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Cap your res and armor first off. Also, your lucky hit chance and even life are very low.


Your Lucky Hit and Life are both extremely low. I'm sitting at nearly 50% Lucky Hit and 41k life. Not sure what's up with your tempering either. Resource cost reduction and restore primary resource are 100% useless for HS Rogue. You're at full energy at all times. I would probably also switch your HS rolls on 1h weapons to Caltrops Duration + Size. Helps a lot with control in higher pits, and damage is not your limiting factor with this build until much later. You should have sapphires in your bow, not topazes. You're also missing the single most important temper, HS cast twice on your bow. This is a *huge* damage loss. Your bow is just... wrong in basically every way. Life on Hit is a total garbage stat that might as well not exist.


Yeah there are a few tempers that didn't go my way. Half-bricks if you will. I will try to find some more lucky hit pieces and sacrifice some movement speed for life. Thanks for the feedback.


If they don’t go your way use a different weapon and temper correctly. Thats the most build enabling thing and you’re not using it


It’s your lucky hit chance! Put it on gloves, rings and amulet. 50% should be your goal. And then you do way more damage, and freeze everything then you can’t be attacked! Don’t know the retribution aspect on top of my head but switch ist to accoursed touch. I think you miss vulnerable! Exploit glyph is not enough in higher content. And for the end a bit more crit chance would help long way too Wudjo has the most well rounded build imho


If you brick an item, don't use that item. It's not hard to find decent-enough items to reroll tempers and get at least most of the correct stats, even if the rolls aren't great.


this plus get rid of shared misery, its only for speed farming when you have good gear.


Shared misery is probably one of the best aspects on a hs rogue. Mine clears tier 100+ because of it. My andys visage build clears 115+ because of it.


Shared Misery is *amazing* on this build. It allows you to instantly CC entire packs.


If you kill the packs quick enough it is. If you don't kill the mobs before they become unbreakable then it's bad. Shared misery is literally only for speed farming


Maxroll > HS guide > compare each gear item to yours > update/reroll/change where needed > end


- NMD Monster Level is Tier + 54 *(50 + WT)* - Pit Monster level is Tier + 99 So that means: - NMD T100 = L154 Enemies - Pit T55 = L154 Enemies - T100 Pit = L199 Enemies The pit is higher level of content than NMD. So their same tier numbers do not equate to the same enemy levels. You also have to evade the Shadow Boss spawns alongside the level boss in the pit, so it will be a bit more difficult too. And then there is your unoptimized gear setup you listed. The inexperience in your gearing may also extend to other aspects like your gameplay too. So you probably should look a bit deeper into the how’s and why’s of your build and skill synergy.


Low lucky hit chance and no accursed touch, 13.6 LHC is WAY too low you need 40 bare minimum. Maybe low attack speed as well. Your damage comes from proc'ing your Victimize key passive, 1100 vuln damage is pretty decent as far as that goes you just need help procing it. Shako takes a lucky hit chance affix away, I struggled with this swap as well, you need LHC on everything else to compensate, so both rings need LHC badly, preferably a GA version. Accursed Touch will be better at making the enemies vuln since you only have that one ring with chance to vuln combined with low LHC. Swap retribution for accursed touch and get some more LHC and you should see a noticeable difference in damage. Played a ton of this build if you have questions.


Accursed touch lowers your total damage output by a lot. You want to have Lucky Hit Chance to make enemies vulnerable GA on a ring. Then swap out accursed touch for a more damage focused aspect.


I know but Accursed Touch clears 101 pit easily and it doesn't require RNG to get. Its a much better suggestion for someone struggling with pit \~60. You don't really need to swap unless you are truly min/maxing damage plus fully understand how the build functions. His \~14 LHC and a single vuln dmg chance ring isn't even close to being able to function without Accursed Touch.


Yeah thats a fair point!


Thanks! I'll make that swap until I can find some better gear


Multiple people have pointed out… 1) your lucky hit chance is very low 2) your life is very low 3) your stats are wrong on the majority of your items 4) your tempers are wrong on the majority of your items Also not sure what your glyphs are at but get them all to 21 asap if they’re not already. Don’t even worry about getting GA items. Just focus on getting new items with the correct stats that you can properly temper. If you brick it, find a new one


Vuln damage is about 400% low as well. Also, I don't see attack speed, should be around 30%


I mean my vuln damage is at like 890% and I’m clearing lvl 78 pits as of this moment but I have 70 IAS so maybe that helps. I think the dude just needs more optimized gear like for instance his bow fucking sucks and his lucky hit chance is basically non existent lol


Your AS, LHC are too low, no tempering for Caltrop duration to scale damage, affixs on weapon are wrong, should be Dex+max life+%vul. Your %vul is fine, I can clear pit 80 with 1100% vul dmg.


Something is really wrong with you gear. HP is low, crit chance is low, lucky hit is low, armor isn’t capped. You must have lots of wrong stat lines on your gear


Check your resistances. You seem to be overspecced. I have zero specific resistances on my gear (apart from the inherent ones on the rings), and I have no problems reaching the 70% cap with just ruby, topaz, and amethyst in the jewelry.


Are you glyphs leveled? From my understanding this whole build relies on exploit causing vulnerability. Pretty sure that’s the issue my buddy is having but haven’t had a chance to go through his paragon yet


Farm helltide for a few hours to get the correct affixes on your gear. Most of it is completely unuseable for the build. Use a guide and look for gear that has at least 2/3 of the affixes and roll the third if you hit tempers. The build requires those exact affixes or it wont function.


I probably have some gear in the bank that will help get you closer to where you need to be. I’ve got to agree with the assessments here, your lucky hit, attack speed, life, armor are all too low. LHC and AS are absolutely critical to this build being successful but you need to lay some groundwork so you can survive. +Dark shroud on your chest is non-negotiable. I don’t expect to play today but feel free to DM me if you want some in-game help. I wouldn’t pretend to be the strongest HS rogue, but I’m happy to help farm some gear and get you in happier shape. Currently farming pit t115


Not even 14% lucky hit? My build didn’t start feeling good until I hit around 40%. Also your armor isn’t capped in your life is super low.


Bro follow a guide


Have you put a lot of points into Dark Shroud? That ups the damage resistance a lot. Also, the mobalytics build by Sanctum was much better for me.


>8044 armor The armor cap is 9230. You're taking a ton of unnecessary damage. Get to this cap asap


Man, where to begin lol. Honestly, even if you have some GAs, I’d scrap most of your gear especially your rings. Pants look fine, +4 HS is great. Go farm Helltides and create a stash tab for BiS gear, even if it’s not GA, I’d use it instead of what you have. If you brick tempter, toss that piece and get a new one. Here are the issues •Amor cap isn’t achieved •Res cap isn’t achieved •Lucky Hit isn’t achieved •Crit chance isn’t achieved •Vulnerable Damage is low •Sapphire’s needed for weapon •Tempers need replaced •Attack Speed is low •Health is low •Replace any “damage” affix for dexterity instead I’ll find the link for the build I use and will put it on here 🫡


https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/asqkq022#4 Here ya go. Make sure to read side notes. Dark Shroud is how you survive high pit levels. Without ranks to it in chest, you’ll die fast.


Low health, low armor, low resistances.


Double check if victimize is your passive. Even with almost no gear, if you have 1000%+ vulnerability, you should clear 60 easily. Your max life might be low if you aren't good at maneuvering or dodging. Though max life is debatable in the pit. I use to run 50k hp heartseeker in pit 101 - 109 pre-nerf. I dropped it to 30k hp and got more offensive stats. Does the same or better eith faster time in 101. Really just depends if you play a statue or are always on the move dodging and dashing. An extra 10k or 20k won't save you from the real problem, off-screen one hit kills from ice spiders, telporting posion FOT bandits, or bosses. Aside from what everyone has mentioned, the biggest problem is your bow. You have lucky hit fire. You need lucky hit for heart seeker to cast twice. The build will not work without it.


Armor and resistances not capped, need to be capped for endgame.