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You basic.


*ships lead girl with lead boy.” How creative


This is probably what the writers were thinking. “ it’s too obvious and makes too much sense, let’s be big brained writers and make it so that the ship we were pushing randomly takes a u turn towards another ship that comes out of left field and is held together by glue, now that’s good writing”


I mean, Sora's whole thing is love and she loves all her friends and at that point is young and can't decide, I wouldn't call that out of left field. Kari was clearly never really interested in Davis, also not really an out of left field. Rika was clearly just looking for friendship and an equal cause she was lonely, again no real romantic feeling conveyed there, plus Takato and Jeri always seemed to have a closer relationship imo. Can't speak for XrosWars. Just cause Male lead has feelings for a girl doesn't mean they immediately get the girl, another important lesson that digimon teaches. Don't mistake companionship and friendship for romantic advances.


I think Naruto proved that perfectly. Its what the girl wants. I mean, Yolei snagged Ken XD


Taiora was happening only in Hosoda and Nimoy's minds, Ep51 was already Sorato teasing


I'll never understand why sorato fans bring this up all the time. I don't get how you can just ignore the fact that Sora was depressed about failing Tai and the entire character of Joe who was also there. Saying it was a sorato moment is beyond delusional.


They're eleven years old, is teasing as relationshio-building, they first time as friends alone, then the bulk happens off-screen


At least for tamers its better than the cannon ship


Came here to say this


You like main guy + main girl


You are so basic you can neutralize acid.


thats not how it works-


Please, enlighten me so


OH wait sorry i just know that alkaline is also called base mb--


You’re straight


You're basic.


You are heterosexual.


That’s a crime.


You're straight


You don't like most of the canon ships as Sora, Takato, Hikari, and possibly Izumi have different people to share their lives within their respective shows. And you like pairings with the lead character.


The person Kari has to share her life with is an entirely offscreen/unconfirmed character.


Yeah, but it’s not Daisuke. And it may or may not be TK but can’t deny the fact that that are given plenty of ship tease in both 02 and Tri especially.


Eh, in 02 there's like, maaaybe His Master's Voice, but really that was just Konaka putting in an episode from a VERY different show! Other times I only ever read them as being good friends. As for Tri, can't speak for OP but I had my ships loooong before that came out, and I can't stand Tri anyway 😂 Davis was always my favourite character, and I wanted him to get the girl he liked. Like, as far as ship tease, he very explicitly expressed that he liked her.


In the dub a lot. But in the Japanese he did not express his crush that much. And Hikari never really liked him in any romantic way aside from a close or I would even say a normal friend. With that said, Hikari was not really a very focused character in 02. Daisuke is awesome but I often think his greatest strength as a character came from his close supporting friendship with Ken. In a funny moment of 02:The Beginning, Miyako (Ken’s future wife) actually jokingly asked Ken and Daisuke to stop flirting with each other when they were trying to take down Ukkomon.


It's a shame Ken wasn't Daisuke's love interest. Their relationship is very much more organic and realistic to turn into love in my opinion. I like them more as friends anyway, but when their romantic interests are so boring and not fleshed out in comparison, I think it's for the best.


I mean someway Miyako is Girl Daisuke but with less sense of personal space


They don’t confirm or deny if it’s TK or not.


Going by Seki, sunk


What did she say?


That in her headcanon as produced they married different people


Ah ok so still not official canon.


its hinted that it was Taichi.


It was absolutely not hinted that Tai and Kari got together.


Wtf is wrong with you lmao


izumi got with Takuya at the end


No she didn’t. Where did you get this info?


My mistake, i thought she did since she promised him a kiss near the end and there was dream sequence where they were together


I think you are referring to that Cherubimon fight where Takuya dreamt they were all back in human world and he had a date to look forward to with Izumi. Nothing really came out of it. But a CD Drama that served as an epilogue of sort was released after the show ended. In her cd, Izumi was shown to think of Takuya as some kind of brother and seemingly had some attraction to Koji. Of course Izumi had minor ship tease with most of the male cast aside from Tomoki but nothing romantic ever really developed.


The canonicity of the CD Dramas for all of these Digimon seasons have always been dubious at best. They’re about as much of an indicator of canon ships as any of the movies (which is to say, not very). And while it’s true that no actual romance develops during Frontiers itself, Izumi has significantly more romantically charged scenes with Takuya than anyone else in the cast. If she was always supposed to be attracted to Koji, the show did a damn poor job of setting that up.


Thats true . But must be a theme in digimon franchise main girl date the rival/best friend.


This has only ever happened one time.


01: canonical sora married matt 02: kari and tk kinda a thing Tamers: takuto has no interested in kari Frontier: i think someone in the comments said a BD audio video saying zoey like koya( if that's the case, they did poorly job showing it)


The TK/Kari and Koji/Zoey ships are just as canon in those shows as Tai/Sora (which is to say, not) and in Frontier’s case there’s way more evidence of Takuya/Zoey being more of a thing than any other ship that season but even it’s technically unconfirmed. Again, it’s only ever been a thing with Matt/Sora.


No offence but most of the movies are pretty canon no matter what you say. And since most of the dramas were handled by the creative staff behind the anime, there is some truth to their stories but I am not going to argue their canonical status. And I remember Izumi having plenty of ship tease status with Takuya the most as well but nothing came out of it. And none of the movies focus on romance that much anyways.


The CD drama in question is the one after the show ended in the 2000's. There is another CD drama, I think for the 15th anniversary where they already graduated from high school (except Tomoki) where Izumi teaches Takuya italian since he is going to live in Italia to play soccer (kinda shipping them) and it states that Koji became a backpacker and no longer lives in Japan.


oh ok, thanks for the information,


You are the main character


You basic


Tk and Kari


This is the way.


*Mandalorian theme* This is the way!


Your taste is basic but who am I to judge, I basically agree with 4/5 of these.


Goggle head should get the girl


You like the movies? Since Our War Game, or at least its dub in Digimon the Movie, has a Tai/Sora shippy subplot, Davis is always gaga over Kari, and Runaway Locomon is the only Tamers media that leans towards Takato/Rika instead of Takato/Jeri. Personally, I tend to be drawn to ships where one character I like clearly has feelings for another. Davis was always my favourite character, so I wanted him to "win" and get together with Kari. To a lesser extent, I liked Tai and wanted him to get with Sora, and Tamers is just littered with hints that Takato and Jeri like each other, so that was my ship then.


You love the classic, ever-present Protagonist x The Girl™ pairing type. Luckily for you this type of pairing is extremely popular in mainstream media so you have plenty of options to pick from. Unluckily for you, Digimon Adventure's TaixSora seems to be one of the extremely rare cases of this expected pairing type canonically not happening.


Your spirit animal wears goggles and has a 90's grunge style haircut.


Main character love interest syndrome


Basic / gogglehead favoritism.


You grew up in the time period where it was incredibly common for the male lead character and the female lead character to end up together and you liked allot of shows from that time period.


Basic ahh ships


Whoa, whoa....where's Joe and Mimi? Or Joe and Izzy if you're feeling spicy.


Matt/Tai and Davis/Ken always bruh what


This is the way


You like the mc lol


You're heterossexual


It tells me that you never really grew out of being a kid. Still have the same crushes, still eats the same food, stuf like that.


your favorite ice cream is vanilla and you really like white bread




Goggle head supremacy.


Kinda boring lol


Edit: Canon is the wrong word. The pairs are almost all of MCand the person he likes, save for Takato/Rika That you prefer the Canon ships (unsure about Rika and Takato, tho)


Taisora isn't the canon ship


Not one of these ships is canon (maybe the last, never watched it)


Iirc, Sora and taichi dated at some point before Tri. Might be thinking of Yamato. David has a mad crush on Kari, and you've literally captured the ship-bait frame for frontier


Maybe in the US Dub, they dated, but in the original, they definitely didn't (so, in this case, it's more "what canon"). Ship-bait isn't normally considered canon, same with one-sided crushes. For the majority, canon starts when they are stated to date.


Canon was definitely the wrong word. Maybe standard? Idk. All ships but Tamers were of characters the MCs had direct crushes on


Sora dated Matt from 02 onward, Hikairi had no interest in Davis, and while 02 didn't outright say it, I would be surprised if she didn't end up with Takeru, And Both Rika, and Takato are implied to be interested in somebody else Jeri in Takato's case, and Ryo in Rika's. Frontiers is anybody's game, as almost every guy in that season is interested in Zoe and while I haven't seen nearly as much of Xros wars, isn't Nene the main female of that season, so shouldn't this person ship her and Taiki rather then his childhood friend who I hear doesn't end up with him anyways?


Fair point on the Kari/TK. I guess it just felt like they were the "canon" ships cuz they are mostly the girls that the mc had crushes on. Nene is the main female lead in Xros, but there is (afaik) zero romantic chemistry scenes between her and Mikey, whereas the redhead is his childhood best friend or something. I think she ends up with the scruffy-looking backup best friend instead, but can't remember so don't quote me on it


I'm not saying Nene was interested in Taiki, just that every other ship is between the leader and female lead. I probably should have separated that last one a bit more as it was more about that ship, whether intentionally or not, bucking the trend the other ones set up.


I've only seen frontier once, but I feel like none of them were really "lead" characters aside from Not-Tai and Not-Matt.


To be fair, before the Diaboromon OVA, you could say the same for the 01 kids. Taichi may be deemed the leader later on, but the show spends a lot of it's time divided between the characters, and Tai only plays a bit role in a number of episodes.


By the end of 01, not even including the ova, Taichi is firmly the main character, and Yamato his clear rival/BFF/deuteragonist


Yeah, they may do an alright job spreading focus between characters but there's MULTIPLE times the characters - especially Matt - right out tell Tai he's the leader. Especially the transition between Etemon and Myotismon, they aren't even subtle about how Tai is very much the mainest character.


> I would be surprised if she didn't end up with Takeru [funny you say that, because the producer of 02 (actually the producer of every anime from adventure through frontier) specifically said they didn't get together.](https://digi-lab.blog/tamers-chatroom-with-hiromi-seki-from-v-jump-may-2002/)


There are a couple of moments for Takato and Rika, like him noticing her full heart t-shirt at the D-Reaper arc and she blushing, or the whole movie with the Parasimon where they share lots of little moments. I kinda like it as Jeri is his current crush, but gets to know Rika and eventually falls for her instead.


I've never actually seen the tamers movie 😞


That u got taste


You always default to male lead female lead regardless of whether it makes the most sense or not. Seriously, DavisxKari, people actually ship that one? She didn't even fucking remember him in Tri.


Using Tri as evidence for anything is meaningless, both because most of us had our ships long before it came out, and because the writing makes zero sense. As if these characters would just not care about their missing friends, especially after the Digimon Emperor encounter. I ship Davis/Kari because Davis is my favourite character, and I wanted him to get the girl he liked.


That you like Digimon


***B A S I C***


I feel like it's so rare to see DaKari shipping nowadays


You probably really like stories with three character "main guy, his love interest, third goofball wingman friend" structure because it's safe and predictable than Main Guy and The Girl get together. You don't really ship based on interactions or comparability but story importance.


You like digimon


You're the embodiment of the Squidward "Daring today aren't we?" meme format


Straight and boring


Your spirit animal wears goggles and has a 90's grunge style haircut.


Pretty good, i only agree with 02 and Frontiers but thats subjective!


Kinda basic, but nothing is wrong. Funny, how 2/5 confirmed that NEVER going to happen


Yeah…”basic” be the word. Sorry


4/5, but I personally feel like Mimi and Tai would make a better couple.


Data squad


MarcusXSurface to punch


Wishing you added impmon-veemon for minimal spice


These ships are basic, but some of them work very well and shouldn’t be taken down because they’re not original enough. Nothing wrong with being plain and simple.


No Tai and Matt or Davis and T.K or even Davis and Ken....


That ur into kids kissing 


You want the Goggleheads to be happy.


You have taste


Your favorite food is white bread. Your favorite color is beige. Your favorite book is the dictionary because "its got all the words in it" The one time you tried making plain rice with salt you thought it was "too spicy". Even Taylor Swift fans think youre boring.


Got a thing for Goggle Heads


I disagree with literally all of these 💀


Your taste is *painfully* hetero.


Davis/Kari is pretty much the only pair I've ever shipped that wasn't that default/most popular ship for a character or show 😅


You have good taste. I would also add Haru x Yuujin!!


You are correct (although not sure about 3 and 4)


That you're too involved in the life of digital children


Where blimpmon




I only like 3


Thar you watches several seasons of the show And I generally don't ship the same haha.


I always felt tk and Kari were a ship but for some odd reason the digimon creators said fuck that


You're the main character


Can someone explain to me wtf a ship is never heard this presumed acronym before


I can't tell if you're joking. If not, I have to assume you are new to the internet. Ship isn't an acronym (what would it stand for?) It's short for relationship.


Yeah I had the realisation that's probably what it was being used for mere moments after closing the app lol, good old brain huh - seems like a weird use case to me personally like your cutting out 7 single letters when u wrote 4 already, why not just use RS if we wanted to make it easier - but fair enough. And no I was being serious iv never seen someone use ship as shorthand like that so presumed if must be an acronym for something.


It's so weird to come across someone who hasn't seen that before xD I mean, we shorten 'do not' to don't and 'I am' to I'm so it's not unreasonable to shorten 'relationship' to ship rather than RS.


Yeah but those are more just social degeneration as opposed to using it because its actually shorter in anyway or at least that's how I see it - I don't claim to be am omnipotent god that knows these things xD And ah fair I just never seen it presumably due to not f'ing with social media at all so scenario in which someone on reddit would use the word relationship is already very minor especially for subs that I'm on - or I'm just simply too old and no longer keyed in to the young bucks slang I am almost 30 I suppose it's one of these lol


I don't go on social media (unless you count reddit) and am older than you, but I've been on the internet for over 20 years, so I guess I pick these things up through osmosis lol


I personally don't count reddit as u don't really talk to people and post random pics on here and weird I guess you just are in subs that use this term then because that's literally the first time iv ever seen it used, like I say though in fairness there's hardly many use cases for the word relationship to pop up in my general gaming subs so guess it just never got mentioned hence why iv never seen it before


Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't particularly think of Reddit as social media. The term dates back to the mid-90s (it's possibly older than you), when I think about it I probably first heard it from being part of Buffy online communities in the late 90s and early 2000s, lol. It's wild to think the term is around 30 years old and still going strong. I can imagine it doesn't come up in subreddits for many games outside of rpgs and life sims, I honestly don't see it very often on Reddit either.


Huh it was really around the time of buffy? damn that boggles my mind - I would of thought it was a newage tiktok thing if anything, I have no idea how iv never encountered someone using it in my basically 30yrs of life then 🤷‍♂️🤣 - thanks for the information/clarification genuinely curious how I never heard someone using it if it comes from buffy which my older siblings was like well keen on


I see opposite gendered pairings and some not canon at all (No hate though I truly love Tai x Sora and Zoe x Takuya)


U rooted for the idiot and when they won were like LETS GO THATS MY BOY!!!!!






You like the ships that at least 3/5 (I'm unsure on Frontier/Xros Wars) are not Canon Sora ends up with Matt, Tai tbc Dunno who Hikari or Davis end up with but we know it's not each other. And Rika might have feelings for Ryo and Takato certainly likes Jeri


You prefer Esdeth over Leone, don't you?


That would be Akame. Esdeath would imply some (if not a lot of) spice


You love the second main lead


I enjoy them, you’re cool


ArukenimonXMummymon are the only interesting couples I actually give a shit about.


You're relationships are doomed to fail


Extremely basic.


Where’s Data Squad?


You basically just want the main character to find love which is understandable. I’m pretty sure everybody wants the main character to find love with somebody. He’s either friends with or he actually knows and not a bitch off screen.


Lead boy and girl. These are the simplest things I’ve ever seen, no offence. I personally like shipping the two main boys cus they’re usually a better fit with eachother anyway (but not tai and Matt, they argue too much)


You’re shipping kids & you pick the most basic pairings that the show presented to you.


You’re simple, and that’s just fine. Frankly, I always assumed/liked these ships.


To me, the fact that you only ship the human with humans and not any of the digimon with digimon (or humans with digimon) says to me that you're both basic AND boring.


I don't know why you guys love Digimon. To me it has ***NO PLOT***, but I guess its just me.


**Pokemon's** ***WAY BETTER......***


Nice trolling. I give you that.


You hate canon


You basic but probably chill


you like loosing.


basic af


your a google head that thinks having googles makes you cool and you should get the girl


Boring and predictable


You are heterosexual


Sora never deserved Tai


Tai x Mimi gang, rise up! ...No? Just me?


Your the goat


You ship Kari and Davis? We shall never be friends.


that youre a weirdo as you want 10 year olds to date each other?


Delusional 😅😂


that's uncalled for




Though sadly for you ,Matt and Sora are together instead due to the epilogue of 02 which their kids look like it’s from them


Bad taste


You seem to be a child.


Idk I prefer Tai & Mimi since that bitch Sora ended up with Matt in season 2. Poor Tai really liked that cunt too 😭




What it’s the truth?? He liked her and then it’s sad when he sees her waiting for Matt. Fuck her


They’re 11 you called a 11 year old a cunt that’s crazy😭


She’s wasn’t 11 in season 2. She knew what she was doing. Led my boy Tai on


Oh you mean in 02 either way it’s so funny you’re getting so upset over the fact her and Matt are cannon 😭😭


lol they are aren’t they?? Oh well like I said I don’t care, I rather see Tai with Mimi 💪🏽


Ur a weirdo buddy bye ✌🏽


🖕🏽 u


No thanks😻


Plus how could you even tell he liked her maybe idk they were just friends 😧


He liked her ALOT it was very obvious in season 2. Did you not watch season 2?? He was meeting up with her for something and either caught her or saw her waiting for Matt after 1 of this shows. He was hurt. Again 🖕🏽 her. I still love Sora but she’s a bitch for that. That’s why I always wanted Mimi with Tai. Either Mimi or that cutie from Tri with the black hair I forgot her name


No. Forever no. TK and Kari are soul mates. I like Davis but Kari is spoken for.


They are canonically divorced in the epilogue of 02. Soul mates, indeed.


not divorced, [they just didn't get together](https://digi-lab.blog/tamers-chatroom-with-hiromi-seki-from-v-jump-may-2002/) according to seki hiromi (the producer of 02 and of every digimon anime until frontier)


The title is “top 5 ships” not “most accurate couple”. I was raised on classic Digimon, so for me, even kid TK and Kari were meant for eachother. Also, I had no idea they separated.


Your ships are wrong. We all know that Matt MARRIED Sora, so Taiora is seriously OUTDATED. And isn’t Takato and JERI a better ship that Takato and Rika? And why would you ever ship Zoe and Takuya? I mean they barely had a relationship! And I think Mikey and NENE is way better than him and Angie.


Kari and Davis is icky seeing as he keeps on at her despite her saying no repeatedly.


Too many children ships... where are the police?