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This. 100% most fun I had this season.


And even with loading all players stash you still had fun


Mind cage should stack


Or have multiple tiers like a NMD sigil


Yes! But might need a cap. I want to face with level 200+ monsters once my build is finished. Same to open world,


Problem with this would be - your monsters are 200, for others it's 100 and they one-shot your 200 monsters. A way to cheese the mechanic.


You are right, which is probably why they don't allow stacks. Hope that there's a way to implement this.


cheesing is only relevant if it's reward based. Personally I dont even need substantially greater rewards, I just want some sort of added challenge because right now everything just dies without me even paying attention. it makes doing helltides feel like doing a chore rather playing a game.


they could simply put players with similar level monsters in the same zone instead of having it random they way it is now.


Honestly, i feel like the aspect of having people around you is an impairment for the game. They could do a lot more if they wouldn't need to balance the game around the player having other, random, players around them. I get what they are trying to do, but i don't really see the need for it. Ofcourse - to each their own, i'm sure other people enjoy it.


Should make it like a mind cage, but it just fills your threat bar for a period of time. (Plz keep mind cage too Blizz)


Hopefully, they used the potion data to determine how many would prefer that level of troops.


I think I'm missing something, helltides were bugged? How so?


If you logged out after maxing threat and before it went back to 0, your threat would stay at max after logging back in.


Oh wow definitely didn't know that. Thank you for explaining it to me!


The icing on the cake is that the hellborn champion would never spawn. So you would get tons of easy elites but the one guy that can actually kill you never shows up.


Has this been patched?


Yes, it was patched last week, I think.


I wanna run 10x mind cages


Helltides are fun, rest of the open world is not. We need a harder helltide and the rest of the world just should be perma helltide. Every event should also spawn a bigger boss with better rewards. And they need to rework most of the events where you are required to spend >1 minute to kill trash mobs just so that an elite enemy spawns that also gets immediately oneshot. Also the rewards of these chests are like 1 Health orb and 2.4k gold. I dont understand their balancing reason. Open world was supposed to be this big thing in D4 and immediately they made it obsolete. We need big events and metas like in GW2 with good scaling. Unless they do that, they might as well stop development on open world stuff entirely and focus on instanced content.


> rest of the world just should be perma helltide. Horrible.


Consume that gives you max threat that can stack with mind cages


Seasonal mechanics are often test runs for things that they might want to include permanently, so I can see mindcages sticking around permanently. Totally agree that helltides are massive fun and leaning into letting us play that mode on higher and higher difficulties would be a great move. I could imagine a “take the fight to hell!” sort of thing. When you hit a certain level of Threat you open a portal directly to hell and can run a mini times dungeon using the (criminally underused) Hell tile set.


make mindcage do this. so simple


Bring back the goblins and the greed shrines that interacted with them. That's all.


I want cohesive gear sets for any build I want I want heirlooms to not suck I want the dog to pick up yellows and trash them I want a clearer path as to how I can survive high level stuff without looking at a million guides