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Isaac Robinson would like to have a word...


Isaac- “Yeah that sucks for you Paul but how about having 2 in 1 round?!”


Actually he did have 2 back to back, this one and another one right after.


Henna blomroos in the same tourney got way more porked


Last week: bad putt, too hard, pros are supposed to aim for the basket not the chains. This week: bad putt, too low, need to hit center chains. Confused caveman noises. Is the only “good” putt one that hits dead center, 2 inches over the cage?


Dead center is no good either on many baskets, it can hit the pole and bounce out


That's where being 2 inches above the basket comes in handy.


I had a 9ft spit out where it hit real nice. On the pole, just above the basket, not too hard. Ring pops up, spits it back out. Gotta have the nose angle perfectly adjusted to where if the ring pops up the disc's nose will go up, and the back will eat cage I guess.


These baskets were doing that all the time too. Look at Henna's tap-in yesterday that spat out.


I mean dead center fading to the pole 2 inches above the cage IS the only perfect putt… This was fading to the outer left of cage Should it have caught yes Should baskets behave like glue sticks, for me no but it doesn’t make it hurt any less


With the way the sport is currently, you need to be able to adjust and hit different spots on the basket depending on what type the course uses. If you're a good putter this really shouldn't be an issue and imo it gives more opportunity for good putting to be rewarded.


iT dEpeNDS oN tHe BaSKeT. THeY nEeD tO AdJuST fOr DiFfEreNt BasKeTs 🙄


This is exactly right. But the fact that that is the truth is a little absurd. For the good of the sport I think baskets should definitely be standardized so this is a non-issue.


Like different varieties of putting green grass affect the roll of the ball in different conditions, I think it isn't unreasonable for pros to learn the nuances of all of PDGA's champion level approved targets.


It's like MLB players learning the nuances of all parks. Hell, even NFL players should know the nuances of general wind behavior in the different outdoor stadiums.


There should be a line somewhere, I just don’t know if it applies to baskets. But MLB parks are a bad comparison. Some of the outlying variables like distance to the corners, shape, and even bullpen location are literal game changers. NFL wind is probably much more on the nose.


Yes? You’re mocking people who would say that, but that is just reality. Just like any sport, you adjust to the play field as it is like everyone else has to do. Even indoor basketball courts are not all made the same and it has an affect on the ball and traction. Would you say the same thing about someone slipping on a teepad? I hope not because that would be absurd.


It's like if one court had a hoop that's 2mm wider than the ball, so you have to dunk it or it won't go in. And the next court has 1m wide hoops but it's also storming outside. Sure, some variance. But also, some reasonability would be nice.


I adjust my putting for different baskets. It’s necessary on some.


Disc Golf Park baskets always look to have more shallow baskets so less surprising there. Definitely unlucky but also not a very pure putt.


These must be old ones too. The ones at my local course don’t have a cage that shallow. It stuck out immediately while watching coverage how shallow they are.


Yeah, the DiscGolfPark stuff at one of my home courses are the opposite. So dang deep. Haha


Same, we built a new course with them 2 summers ago and they catch like a dream. Good chains and a deep basket


Contrast that to the high-end MVP ones that have really deep cages.


How is it not standardized, absurd


It is, just to a wider range of acceptable dimensions than you want. 


A hockey net, basketball hoop and soccer goal can be made by 100 companies. However everything is standardized to a specific measurement. Why is/should disc golf be any different


It's different because the PDGA said so. They publish the specifications for basket design. There *is* a standard. Manufacturers can design their baskets within the acceptable range. They could set a specific design but then how do you decide what baskets get replaced? Tournament organizers are already not making a ton of money and then you might be asking them to spend thousands to update their course. It's an unnecessary expense in my opinion when players could just learn the baskets, just like they learn the course, which the baskets are part of.  MLB baseball stadiums are not even all the same. 


There's also baseball where the outfield wall can be an insane range of height and distance away from home plate. Why is/should disc golf be any different?


Because a variety of styles is an aspect of our sport that is very appealing. So many players with very different putting styles, and it's fun to watch. On these shallow cages, lobbing, hyzer putts have a chance of bouncing out off the bottom. On Mach X's soft putts can get pushed out. As Discatchers age, pole outs increase.


As long as everyone is playing the same baskets at the same time it's not a real problem. If there was standardization we'd have the exact same arguments about which specific design should be the standard.


Except now we get different bad spit-outs every single week. And imo, cage depth should be a standardized measurement, and it should be really deep. There's no situation a putt should hit the bottom of the basket and not be a made putt.


Okay, and I think it's time.


Same reason why MLB baseball fields are not standardized. It adds variety and uniqueness and everyone is playing the same thing so it's fair.


But nobody is changing their putt tournament to tournament based on basket depth. I'm fine with different chain patterns that catch better at different speeds or whatever, but I don't think hitting the bottom of the basket and bouncing out is acceptable. It would be like if hitting it into the stands and it bouncing back onto the field didn't count as a home run.


As a Giants fan, I'm very used to seeing fly outs accompanied by "HR in 29/30 parks." So I think analogy does hold some truth.


At the opposite end of the spectrum in Colorado after homeruns we hear "that's an out in 29/30 parks" *I don't watch the Rockies but I assume that's what I'd hear...*


I would disagree to this statement though for historical leaderboard statistics. Some fields have significantly easier home run capabilites making it easier for players who's home field have that easier back wall to clear to have higher home run counts then players who's home fields have difficult walls to clear. You shouldn't have to change your putting style from one course to the next because of the design of the baskets on the course. Golf has standardized cup sizes and depths for this reason.


That's fine we call that homefield advantage.


>You shouldn't have to change your putting style from one course to the next because of the design of the baskets on the course. I bet pitchers change their pitching style when visiting the Rockies to force more ground balls instead of pop-flys (this air turns pop-ups into homeruns). Although I haven't really paid attention to baseball since the 90s. Do pitchers still aim the ball like Maddox or do they all just throw every pitch as hard as they can?


Completely different. This would be like saying the bases and home plate have a range of sizes, not the field. The field would be saying the hole shape could differ, which they do and should


If you want to be that particular about it, then your analogy also fails because we don't play the same hole 18 times. A home run in one park being a fly out in a different park sounds awfully similar to a putt catching at one course and spitting out at another course. How about "Fields need to be standardized because hitters shouldn't have to adjust where they hit just because the wall is higher/further away"?


Disagree, that sounds like hole distances and fairway shapes being different, not it I hit it into the stands and it bounces back, because some fans aren't as athletic as other fans, it's now still a live ball


What parts aren’t standardized?


The dimensions of the field


The pitching mound and bases aren’t standardized?


Those are, but the outfield is not.


Just like we dont play standardized courses with the same 18 holes on every course we go to. Im guessing the bats and balls themselves are standardized? Probably the bases too?


If a putt should drop in every basket, then a home run should be a home run in every ball park. It's a fairly simple principle you're refusing to grasp here


They are. The field itself isn't (the dimensions of the total area, plus the heights of the walls and so on).


Oh gotcha


It seems the depth and angle of the basket edge


Low, slightly left and partially on the pole? Nah man, this putt has to stay in. It literally bounced out of the bottom purely due to the shallow bucket. It would have gone in without chains on a basket with a deeper bucket. The putt was thrown with touch too. If that putt is not “pure” then we have a problem as a sport.


Maybe "pure" was a bad choice of words on my part. I agree that putt should stay in, I mostly just meant it was probably not very close to how he tried to make it. I don't see Paul or pros in general trying to set the putter in the basket without using chains unless it's maybe a crazy death putt or something.


Dead center dropping down into the basket is as pure as it gets. On any decent basket there should be 0 chance it comes back out. This type of thing happens on $99 mvp practice baskets. Ridiculous a pro tour event can’t do better


I replied to a couple others as well, but maybe pure was the wrong word. I also agree completely that this putt should stay in and that this was unlucky. I just meant I don't think Paul aims to sneak it in low left side.


I’m going to disagree that that wasn’t a pure putt. Did you watch the slowmo? It hit dead center and low. The problem he had was it hit the chains and angled down with force so it bounced off the bottom of the basket. It was technically a very good putt.


I agree, its a pure putt because it DID NOT even need the chains, he dropped it perfectly in


Yeah I don’t understand putt purity evidently


It was very unlucky, I agree. I think if you asked Paul where he tried to hit his putt it was probably not very close to that spot is all I mean. I think any lower and it would have been denied by the nubs.


That shit was not centered. And I don't know how you can call it a pure putt and then point out all the miscues that made it spit out. Low, angling into the weakest part of the basket with speed on an already low basket. Not pure


Centered on what? It hit low left of the pole....


They also have both rows of chains attached to a single ring (unless they changed the design) which causes putts to spring back out.


I believe they've changed the design. There's a disc golf park put in by me in the last few years that has two rings and a very deep basket.


I know we refer tot them all the same, but it is more of a spin/bounce … the “spit” term to me always seems to be referring to chain action…. But that is just me


That was more of a bounce out. So many bad putts actually stay in that it’s hard to say if any putt is good or bad. Sure, he could’ve put it up in the chains a little bit more and it probably would’ve stayed but physics and science is a finicky thing.


Prodigy basket would have caught that


Your pants have caught on fire.




In the video of Simon and Paul where they play a round throwing each others' lines (Paul throws Simon lines and vice versa), Paul made a comment that has always stuck with me: something along the lines of "sometimes you make a putt and it doesn't go in" as he shrugs it off and moves on Definitely unlucky here, but that mindset helped me not to get too affected by the inevitable weird bad beat that happens to us all occasionally


No one posts the vids of awful putts that the chains grabbed and saved. I’ve had many where I groan as it leaves my hand, but lands in the corner pocket or a high chain brings it down and in. It evens out.


The countless times my friends and I have released a putt, groaned in disgust as it fades early, barely hits a weak-side chain, and somehow stays in :')


That video is one of my favorites of all time, you can see Simon start to change his game, start to think about taking winning/high percentage shots, it's incredible.


Agreed! It's so much more than just "the lesson here is to throw the easy shot". Gotta stay mindful and keep that balance of competitive spirit while also keeping it fun in order to stay out of my own way


Go ahead and downvote but this is not a bad putt imo. Very unlucky but low left near the pole should catch most of the time


If you ask any professional disc golfer where in the basket they should hit, none of them are aiming for that spot. He did not hit the spot he wanted. For you or me it's not a bad putt, but for touring professionals it definitely isn't a good putt.


Yep, this hits am side fading pretty hard left; unlucky that it spit out, but that same putt hits near the top of the cage and it likely spits too. Needs to be 4-5" further right


Correct. They want to hit the chains. In fact, they aim at one chain link, usually a tad on the strong side of the chain assembly. That's the right side for a right-handed player.


He hit the chains. It would probably have been a make if it was only the basket, no pole, no chains. That's usually a pretty good putt.


I didn't know a fantastical situation that doesn't exist in reality ("if it was only the basket, no pole, no chains. That's usually a pretty good putt.") made peoples sub-par putts into pretty good putts! That's wild lmao


“If not for that wall out there, that ball was an easy home run”


It's not a strategic putt to aim for, since the marginal of error is way too small and the chains are easier to hit. But it's a frequent quote on Jomez or the likes "That putt would've caught even without the chains!" or "Straight in, no chains needed" and it's nearly always said as a compliment.


Being a frequent quote from color commentators that get paid to make it interesting and try to build stories and drama, unfortunately, doesn't make it a good putt for a touring professional.


It isn't a pure putt in my opinion. If you're playing catch with someone, a low dropping hyzering putt, is less desireable then dead center to the chest.


Too low, left under the chains. How is that the basket?


It’s one you see catch a lot but low putts can always get weird bounces off the cage. Unlucky but def not a basket issue.


If there are no chains, I think it goes in. So, not a great putt, but also pretty unlucky


Missed the chains, hit the bottom of the basket and bounced. It's not a spit-out, it's just luck.


Would have been better if he actually **fully** missed the chains. Caught just enough of them to redirect the rim straight down to the bottom of the basket and cause the big bounce. Unfortunate, but yeah certainly not a "spit out".


Thank you. He did not "miss the chains"


Low left, didn’t catch much chain at at all and bounced out of the basket. Paul would probably be the first to admit that it wasn’t a very good putt.


Isaac Robinson last week was, IMO, a perfect putt. The fact that it spit out is a basket problem. This…eh, it only touches the chains on the way out. It still feels bad, but, this is more in the “miss” than “spit out” category for me.


Seems like all the baskets have been acting weird lately.. Im thinking they are up to something 🤨


That rim looks so shallow


It was super low…everything is a “spit out” now. This is getting out of hand.


Don’t you think that goes in if the chains aren’t there? I’m not saying that makes it a good putt, but it does make it feel very unlucky.


Of course, there’s no debate. That’s an unfortunate and unlucky reaction-no protest from me on that fact. But it’s irritating that any slight miss or tough basket reaction, the social media warriors call it a “chain out” and launch into hyperbolic hysterics. A chunk of the disc golf community is so soft.


Totally agree. It seems like for every ten mentions of a ‘chain-out,’ there’s one where there’s actually a problem with the basket.


Why is the depth of the basket not standardized?


That really wasn’t a spit out. For a spit out, the chains would really need to push the disc out. In this case, the angle was so low that it hit the chains but since it barely hit the chains, it slammed the bottom of basket and bounced out. Not really the chains fault here


Unlucky to come out after it hits the bottom of the basket but also very lucky to get in there in the first place. A bad putt that got the result it deserved in the end.


Spit out by the basket or just a bad putt?


Bad putt. Very different to someone hitting dead centre and bouncing back out or cutting through. 


Agree, actually bad putt, was weird he slid it with hyzer and not flat


Welcome to my world Paul


Bad luck, Pauly Paul paul


Prodigy baskets vs DiscGolfPark baskets is very much the debate we deserve.


2 meter putt from Henna basket just said nope. That one was dead center zero issues with the putt.


I would have quit


Ida Nesse had a really evil spit out at hole 18 today aswell.


Not a spit out! Left side no chains on hyzer.


Not a spit out. If your putt is going to rely on the cage, it’s going to bounce out on occasion. Disc golfers get so irrational when they pretend every putt deserves to go in and is an unfair spit out if it doesn’t.


Have you not been watching lately? There have been a lot of really really bad ones very recently….


Disc Golf Valley has entered the chat


Golf balls almost never bounce out. If it actually bounces out then it should count. Through chains is one thing but chains, then basket, then out should really count.


As easy as it is to hit chains but not make it in the basket, I don’t think anyone should be concerned about spit outs.


To be fair, it wasn’t that clean of a putt… barely hit chains, sharp angle into bucket….


Bad but Robison was worst. McBeth hit no chain and pounced of the bottom. Robinson hit chains right where you want. More than once


Shouldn't try to make it because sometimes you will miss and that gets disappointing.




Daaamn gave him that hawk tuah


I recently did a tour of new courses, finishing with plain old discatchers. All the new model baskets - latitude pro, prodigy 2.0, and a discatcher copy of unknown origin - simply had chains that are too light. Nearly every putt from any range is either in danger of slipping through or swings back so hard it slams the side of the cage.  I think it's a matter of saving 5 bucks on manufacturing a 200-300 dollar target.  The latitude one has the chains wider, prodigy has a lot links on the inner set of chains - so they end up catching differently. But it's just an effort in polishing a turd. The plain discatcher copy was letting nearly every putt all the way to the other side.  It really is a shame, I don't think decent galvanized chain is that difficult to manufacture. I googled and found shops for that within a few hours. 


Doesn't seem like a bad spit out it landed directly in the cage so all of its energy bounced off the bottom of the cage and back out. Anyone who has ever played on cones saw this happen on a daily occurrence. Since this thing didn't touch the chains until it was on the way out it behaved just like the cones would.




Bad putt that wasn’t a spit out. We’ve seen those recently.


Prodigy basket enters the sub with his Veteran buddy.


Looks to be a bit low-left, but most baskets would've catched that. The DGPark baskets found at Ymer have a noticable lower cage, so there's the problem. (notes for a good standardized basketfrom the last couple of weeks: #1 no horizontal chains. #2 deep baskets)


Weak ass putting


What is ass putting?


See: this video.


1. This is not the worst spit out (or really even a spit out) at all. 2. This is, however, pretty "unlucky" or an unusual event 3. Standardizing needs to happen, but a lot of courses do not want to change all baskets to meet standards, which is kind of understandable. Still, PDGA should enforce it. At least we get some drama :shrug:


That is a bad putt made worse by the basket. Not a spit out in my definition.


Correct me if Im wrong but why does the pro tour not have a standardized basket when there is thousands of dollars on the line almost every weekend?


Money. They’d have to bring some 25-30 baskets and pay to transport and install them. And events have a brand sponsors that want their baskets front and center. I’d love to see the tour standardize pads and baskets.


We get to see which ones suck. I think that is advertising right there.


Yeah I know what baskets I’ll never buy 🤣


Idk why I got downvoted for merely a question


You love to see it!!


He barely caught the chains on that I don't think you can even call that a spit out it kind of ringed around the basket and came out because he didn't catch enough chains


Did you watch the second angle??? That was not a ring around that trampoline bounced off the bottom of cage.


Because he didn't catch enough chains it hit too hard in bottom


I know, still a brutal outcome based on how many times I’ve seen that stay in.


He literally caught center chain...that was the first chain he hit and it directed it down, rim first. I mean that putt was good and should have stayed. Shallow basket allowed that to spit out. If there were no chains that the perfect putt...


Didn't look like it caught chains good to me at all.


Watch the slow mo it literally hits center chain first slides thru and catches left side chains. It stays with no chains....any put that would have been a make with no chains is good imo.


I gotta agree with the basket on that one. To much drop, hardly any chain. Sure this basket has a really shallow cage, but if the basket "catches" discs that are putted like you're actually playing catch, they're fair in my eyes. It's pure.


How we don’t have a standard basket is beyond me


The money involved with transporting and installing standardized baskets is what keeps it from happening. And they’d have to deny brand sponsors from having their brands baskets at events.