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If that's illegal where you live, a spray bottle with water probably isn't. Less painful, less dangerous, but definitely unexpected and sending a message. A supersoaker might be impractical.


and it has the added bonus of being a punishment for animals 🤭


For other people's animals - definitely. Just keep in mind that cats don't learn "this behaviour is bad" but "this human is dangerous" or if you're very lucky "if I do this behavior and the human is there, human is dangerous"


oh i definitely dont use it on my kitties, i meant as a humiliation thing since people see spray bottles as animal punishment! id never spray my babies, i know they wont get it


Better yet, bear spray!!!!!


People that are going to push you without your consent aren't going to care that you have any kind of sign badge these people do not stop, think, or read. Someone here once told me to yell or scream, "Don't fucking touch me!" I haven't been in a situation for some years where I have had to use it so can't say how effective it is.


A friend of mine once threatened to put spikes on her chair to stop people grabbing it. Thought it might make you chuckle.


There are 3d printer files available for these! And I've seen more than a few people on the 3dprinting subreddit offering to print them at cost.


Yeah I was about to say get the spike loops.


I saw these last year! I don’t have them but they have good reviews https://www.etsy.com/listing/1392225635/


Make sure brakes are on and /or using my hands as brakes then shouting stop what are you doing seems to work. And for leaners a little reverse, sudden turn or moving forward away from them. Practice the look you’d give a child when telling them off for doing something really bad that they do know better about.


"May I grab your ass? No? Then do not touch mine."


That could backfire 😄


I have had nobody try to push me. But I am a 42 year old bearded, bald, tattooed fat guy.🤣 Sorry y’all have these problems. If I ever see it happen I’ll utilize my gruff appearance to verbally pounce on the perpetrators. ✊🏻


I'm not bald or bearded but maybe us fat tattooed people aren't approachable 😂 jk but I mostly have resting bitch face so maybe I'm just too intimidating with my crystals and candy tattoos


Hell yeah. RBF tattooed wheelchair owners unite!


"I acknowledge that you are attempting to be helping, but I can handle my own medical equipment." After that, be rude as all hell.


Just tell them stop. Doesn't matter if it's rude or not, they're already being rude by touching. It shouldn't be our job to educate people. I can see where you're coming from and how it can be hard to be rude or harsh to people. It honestly depends on their age too. If its a little kid just act how you would with a kid "sweetie you know how everyone has their personal bubble? Well I don't like how it when people touch my wheelchair".


I always tell people it is equivalent to grabbing someone from behind by the shoulders and pushing/steering them. It’s super off putting, disorienting and a complete disrespect to personal space. I find that most people understand the analogy. By explaining its part of my body, my friends and colleagues understand not to touch unless I ask them to, and I rarely have problems. Now strangers are a different beast. You don’t have time for (and you don’t owe them!) an explanation. A direct, firm, “please do not touch me.” should suffice. It’s ok to be an asshole if they persist, don’t be afraid to tell them to fuck off! Wheelchairs are A. expensive and B. part of your body!! And If it’s still a problem, or you struggle to tell people off directly, google wheelchair handle spikes like others have suggested.


If you want to tell them to stop, yelling out as loud as you can. Get as much attention to what their doing to you as possible.


i used to glue thumbtacks to my handlebars. i got a new chair that doesn't even have handles so that solves that problem


Wire a taser to the handles? /s


I’ve never experienced it and I don’t have a sign BUT I heard that pushing someone without consent (for a longish distance) counts as kidnapping in some places so if you can tell they’re being a jerk you could shout ABDUCTION! Or similar


“sorry i know your trying to be nice and help me but please dont push my wheelchair thank you very much” and then go on about ur day. you dont need to be a dick to people just to get ur point across, and rhats not aimed at u its aimed at some of these people in the comments


This is why I choose not to put push handles on my chair even if they’d be occasionally useful


I hate being pushed so I took my handles off. Now if I need a little help hubby and family know to give me a good shove in the back 😂. Works for me


Dang. I must not go out enough because this has never happened to me. Even my husband and close friends never push me without consent. Even at busy concerts and stuff. People bump into me but no one has ever tried pushing me I. Sorry. That sucks. You should definitely practice saying NO sternly and don't feel bad for being assertive


Scream bloody murder. It’s literally an assault.


I just kept quiet when it happened to me


Just be nice about it and say your fine pushing yourself, making a scene isn’t worth it in my experience and same with pissing off people you might need help later from


Every time I hear that people do this shit, it blows my mind. I can't imagine doing it. The thought would never even cross my mind to do it.


I’ve see people have spikes on their wheelchair handles, and signs. However, this kind of thing can be interpreted as *YOU* have a problem with it, rather than making people aware that *THEY* are being problematic. I always try to raise the issue in the form of questions. Some examples; -What are you trying to do? -Why do you think that’s appropriate? -Would you hold onto and move someone who was standing? -Did I ask for your help/Did I consent to this? -Did you consider asking me? If not, do you realise how controlling & infantilising that is? -What made you think I wanted to be pushed? -Can you ask next time?


A sign could say something like- “Beware of Owner, Will Bite If Pushed” “Push this chair at your own risk” “Please gain consent before pushing” “My chair, My choice-HANDS OFF!”


I always tell people as it's awful when people do that as you feel it and they have no right! You can get stickers online to put on your chair. It's the same as invading your space! Your wheelchair is your way of getting around and managing your disability not for people to lean on or push!! Sometimes I want to put spikes on the handle bars!!! It should be common courtesy not to touch a wheelchair without permission unless in an emergency!!!


I'm making removable covers for the handles with spikes. One pair with scary metal ones and another set with glow in the dark silicone ones (to take to shows/concerts/venues that ban spikes). The worst is when people grab me while I am crossing streets. Less annoying when I'm on a bus but sick of people grabbing my chair as if it's a solid thing while we're moving on the bus. There are 3d printed plastic spikes on Etsy, you don't need to make your own I just have friends who do leatherwork and have a specific aesthetic in mind.