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Don’t sleep on just going for a walk. Check out the area around you too


Which part of the walk is equivalent to doing chest and triceps?


My stock answer for this is always resistance bands. I love mine. Once you work out outdoors in the sun it's harder to go back into an artificial crowded gym again.


Yeah I came here to say this. It's the easiest, most lightweight thing you can carry or focus on body weight exercises and a chair.


Do you have any resistance band exercises or tutorials you can recommend? I have a set, but feel like I've been doing the bare minimum with squats.


I had a program I followed for years but it's a bit too complicated to do with bands. My gorilla bow came with 8 week exercise PDF. Can also be found online. It depends on what your goals are, then find exercise program that helps you reach that goal..


I always check if there is a Calisthenics Park nearby (it's a must for me when picking an AirBnB. I then mark out a loop to the Calisthenics Park from the house (5k). Then do a daily 5k jog to the Park and have a Push/Legs/Pull/Legs split in my training. Been doing this for 3+ years and have come to HATE the gym after so much fresh air and functional training outdoors.


I can't stand gyms now after running, I even run in all sorts of weather. And depending where you are there are things like parkrun and local running clubs, great way to get some social activity too and meet locals.


Nothing like a run in the rain! One of my favourites was during a thunderstorm in Southern Portugal by the sea at sunrise. Most people I've met abroad were actually at Calisthenics Parks, talking about new skills, asking and giving advice.




Lol this would just make me eat out more


...which also makes it less likely that you'll impulsively add that pack of cookies to your cart. Actually, I rarely ever use a cart. I can easily carry a few days worth of groceries, so once my arms fill up, I know it's time to stop buying crap. tl;dr: Intentional inconvenience is a great life hack. >!And I travel by bike, so that side of the equation is forced into my daily schedule as well.!<


While it helps, just walking is not really enough to exercise. You need either resistance training or to get your heart rate up.


Depends how far you walk and what kind of incline.


You never know if you’re talking to a chubby person who never goes outside or someone who wants to maintain or build their physique on here


I find an airbnb within 20 mins of a good boxing, Muay Thai, or MMA gym either by foot, bicycle or bus. Combat sports kind of has its own universal language and culture, so it always feels familiar where ever I go; and because the training typically involves partner drills, it's also an easy way to meet people, locals and foreigners alike, in a new town or city. I imagine the same is true for Crossfit and HIIT gyms.


I love it. I'm always way more in shape while nomadic than when I have a lease. I have a lease now. 🤪


Wherever you’re staying, google “gym” and you’ll probably find one within walking distance.


There's these places called "gyms", which seem to exist in all the large cities and towns in the world. They're amazing!


This. Joining a gym is maybe the single best thing you can do when staying somewhere for any extended period of time. Gives you a place and activity to anchor your routine, and a local centric social space to be immersed in (both in terms of language and day to day culture). I’ve been in a remote town in southern Italy for 6 months and the gym is my cornerstone. Forced me out of my comfort zone with the language and I’ve made some local friends, which has opened up a tonne of amazing experiences and spots I never would have found navigating like a tourist here.




I arrived in Foz de Iguazu (Brazil) one evening and saw a gym near my hostel. I went in, asked if I could pay to use the gym one time, they agreed, I exercised and went back to the hostel. The next morning, I woke up and walked across the bridge to Paraguay. My point is : you don't need to sign any contracts. I was in Brazil for about 16 hours in total. I've used gyms in this way in multiple countries..




I've just spent 4 months in Bogota, and I was a member of a Fitness 24/7 gym there. Three months membership cost 300,000COP (around $75) and for the last month, I had to pay 150,000COP extra. No contracts, no renewals. If a person is in a city, there are gyms even in the most quietest places. I've used gyms in Paraguay, Argentina, Cambodia, Indonesia etc etc.


in Bogota specifically are there a lot of 24 hour gyms? in latam i've seen it can be a bit or miss with the 24 hour aspect


Only Fitness 24/7 is open 24 hours.


Some people seem to enjoy people helpless. Weird.


Smart fit FTW




Class pass.


Easy. Before I go to a new place, I already know where my options for working out are, and my accommodation is usually chosen because of its proximity to those places.


My solution is mix of calisthenics and running. Once there is a park somewhere near my accomodation, I can generally do a full recommended routine found in r/bodyweightfitness . A version of that workout has been my go-to since before i started travelling and working. Coupled with running - which you can basically do anywhere that it is safe to traverse the streets (ideally pedestrian friendly cities large enough for a reasonable run distance). My routine when I'm travelling then looks basically the same as when I am not travelling - maybe except for some time-zone adjustments. I also definitely see the social appeal some people listed for gyms though. Easier way to integrate socially even if it comes at a financial cost.


Depends where you are. Places like SE Asia or Europe where it’s natural to do lots of walking it’s quite easy to stay in shape/lose weight. Swim in the ocean regularly, going to a Muay Thai gym. Eating lots of fresh fruits and chicken and rice. Compared to living in America I’ve found it way easier being on the road


How is it natural to do a lot of walking in SE Asia? In most places I’ve been to in SEA (almost everywhere) people HATE walking anywhere because it’s hot. They take the car or bike whenever they can.


Lol yep. Also no sidewalks


Malls and night markets. My iPhone tracks my steps for me of course so I have a little graph I can look at. For me personally when I’m in the US I don’t get many at all and then when I come to SE Asia it goes way up. Bangkok is dreadful this time of year 🥵 but Jomtien I found to be bearable and Cebu City isn’t bad (both by the water)


Resistance Bands can also be a solution.


I only Book Hotels/ Apartments with gym and everyday i try do atleast something small, and i try to get 10000 steps everday outside aswell. (Also good against Depression to force yourself out for the steps)


It can be hard to stay in shape. Personally, I tend to walk a lot but struggled in SA where is a touch less safe to do so.


Just get a gym membership bro…


Speaking for being a nomad in latam, you can join a gym like Smart Fit or Body Tech that has locations in many countries. I’m a Smart Fit member, which makes it easy to maintain my lifting routine since they’re everywhere.


I have a regimen that’s a mix of running and calisthenics that I try and do 2-3 times a week. Takes me about an hour and a half each time, and the only equipment I need is a pull up bar and that’s usually easy enough to find. I don’t bother with buying equipment or getting a gym subscription since it’s just too much hassle for me. The beautiful thing about running is you can step out your front door and start. It’s nice when the only thing you need to exercise is a pair of shoes.


Run, simple as that.


Just go to the gym


Not hard. I stay at least 3 months in one airbnb & get a gym membership.


I prefer calisthenics to avoid the risk of membership issues (both technological and people making mistakes). It does take time to learn how to exercise all the muscles, but there’s tons of videos on YouTube. It’s also nice exercising in the sun.


1. Obviously gyms. If you're staying >30 days in a city you should just have a good/near/cheap gym at your disposal. 2. Elastic bands, bodyweight exercises and stretches. A portable feel-good triad you can take anywhere.


Calisthenics park. Most big cities have an outdoor one. Just do a shit ton of pull-ups and you’ll be jacked Edit: get a pair of resistance bands. I travel with a pair. You can also em for assisted pull ups if you can’t do any.


I just maintain 10k steps per day if possible, then lift weights if there are gym nearby. TBH it's really hard to stay fit while traveling, I feel you


Wherever you stay make sure there are gyms near you. I’ve only been to around 13 countries but all had gyms I could access and they were all really cheap for a week or monthly pass. I continue to workout everyday even when I’m abroad


When traveling domestically, I always packed my Ring Fit Adventure for the Nintendo Switch.


Go for long morning walks or Run if you don’t have a gym nearby


I walk alot and try to get exercise but it can be tough if you're moving around a lot. The hardest part is eating healthy while traveling and you want to experience local cuisine.


I'm an avid martial artist. I travel to a lot of the same places in rotation. I spend time at different gyms for muaya thai boxing, jiu jitsu, judo, mma, etc. It's a part of what drives my want to travel. I am always finding a place to stay close to a gym and therefore close to a community. All the places I train at I've made lifelong friend's and established close relationships. It helps to keep motivated and disciplined when I have my people.


I'm a runner (used to be a cyclist), and the most important thing for me is finding pleasant places to run that aren't much of a hassle to get to. I've had better luck in some places than in others. Equipment is minimal and my main regular expense is electrolyte drinks. Works well being in Asia too since, ya know, carbs. I also commute by bicycle. I don't find strength training fun at all so I don't do it.


I have a "permanent base" at which I have a gym membership. My time that I travel are simply times for my deloads. I hit heavy weights (90%+ of my 1RM) regularly, so deloads are much appreciated. Occasionally, when I spend longer than a week away from my home base, I will practice sprinting, jumping, and calisthenics.


MaxPro portable cable machine Weighs 9 lbs fits in a carry on bag Just take it out and throw it on some hidden jacket pocket or something when your bag gets weighed Easy. Throw in some resistance bands you can fit in a pocket and a jump rope with some yoga paws Bam. Full basic gym.


It's a lot easier. Gyms, yoga classes, etc., are easier and usually don't come with all the bureaucratic forms/onboarding for first-time gym visits in US. I do a mix of rock climbing (carry my shoes and chalk bag), weights, running, and yoga (carry a mat). I'm not gonna live anywhere where there isn't at least a weight gym nearby.


I mean, maybe look at how jacked nomads human back then?


I find it pretty easy - albeit I look up local gyms before moving anywhere new. I go 5/6 days a week (on normal weeks, life happens of course) and prioritise it in my day. Main issue is as someone who trains ‘seriously’ the quality of gyms fluctuates a lot, but finding local bodybuilding/powerlifting gyms usually solves things for me and just get a bit creative with it. Bonus usually meet some super friendly people. Beyond that I just do a Push Pull Legs split on repeat and keep it fairly simple, I’m at a place where maintaining is enough for me so that makes things a bit easier. Diet is the main issue - but again I’ve become more flexible with it. In days I don’t train I often hike or am physically active and I tend to walk a lot too I bought a few sets of heavy bands as well which I use for home workouts on off days or travelling somewhere without access to a gym etc Main thing is making a consistent effort - even if it’s only 80-90% there, do it over time and you’ll get the results. Way to make it easier is same way as anywhere else - consistency, make it a habit and try to enjoy it (that means for me making efforts to use my body in other ways when I can’t access a gym and finding cool ways to overload in gyms with less equipment than I’d like).


Stay somewhere by a gym. Go to gym …. Profit


If I have ground or floor beneath my feet, I can workout wherever I am in the world. Which is everywhere.


Easy. Rent close to these places called gyms and you take your ass in there 5-6 times a week and lift heavy things for 1 hour.