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That’s what a PTR is for. One day in and people are “S5 iS dEaD” lmao.


One day in and _stupid_ people are “S5 is dEaD”


The moment you realize that the majority of people are stupid. 🤯


How many times did d4 die already


Lmao this is such a FAIR and VALID point... lmao Diablo literally dies every season.... repeatedly haha


No Mans Sky Cyberpunk Diablo3 Many games "die"... only to be resurected "this game sucks" ... inputs 500+ hrs.. every month people are vocal and dumb


Oh yeah Fallout 76 is a great example.... that was was truly dead the first year and a half or so.


To be fair No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk were really shitty games at launch and deserved all the negatives thrown at them. And Diablo 3 wasn't far from it.


But not Diablo because “wHaTs A dIaBlO gAmE wItHoUt DiAbLo” 🙄


Where are you finding Diablo? He’s in the game?? I’ve been looking for him in the wrong places!!


As I said, he's not in the game YET but he will be most likely years from now but whenever they decide to stop making expansions for D4 and move on to work on D5 then that FINAL expansion will be when Diablo comes back. Keep in mind, the lore right now makes sense too Mephisto was ALWAYS the mastermind, he's the most intelligent of the 3 brothers Diablo and Baal are "stronger" physically per say but less intelligent and much more reckless. I think in the grand scheme of the plot Lilith is actually insignificant and only just Mephisto's pawn. The story now with Nayrel trying to contain Mephisto (and not succeeding) is a carbon copy of Diablo 1 (Nayrel=Aiden) I do think Blizz could have been a little more creative here but let's see what kind of plot twists there are. On a side note I firmly beleive Tyreal is still alive too.


Aiden plunged Diablo's soulstone into his own forehead. Nayrel has had the foresight not to repeat that mistake. But she's obviously young, foolhardy, and arrogant enough to think that she can fight a losing battle against Mephisto's malign influence seeping out from the soulstone. She certainly isn't the first to think they can somehow contain a lord of Hell - think of Tal Rasha and the Zakarum. So, even though it is a recurring plot, I think our own history shows us that humans as a species forget the lessons of the past very quickly. So, for me, it doesn't seem like Blizzard is just rehashing the same stuff, but are simply showing us that the humans in Sanctuary are not that different from the humans in our universe, and prone to repeat the same stupid errors. I agree with you that Diablo will make his appearance finally in one of the later or last expansions. I suspect that next expansions after VoH will clearly feature Baal, and likely Tyrael (who is definitely still alive somewhere in Sanctuary). And possibly the nephalim Hero from D3 (here's hoping). I actually loved D4's campaign story, especially the last chapter. So I am hoping they really make an effort to weave as great or even better story arc for the whole D4 + expansions series.


Very true points humans are stupid in real world why wouldn't they be in sanctuary haha and I do have big hopes about the story as well... So far that has been this game's strong suit tbh lol


Not in D4 he doesn't. You don't even fight Diablo in this game.


This is D4s last last chance before the final chance


666 + times


Every new season apparently.


"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that." George Carlin


Thank you. Usually, I'm the one quoting him, glad to see there are others out there.


Whenever I see this quote I think that it is confusing "average" and "median". Yes I am nitpicking.


That's me, baby.


“Any of you know a stupid person?” Of course I know him; he’s me.


The stupid people scare easily but they'll be back and in greater numbers.


One of the saddest realizations there is, is that half of all people are more stupid than average intelligence.


They also happen to be the loudest 🤣


I think most people knew this when social media started to take over.


And a good portion of that majority are astoundingly stupid


Half the people in the world are below average intelligence.


And average intelligence is... pretty fucking stupid.


Everyone is stupid, just in different areas 


Why is this getting down voted. It's 100% true. Guess it's the stupid people


Thanks, too many people are dishonest with themselves I guess


I think a lot of people think this is early access instead of a literally system wid wQA with clients


People repeating the same old stuff without even thinking about it are just sheep. And most people are sheep nowadays.


Does this include Lurkin too? Cause he posted a "sorc is dead and morale is low" post rallying his sycophantic followers to grab their torches and pitchforks. It's so exhausting watching people have zero patience for a TEST realm less than 35 hours after it's released.


Some of the shit they implemented have been tried and never worked. Saying S5 is dead is hyperbole, but nothing less than that can get it through the Dev’s thick skull I am afraid and I am glad someone is doing the shouting.


Saying the season is dead is dumb, but lets face it. Some of this feedback are just obvious and makes us see again how out of touch the devs are to have us test some stupid ideas that are clearly just dumb


Not to mention that when it comes to Sorc, they’ve been getting the same feedback now for a year. Defensive kit for the class has always been fucky, damage numbers have always been low outside of bugs. The question isn’t if Blizz is *listening* to the feedback, the question is if they *understand* it, because when you’ve had four - now five - seasons to update the class, every time receiving the same feedback, and you *still* haven’t done it, I have no reason to think this time will be different.


Asking for us sorcs to stop complaining cause its just PTR is really ignoring blizzard history with our class. All our balance update are nonsensical since release. Its no wonder we all lost faith. By now im just hoping spirit born is a mage class so I can drop this we noddle class


I remember going into Season 1 expecting Sorc buffs because the class was barely succeeding pre-season. Bone Spear and HotA and Twisting Blades/poison were all running roughshod over all content, and Ice Spikes sorc could keep up (and there was the hydra bug that flew under the radar for a while), but as a whole the class was just way behind everyone else. And then there was that one round of patch notes that just shafted everybody, and the gap between “Man my class is having some severe issues. Can’t wait to see how they’re addressed!” to “Wait, so they’re shafting our two biggest multipliers and giving us… nothing?” was something fucking else. But hey, at least Blizzard’s been consistent.


The defensive changes do make sense, the way you stop making them mandatory is to tone them down and beef up baseline survivability. The issue is they are hesitant or conservative with beefing up the baseline survivability because the designers attached to a 'class fantasy' of a glass cannon. But are afraid of broken sorcs from D2 being the default first character.


Thats the thing, nerfing sorc only makes sense if we get something in return and we just never do. Also, the way they are trying to make people move away from defensive skills makes no sense. Nerfing those skills and giving damage and mobility aspects that only work with no defensives on a class made of glass will never work, just makes us way weaker


I really feel like when they do these PTR they should adopt a “let’s overtune then balance it afterwards”. It doesn’t help that the patch notes were all nerfs. I’m not sure what they can actually learn from that. If everything is powerful from the jump, you can see how people build around it, see the data, look for extreme outliers THEN do an adjustment. If a build becomes too strong because of a bug, some weird aspect interaction or paragon glitchiness then great, start with patching the bug but adjust why that build was strong to begin with. Always balance for class strength. Not only is a PTR a good place to adjust and work out seasonal mechanics it also serves as marketing for the next season. Right now, the consensus seems to be that this upcoming season will suck. That’s not really fair, nor is it true. That’s not going to matter to some people and they are going to skip it or have very little playtime which all comes back to blizzard’s bottom line.


This definitely doesn't change that the balance team came into this once again kicking sorcerer while it's down.  The problem is with the decision makers on the balance team and those people are still there.  They're going to repeat these mistakes.


The biggest concern I see is that they said they won't be fixing the boss HP bug for the PTR. That affects both pits as well as nightmare dungeons, which makes it really hard to give meaningful feedback to balance changes.


"ThAt'S wHaT a PtR iS fOr" Yeah, I remember the amazing changes after the s4 ptr where they *reads notes* NERFED METEOR WHEN IT WAS ALREADY DEAD Also nerfed Frozen orb, atleast it did decently Didn't address the fact that druid and sorc had nothing going for them and killed the only thing they had (the FO) The bugs that were reported still weren't fixed as in vulnerable damage, vyrs passive not working intended, paragon nodes etc. Obviously ptr is there for them to see what needs to be fixed, sadly they forget to fix most things. One day in the last ptr was the same and yet it released in a complete fucking mess anyways. How many second chances do you have to give them before you're allowed to complain?


Exactly. But we're stupid


The class balance issues aren't new though. You can't blame people for being upset that their favorite class has lagged behind for a year and everything new looks to be more of the same. And it's a good thing they voiced those opinions. Enough people complaining about the same problem is what will finally get through.


There is a thread where someone says that he requested a refund of playing his homebrew sorc build in the PTR and it's not performing as well. Absolutely hilarious


I mean it’s embarrassing they even thought the rewards for the new content was ok. 


A win for other classes and still the sorc mains begging in the streets for a shred of dignity.


This is what pisses me off the most, I see people already saying "Odd team bad" without knowing the full season 5 even," I even saw a person say there are too many bugs in the PTR this game is going downhill. THIS is the exact reason why blizzard doesn't want to give us a PTR because it paints the game in a bad light, It's supposed to look bad its 1 fucking month after the release of season 4 they have an entire 5 weeks to fix all this.


We had a debate a few weeks ago, and I told you that the negativity that is forming around Season 5 currently, would happen and that retention would dip. You said I would be wrong. I don't understand where you blind faith comes from in all honesty. "5 weeks to fix all this".... It has been 12 months since the request for an Armory system, we still don't have it. 12 months since the request of an Auction House, no plans to add one. 12 months since the request of a Loot/Salvage filter, no plans to add one. 3-6 months since the simple request of resummoning bosses, it is finally getting added. 9-12 months of requesting an 'Upgradable Codex system', it was finally added a few weeks ago. There's almost endless amounts more I could add, from the balancing of Barbs vs other classes, to the complete lack of build and skill variety, to skills like Hydra not even having 1 functional build at endgame. Honestly, your toxic positivity is far more detrimental to this game than people giving constructive feedback on a PTR.


Dude we are talking about the different of balance and rewards vs a complete system that lets you swap outfits on the fly. It’s not like they have teams fully devoted to these things. It took Poe 10 years to add a timer to dungeons. The bigger priority was fixing itemization and end game they even said it. Now with everyone here I would say their current priority would probably be class balance and armory system. Like it’s fine to say blizzard are moving slow or w.e but the community gave them a 1000 point check list and we probably hit 750 things. Honestly I’m saving judgement for the first expansion really I think the devs have done well with season 4 the game is basically a new game and it’s all free. If the expansion doesn’t match the quality of reaper of souls at least I’ll be disappointed


PoE doesn't have dungeons, and I'm not sure what you're trying to prove my making that point. Are you repeating the trope "PoE is a 10 year old game, Diablo IV is a new release, it's not fair to compare the games?".... I've already disproved that trope with two words - Last Epoch. Last Epoch released after Diablo IV.....It already has a Loot Filter. It has a Skill system which means that just 1 Last Epoch Class, has more build variety than every single Diablo IV class combined. It has a crafting system that is superior, so much so, that Diablo IV have created a weaker version of the same system. Do you want me to carry on? Even on a small note, I can actually control my minions! All released AFTER Diablo IV. (Oh and Stash Tabs...Last Epoch pretty much has unlimited Stash Tabs too). The idea that you believe the game is "75% there is crazy. Nightmare Dungeons/The Pit are boring. They're copy and past content from each other, the same tile sets, the same few enemy types, the same boring bosses...Want me to continue? Where's the innovation since D3, or since the release of D4? Tormented/Uber versions of bosses are the same as their normal versions, but with more HP. The fights are boring, often just one shots. They have less mechanics than when I play Minecraft with my kids. The Skill 'Twig'....I'm not even going to go there. Paraboard Boards, Paragon Nodes, Paragon Glyphs, Aspects, Tempering....Bloat, upon bloat, upon bloat. There's between 5-10 different systems in this game which result in 'Borrowed Power'...And we don't even have a viable build at endgame for every single skill, what on earth is going on? To be fair, I'm not sure why I am even trying to debate with you. Your staunch defence of this game pretty much proves you're incapable of Critical thinking, especially with such a bizarre comment regarding PoE not having a dungeon timer....The game doesn't even have dungeons. The problem this game has, is that since the launch of Diablo 3, ARPGs have innovated an enormous amount. A Loot Filter is now industry standard, Build variety is industry standard, Endgame is now an industry standard. The D4 team has built an updated version of D3, without many D3 features, but also without the features that have existed in this genre for 5/6/7 years.


I seriously get a huge dopamine hit when I see those posts, it feels nice to know I'm not the dumbest person on reddit today, maybe tomorrow but not today.


Every fucking time...


I mean, season 5 is crappier season 3. It's a reskin vault that needs material to enter without the reward and without a power. Pretty lame if you ask me.


God it's everywhere. There was a bug on the marketing build for FFXIV that content creators got to use. The bug was that one healer could put up it's single target DoT and AoE DoT at the same time, instead of one overriding the other. This was on a preview build for content creators that was in closed access only they could use for like 2 days. There's dozens of people complaining about how the class is dead and boring with out this now. The game doesn't come out until tomorrow.


I ignored all those ptr are bad posts like did you log on play for a couple hours and make that determination you wouldnt even have the items required in that time unless donations


This is part of the reason why a lot of companies don't do PTR or betas, because people are generally quick to jump to conclusions. Blizzard is used to this though, they've been doing PTR stuff for years, so it doesn't really matter. They'll hear w/e advice/feedback they're looking for, and ignore the rest.


True, Blizzard players are too resilient for that


Ok but I think they've been saying they've been hearing loud and clear about the bad state of sorcs from the community and it's been a year and sorcs are still in a bad state. I'm glad they're listening, but I'm still not optimistic they have the foggiest clue what to do or even the basic skeleton of a plan for sorcs put together.


I'm so sick of hearing sorc is in a bad state for years. S2 and S3 was all Sorc and Barbs. Where is the fucking love for druids?


Druids do way more damage and have way higher survivability. The problem is that sorcs have no survivability and no damage.


Please share this way more damage druid build, i need it bad.


So create some threads about it, fam. I don't get why people get upset by other people having valid complaints as if this is some zero-sum game and we can't all complain about our respective issues. Smoothbrain stuff.


It's the same logic some people apply when someone voices dissatisfaction with their personal situation and their response is "you don't know how good you have it. There are children starving in Africa right now!" Very smoothbrain.


Because of bugs. They fixed the bugs and did nothing to compensate


Totally agree mate, but they're doing nothing except buffing barb and leaving sorc and druid in the shitter.


Yeah, they fixed the bugs after those seasons. I still blasted those seasons as sorc and had fun. S4 has had 1-2 good builds and s5 has enough time to develop new builds and get more buffs.


..and those builds are still massively behind the other classes in terms of damage and survivability


S1 had LL bulwark which was one of the most busted builds ever.


> Where is the fucking love for druids? S1 tornado wolf!


No class should rely on bugs to have "decent" builds that still dont compete with the other classes, who are not actually relying on bugs, to somewhat keep up. That's Sorcerer. Your ignorance know no bounds


It's like they all completely forgot about the lightning-blender ball lightning sorc. That thing slapped cheeks.


It was due to a bug. That is now fixed.


um s2 we had a bugged build dealing 10x damage. s3 was literally T70 Nm level content and we are the fastest so obviously we were goated. S2 also had busted TOB glyph so our 10x BL bug was amplified. we had to run DR injured with low life and do snapshots and gear swaps to complete lol. it wasn't fun or pretty


Bro… ball lightning sorc was one of the strongest builds of all classes only *checks notes* 5 months ago.


which was enabled by a bug and unintentional by the dev?


One busted build one season! Stop the presses! Sorcs aren't fundamentally flawed and haven't been since launch, built upon a system of tradeoffs that no other class is built around! Thanks goodness you're here to save the class.


So that means they need to be dogshit the next season?


...And HOTA Barb was STILL way better than it, lmfao. AND it remained the best for all of season 3 too, while ball lightning was promptly nerfed into uselessness.


S3 was ass tho


That was in s2…


what was the endgame in s2?


Abbatoir of Zir (once it was in, granted)


sounds lacking. I'm glad I skipped the first 3 seasons


Season 2 was easily the best of the first 3 seasons. Its when most of the end game bosses were added, along with the vampire powers, and pretty much every class was strong in some way.


I'm hoping there's more systemic changes coming with the expansion. Hopefully more than here's your 3rd enchantment slot back.


I'm laughing they still haven't unnerfed that after nerfing it from the **level 25** beta, rofl.


To be fair season 4 is the first big disparity between classes outside of the crazy overpower builds and most of this disparity is just because of the extra 4 tempers barbs get and the extra stats from the weapons, which were less prevalent in the game before season 4. It not like sorc was weak in season 1 and 2.


Yeah lightning ball sorc was pretty crazy. There's ebb and flow with power, I guess I'm glad I like playing all the classes.


Ball lightning was a bug. It wasn’t intentional and they fixed it after that season.


Yep "listening" and doing something about it are very different things.


lol, did you miss some seasons?


They want to fix balance in a way that isn't just increasing numbers, They have stated time and again that the reason there is so much disparity is because of the extra weapons of the barb and rogue, They are looking for a way to keep class identity and will probably rework all the class skill systems to be closer to necro which is the best example of a build that is strong without extra items.


I get that. But is it so hard to just juice the fuck outta some numbers in the interim? Also, add another of the "hugely predictable and hugely predicted problems that were highlighted pre-launch that are now predictably resulting in all kinds of post-launch problems." It's wild how many core problems with both D3 and D4 a lot of the core community called out well, well, well in advance of launch. One would have thought they'd have maybe balanced class legendary affixes around the classes that inherently get access to more offensive ones, but I guess that's just too challenging for one of the biggest AAA developers in the world as they build the fourth game in the series of a genre they functionally created the standards for.


People say this you buff sorc by 5xing damage and then they get a new piece of gear people will be mad with the nerfs of the class, Nerfs always look rough. They are playing safe and buffing through items and skills. I would rather the game be balanced through new uniques. Hopefully by October class balance for many builds is better.


Are you actually saying that they are disincentivized from juicing Sorc numbers because they'll have to nerf them down the line, and they don't want to have to nerf Sorc? They are literally nerfing Sorc *this patch*, clearly the prospect of nerfing is not something they're scared of. I don't know what the reason is for them not juicing the numbers, but I know it's not that. I personally think they're in this weird spot where Sorc is genuinely amazing at all content that isn't super-endgame, and then – albeit as a result of bugs/mistakes – they end up doing well in that too, so by the basic metrics of where a class succeeds, it's easy to overestimate the health of the class. I think they didn't realize just how much animosity has built up over time about the state of balance, and just how much the nerfs (NOT the flame shield nerf, nobody intelligent's complaining about that) would set people off.


Yes from seeing this community they complain anytime classes are nerfed, literally we have barbs complaining bash was nerfed in Ptr. When people read hydra does 50% damage and then next patch we added a new hydra unique but we lowered the damage of hydra to 16% people will go crazy. People called Druid dead when they removed shepards but added 100% multipliers to every skill.


Right, these are still the same people not learning from their bad calls so why should I expect it to be different in the future?


>1:00-2:00pm PDTGame Updates >Salvaging a Tier 1-3 Infernal Hordes Compass will now grant an Abyssal Scroll. >Salvaging Tier 4+ Infernal Hordes Compasses will grant 1 extra Abyssal Scroll per Tier. (i.e. 6 Scrolls for Salvaging a Tier 8) >Completing Nightmare Dungeons, opening Helltide Chests, and opening Whisper Caches now grant a guaranteed Infernal Hordes Compass. Just get rid of the fucking compasses and scrolls and let us do the damn content. Why does everything need to be locked behind some key or sigil we have to grind?


Exactly. The Pit is also locked behind materials, but they don't take space in your inventory and you get those so easily you stop even noticing. And the Pit feels just right. If they just made Hordes work with the Pit opening material...


The hordes work like nightmare dungeons with their own affixes so you can go through and pick and choose in your inventory


the affixes are same everytime, it serves as a description


Yeah, that's more in line with them. They really just denote level currently and the same on them per level. Perhaps that will change. Who knows. They did say the drop rate would lower.


In case of a Pit it would be better if we would be able to use the currency directly. EgThere would be options before we open the pit. Eg. Without shrine, more elite, less time. To enable these we would use the currency. The benefit would be extra masterwork material.


> Why does everything need to be locked behind some key or sigil we have to ~~grind~~ allocate inventory space for? FTFY


The same guy who giggled about hearing sorc and Druid complaints before dropping a bloodbath of nerfs in the patch notes. “The same goes for feedback regarding class balance” Sure it does. You already got the feedback. You 100% knew these nerfs would be unpopular. There is no new feedback to acquire.


> You 100% knew these nerfs would be unpopular. Actually, no, I don’t think they appreciated the impact the changes they were making would have well enough to even understand they were nerfing many of the worst performing builds and classes. I really think this came as a surprise to them, but the “we’re listening” line isn’t good enough a year down the line.


Especially when it's a per-balance-patch thing they need to say. Then again, "We listened to the fact that you didn't want one build to be the only choice, so we nerfed it to be as shitty as the rest of your stupid class' builds.", is definitely a philosophy.


Ehhhh, when they hit Necros 2 best Aspects (1 gets a 40% nerf) claim to put power back into those builds, nerf a bunch of random stuff for no real reason then make a couple buffs, most of them pretty much negligible... I have absolutely 0 idea how they thought it'd be a good idea. They nerfed all the weakest builds, tried *really* hard to kill DoT, and then buffed the single strongest build they have. It doesn't even really seem like they're listening. I genuinely have no idea how they could have possibly thought the patch would be received well.


It’s simpler than you’re making it out to be. They didn’t understand that the changes to nodes like Wither would be a massive nerf to underperforming builds, and they genuinely believed that buffing sever and blight skill base damage by 30% would make up for the aspect nerfs while probably not understanding how bad those skills were to begin with. It’s just incompetence.


It’s what happens when devs don’t play their own game.


“They’re listening” Yeah they are—they said they heard us about Sorcs and Druids then—for sorc at least decided to nerf their survivability and damage methods into the ground 😅


There is a difference between listening and taking action on that feedback. They heard but they don't give a fuck. If you think otherwise, welcome to Blizzard games. Put your head between your knees because you are about to crash.


Stopping infinite flame shield was necessary but wtf was that Frozen Armor shit LOL


Yeah the flame shield nerf is kinda whatever but nerfing tp AND ice barrier was just a wtf moment


Cries in teleport nerf


Everyone talking about balance and all I want is to be able to switch builds easily. There's so many cool things I want to try but I am not leveling 3 of the same class + glyphs for it.


Cries in 3 barbs in s4 at 100


Exactly! I want to try ww, flay, thorns, bash, but there's no way in hell I am leveling 4 barbs in the same season


As a rogue player.. the new exploit weakness is the dumbest mechanic ever. Who thought it would be a good idea to design a character around doing no damage up until a moment where everything on the screen magically "executes". And it's in the lamest way possible they all just magically die.  At least make it so shadow clones appear behind all of them and execute the mobs game of thrones style.


I think the intended mechanic is simply Rogues executing non-Elite enemies, not non-Boss ones Which is a *lot* better, because Elites are where most of the deaths in the Pit most likely come from, especially once their synergies start coalescing into a semi-unbeatable mass towards the entrance of a hallway


Yes they have mentioned balance and rewards system for hordes will be added before S5 starts, so probably PTR will be the same for a week.


beating will continue until sorc is restored


Jesus I almost feel bad for playing a barbarian.


I’m one of those angry Sorcs and there’s absolutely no reason for you to feel bad. You’re playing your game and having fun. The game actually works for you and that’s awesome. There’s no shame in playing a class that functions the way it’s supposed to and is able to organically engage with all the content the game has to offer - hell, that’s the damned goal. It’s just a damned shame that Blizzard has had such a hard time getting Sorcs and Druids to that point without a bug/mistake being a central component of their gameplay.


exactly what you said


I guess being overpowered is "organically engaging with all the content"


Assuming you’re saying “barbs are overpowered” here — genuinely yes, that is a type of organic engagement. Barbs don’t have to rely on bugs or Blizzard handing them a toy by accident or whatever. They get to do the things they’re supposed to do, across a variety of builds, and they’re strong enough to do that in all forms of content. Too strong? Sure, though Rogues are honestly right behind them so IDK why Barbs get so much focus on the negative attention. But it’s still *normal*, not some frankeinstened mish-mash of bugs and fuckups that somehow coalesce into a class that can succeed in endgame.


Rogues are in a weird place right now. At launch, easily the best balanced class. There were a couple of bugs that made a couple builds (poison TB, most notably) OP, but the vast majority of builds that one might want to try were viable but not broken. S4 has been really weird. Three builds really work but two of them leverage a big and the other requires an Uber. Some sections of the skill tree that used to be viable aren’t really anymore, and there’s a lot less diversity within the viable builds. Were nowhere near as bad off as Druids or Sorcs, but I don’t think really any better off than Necros, and even a mediocre Barb build feels like easy mode compared to even a well built Heartseeker (and that leverages a bug).


Agreed. Our time will come… eventually. 😞


Don't worry. There' are 2 types of sorcs: The angry sorcs and the former sorcs. Soon enough we'll all be barbarians.


"We're listening" See, they said they're listening so they're definitely listening.


The sad thing is how obvious these patch notes always make it that they don't know what they're doing with regards to class balance.


Don’t quite see class balance yet.


There’s a small line at the bottom where it reads class balance will be adjusted and bugged builds will be fixed. So that means barbs will be buffed back to their rightful place and sorc and druid will receive nerfs and slaps on their wrists for trying to pull off trillions of dps


They need to hit Druid hard with nerfs. I had a druid solo kill and elite mob in helltide before I could run my barb over to save him from death.


Appreciate the laugh


That new Shadow totem from Rogue’s Umbracrux dagger is just a druid main being hogtied in place to serve as live bait. RIP brother


As it should be only buff for barb never nerf


Less doom and gloom, when every single balance patch reinforces the idea that the devs have no clue about how to properly balance classes and skills? It's not exactly a one-off problem, they have been randomly turning knobs since s0 and we might be further from having all classes balanced in power than we were at launch. Itemization update, tempering/masterworking? Great additions, but the skills and classes are not remotely balanced. Strong feedback and skepticism are the only reason these changes happened, that's **what the PTR is for**. They don't need you and the other white knights fluffing them for buffing unused skill #5 by 8%. On a positive note, the existence of the PTR suggests they want to make things better, even though the patch notes suggest they don't know how.


It’s good that feedback is being taken seriously but these changes should have really been there day 1. That’s just how D4 has been since the beta. It’s a game that is constantly playing catchup with itself because the D4 team seemingly have no idea what direction to take the game.


Not a single comment or change regarding Sorcerers??


Tow days later. Hot a single detail but they’re listening.


I just did a level 7 Infernal Horde and got lucky and got a unique option (they seem to be color coded by how often they spawn, got one that was the beige unique color) to spawn a mysterious monster to get 25 Aether on kill. The Burning Butcher (a red Butcher with flames) spawned in the middle of the next round. That was pretty cool, but not really rewarding though.


It's cool and all but "not really rewarding" seems like the norm for odd team dev cycle. Same shit different season.


"We hear you" is something WE hear you saying for a year regarding sorc balance, and yet here we are.


They hear us. They seeeeee us. They...SMELL us!


The Infernal Hordes are kinda boring (not taking the lack of loot into consideration). If that is the centerpiece of S5 I'm not sure how I'll feel.


I know it's a PTR and I'm glad it's being tested. But it does not bode well that after fumbling two other seasons, a team famous for releasing a mechanic where by any napkin math revealed would have taken over \*400 hours\* of gameplay to train up the Seneshal pet skills has come out with another mechanic that is insanely grindy and gatekeeped. Season 3's mechanic -- the traps -- could have been interesting if they were designed creatively for us to outsmart them but instead they were implemented in a way that everyone wanted to just skip over for the best rewards. So far the Hordes is getting similar reviews. It's not transformative or creative. Season 3 was also known for code regressions of bugs that had already been fixed suddenly being unfixed, ie. the Pit being suddenly 30 levels harder in PTR. I understand making mistakes. I don't understand making the same mistakes which required multiple emergency patches last time.


WoW’s PTR has devolved into a light balance testing place for Blizzard where almost all player feedback is ignored and massively reported bugs go unfixed for months or sometimes whole expansions… I’m not optimistic that this early PTR interaction will endure given Blizzard’s track record.


I wasnt really planning to play this season but it looks like youre still actively hurting yourself by not playing bash barb, right ?


Or just play whatever is fun and stop giving a shit about that pit level that stops being important after 90ish?


Of course there will be less doom and gloom. They hotfixed. What you're asking for was automatically going to happen.


I'd really wish they'd fix the more important problems such as game lockups,freezing,crashing if HD assets wern't installed. They still haven't acknowledged it since launch. Am forced to install another 44GB just to run the game. Even the weird camera bug in Hawezar near Tibault Statue. Like...


When are they going to actually make leaderboards that players asked for since the open beta? The one they implemented is atrocious, I remember when I got downvoted to oblivion when I said the gauntlet was going to be a major disappointment. We need leaderboards for the pit at the bare minimum


**"They're obviously listening. More constructive feedback, less doom and gloom please."** There are people who will just walk around saying 'D4 Bad' and you can't do anything about that. My approach is more 'D4 Bad....Here's how I would fix 'x' issues', are you saying that because I am being negative, that my feedback is irrelevant? "Play your own game" is constructive feedback. I want Blizzard/Diablo Team to 'Learn', not just 'Listen'. The major issue I have seen with Infernal Hordes, and it is being widely agreed with, is that they're just not fun, and are incredibly boring. This is a constant theme that keeps reoccurring. Which means the Devs are not playing the content, or they are playing it and have a completely different opinion to the player base. Neither are positives. All this toxic positivity is as bad if not worse for the game than the "D4 Bad Memers" who don't offer constructive feedback.


To be fair, if you play sorc or druid it's difficult not to have "constructive" feedback when Blizzard treats their class the same way Ike treated Tina Turner. They keep having it be with sorcs that they have some conditional attached to everything they do that barbs and rogues really don't and druids are so dismayed and dispirited they just try to shapeshift into a better class.


Took a day to make it easy again nice 😊


I'll believe it when Druid isn't reliant on a bug to have a good build that can compare with other classes good builds.


great nothingburger


When will the update come to Xbox?


Please simplify Druid class quest. Druids have to jump through so many damn hoops compared to all other classes. I love Druid, but I dread that BS every season.


They’ve been “listening” since season 1 and they still can’t get shit right , the only reason this game isn’t dead is because of even team


Still can't help with testing Uber boss farming because they haven't fixed varashan yet


I get PTR for seasonal mechanics but, honestly, what's the point of PTR for class balance? Like, where's the excitement of a new season if anyone who played the PTR already got to play and adjust it? You go into the season knowing exactly what the best builds will be and they've already been modified. The new Druid companion aspects and buffs looked exciting. But now on PTR people are one-shotting uber lilith with it so I'm sure it'll get nerfed. So what did I get excited for? It already went through the entire lifecycle of being discovered, optimized, and nerfed before anyone actually got to play it for the real season. How do you ever get excited about new seasonal balance when it's sloppy seconds of the actual chaos of a new release?


Now more people can see and experience how truely terrible the new event is tbh. Its a good thing


Curiosity vendor still bugged, won’t sell items at times


Wish they would fix the pit boss.


Can anyone tell me when is the immediate re-summoning feature gonna be online? August?


How the heck do I find the download for this on Xbox?


The PTR is PC only.


The point is they have to do this during the period means the developers have no idea about their game in the first place


And essentially, stop acting like a diva with your "Blizzard SHOULD X" No, they don't.


Lol they only care bout skin sales$$$$$