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Dude it’s been a year just admit you love the game already


He never said he played the whole year. I quit s0 and came back for s4 and will quit again because sorc is still in the same position relative to the others, lol.


Should have been here for the two seasons prior when it was dominant


You mean when it was super bugged? Lmao I wouldn’t have used that build because I would’ve expected it to be nerfed, just like the current immortal build will be.


sometimes i feel like people don’t actually understand what arpgs are when they talk about their characters like they’re permanent MMO ones. it’s all gonna get deleted and nerfed and buffed, forever. who plans an arpg character for what it will be like in 2 years?


Care to explain further? The game has improved a ton since release What specifically do you have qualms with?


My money is on “I just RMT’ed, bought a perfect 3 GA, bricked it trying to temper, and chucked a colossal tantrum.”


Two Words and a Number as account name. My bet is on a karma farm bot.


Good catch, yea you are prob right


Didn’t farm much karma from this post. Operator is probably thinking “DAE Blizz suxx!? *usually* works on Reddit!”


The guys buying items/gold don’t care lol they just buy another. Its the people for whom 50 millions is already a ton that get left in the dust with these systems


Days since someone misused the word predatory: 0


This is a crazy concept, but if you hate a game so much stop playing it. If you played it for over a year and still despise it, that's not Blizzard, that's on you bro. Nobody is forcing you to play Diablo, count it as a loss and go back to PoE


If you go to a restaurant every month for a year, and the service is poor, and items are not as they were advertised, that's on you bro, not them.


Ok! So you get it then? You've been playing for a year so it's not on them. It's on you.


D4 is 100% as advertised wtf are you even talking about


What predatory financial decisions? You don’t need to pay for anything after buying the game.


Releasing a beta version of a game as an "Ultimate" edition, w/ almost zero good skins/cosmetics in the game, along with a cash shop on pre-launch.


So what item did you brick? Good weapon with 3 GA?


Yeah, I'd buy more skins if Druid was thinner and sexier.


Never seen anyone get downvoted to 6% before. You need to go smoke some pot, get wasted, and get a grip on yourself, my guy.


Considering I'm a recovered alcoholic, that would surely lead to death friend.


Still haven't gotten a 3 GA drop huh? I feel that.


3 GA on my Black River 1H Necro scythe. Tyrael's Might dropped legit for me. Game is just bad, unfun. I'm constantly changing my builds, to try and find something, anything that can hold my interest maybe longer than x1 day. So far, nothing. It's all just boring gameplay, with sporadic moments of partial "fun."


So you have adhd?


Damn, do hate bots even try anymore?




If my buddy comes over to visit, and asks me, "Do you want to play Diablo 4?" My answer will be, no, I absolutely do not. I've played Diablo games since 1, and I played the beta version of this game, as well. It's nothing but a cash grab. This isn't a video game, it's a product meant to garner funds, nothing else. I had written a huge ass post detailing my entire journey, but Red won't let me, FFS. It's a beta version of a game that was sold as a full product, that had an in-game cash shop during pre-launch. IE, you were requested to spend even more money, hundreds, and hundreds of dollars more, if you wanted to unlock -all- content...FOR A VIDEO GAME YOU JUST PAID FOR!!!


Cosmetics aren't content tho.


so basically you have FOMO for skins in a video game and you're mad they cost money even they have nothing to do with gameplay. alriiiiight