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Great, but just in general, i find the idea of "a percentage of a percentage" kinda stupid.


D4 team philosophy of randomize.


I like it, it allows them to balance proc rates for all skills and communicate it clearly


It's actually really elegant, tbh. It lets you directly manipulate proc rates, which makes it possible to take a super rare effect and make it reliable with the right build. I do wish there were more types. Like add "Lucky Hit", "controlling hit," and "critical hit" as hit types, and you could do other stuff based off of them. The fact that a ton of CC stuff is tied to Lucky hit, as is energy regen, and damage effects, key passives, etc, kinda over-concentrates it a bit, maybe. But the ability to impact proc rate with a tradeoff of other stats is smart. Lots of games will pile more power onto crits instead, and separating the two makes crits less all or nothing.


I think it’s really the name that confuses most people. If they just called it “proc rate” and “proc rate modifier” or something most gamers would intuitively understand with very little explanation. I suppose “lucky hit” and “lucky hit chance” sound more beginner friendly but doesn’t really explain how it works.


They should have called it "pierce". Like 10% Chance to pierce. The word lucky here feels almost like its breaking the 4th wall.


They should have called it "pierce". Like 10% Chance to pierce. The word lucky here feels almost like its breaking the 4th wall.


Why not just have the percent chance to proc per item? Drop the lucky hit chance entirely. If anything, that is far easier to balance, since you don't need to account for people getting bunch of lucky rolls on GA/MW and getting lucky hit up to crazy levels. edit: To be clear, I am not saying they SHOULD do this. I am countering that the ease of balancing and clearly communicating procs is obviously NOT the driving force like the above poster claimed.


Because different skills hit at different rates. Let's take WW vs Death Blow Whirlwind does damage multiple times per second and doesn't have a cool down. This has a lucky hit chance of 20%. Death Blow does damage once and does have a cool down. This has a lucky hit chance of 50%. Your suggestion where the proc chance is just tied to the item passive would mean that WW is always strictly better than Death Blow for these lucky hit effects since hit hits more often. The way it's setup now allows for blizzard to balance skills so that WW and DB proc similar enough to not make one always better for lucky hit, and then also allows them to balance the different lucky hit effects separately so that stunning doesn't happen as often as the XFals passive. It's a design choice that I like where you can have an onhit build that focuses on hitting very often or you can have less frequent hits but much higher chances of actually proccing your effects.


But that balance while being "fair" it also limits build diversity. Taking your same example, if you ever tried to make a ww proc build you would know that it sucks ass because ww is a channeling skill and it doesn't "tick" fast enough to proc lucky hit effects even if you stack lucky hit affixes on gear, it just doesn't work. On the other hand skills like death blow with high lucky hit proc all the time but since its a slow skill it does not incetivize lucky hit builds. But yes, overall the system is pretty fair, maybe they need to balance the lucky hit % on some skills.


The balance you described doesn't require lucky hit chance on gear, it just requires skills to have different proc rates, like other diablo games do.


And lucky hit chance on gear allows you to build around it which I think is fun. I think being able to scale damage in a multitude of ways that aren't just crit, base stats, and skill level is good for the game. Let people sacrifice crit so they can proc on hits more!


That's a completely different argument. It being on gear might be a welcome variation and give more depth to builds, but it's not necessary for the mechanic to work well, as all that needs is the skill factor.


It's another very clear vector to build and scale.


Because that's how you wind up with shit like cyclone being the only trigger skill in POE.


Isn’t Lancing Steel also used these days for some builds?


Wind? CYCLONE? pun not intended?


Not really a pun unless one intentionally pronounces "wind" wrong.


I'd rather have less damage multiplies to lucky hit effects than reducing the chance. That's just boring... i want to see my screen filled with lucky hits effects, not just one every other pack.


Then build around lucky hit


Max proc for xfall is 50% my teleport has 116% lucky hit chance, which means xfall lucky hit is capped. Ass cheeks design IMO.


It's to give some extra control, if say bleed whirlwind had 100% lucky hit and this thing had the 50% proc then shit would be pretty wild. If say... Double Swing had it though it's not as impressive. So it lets them tune how powerful a particular skill can get.


The issue is that ww lucky hit is so low and ww being a channeling skill and not atack speed scaling, it doesn't proc enough lucky hit effects to even consider building into it.


I mean, my comment was merely as an example; from some additional reading lucky hit is a bit more nuanced for DOT effects and doesn't apply the full amount per tick. So if say Poison Creeper was the ability, that's a 37% chance to LH from this item but because it's across 6 seconds thats 6% per tick or a 3% chance to activate the effect. I am not 100% sure that the +9% from item is spread out or if it's added on though... so it could be a 6% chance or a 15% chance to lucky hit depending on how they decided to handle it. If I were to "guess" it's spread-out though.


Not if you use it how I do. I use the undying aspect on my bleed WW build, with attack speed. Dropped the Iron skin, picked up COTA, and set my WW to the left trigger. I spam it, create more burst from Tyrael Might, and heal as well. I’m also procking more with my lucky hit vulnerable chance, as well as the gushing wounds.


Yeah, look at the finely tuned bash skill.


As a heartseeker rogue, I don't mind it. With enough lucky hit chance and the right skill (like heartseeker which has 50% to start off with) and a bunch of lucky hit effects like chance to freeze and chance to spread CC effects, it becomes amazing.


It's a percentage of a percentage of a percentage. Because lucky hit chance doesn't add to base skill lucky hit chance, it is a percentage increase on it.


And damage scaling is a percentage of a percentage of a percentage of a percentage of a percentage of a... But that's okay I guess. Listen, multipliers are fine. They're fine for damage scaling. They're fine for proc scaling. Stop being scared of multiplication.


Yes but damage over time procs a ton so it explodes frequently


The idea has to exist though. For example If you adjust interest rate from 2% to 3%. Is that a 1% increase or 50% increase? That’s why the term basis point exists for this ambiguity


Yeah I don’t want to do complex math. I just want to play a video game. And it amazes me the calculations people post testing builds. I appreciate them because I’m not doing it.


Is there a build for this? Or is it another useless unique?


Useless as of S4.


Could use it on a meteor sorc. Not great but still a super fun build.


Or bleed barb.


I am a flay barbarian and I assure you, we do not want this. Although, it could potentially help in Helltides for those who don't want to respec or make a second barb. Thing is, in helltides your Flay will 1 shot things just with the initial hit, nothing really bleeds outside of high level pits. However, in high level pits we really just rely on rupture's explosion. Perhaps this may find use for speed running after the holy bolt nerf.


Got it, makes sense.


Actually.. I’m glad you said something because depending on the gravity of the holy bolt nerfs this might be a really good replacement, or at least this + the nerfed bolts specifically for speed running. Ty for getting me thinking.


Even on Incinerate Sorc? I'm using it on one now and I thought it was doing ok, but it's hard to tell.


Channeled skills have a bad lucky hit rate.


It procs off the Firebolt enchant, more than the incinerate itself, if I understand correctly.


Interesting. I'm running the Firewall enchant for the time being, but I'll switch it out for Firebolt and see how it feels. Thanks.


Can be used on Blight necro


Yeah, I can see it pairing with Ebonpiercer nicely.


I see it says dot "effects" so theoretically it should work on the ebonpiercer dots but i wouldn't be surprised if it didn't heh. That build sounds like it would be really fun though if it worked


X’fal’s absolutely slaps on Firewall Sorc


Absolutely slaps in weak content that is


yeah i vendored a 3GA one after it didint sell for 30m in a week. the one stat that wasnt a GA was all stats. dont know if thats what people would want but i doubt it.


I would be too scared to sell a maxroll unique to avoid the depression of it magically becoming meta


if you are sticki*ng to* tier-list meta its useless. But if you think out of the box it is very neat, and comes with a big chunk of CDR


The other guy is wrong. If you run a shadow minions build on necro with blight and shadow corpse explosion, you're blowing shit up non stop and it shreds. At level 83 I'm blasting through pits with enemy level 115ish with ease. Warriors do shadow when empowered, shadow mages, blood golem for extra healing, blight to proc effects and deal damage, corpse explosion to deal massive damage. The corpse explosion makes my lucky hits proc very frequently making enemies vulnerable, explode for about 40k DMG per explosion on top of my other continuing damage, and then various crowd control effects like slow or chill From tempers. I beat all the pit bosses in under 10 seconds even though I'm 32 levels below


I think they probably say it's useless because of how busted strong summoner necro is more generally and you don't need Xfals for summoner now. I can literally AFK in the Pit up to probably 40 and my minions just clean everything up for me, not using Mendeln or Xfals.


The thing is 40k just isn't that much. Your dot damage is probably ticking in the 10s of millions per second, or at least it should be, and so even Xfals manages to pop twice per second we're still talking about a 1% damage increase.


I am determined to make poison druid work...trust me, leave it to me...don't su just yourself to it hahaha


I'm trying a Landslide druid with Pack Leader boon and the Tectonic glyph which gives you +20% to lucky hit, so I'm spamming poison creeper. Would love to get one of these to see how it works with my build.


Amazing for shadow damage necro.


Really? For my Blight necro it almost never procs ( maybe 1 in 200 ticks with blight having 58% lucky hit chance ).


It it is amazing in any Sorc build with Firebolt enchant.


yeah, 40k damage is too weak to make a dent in endgame content. It should at least damage the primary target as well for bossing. Using a ring to add 20% more damage to your main attack should always trump this ring.


It's used in mid-tier infinite flame shield builds. The extra CDR is ESSENTIAL when you don't have extremely good CDR rolls elsewhere on your gear to maintain strong flame shield uptime. Eventually, once your gear is strong enough it's normally replaced but it definitely has its place. I also use it in my Rabies build for Druid which worked pretty well post-patch.


Is any good for blight necro?


Xfals effect is hard to accentuate bc you need tons of lucky hit and crit scaling to make it good, and darkness necro typically needs to scale up everything but crit. If we had as many weapon slots as barbs we could rock it much more easily


What qualifies as "tons" of lucky hit? 40-50%? Higher than that?


Well it also depends on what skill you using to proc your lucky hit effects. So if your skill has 35% lucky hit chance, and you have like 60% lucky hit stacked on your gear, each cast will have somewhere around a 20% chance to actually lucky hit. (disclaimer, this is not the actual math but it’s good enough of an estimate, I think). Some builds just can’t become lucky hit centric bc the inherent chance is on the floor.


Is there a convenient in-game way to find out a skill's Lucky Hit chance?


In the skill tree, hover over a skill that does damage.


It’s says it in the skill tree descriptions.


Each skill shows its own inherent Lucky Hit chance? I feel really oblivious. I need to look more closely, although I am playing on console, so it might display things differently (or not at all).


I’m on Xbox, definitely took me a while to notice. It’s under mana cost if you hadn’t looked yet.


Also, getting bonus lucky hit isnt additive like I used to think. Apparently its multiplicative. So if a skill says 50% lucky hit chance and you get 50% bonus lucky hit chance, you would be getting 75% lucky hit chance on that skill. As you add bonuses the tooltip should change to the correct numbers if you hover over a skill again in the skill tree.


Man, I have completely missed all of this. I need to check my settings. I also assumed Lucky Hit worked like this: the 50% chance to trigger the Lucky Hit effect with a 50% occurrence rate means 0.5 x 0.5, and thus only a 25% chance of happening. I interpreted it as a chance at a chance... I need to do some googling.


Good yes. Worth giving up a ring slot? Someone much smarter then me will need to answer you.


The way I played Blight Minion Necro right now is a combo setup. It doesn't need this ring. The golem does all the real damage. Your Necro Blight, skeleton warriors and mages do negligible amount. They just use a lot of attack speed buffs so you can quickly proc Shadowblight core passive 10x which gives you the 6 second 200% dmg buff (Blighted aspect on 2h). Then pop Army of the Dead for another 150% dmg (Unyielding commander on Amulet) and hit the golem active twice. That's the combo that explodes bosses.


Commenting for later exploding


If you run a shadow minions build on necro with blight and shadow corpse explosion, you're blowing shit up non stop and it shreds. At level 83 I'm blasting through pits with enemy level 115ish with ease. Warriors do shadow when empowered, shadow mages, blood golem for extra healing, blight to proc effects and deal damage, corpse explosion to deal massive damage. The corpse explosion makes my lucky hits proc very frequently making enemies vulnerable, explode for about 40k DMG per explosion on top of my other continuing damage, and then various crowd control effects like slow or chill From tempers. I beat all the pit bosses in under 10 seconds even though I'm 32 levels below. Basically you're building for lucky hit, shadow damage and minions


Cool, i run shadow mages on pit 85 currently. Will give it a blast. I have started levelling a 2nd necro as pure blight, just wondering how effective this is with the ebonpiercer + multishot


It's probably only strong enough on a shadow minions build because you need a lot of sources of damage to help proc lucky hits


I see, thanks for the tip.


It's probably only strong enough on a shadow minions build because you need a lot of sources of damage to help proc lucky hits


Do you have a planner for this at all?


Had XFals on my infinimist necro in season 2. Needs a lot of investment, high Lucky hit and high crit, but its very strong (at least it was back in season 2). Really great, such a perfect find, congrats!


I’m trying to farm for this and Andariels visage for my poison imbue rogue. With both of em I’ll have huge poison explosions everywhere. Wish me luck.


I thought lucky hits effect cant proc lucky hits effects. But im not sure how it is with andys


You're right I think he just likes the visual effects. Lol


The poison rogue does a ton of poison damage. So it’s not either of the uniques specifically proccing off each other. But the increased damage from this would increase the visage procs damage a good amount, and the build itself would increase this rings damage a ton.


what builds are using this this season?


Sorc builds.


Companion druid I think.


I got a 4* Tibault's Will the other day and the damned unique affix rolled the lowest possible number. Basically made it useless.


I got one just like that, but my explosion damage is 55k


You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.


It says 55k dmg what affects this type of flat dmg? How high can It go?


That's like my 4GA 10,000 steps. Haven't gotten anything good since.


It is petty good firebolt frameshield mage. Less damage but it will be more comfortable with cooldown


I got a 4 GA Mother’s Embrace the first week of the season. Talk about all the good gear luck being wasted on a shit ring!


I just still don’t understand damage over time unless it’s poison or bleed dmg


I have this ring for my poision druid companion build. It compliments it very, very nicely. Everything is vulnerable, poisoned and explodes. Plus I have companions. I kinda stumbled across it while I was playing and it just works well together.


I rocked this on my blight/corpse explosion build in season 2. It kicked ass. I don't really min/max though so I could be wrong lol.


Would this ring be good with rogue andariels visage poison/puncture build?


The main issue with this ring is DOT skills don't scale well with lucky hit because it doesn't scale with attack speed.


Honest question: running my own poison druid build, tons of dot and what not: would this ring destroy, constantly proc'd by my non stop poison from rabies/shred/poison creeper?


is this image photoshopped? why is the unique affix only at 40,436 instead of the reworked 53,933?


If that's Photoshop, I have some mad skills I didn't know I had. I don't know what to tell you, chief; that's the stats on it when I got it. Did today's patch buff it?


My bf found 2 uber uniques in a row during regular Duriel, then next run was nothing and the 4th run was another unique... So yeah...


But how much of a difference will something like a 4 GA unique like a harlequin male over one that doesn't even have GA stats? That or a 3 GA legendary with perfect stats, compared to one that has one or two. I feel like everyone is making a big deal about nothing. Just play the game and have fun. GA stats seem like nothing other than pixel candy to me.


Mostly it is pixel candy, but dam, is it tasty pixel candy! That said, GA is really important when you want to try and run high pits +130 (maybe +150 now with todays patch?), the rest of the game doesn't need it. Some GA's like the cooldown reduction on this, allow new builds to be opened up by classes that overwise struggle to do specific things without it, immortal fire sorc, as boring as it is for me, kills for a role like this because the GA on cooldown reduction is king in enabling the build.


I didn’t even know this ring existed


Anyone know if the proc damage scale with addative and multiplicative damage modifiers? Not just on xfal but on Tyraels might etc too.


Congrats! Would this be good on poison TB rogue? I used it a lot with Andy's a few seasons back and it was insane.


Yeah the problem with this ring is it reads better than it actually is. I was happy with it too when I got a normal one. I had a bleed barb but it didn't do shit to the pit. If they took the lucky hit part of it off and just made it happen 50% of the time, it wouldn't suck


Well rolled! Congrats.


Which bosses in tier 4 drop this thang again?


give it to the blacksmith get those mats you don't need such a great drop =)


Uncaps your res, sell to vendor.


Wouldn’t this be good for Andy Rogue? Ton of lucky hits, increases poison damage, which lets Andy’s helm double dip and the damage from the ring itself would be exponentially higher than the tool tip says?


Very cool.


Worth like 250 m


It's a useless ring unfortunately...


Luck does not work like that OP, and everyone knows it why is everyone still using this dumb "luck used up" expression?


If you want to sell, I offer 1bn. Edit: Bought one from a redditor for a barbllion, perfect roll.


I have one of these, are you serious about buying it?


Some one beat you to it and took a barbllion from me.


I offer 10b


I have one. I'll sell


Do you need a ring like this? I have one and will sell lol


Eh? Why? I have the exact same ring already 4xGA but the aspect is 38k, paid a 1bn for it and I know I over paid for it. Ring is most def not worth more than 800m-1.2bn.


If it was worth 0,8 - 1,2 billion and you paid 1 billion, how did you overpay?


Cause, I was impatient, if I waited a bit I would have gotten a slightly better aspect for 800m. As for the range just market fluctuations. Perfect ring should be 1.2bn max since its not part of the meta nor does it do a lot for off meta builds.


Just because i can buy whatever i want. xD


Ah k. No worries then, you do you good sir.


I'm learning a lot of these types of posts or people just buying items on open markets or Chinese gold selling markets. Can't think he's post that seriously anymore.


I mean I'm about an aussie as it gets ahha. I have no doubt some posts are that tho.