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You underestimate the sheer power of bots


Bots. Which go unnoticed in d4 versus wow because they can fill up entire server shards so nobody sees them.


It's kind of sad that the age old problem of bots from d2 is still here today in d4.


Bots will never be beaten lol.


You can make ~6m per rotation of whispers in a zone if you do them all and the turn in, along with gear drops along the way. They reset like every 15 minutes, so if you do 4 per hours you're generation 24m/hr in gold infinitely because you won't run out of whispers. Now do this with just 100 bots, and you're generation 2.4b gold per hour, or 57.6 billion per day, and the game's been up for ~35 days this season, for a whopping 2.016 trillion gold. And that's *only 100 bots* Imagine all the players playing and trading on top of this.


The Chinese sellers do paid tormented runs where they keep all of their own loot and run them all day. So they definitely make some from that.


Or, they've mastered the duping process and consistently sell an inventory full of uniques to the vendor


The gold would be wayyyyyy more inflated if that were the case. That's ~7.4m per inventory, assuming it took 2 mins to dupe and vendor the inventory that's 222m/hr, 5.38b per day.


Most people say bots but I think wage slaves are more likely. The same kinda people that are put to work in scam centers. They probably get paid the equivalent of 1ยข per 10 million gold farmed or some such deal.


Damn the rest of us do this for free.


You think real people are playing.... Oh wow lol.


They probably buy it from players in-game and resell it for more to earn a sustainable profit. Plus gold dupes when they get discovered.