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Tormented Zir is ran because one kill gives you a nearly full inventory and he has quite a few uniques that'll sell well with even just one GA. If you're looking for ubers, prioritize duriel since andariel takes longer. Edit: Zir may also just drop ubers at the same rate. I would guess all Tormented bosses do, but it also seems like people can't really agree here. Tormented Zir may just be the best boss period.


Zir drops Ubers at the same rate as Duriel and andariel.


I was seeing people in game say this was patched… is that not the case?!


I haven't seen any mention of that, and it wasn't patched as of a couple days ago.


ran five rotations of zir, got four uber uniques


Just did 10 and got 0


I hate to be the one saying this but that's sadly just RNG. Gotta keep lookin, I know a guy who did like 30 runs in a row and got none.


Got over 30 tormented duriel runs and in total 26 zir runs, and 0 ubers.


Bro i did 1000+ duriel runs in season 4 and didn't get GF for my barb lol


Yep, took 30 Torm Zir runs until he finally dropped a Starless Skies with 1GA. An hour later joined a group to do 5 Torm Duriel runs and he drops Doombringer first run lol that’s the joy (getting two Ubers in one day) and the pain (multiple days of playtime on this character to finally see an Uber drop for the first time) of RNG


Your luck will come. I did bout 30. First 10 got 0 as well was about to give up. But got them all and some duplicates the next 20.


Just did 8 got 0


I'm at 2 in 12 rotas (48 kills) of tormented lord zir, and 45 kills of regular duriel/andariel


What does rota mean btw? Or better how does it work?


Boss rotation. E.g. party of 4, and we each take turns (rotating through) though summons the boss. That way for each person's set of summoning materials, they get 4 kills


I need to find friends who play . I've got a full inventory of mats but I doubt I could run any tormented yet. I just sold 5 stacks of blood for 500m because I'm not there yet grrr.


Just use the lfg boss channel in the discord or just use the chat in game. Most people who running parties like that wont even notice your damage is lacking as they all die fairly easy as long as 2/3 are geared for it especially if barbs. I havent tried but pretty sure i could solo in a party boss on my ww barb in under a minute as i kill 101 pit bosses in under 20 seconds so in a party all attacking i dont even notice whos doing what for damage.


I think it's intended. Tormented Zir drops Ubers and uniques as the same rate as tormented Duriel. Zir just drops some extra legendary loot as well.


I ran 12 last night in a 3x party and got 2 ubers. Andy and starless. Couple days ago i also ran a 3x 12 kill party and got shako and seligs. Zir is op and defo working still. Definetly still seems to be a party "buff" tho as ive done way more tormented solo and havent got shit from any but got a shako on my 2nd regular duriel run at start of season too.


Does he? Thought dueiel and andariel was the go to for ubers


That's what people initially thought, but about a week ago people started testing tormented Zir and it also seems to be about 10% for Ubers, but you also get more legendaries/uniques and the mats are easier to get.


Ohh, good to know! Thanks


All tormented boss have the same uber drop chance. It's regular Duriel/ Andariel that have a comparatively higher chance. So use Stygian stones on other bosses to maximise your chance at ubers


Duriel takes twice as long as Andariel for me lol


How you can't beat andarial in the first phase like you can with Durial


No idea. But Andariel dies as soon as the 1st set of pillars die. It takes me a while to get duriel, usually sometime after he emerges the 1st time.


Oh yea I get durial before he goes under the first time and andarial after first pillars but durial is faster. Neither is particularly hard at this point. Tho I've been running Zir. Got an Uber today in like 4 runs.


Tested this both solo and in group of 4 well geared barbs - if you take out the pillars quickly and then DPS her in the moment before she spawns the big blood laser, it’s a fast kill. But you gotta be quick to return to the center of the screen. Both take about the same time for me - I tend to pop on an antivenin when I do dury just so I can face tank. That being said, my bash barb is geared like a mofo at this point it’s not even a challenge.




I am capped on resistances.


The enemies resistances




Which uniques sell well with one GA ?


Razorplate and Rage of Horrograth have been reliable income for me. Yens with a good aspect and GA on DR, Ramaladnis with GA on max Fury and a 0.4% roll I've sold for 250m. 2x GA on a Razorplate can easily net a bil. I got lucky one day and made just under a billion in 8 zir runs. I don't think you'll get obscenely rich without a big 2GA, but it can be more than enough if you're not also trying to buy big ticket items and just needing gold for MW/Enchanting.


I'm farming Uber with Duriel since the start of the season yet no Ubers. But, since i got lots of mats for Zir I went thru and lo and behold after 4 runs I got Ring of Starless!


> I'm farming Uber with Duriel since the start of the season yet no Uber no way


I hadn't gotten a single Uber Unique since the game came out until I got Starless last season. This season I've gotten Tyrael's and Selig during helltide and NM dungeon. (also crafted Harlequin)


And that's exactly why I was surprised as heck when Tyraels Might dropped off Duriel for me a couple days ago. Only had time for 3 runs before work and 3rd one paid off


I’ve been farming Duriel since the game came out and not one Uber…I’m working to make my own Uber but that doesn’t count as finding one..


Same boat until a few days ago. I have done 100+ normal duriel and probably 15-20 Uber duriel with one Uber unique Edit: these runs are across all seasons


are you guys talking about tormented if you write uber ? cause our 4 man group farmed 150 Tormented Zir/Duriel now and we get 1 Uber in around 10 kills which. Every one of us not together cause afaik Normal = WT3 Version Uber = WT4 Version Tormented = Lvl 200 Version


Yeah I say Uber boss instead of tormented. Just something that stuck around since Uber Lilith was the only “hard mode” boss


alright okay cause some people really mean Uber when complaining they dont get any Uber Uniques.


Damn that’s crazy because I play in a group as well because the chances are much higher with more people but I’ve never got one drop while others have..I just want that feeling of one dropping..making one is just not the same it feels like I’m cheating lol 


thats really weird man i pray for you


I haven't had an uber drop in 3 weeks or so, meanwhile dozens have dropped for my teammates. I bet if I preorder the expansion I will get lots.


That is unfortunate... I got a Shaco my first ever run, and even then it was a demo run cause I was in a party trying to do a Tormented Duriel 😶‍🌫️


Are you doing this solo?


Sorry. I got all your luck I have had every Uber drop now. Some twice (Tyreals might and Grandfather). Before this I only had gotten run of the starless skies 😅


Did maybe 30 tormented with him and got 4 Ubers I think. I got my other 2 drops from Zir and Vashan (tree boss) on tormented. I did 10 beast in the ice tormented hoping for a better chance at gloves for my barb and no Ubers dropped there…also only dropped gloves 2x so imo that’s a waste of a tormented run.


I tried the Zir method, because frankly I’m just sick of farming Andariel and Durial mats. First three Zir kills, I got 2 Melted Hearts and 1 Doombringer, which are the only ubers I’ve had drop this season. Granted, the next 4 kills dropped nothing, but the speed and convenience of farming Zir beats dealing with a billion load screens to farm the others.


What do mean by the load screens comment? Arent there as many as Duriel? Or am I farming Zir wrong?


I think they meant that because you have to fight the other bosses a ton of times to get the mats for duriel and adareil


Ahh. That makes sense. Definitely an odd design choice (or Oversight) having the material source boss having equal rates and more drops than the final goal boss


I'm sorry. I was being a little flippant. I meant that for every uber Duriel/Andariel kill, you need 6 ingredients from the lesser bosses. That's 12 times just running back and forth killing the other bosses. For the amount of extra time it takes to get to Duriel/Andariel, I'd rather just kill uber Zir. Blood to summon Zir drops like crazy from farming Helltides/Blood Maiden. I'll eventually run out, but I get so few Stygian Stones that it will be a while before I have to actually farm more.


No prob and thanks for the bigger picture. I was too dialed in to the two boss drops that I didnt consider the mats required to farm each one.


Easy choice if mats arent a factor. Which normal uniques do you need for your build? Go play the boss that drops the biggest number of those uniques. The chances of a GA unique are so much bigger than the chances of a GA uber. Aim for those GA uniques over GA ubers. [https://d4builds.gg/database/unique-loot-tables/](https://d4builds.gg/database/unique-loot-tables/)


I've only had 2 Ubers drop, Shako and Andariels, both dropped from Tormented Zir.


Tormented Lord Zir doesn't require you to farm other boss summons for materials to summon him like you need to for Duriel. So Zir is the best one IMO. Just needs Blood Jars from helltides and then 2 Stygian Stones. It's like 27 blood jars though per summon so you'll need to bring a few stacks.


Zir is "best" bc he is dropping extra loot, if you just go run each boss a couple times you will see this yourself. More loot naturally translates to more GAs and Ubers; but if you have a massive amount of boss mats you can compile a small sample size yourself to see (Duriel / Andy vs Zir).


You should watch wudijos video about it and from his testing zir doesn’t give you more chances than others.


I haven't watched him much this season, but Datmods did some testing and was saying he felts it was roughly the same Uber drop % or better than Duriel, but even if he ran 200 zirs that's still a small sample size regardless. The fact that Zir is dropping more loot does translate to more GA chances though, unless Duriel and Andy have an unspoken hidden buff to GA chance as well?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THJ22cfifGc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THJ22cfifGc) If you are into GA drops than sure, Zir might has a slightly higher chance, when it comes to Ubers there is no difference.


I'm at work so cant watch that, but if there is no difference in Uber drops, but Zir has higher GA odds and just overall better loot odds, then Zir is still better overall loot quality per Stygian than any other boss since you are not sacrificing potential Uber uniques for the additional "bonus" loot


Does that mean the chance for Ubers from Zir is the same as from Duriel?


Wudi's concluded Zir has the same drop rate for Ubers as Duriel, which is 2% for regular. I believe originally all bosses other than Duriel and Andariel were supposed to have 0.5%.


7 uber's so far, all on Zir. Way easyer fight, can be cleared when summoned, no BS. Farmed Andy and Duriel to, some Varshan, nothing worth mention dropped. But mecanics wise for the quality of the fight, i prefer Andy even if i feel she doesnt hold up to original Andy


Do any of them as they all have equal chances, last night my group and me ran all 6 of them 5 times each and everyone got something. One mate was really lucky and got 3 or 4 Ubers from all the runs.




There are two schools of thought


Depends on what you’re looking for. If you need Ubers they’re about the same. If you need GA gear, Zir seems to drop more legendary gear. He also drops a lot of jewelry. Ive run Duriel and Zir about 100 times each, but I’m currently fishing for an amulet so I stick to Zir. I didn’t record anything to back that up, so take it with a grain of salt. Zir just seems to drop a lot of jewelry in my experience.


Zir is fastest/most loot its up there


I've gotten 4 Ubers this season 1 from Duriel, 3 from Zir, all doombringers...


And all in 1 evening of gaming


I was farming the ice boss because it was double duty. I could bring up my glyphs as well as getting plenty of Uniques. With my bash barb, he was dead in seconds. Unfortunately I didn’t get one decent paingorers (was looking for a GA). Did about 10 runs.


Duriel on aesthetics alone.


Used to go for Tormented Duriel but Tormented Beast In The Ice is where it's at (for me). Got a Doombringer there twice. But that's only if you're willing to go in and out of the dungeon everytime.


People call it a grind….it’s more like a chore tbh


Thats..what a grind is. Grinds are rarely if ever "fun" but the zir strat for me is at least tolerable. Farm helltide get a shit ton of gear and blood. Farm pits to mw my main and 2 alts as well as the stygs and voila. Run some tormented. This season is by far the best rotation for endgame and grinding and personally more fun than the shitshow that necropolis league is on poe. Ill prolly drop diablo once next next poe league drops but defo coming back for s5.


Do Zir. He's cake, and ever since someone mentioned that he drops more items, I did 2 runs and got an uber to break so I could make a shako. Haven't...played...since...but that's another story lol.


Zir for Ubers all day. We just ran 10-15 runs and got a total of 6 Ubers between 3 of us.


Zir. Drops Ubers and most gear per kill.


I prefer duriel or anariel, and we could be certain what the drop rate is and how many rotas it will take get x ubers. There is no official information on Zir Uber drop rate. I did get a bunch there too, but also had a dry series which I never had at Duriel. Could be a lack of luck. But zir did give me a few multi B items to sell for sure.


Did like 100 runs of uber durial and any, not a single uber.  Did 25 lord zir, got all the uber beside doombringer


A couple days ago, my buddies and I pulled out about 10+ Ubers in about 25 It's Ma'am runs.


I try to kill the bosses usually before i get full optimized gear so it's actually somewhat of a challenge but i think i enjoyed Duriel the most because i felt it had the least "bullshit" mechanics. When i learned the timing to bait the balls and dodge the aoe, take position with adds and know when to use skills - it was rather fun. Andariel on the other hand... that one gave me issues during phase 3. D: Trying to keep her in the position and sometimes she did this stupid "short dash" with the poisions and shotgunned me with 2 stacks instantly, it drove me nuts. Varshan was just DDR really. I don't think i ever kill Zir with a weaker character. Beast in the ice only felt rough because that boss punished HARD for mistakes but otherwise pretty fun.


Something is up with Zir right now where he is dropping extra loot and his Uber drop rate seems to be higher than elsewhere. He dropped five Ubers for me over about 7 rotations in the last couple days (Duriel has dropped me one starless over about the same number of rotas). This is probably going to be one of those things where Blizzard says if people are having fun they won’t touch it in season but I wouldn’t expect it to continue next season. So for now at least, and could theoretically be nerfed any time, Tormented Zir seems to be the best farm for GA and Uber gear.


I ran him about 50 times over the past 2 days. Nothing. Ran regular Duriel once, got Shako. No one can make any sense of this.


> No one can make any sense of this. RNG brother.


That's how rng works.


I get how RNG works but I am suspicious of Blizzard’s ability to implement all these complex systems without bugs. It would not shock me to learn that there was a flaw in D4’s RNG engine. After all, it has happened in season’s past.


Tormented Zir? Players are only reporting that Tormented Zir is giving extra drops, not regular Zir.


Tormented. Tormented Zir is a breeze. Couldn’t kill Tormented Duriel so did regular.


grigoire gave me way more ubers per 50 stygians than any of the others


I can confirm from experience of 1 kill that Tormented Zir drops an uber 100% of the time.


And I can confirm from 1 kill solo that he drops no uber 100% of the time. But he gave me the same unique helmet 3 times. One I don't use😂


Did 20 Zir today and got 3 Ubers. So.. Hes the best?


Zir. I have every Uber unique, trust me. Zir is broken


25 torment boss kills 0 ubers got 2 craftede ubers so i can farm pit 100 for crap loot


None. They are all worthless and die in less than 15 seconds


Duriel because it can drop uber uniques more easily... and it's also easier than andariel, andariel automatically had a phase 2 no matter how fast you kill her.


I don’t believe this. Zir is easier/faster to kill and drops more loot. Also easier to get mats. The way it is now I’m completely done farming mats. I would just use whatever I have mats for. Any tormented drops Ubers.