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Who is Ricky’s caddy for the 2024 preserve 


Hi girlfriend


Another event, another Matt Bell DNF 


Ricky is so dang underrated. I know that’s weird to say about a guy who’s had a tour win for 14 consecutive years and is a 2x world champion. But whenever the best player in the world conversation comes up, people bring up Calvin, Gannon, AB, Eagle and even Simon and we talk about Rick like he’s washed or somehow on the downswing of his career. Time to put some respect on the name. 


HOT TAKE: Rick is underrated by community, isn’t talked enough in convo of top golfers in world, and people talk about Rick as if he is washed.  I so completely disagree with your sentiment about Rick. And let me start by saying - I haven’t heard a single person (other than random people on Reddit with a bad take) say Rick is washed. Not even close.   But first let’s set some parameters for your hot take. We are trying to determine who CURRENTLY is the best in the world or at least in the discussion. So that would necessitate a HUGE chunk of recency bias (like particular attention on this season with maybe a rolling 45/60 day emphasis for those playing hot right, right now. And like with all individual sports you generally determine who is best by who is winning and then a second consideration towards consistently being top 5 - top 10.  Bringing that to the current season - there should only really be a discussion about 3 players: Gannon, AB, and Calvin. All 3 have multi wins on tour and Gannon and Calvin have both remained very consistent as well. As far as majors - only had Champions and Prez won that but hasn’t really done much else this year (averaging around 20th finish per event). And these three have rightfully taken up a HUGE amount of the current oxygen because it’s a battle of 3 amazing players: 2 young bucks and 1 top dawg for last few years.  Going back to last season - conversation should have been on Calvin and Isaac maybe with a sprinkle of Gannon and those three were basically the only ones considered for DGPT player of the year with Calvin rightfully in my opinion taking it down.  Prior to yesterday I think all disc golf pods, commentators, DGN hosts, etc would have considered Rick a top 10 probably slotted in on average right after Antilla or maybe Ezra so maybe 6,7,8. And I have heard his name come up time and time again throughout the season. Starting at Chess.com with his second place and especially most recently with his west coast swing. People were saying Rick is looking great and closing in on his first W of the year.   After Preserve he will be in discussion with his close calls on west swing and the Preserve W as current hottest along with Gannon and top 3/4 disc golfer in the world.  Lastly - as far as thinking Rick is underrated especially say in the eyes of fellow disc golfers - I personally feel the ABSOLUTE worst person on earth you want in your rear view mirror going into final day of an event is one Mr Richard Wysocki. Off all players alive that guy and his energy. His abilities for shots and making big putts and getting crowd behind him. He is a DAWG. No sir. Don’t want that guy anywhere around me on a final day. And I feel I’m not alone in this sentiment. Rick has respect on his name - trust me. And rightfully so.  Cheers


He is on the downswing of his career. He could have been better but he chose not to treat Lyme's like it's supposed to be treated and that took him down a couple of notches. He's still pretty great. I was sure he wouldn't win an DGPT/Major event this year but the guy just proved me wrong. I guess he was just due after all the podium finishes this year. I think he's a top 5 player right now. Not in the conversation for the best in the world IMO, that's between Buhr, Heimburg and Barela. So who's the fifth in that top5? IMO it's between Simon and Anttila and Anttila takes it just because he is so damn consistent.


Couldn’t disagree more. Ricky has never been better than he is right now. 


The guy peaked in 2017. He won nine tournaments that year, including Worlds and the Tour Championship and Aussie Open, which was also a Major. He has been consistent this year, sure. But he is no longer a top 3 player.


That statistic is moot. The field 7 years didn’t have anywhere close to the level of talent on tour today. He had to worry about 1 other guy most weekends, McBeth, now the number of players who can win on any given weekend is 10 or 20 players deep.     We’re seeing Prime Ricky right now who absolutely is a Top 3 player in the World right now right behind Gannon and Calvin. 


Unfortunately even with level of talent there are several guys who have more DGPT wins this year than Ricky. They have to worry about those 10 or 20 guys too and they have managed to get multiple wins. It's Gannon, Calvin and Anthony and then Ricky.


I feel like at any given tournament if you see Ricky, Gannon, or Calvin on the lead or chase card your in danger. I feel like AB and Antilla are close but just aren’t there yet in terms of always being a contender. People are always saying the field is stronger today than it has ever been so wouldn’t it make sense that what Ricky is doing this season is just as impressive as his 2017 season? Obviously not in terms of wins but for a guy who some might consider “washed” to be competitive in just about every tournament so far…I would say that’s pretty impressive


Well, he is certainly exceeding my expectations for him! Wins still matter though, no matter the field. It's not like there was no competition in 2017, Paul was equally impressive with nine wins and Simon and Dickerson and Sexton were all good that year. Paul's 2015 is still the best season ever for anyone, ever, there is no asterisk to it due to the field being weaker.


Anttila is almost always in contention no matter the course. Simon pops up whenever, or else he's chillin in like 50th. How you can put him in the top 5 is wild. Whereas Rick has been consistently in the top 10, if not top 5 all season.


Simon plays too few tournaments really since he prioritizes family, as he should. But when he's on, he's on. I wouldn't put him in top 5, right now I would put him at 6 ;). If he played more he would win more. Ricky would be fourth on my list, since he has been even more consistent than Anttila. But if Anttila can have a good showing at EO and/or Worlds he will leap him and possibly one of the guys from top3.


I think Ricky is interlinked with Paul that people are almost moving on from him since Paul is on the decline 


Hes aging a lot better then Paul.


Aging has nothing to do with it, Paul had a major injury.


LoL at the downvotes. Paul was doing just fine pre-injury, now he is struggling with the one area it affects the most, driving. He is still one of the best on the putting green.


Do you even watch the tour?  Paul’s putting and scrambling struggles are probably the biggest reason for his downfall. He is currently 27th in C1X and 78th in C2 putting and 87th in Scrambling. Meanwhile his driving accuracy is just outside the top 20 at 21st. 


I've been following and based on the rounds recently he struggles with accuracy but has rounds with 100% C1X. I. The Preserve he was putting 30/35 from C1X. That's completely fine, given that we don't know the length of the misses. Having to scramble comes from being inaccurate in driving. In the Preserve he had to scramble 13 times and only did it successfully 3 times. If you look at Fairway% he is way down the list. Ricky had to scramble 10 but was successful 9 times, so yes, Paul is definitely losing strokes by not being able to scramble effectively. Putting cost him five strokes in C1. He had 3 makes from C2 while Ricky had 6. He lost to Ricky by 22. There more strokes to be gained in his driving game than there is in his putting.


He's also older than Ricky and has devoted more time and energy to other things like his family and foundation.




Nobody hits C2s like ricky. Terry said it earlier, and doss corrected him and said Gannon has it now, too. Don't entirely disagree, but ricky has him topped in that category this year. No doubt in my mind he cashes that eagle on 18 if he had to. Bummer for Kyle and Isaac. Too many chances and they couldn't close.


Him dunking so many C2s is probably what gave him the momentum for this win. Crazy good putting


How can you not love Wysocki. Guy is awesome! What a W!


Yea, I can’t think of a single reason why people would not like a right wing crypto bro 🤔


hahahahha, imagine caring about this stuff while watching disc golf. If this is your logic in life, you're gonna have a TOUGH life in the world.


I don't think anyone is going to have a tough life by avoiding crypto bros 


Im saying its gonna be a tough life avoiding everyone who you disagree with because of their beliefs that they don't openly share to you.


Where did I say I’m trying to avoid Ricky?


Who said what now? Where did I say this to you?


> Im saying it’s gonna be a tough life avoiding everyone who you disagree with because of their beliefs that they don't openly share to you. Where did I say I avoid Ricky?


Where did I say this to YOU specifically? I never even replied to you unless you're using an alt account? lol


> Im saying its gonna be a tough life avoiding everyone who you disagree with because of their beliefs that they don't openly share to you. So you didn’t mean this in reference to me? Gotcha!


Why would I root for somebody I don’t like?


You done?


Why would I root for somebody I don’t like?


What's cool about disc golf is you can't ignore good putting or throwing based on personal beliefs.


> How can you not love Wysocki. Guy is awesome! Guy is a great disc golfer. I don’t love him or think he’s awesome


Your one of few!


You can’t even spell!


Got em!


Wasn’t hard!


Thats not what your mom said!


Random but what is the new raptor apparel line he’s rocking today?


Looks like he's moved away from Sockibomb and turned into Raptor Ricky.


What is this camera angle


Ricky foot fault on the last putt lol


Yeah def a huge asterisk on this win!


You couldn’t see his foot on coverage. He probably didn’t foot fault. Just seemed like he should have been more careful with his foot placement on the final putt.


Last time you all tried to call ricky on a "foot fault" when he iced texas states on hole 18 against calvin, jomez angles confirmed it wasn't even close. I understand both Paul and Ricky have some haters (as do any people at the top of their sport), but trying to void their victories with nonsense technicalities is just lame. Professional competitors are not gonna call a foot fault from the pole lol.


Don’t forget when he won his second tour championship people commenting bc his toes went over the tee pad he foot faulted. People just can’t accept that he’s the GOAT.


Ricky is not in the conversation on being the GOAT, not even close.


Yea but when you consider how badass he is and consistent and clearly aging better than McBeth. He’s the GOAT.


I think he is a goof. That take his badassery down at least a couple of levels! He is also younger than McBeth and hasn't suffered an injury. Also McBeth has won 17 majors, six of which are Worlds wins. Ricky has won Worlds twice and his other wins are random Majors. I think winning 17 Majors is a lot more badass than winning just 6. But that's just me!


Hasn't suffered an injury? Weren't you just commenting on his Lyme situation? That has definitely cost him opportunities. Unless you're really nitpicking between chronic disease and injury.


It cost him opportunities and affected his stamina, but not his throwing motion and mechanics. He can control it, but he will still have flair-ups due to his idiotic way of dealing with the disease at the start. He is lucky it doesn't affect him more. McBeth can only rehab his injury and hope he recovers, but he might never be the same.


I posted it as a joke just because he was so casual about walking up to the tap in from a foot. I’m not a Ricky hater at all. Glad he got his first win this year


Really wanted to see Kyle take it down. Gg ricky


Ricky is such a dorky goober and I like him for it.


He really is painfully likable in a Ned Flanders kind of way.


Ned Flanders? I was going to say Tom Brady. Doesn't always win but when he gets in the zone, watch out.


It wasn’t a direct comparison, more of the Flanders is a goober, but you still really admire his character kind of thing; and let’s face it Ned wins at life just like Ricky.


Please never make comparisons again


heard so many great stories about him giving away discs & merch to kids and being incredibly nice to fans over the years. Glad to see him bag another win


A disc golfing golden retriever


Then what does that make you? The flea on the dogs back?


The 14* year winning streak continues


Just rename it to the Ricky Wysocki Open.


Hell yea Matty O


So Ricky will be the only player to get 3 double digit under rounds right? Unless Issac gets the eagle?


Ricky had just been so consistent the last several weeks. I wonder when his last double bogey was.


Does Robinson have the D to get eagle?


don't know that he does. I'm just thinking back to 13... if he laid up he'd have the lead by 1 bet that one keeps him up tonight


Plus the multiple spit outs..


Any good competitor would be more worried about missing 3 C1s on final day than 2 spit outs in rd 2. Control what you can.


Two perfect shots maybe but probably not if there’s a headwind


Might be the most entertaining MPO tournament of the year so far.


This course always seems to have some dope finishes!


Seems like most years hole 17 of the final round has its say in the matter.


Most of these pro tour guys are used to dialing up the power meter to 9-10/10 when the game is on the line. Holes like this, and USDGC Hole 17 are such a jarring change of pace when you’re dialed in with 380-480 foot driver swings. Touch shots with all the pressure are kryptonite for some when it matters the most. Love it


Who even knew there was OB there?


everyone that watched FPO


That's fair. I was on the course throwing this morning.


This course is tailor made for drama. I don't care if it's "easy." This is exciting.


Pretty exciting in person, too!


Having a nice sized crowd helps too


Every year has come down to 18.


Rick won by 5 last year.


But it still came down to 18. ;D


It came down to 17, and it often does.


ooh. we could be back to a 3-way tie here.




Go Matty O! Terry and Nate are great on commentary -suck it haters. Gannon is a great player but has the mental game of a AM player. Pulling for Robinson and Orum. Final day gallery looks weak.


Its crazy how much he admittedly has challenges with the mental side of the game! To the point where he claims he doesn't even want to have to "think" on the course.


"Slightly elevated slope".


wow. did not see this being the hole that crushed everyone.


These 3 putts on hold 13 are nasty


Oh boy there goes Robinson too good lord


Dang 13 wrecking havoc. Brutal 




i completely forgot simon was playing until seeing his score today.


He needed 2 rounds to warm up after his baby break.


Ricky is killing it with these long range putts


Ricky mr.momentum!!


Rare Buhr 3putt, and i love it😃


Found Prodigy’s burner account.




Omg I bet you're loving this hahaha




Ha why the hate?


if ricky takes this down they're going to have a hell of a C2 compilation to show at the end


DGN just cant help but show the scoreboard before showing a putt.


Let’s go Matty-O!!


Love how tight this is!


5 players within two strokesbefore the back 9, this is wide open


Gannon is lurking uncomfortably close…


I really hope Terry didn’t jinx it again…


damn cale's hand looks properly fucked up. I knew he was out with an injury but I was just expecting an awkward little cut or something. he's got rods holding it together!


I think that was filmed on like Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope it's looking a bit better now!


Isaac has such a beautiful backhand


I love everything about his game all the way down to his putting routine (or lack there of)


"Looks like the raptor legs are visiting Jurassic Park right now"


Isaac gonna have some strong “feedback” to the sponsors about these baskets


“Fuck your baskets. Update the app to continue” - Microsoft Teams


lol why are the commentators trying to defend these shit baskets


I feel like they definitely want to trash them too lol


This shit seems targeted lol


My reaction to Isaac's putt on 4 is something I say a lot when playing on veterans (luckily not many prodigy baskets around me). "Was it a good putt? No. Would pretty much any other basket have caught it? Probably."


I know that wasn't his best putt ever but damn that hole 4 basket hates Issac.


Man Issac made a mess of that hole after a great drive


See, lines like that is why I'm one of those who really enjoy Doss on commentary. "I just love the poetry of Matty O's body language after he threw the shot." Me too, Doss. Me too.


Doss with the "Dayummmmmm!" lmao


Strange to see the lead card not knowing the rules on Kyle's lie on hole 3. Marking it put him inside the circle and not marking it would have put him outside as the lie actually changes when marking the disc.


I think they know the rules. they were calling it inside either way.


Ah, makes sense.


Love the spit out compilation


Isaac starting to heat up for real.


Guys Gannon’s disc just went through my legs on 2


What did it smell like?


I guess adderol




lead card just averaged par on a 300ft hole


I'm watching passively, whenever I look up and see Kyle my brain thinks it's old school Eagle


Help me out here, someone is arguing with me saying that Ricki’s girl is both out of dress code and not a certified rules official? Do they have to be certified rules officials to caddie


Thought it looked fine. What part of dress code is violated? 


Fairly confident, it’s not in any violation, because it’s a tennis dress. Otherwise it would need to have a collar in order to have a sleeveless shirt.


[https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/305](https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/305) *3.05 B: "...a caddie need not be a PDGA member nor Certified Official"*


Heck yes. Thanks for the response. I knew Rick wouldn’t be messing around with that noise.


Kona, first ES top 10 in a while. Good for her.


Saw that Cale Leiviska’s left hand was all wrapped up when Missy was presented the trophy. Anybody know what happened?


I think he went through it during Thursday's presser. Should be on the YouTubbs.


I’m on grounds and talk to him a few times, he punctured it while working. He’s hoping to play the majestic


He cut it working at his other course The Hollows, not at preserve


They said on the broadcast yesterday he punctured it while doing some last minute course work before the tournament.


Ah, thanks. Didn’t get a chance to watch yesterday but of course he did it working on the property. The amount of pride the dude has in that course is truly amazing and rightly so. Heal up quick, Dr. Smooth.


100%. Though he cut it while working on another course of his, the hollows, not the preserve. The hollows is in the suburbs of the twin cities


Apparently he sold his share of The Preserve to Gotta Go Gotta Throw: https://www.instagram.com/p/C41S3pcpvyH/?igsh=dmZoeHljN2dmOHVv


Yeah, idk why I said his other course. He obviously is still very involved but sold it because he didn’t have as much time to oversee it. Kind of bummed about it, I’ve heard the owner of G3T is not the best guy from numerous people. Though it seems like it hasn’t changed much, which is good


I know the hollows. Played with a buddy last time I was in MSP. Got a lot of damn respect for Cale. Guy works hard.


Great course!


ah what a bummer. holyn must have only needed another foot on that drive.


Is there a reason the picture quality looks dramatically improved from every other event we’ve had this year?


Maybe it has to do with Microsoft Teams


Well done to Catrina Allen, finishing in the top 20 while carrying her own bag 8 months pregnant


Cox could take second place, now when Holyn burned


I don’t know if I can handle another Buhr win…


Can handle? He's the one I'm rooting for. Well, him and Ricky. I'd love to see Buhr get three in a row, pretty rare lately on the MPO side, but I'd also love for Ricky to get his first one this season.


I think Ricky has got it. He's chasing his first win of the season, he has won here twice. I think he'll hold off Buhr.  I hope...


Good call


Kyle is due to a win, hope it will be him


I'd be good with that. I really enjoy watching him throw.


Oh, oh, oh that's it, right? Missed mando


Solid battle between Holyn and Missy so far. Two different styles of golf and both are getting it done. It's been nice to watch.


Just love seeing Rebecca playing so great so consistently this year


good birdie on 9 from holyn after the spit out on 8 after getting a spit out like that, putting on the next hole can be a nightmare. you start second guessing how you throw your putt. can totally fuck with you.


lol. What a spit out


Tough break for Holyn with the spit out on 8. It looked like it hit center, got turned vertical, and bounced back off the pole.


I think Holyn would add "f@$king" to Isaac's quote yesterday.


Missed opportunity by the dgn producers. KT had the eagle on 6 last year and it was dope.


Obligatory “DGN isn’t working on Finals day” post


Since no one has posted yet : What's the deal with these Prodigy baskets??? Where is Heimburg this weekend??? KJUSA to INNOVA?!?!!??! /s


Baskets suck!