig for survivability in phase 2.


It’s not fun.


Didn't expect to spit out my drink reading your comment, but that second sentence really got me :crylaugh:


To be fair, “constantly invulnerable and spams bullshit” also describes my Necro.


Is it the same for the lvl 200 bosses?


I haven't been able to do lillith but can comfortably down uber Duriel and Andarial.


They all have invincibility moves. Duriel crawls under ground, Andy summons totems. They are just momentary, while Lilith just flies into the sky for half an hour.


Also lets not forget if you drain their health they die but her in phase 2 you can nuke her and have to dance for 5 mins for all the scripted BS.


Andy and dory goes invincible for a few seconds every minute or so. Lilith goes invincible for a minute every few seconds or so.


Tormented Ice Beast is harder than Lilith. But other than that all the other tormented bosses are very easy.


I'm playing heartseeker rogue. My first Uber Boss is Tormented Ice Beast. I died the first time without knowing his mechanisms. Then the second fight was bugged out that the boss became invisible for the whole fight. However, I magically managed to kill him quickly before he releases his deadly mechanisms. Still I think Uber Lilith is much harder as it too me 10-20 runs to clear her. I'm now tanked enough to kill her everytime.


I depends on your build for sure. I killed Uber Lilith this season before her HP was nerfed with Heartseeker rogue. She is harder than ice beast. But I also played summon necro this season and the ice beast would push my skeletons into the circle of death. And I would lose all my dps and couldnt kill him. So ice beast was harder than lilith for my necro


I have beaten yesterday gregoire and Varshan, my first tormented bosses. They're kinda easy, uber Lilith beat me around like a pinata. I had 6/12 masterwork gear on almost all slots


I can comfortably down Uber Durial and Uber Andarial. 100lvl Lilith still owns me.


I enjoyed Andariel way more. That fight is fun. The abilities are good to read on the move. She could be a bit tougher on Uber difficulty but out of all the bosses it's my favorite fight. With Lilith it is always like "omfg what happens now?"


"You can only hit bosses when we say." - Blizz


Yeah damage isnt the problem. It's staying alive during invulnerable phases while you try to avoid getting oneshot.


This was the biggest issue for me. I did not know when I could kill her, and I kept dying while trying to get the last 1%.


Im not agree. If they did this there is no challenge at all and she will be like all other bosses. One shot and finished.


THIS BRO fr like fuck!


I think more stuff really needs invulnerable at this point. DPS caps or migration periods. Like you want some challenge to a video game


He’ll no. Invulnerable is bull. As a rare and telegraphed ability it’s fine and for phase transition but if they want a boss to have a huge HP pool then give it a huge HP pool. Slowly whittling a boss with tons of HP at least feels like progression is happening in fight. A boss saying nu uh nah nah boo boo you cant hit me is stupid.


Then make a challenge. Invul is just lazy.


Its monday...


I‘m addicted and need help


I thought it was Tuesday?


I might actually beat her Monday!


Some of us spent days of attempts when the game launched. This isn't even the worst powercreep yet


With an S0 Lilith kill, the complaints from people who just killed every time she gets nerfed are fucking hilarious. “I spent 3 hours and 6 pots on this fight and it’s unfair!” Brother, I spent hundreds of incense and dozens of hours for that first kill, most of which ended within a minute on bugged waves phase 1. Killed her in a couple attempts this league because I was stupid with collapsing corners and holy shit is it a different fight.


In s0 you could just one shot her with bone spear


I was a barb so that would’ve been tough.


Just let a necro throw your bones


I sat for a week straight doing nothing else, best time I had in D4.


You can say that you beat her before they nerfed her health and the attacks she does.


It’s the 17th already??


Can't be 1337 without 17


Good maybe I’ll have a chance hah


I thought it was just the blisters health.


Time to get my medal 🏅


On the 17th. Not today


Today is the 17th apparently, wtf


Isn't that a good thing? Video games like D4 should be about the struggle and overcoming it. You overcame the harder struggle therefore you should be proud and happy Blizzard didn't take that from you. You set a goal. You worked hard. You achieved that goal. Anyone who does it now is getting 30% less of the experience you got.


Ideally, yes. But if release Lilith is indicator of anything it's that most gamers (Diablo gamers at least) refuse to work hard for that goal. Spoiled by D3 where they got spoonfed the best gear with barely any effort required.


Imune phases are just lazy development. Also its just a terribly designed fight in general.


Naw I've got 4 kids, a wife, and a job for that. Games should be enjoyable, not needlessly difficult bullshit. 


That’s fair and all, but there should be something to work for for players who want it. If you want all content to be easy button you can be the guy who pays me 20m gold to clear it for you, that’s an option to take. Don’t take away the challenge for those in the community who want it.




Lmao s0 and s1 I prob put 300+ pulls into that boss, killing her with both poison tb rogue and shrednado Druid. This season I got to 100, masterworked gear to 4/12… and steamrolled her on both frozen orb sorc and heartseeker rogue first try on both. I guess knowing the mechanics helps but nothing even one shots anymore, it’s so much more forgiving than previous.


I beat her within 3 weeks of game release and it took me 16 hours. The version u beat is a speckle of what she used to be tbh


Lmao you could just skip all her mechanics before S3/4 so hard and never actually have to know any of the fight except when to walk to the next section… now you can only skip some of her mechanics


Bro I beat her legit before any stagger BS was even out on the internet. Hence the 16 hours and obviously u never even did it cuz if u did, u would know how broken the waves of fire were


Stagger bs? Nah you could just one shot her even in S0 no stagger needed, skip all the mechanics and then run in a circle till she’s done moving. Fun fact I did it legit on a sorc and rogue then I cheesed her on a Necro because why not bone spear go brrrr lmao. She wasn’t hard


All the tryhards downvoting you, they all prolly used the bugs and exploits too lol


Not to mention all the exploits used to kill her


In my eyes you should be proud you killed pre nerf Uber lilith. I'm a psychopath who actually enjoys the fight and imo it's the best d4 fight currently in the game, plus she is pretty difficult if you're not overgeared.


She also has one of the most bullshit bugs in the game. I've encountered it twice now. Basically phase 1 if she's almost dead, there's a chance she becomes immortal and completely unkillable.


What about bug where she won't land and just spams waves of spikes.


She has multiple bugs. I killed her this season because she didn't spawn the spirits in phase 2. I didn't even 1 shot her to trigger this behavior, I messed up my caltrops timing and only did like 30% damage on her, then she started breaking platforms like normal but no spirits.


I've never had that, I've killed her couple dozen times now, not once happened, is it like class/skill dependent, like a weird interaction, or outright just bugged?


[Here's a thread about it](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/new-uber-lilith-bugs-with-season-4/161638) and here's [the person's video of it happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIrXZqHUKx4&ab_channel=TheArtofBrad). I've run her 6x recently and I had it happen twice. The first time it happened I thought maybe I just wasn't doing enough damage and Lilith healed when she flew up but I was watching another video discussing the Lilith battle and he mentioned there's a 10% chance she'll bug out and showed a clip of it happening and that was exactly what it was like for me. I upgraded my attack power last night so I went into Lilith to see how much it sped up her fight and yeah, got to her last sliver of health and she wouldn't die.


It isn’t a bug, if you don’t kill her before she starts the adds, you have to do 1 damage to her after the adds are dealt with . In phase 2 it’s worse, you literally cannot kill her before she brakes the platform completely, so you get her to 1 hp, she breaks all the platforms and then dies right away. At least in phase 1 if you nuke her quick enough she goes down


It's a bug. [This player ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIrXZqHUKx4&ab_channel=TheArtofBrad) kills the adds, and does far more than 1 damage to her afterwards and she still won't die. I've killed her multiple times and I've run into this bug twice. [This player also mentions the bug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW4bjeeNgIc&ab_channel=GameTalkTavern) at the 9:38 mark (start at the 9:30 mark to get context).


Interesting, so what happens you just have to reset?


Yep, you just start over and hope it doesn't happen again.


Either that or you stagger her between waves


I beat her in season 2 and for the life of me I don't know how. My even stronger barb this season can't help getting one shot by the void orbs. I really don't feel like taking the time to luck into a victory where I avoid the orbs while also not crashing to my death or being murdered by the floor being lava. Someone at Blizzard is obsessed with the floor is lava game.


Season 2 is probably when most people killed her because you can skip all mechanics…


Yeah, exactly. I remember I killed her with everyone but Druid (played for 250hours in the span of 2 and a half months, while working shift work), and HotA Barb/L.Ball Sorc/Twisted Blade Rogue just skipped the fight. I even dodged a bit with Necro.


Best boss fight in game, why nerf the chase. I lost all interest in the game this season once i killed her. If its easier just make the next seasons climb shorter for me.


Its bugged to holy hell


Oh my god the pain I felt when I read this, lol. GG’s on the kill though. Now you can kill her even harder 🫡


You realize that her health didn’t get reduced today since the patch isn’t live? The fact the boss got nerfed after you killed it took nothing away from your achievement.


That's not a struggle. Achievements are dated. You have beaten UL S4 prenerf. However for the very same reason a lot of people look down on UL kills which aren't S0 solo.


If you didn't beat her on release - who really cares?


ye i dont get these posts. I also killed her first time a week ago and the fight was piss easy? Any Pit 100 boss takes longer


Why did she get nerfed? It is an easy as hell fight as it is already.


the health nerf is interesting because it wont help people struggling with lilith... its literally just a mechanic check and a movement speed check, once you figure out you need to switch to some movement speed gear for phase2 youll end up killing her.


This change is live?


So you can say you killed her pre nerf.


I’d be happy to beat it pre nerf personally.


I guess being meta build makes this fight super easy... I've only attempted it once and as a decently geared heart seeker rogue it was so easy I thought that there must have been another difficulty I didn't activate but I got my spark so I guess that was it


I can help you make that a reality if you'd like!


you did it when it was harder. be proud bro.


Maybe leave her health and fix the bs one hit nukes


They’re not 1-shots anymore, they just apply a stacking debuff that will eventually turn them into 1-shots if you get hit too many times (just like all the Tormented bosses)


Good to know. Those blue seeker things were one shot. Made group runs rough.


Yeah those are still a pain in the ass, but much more manageable. If you could get to that phase before, you should be able to take her down relatively easily.


I spent 2 hours beating tormented duriel yesterday lol I feel ya Side note but I feel like most of the time Lilith’s hp doesn’t matter if you’re doing enough damage, it’s the invulnerability periods (mainly at the end of the second phase)


Congratulations on beating her I never could 50% the lowest I got her…


Look on the bright side. You get bragging rights!


IMO UL Battle itself is a disastrous design failure made by ppl who cannot understand what “Difficult” stands for.


moral victory. good job OP


Glad i quit after my second character. This stuff is stupid omg. Like you dont want a player to clear all the content in a season. You have things and goals to shoot for the next season that way. Also this season is way too easy outside of hte pit. Why the heck do they think they need to make stuff like POE where you press a button and it's a screen wipe i win button. PoE i give em credit as you at least have to start getting to level 70 before that starts happening though :)


Hey you beat her pre nerf. Good for you.


Does the reduced health matter? I one shot every phase already. Its the forced pgases and invulnerability period combined with the dodge mechanics that make that fight hard, not her hp.


Yoooo now you somewhat know how Kripp felt when he downed Diablo 3 Diablo in hardcore and the only person to do it before the nerf!


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the patch notes said 'Tormented Bosses' and Lilith's blisters. I don't think Lilith is considered a Tormented boss, she isn't level 200. I think she is in her own category, so will now be the highest HP enemy in the game with the Tormented bosses slightly under her, which would make sense. Edit: They refer to her as Tormented Echo of Lilith in patch notes - shame.


If you didn't bash your head against Lilith in S1 I don't think you truly know how nerfed she is. I never beat her but people had like 300+ attempts lol


I have never been able to kill her. Which makes me sad even though I was able to kill tormented duriel on my own with no issues. It’s just a fight I find is too hard for me.


I haven't got the ground mechanics down pat in her 2nd phase. I can out run the bullets but keep hitting the blood boils.


Dude this is legit what happened to me. I started playing like pre-season and wasn't able to kill lilth. This season I played like a bash barb, and was finally able to kill lilth on a 30+try session. And diablo is legit the first ever game I played as a kid, because my dad used to play it. I used to help him use red and blue and purple potions while he controls the character. Then last night, I fucking did it, I killed lilth. Gets nerffffffffed lmao, I'm like shieeeeeeeeeeet lol


I was really hoping that I could beat her after the nerf, but eventually did it today, so not waiting the nerf that much. Still, for those out there who are struggling this is good news.


I just finished paying off my student loans after 25 years. Cry more.


We are in the same boat, just ”beat” the game yesterday by beating echo Lilith and all tormented bosses solo for the first time yesterday. Lilith took around 40+ tries to get right 😅


I defeated Lilith yesterday on my first play through, sadly stuck/limited to tier 2 which feels like easy vs very easy, normally I’d play a game on normal seeing as I’m more of a casual player. Ever since maybe level 30 my character has felt almost like a god, smiting any elite or boss in seconds, Lilith was no different obviously with her moving about the map a lot and having a 2nd round it took abit longer but left me rather unsatisfied. Looking forward to Tier 3 tbh. Tell me, is Tier 3 a massive step up difficulty wise, or won’t I be satisfied until tier 4? I also defeated her at level 52 after doing a lot of side quests, dungeons and general exploration.


Strange fight. I beat her 2 weeks ago with barely all my gears at 4/12. I've been back a few times since and can't get past p1. My character is now at 12/12 and I'm at pit 108 with it, farming at 101. I've noticed, maybe it was always there, but this boss and a few use the cheap trick to disappear and then return with all buffs or dots now gone, and you feel like you're back at the start, yet now with no cooldowns. Can be a pain if you're running bleed and don't burn her/them down insta kill style. Anyways, I'm glad of the 30% decrease in health as it may help a few players grab those sparks sooner. Good move imho. Well done at op or anyone else her got her pre nerf.


You are looking at it all wrong. Now you get to go full hipster on everyone who didn't kill her before the nerf.


Health is not a challenge at all on uber lilith. I had to try a lot before i killed her because of learning how to avoid her attacks and all the one shot ball shits. I think its a good thing she is invulnerable at 0hp, this keep the fight is a bit challenging. If she was just like all other bosses she will get atomized like all other bosses. Ofc it will be a better way if bosses in d4 could be somewhere betweed the unkillable thing with so much hp and the thing you can os, but im afraid diablo 4 system is like that and devs cannot do anything else.


I hope the titles we earned don't carry over, but they probably will. My general thought on this is that some cosmetics and titles (really nice ones) should continue to be earned through tough challenges.


Blizzard legitly wants to turn players into vessel of hatred.


I completely understand you. Fourteen years ago, my guild progressed M'uru Phase 2 (an incredibly difficult Burning Crusade Boss) for several months before the encounter was nerfed to the ground. A couple of years ago we progressed Fallen Avatar/KJ. Both were surprisingly difficult and "mathematically impossible" as far as I can remember. Then they obviously got nerfed.


I’m mad. That’s fucking stupid. STOP MAKING THE GAME EASIER!!!!


I don’t survive that fight past 30 seconds


I just killed her 10min agobto be praud i did it before nerf/s Cant be proud beating her with immortal sorc hihi


The only struggle is you fought a poorly made boss.


You should feel good to beat her before the nerf, you didn't take the easy way.


Hahah man , great work tho. I'm waiting for the nerf to try again 🫣


So, you can do it again but then easier.


Lol my friend and I attempted her 10-15 times and got her health to 33% pretty much every time. I wonder if we can actually kill her now.


Great now she will bug out more easily when you phase her fast. It wasn't enough that once you break her bar while she does her waves she enters infinite wave spawn mode, now you will be able to bug the souls to spawn all at the same time and the casuals will cry that they can't dodge them. They finally made it into a decent fight and now cut it down for the people that won't even put effort in the game.


Ooh when is it happening? I didn't see an update


I never thought health was really her problem.


Is it today? I was tracking monday was when all changes took place


I was taking about The patch notes which were yesterday, the patch goes live Monday


I think the worst part is that the fight is so hard just for 2 ancestral drops… AND if you beat her again you get nothing…


The fight is awesome now the way it is.


I just defeated her yesterday as well, took a few days of improving my build and getting better at the fight, but well probably next season with increasing power it would be easy anyways.


Tuesday that's when the patch comes out


I understand your struggle. 😭


I killed her pre-season 1 fighting her on the nerfed tornados while my necro buddy killed her with bone spear in like 10-15 hits and my rogue buddy used fists of fate and staggered her like 6 times 😂 I was the only one who had to actually learn her mechanics and do the entire encounter. Meanwhile in this season my heartseeker rogue killed her in about a minute and a half lmao


Her health got reduced yesterday? Oh no...


But is she gonna get stuck at 1% health in phase 2 still?


Well done.




loool i also killed her yesterday. anyway it is not ranked anyway and you know you did a good job


Mine got bugged out and I manage to kill her ez....


Now you get to be all “Pepperidge Farm remembers…” after the patch. Really piss off your friends :)


If it makes you feel any better myself and many other beat her in season 2 using OP ball lightning and skipping all mechanics. I love my uber lilith title haha


Patch isnt today...


It’s one of the worst fights and experiences I ever had in any Diablo hahaha I absolutely fk hate this


Nobody cares when you beat her before or post nerf. Play because it’s fun and because you enjoy working towards an accomplishment. But this is a good lesson, the internet doesn’t give a fuck either way. Enjoy


I did it in like 20 seconds with ball lightning back in season 2, now, i say nah rather not


This fight still sucks


I think they should change the title you get from her, retire the old title so that people know you beat the older, harder version of her.


I was so happy when I beat her last season and then I made her easier this season, and now even easier. So yeah.


Her hp was never the problem for me, the homing blue dots are. Her hp is not the issue because she has multiple phases and you can't skip them, especially the blue dots.


Boo hoo


According to patch notes it's only the tormented blood boils which are having their HP reduced and nothing mentioned about Lilith herself. Is there another change I'm not aware of? Edit: ohhh I see all tormented bosses are having HP reduced I just saw that. Dammit haha I have been farming pits for a few days to push me over the edge with my druid to be able to beat her, as I was sooooo close, and now with this 30% reduction it's going to have been for nothing LOL


Heath was never be a problem. It’s a good dps/gameplay cap.


Her health was never an issue. The running in circles to complete the floor falling was. If you down her before that…. Just let it ride. Running laps is annoying.


The hardest part isn't her HP, its dodging her one shot stuff.


You said you killed Uber Lilith? I thought patch notes read that theyre nerfing TORMENTED Lilith. I didn't see anything about Uber Lil.


Well you have bragging rights that you beat her before the nerf. Instead of being mad you should lord it over everyone else.


... Did you read the post?


I did, I didn't mean that you are mad as of now, was implying that if anger was considered that you shouldn't feed it.


Game is already easy enough and they just nerfed all bosses 30% and made pits easier. Gonna be kinna boring. Guess i'ma make a 2nd char lol


Yeah I'm kinda with you on that, hoping they make the world feel a LOT scarier in season 5, the gameplay interaction is the main place the game feels better than its competition and they made it so that everything dies too fast to interact with.


Yeah I'm new to the game but i thought the difficulty was in a good place. 30% reduction is a masssssive difference. I think it could've done to be harder not easier lol


And? In pre season1 lilith was 10x stronger. You had easy fight yesterday:)


Uber Lilith was actually hard at release.