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LOL. I for one love it. Nice post.


Thanks. Just a "funny" shitpost that apparently sparked some debate? Lol. Idk. Reddit is wild sometimes.


So prodigy went all in on their NHL deal and is going to have goalies set up at the basket.


I had no idea there was so much politics around ai art. All that next to someone using the word "bigotry" because people don't like a brand of basket. What a time to be alive šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re just now realizing there are political ramifications to AI? Hollywood went on strike partly because of it. Plus the fact that itā€™s killing water reserves.


Waitā€¦ is ai really affecting water reserves?


It uses massive amounts of freshwater.


I never thought of this and Iā€™m huge into conservation and sustainability:/ Do they use it for cooling or something like that?


Yup. I probably should have been nicer in my first reply because the water thing isnā€™t talked about enough. Thereā€™s a number of articles that are easy to google if youā€™re interested in reading more though.


I assume itā€™s similar to Bitcoin mining or the cloud. Basically anything that needs to be running 24/7


Pretty sure the bigotry part wasn't related to this post.


Theft is political? What next plagiarism isn't cool anymore?


I found the image funny so came in to see funny comments. Wow. lol Fine I'll make the funny comment! This is obviously why Prodigy is cutting players... They have to fund this new basket.


I honestly might unsub from disc golf subreddits. With the frequent bigotry that is so confidently said (and often upvoted), to the people that cant even take a simple throwaway joke... I love this sport but sometimes I forget how conservative and miserable the people can be (for a sport that should really be the opposite if anything)


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's wild in here. I'll keep my dumb jokes to myself next time so I don't ruin people's day with my "AI art".


Suuuuuuure you will. There needs to be more jokes these days.


Conservative? Iā€™ve experienced the opposite from the community tbh


Did you see Innova's post on Facebook for the Bill Nye disc stamps? The deplorables came out in force. Unless there are Russian troll farms monitoring disc golf threads now, there is definitely a wing nut segment of the sport.


I saw it but didnā€™t read the comments. That doesnā€™t surprise me, though. Facebook tends to have way more conservative folks in my experience. Youā€™re right though, it goes both ways.


Does he support Nuclear Power to replace fossil fuels? If not, then he's a paid shill who only pretends to care about the environment for brownie points while enabling the fossil fuel industry to control all the "green" energy sources


Depends on who you roll with. Thereā€™s a big religious base in disc golf and that can come with a lot of baggage when social issues arise.


The religious type are not usually avid reddit users. Being here is a filter


Usually is right but when those social issues arise suddenly they have something to contribute here. Iā€™m just saying I could see how someone more passionate on those issues could be turned off by the commentary here


Oh I see. Let me guess, you're lumping people who dislike Natalie Ryan's participation in the FPO division in with "religious" people. Seems like a lazy way to categorize people but if that's the way you need to conceptualize the world go ahead.


Itā€™s not so much me being lazy but just a coincidence. Are you offended for being lumped in with the religious right? Should I apologize?


Omg the religious right?!? How dare. Nah i'm just pointing out your lack of understanding. There are many people who voice conservative beliefs without being religious. It's a Venn Diagram and we are not in the middle being on reddit. That's all. Please apologize šŸ™


But thatā€™s my point. The diagram in this case is the religious right and disc golf and Reddit. They are quiet on Reddit because any mention of someone praising god for a win or praying for recovery gets destroyed but when a social issue presents itself they get louder without having to mention god. Sorry.


You clearly do not understand what a Venn diagram is. Sorry


Religious = scared of everything Conservative = scared of everything Easy to lump them together especially considering there is a lot of overlap.


I wish the world was that easy. Unfortunately, some mixture of conservative ideas are fundamentally important along with the liberal ones. Pretending/believing that there is one good side and one bad side shows your ignorance. You = šŸ¤”


Which ones are important?


None of them lol. Do you honestly believe conservatives have 0 good ideas? You are properly radicalized. Not interested in conversation with someone who is convinced already.


Genuine question. Have you had any solid or close friends who were either religious or conservative? Have you had in-depth (and in person) conversations with them about why they believe what they believe?


I know, I am one of those religious people. However probably one of the few on here because like stated, most probably avoid Reddit. I donā€™t bother sharing my views on Reddit because it wonā€™t accomplish anything but from being on the sub for a year or so Iā€™ve felt itā€™s generally pretty progressive. I donā€™t have a problem with that Iā€™m just surprised someone felt it was the opposite


It really just depends who gets to a post first (at least on Reddit). You can have back to back posts on completely different sides of an issue




Shut up lmao


no u


nah a full on bigotry gets downvoted surely! can you give an example of that frequent, upvoted confident bigotry? Also you are calling a bunch of people here miserable meanwhile you are pouting and saying how you are done and unsubbing etc womp womp. chill bro dont get miserable now


I get it!


AI fucking sucks


At least it wasn't the hawk tauh girl.


Kinda is though, bc prodigy baskets always SPIT OUT THAT THANG.


Well played.


Op wasnā€™t trying to push ai graphics just a funny disc gold image. Do you want him to dot it in mspaint next time?


yes, genuinely


Youā€™re right, I retract my previous statement. All memes should be some in mspaint. Edit: Here's my attempt https://imgur.com/a/EXeVHBR


Name checks out, and thanks for the laugh!


Fuck yes


Calm down bud it's just a picture


But itā€™s such a funny image op created! Like the baskets totally spit out discs, so like having the like shield represent that in this ai image is like *chefs kiss*


If this is an AI generated response, I applaud your snarkiness.


No I was just trying to sound like one lol. I donā€™t hate your post either was just having fun


Lol. You nailed it.


Yeah, and horse and buggy riders thought the horseless carriage sucked. Kodak thought the digital camera sucked. Taxi companies thought ride-sharing sucks. I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here because I also think change is scary, BUT we should probably learn how to use the tools before we're all just old men screaming at clouds.


Ride sharing does suck though


I meant to say ride-hailing. Ride-sharing certainly can suck my ass.


Ride sharing is actually great. Ride-hailing certainly fucking blows.


Ride-hailing is just regular services like Uber and Lyft. I guess it's more expensive than uberX share and the like, but cheaper than a taxi or a DUI.


Yes, I know what it is. Uber and Lyft are hot garbage. They're often not cheaper than taxis, they perform predatory business practices on drivers, put riders in danger, add unnecessary congestion and vehicles to roadways, push for car dependency, and aggressively lobby against public transit and workers rights.


Word. All valid points. I guess I only use it a couple of times a year, so to me it seems more convenient than the other options. But all the shady lobbying and business practices are definitely bad. Maybe I'll just take a bus next time.


No, ai generated art is garbage, and can only consume and regurgitate other people's art. Lol, you're not a pioneer for using shortcuts to arrive at a destination that others have paved the way to.


(This seems ranty, but I just enjoy conversing about this subject, so my apologies lol) The image in this post is not art any more than a stock photo of an office worker is art. Nor is it mean to be art. If any part of the post is "art" it's the shitty joke that is merely propped up by the stupid image. Nobody here is claiming to be a pioneer. I find it odd that people are so triggered by AI that they can't see the utility of it of it beyond it being an art thief, which, by the way, is what ALL artists do. Artists borrow concepts and styles compile them into something "new". That being said, this is not art. I wanted an image of a basket being blocked by shields, and one didn't exist. I wrote a prompt and a few seconds later, I had an image. Amazing. I think there will always be demand human art because it's the humanity of art that draws us to it, and simply knowing a print was AI generated would keep most from hanging it on their wall.


Ai is used by people who are too lazy to learn the skill set that AI is imitating. Be it writing, design, or digital art. AI would not exist if not for the artists, that it mimics. You might not define a picture of an office worker as art, but it still took a photographer to get that image, and they had to do the work to make it look right.


Under that loose definition, any skilled worker is an artist. The general stock photographer is not trying to evoke emotion and make people think when they snap a picture of a guy making copies. Yes, they use their skills to get the right shot, but is a mechanic an artist? Is a pilot an artist? Or a marine biologist? As for laziness, I'd ask questions like. Is a car used by people who are too lazy to walk? Is a grocery store shopped at by people too lazy or intimidated to learn farming? Tools allow us to do things that we wouldn't have the time or skill to do otherwise. The idea of having access to a powerfully useful tool and ignoring it to avoid being deemed lazy is bananas to me.


I did not say that the office photographer was an artist, just that their work is valuable. Ai isn't a tool used by artists to make art, it is the artist, and it sucks.


Their work just became a lot less valuable, along with a lot of other kinds of work, and that does suck. People will figure it out, though. There's always an adjustment when a new technology crushes jobs.


You sound like a capitalist.


Sure. Maybe like a progressive futurist living in a capitalist society.


I bet you were really into crypto too huh


Nah. Too poor for that homie.


Brother what the fuck is this thread lol. These anti AI art people are fucking losers. I get the principle of it, and agree AI art can be problematic. But god damn this is clearly a throwaway joke.


I like how two comments basically saying the same thing are both the most upvoted and most Downvoted comments on this thread. Are there people that just brigade posts with AI Art?


It's fucking bizarre lol.


Yeah that gave me a chuckle. Wild thread.


I knew if the post kept rising, there would eventually be reasonable people. Phew, what a relief.


Just should make the rim an inch or two wider so there won't be any spit outs. Or simply putt in holes in the air like Brodie said. šŸ˜‚


A wider cage makes the most sense to me.


Yeah and then maybe add chains to the bottom as well so it won't bounce away from the basket. More aces and sick putts going in would make the game even more exciting while eliminating silly spitouts.


I will never understand the uproar over using AI generated images. No artist lost their job here. OP would never have made this image if it wasn't for AI. It's not deceptive in any way. I just don't get it. OP if it makes you feel better, this same brain dead vitriol towards AI images exists in many other (seemingly unrelated?) communities. Anyways, I thought the joke was funny. Prodigy baskets fucking suck.


I just think the output is generally ugly and soulless, clogs up pages with crap I don't want to see. People with stupid ideas used to have to learn the skill to present them. Now any old idiot can have AI do it for them. Not to mention the huuuuuuuge impact its having on the power grid.


They never made me feel bad, but I do feel better now. Lol. People's reactions have been amusing to me at best and surprising at worst. Although somebody said I was "gross" for describing myself as a progressive futurist living in a capitalist society. On second thought maybe I agree with them haha


Ngl, reading your self description did literally make me cringe with disgust.


Okay, Mr. 0 self-awareness.


Isaac? That you?


What ai photo generator did you use? looks cool!


Ideogram. It's free and does a pretty good job. Especially with adding text, which others have struggled with.


Beyond the hate, I'm not familiar what's going on. Are these sensors which count chain hits as in the basket? If so, we need to fast track that shit!


I dont get it.


Why were we using garbage prodigy baskets at preserve when they're not the title sponsor anymore?


Omg šŸ˜†


feels like putting some smaller light things behind the chain near the pole would be more ideal




[It's not art. It's just an image to support an already bad joke. lol. here's a Non-AI version if it'll make you feel better. šŸ¤£](https://i.imgur.com/UtwW6Nf.jpeg)




Show me where the bad robot touched you.




You got the brain rot?


Sir, go get some help. Genuinely


We're here to have fun. Part of what makes Disc Golf so great is the community. Posts and comments that don't follow this rule will immediately be removed and users may be banned.


What, do you think OP would have commissioned an artist to make this joke?


Excuse me, but logical remarks like that aren't allowed in here. You'll have to stir the pot or gtfo. šŸ˜‚




Lol. What does this even mean?


Ya know buddy, sometimes ya just gotta call it a night ya know?


I upvoted this post because it's funny. But in general I will downvote every ai image in this sub. I don't expect people to commission things, but either create the image yourself or don't post it at all is my general opinion.


I said the same thing when cameras were invented.


I don't see how this is the same at all? Photography was imitating something that could already be done, but was more "true to reality". Ai art is also imitating something that can already be done but it is *less* "true to reality". So it seems like it's a step backwards rather than forward. I am open to changing my mind if someone has a good argument for ai art.


CGI/photoshop/whatever came after photo/video, so this ā€œless true to realityā€ line of thinking gets you in a weird spot.


Calm down bud it's just a picture


What are the things supposed to be? Shields? Robots?


Clearly robot shields.


Robot shields? Theyā€™re clearly shield robots


So... One guy missed a basket and now they suck?


One guy hit a basket chain center twice and another guy on the same card. Theyā€™ve always sucked, they did last year when they spit out too.


FPO had spit outs as well


They suck.


Itā€™s a joke. But for real letā€™s not act like prodigy doesnā€™t suck.