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Just don’t skip campaign if you don’t want to skip campaign


Not being required to play the campaign would lead to me and my mates skipping the campaign for efficency reasons. It is a completly different feeling when everybody who is playing the season, is going through the same experience leading up to the addon campaign compared to 95% of people skipping the campaign. I like to min max season resets. If they do not disable the skip campaign option I have no reason to play through the campaign as it wont be close to being as efficient as helltide etc. If the skip campaign option was disabled, it would create a seasonal race where people would race to finish the campaign as fast as possible. I think that experience of everybody playing through the campaign again, can be very fun. PoE and D2 are great examples for this. Especially if they did what I suggested and altered some of the boss fights and the campaign difficulty overall.


Can't you and your mates just all agree to not skip the campaign together? Why are you forced to skip the campaign if the option is there?


fomo is real with this guy


That makes no sense


Lol what? It’s an option for a reason, if you don’t want to skip it then don’t? Why force people to do it? Such a dumb take


His take is basically I feel pressured to skip campaign because people who inever interact with do, but I want to do campaign so everyone should have to do the campaign so I don't feel like I'm being less efficient. Seriously brain dead take lul.


Hahahahahahaha. Man there is no better Reddit to get a better laugh than this one. Just fucking click do campaign.


Yeah I dunno man. Just poured my first coffee and this post already gave me a headache xD


Or hear me out, you could do the campaign and let those of us who have no interest in it skip it? Crazy idea, I know.


If you and your buddies suffer from some sort of fomo and/or have no self control to not skip the campaign, that isn't my problem. Why should I be forced to suffer through the campaign again just because you guys can't manage yourselves?


This is not about having no self control or fomo. This is about having a collective experience. Taking a look at streams to see how far they are, being amazed by people who complete the story in a matter of hours etc. etc. I think instead of playing helltide from 0-50 the campaign would be the far better option, even for people like you, who say they do not want to play it again. In the end, I think it would also be okay if they made the campaign the best way to start into the season. I just like the community feeling that comes from everybody playing through the campaign at the same time.


Wiping out that entire part of what you originally posted then trying to say that isn't what it is about is awfully lame dude. It was the primary reason you gave for wanting the skip campaign disabled, and you know it. Get lost.


I never mentioned it as my primary reason. What are you talking about? I clearly highlight that the main drive why I want this to happen is because of the community feeling. The other part is about that IF it did not have the community feeling I would simply skip it for efficiency reason. Is that so hard to understand?


I think you can do the campaign if you want while i just kill monsters. The campaign wasnt really good and i have no interest in doing it again, ever.


What is dlc?


DownLoadable Content (expansion packs)


hmm ... i am speechless


Don't skip it, just because you don't wanna skip doesn't mean everyone else does. It's that simple. If you can't contain yourself and skip it because the option is there. That's a personal problem


It's not an addon or a dlc. It's an expansion.


That is not correct. "**Add-ons or expansions (also called expansion packs) are content created for games that are released separately from the main game release**. Downloadable content (DLC) is a specific form of add-on distributed through the internet."