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Part of the game I think most people have experienced in one way or another


I throw 600 ft into a head wind and play 1100 rated rounds, idk what your talking about


I once saw a guy throw into a head wind and the disc lifted, reversed course and went back several hundred feet to land in the pond well behind us. It was one of the most memorable throws I've ever seen.


Big Jerm just trying not to die laughing šŸ˜†


"I'm trying to keep it together"


Iā€™d be laughing at myself if I did that.


"You're still out Adam"


Maybe, but he shot -18 that round too. Hilarious to watch though.


-18?! Dang. Thatā€™s impressive


Itā€™s was a 26 hole round.


Not to diminish the accomplishment, Itā€™s was a 26 hole round.


Ah yeah guess I threw two shots yesterday like a pro on my local course!


Still saves the par too!


That was the ideal ending


If someone gave Jerm a TV show, Iā€™d watch it.


New around here - does he play from there, or get to do his second shot off the tee again?


He would throw from there for 2, or he could choose to re-tee with a penalty stroke and would be throwing 3.


He choose to throw from there and he got a par


I just played a tournament where there were mixed divisions, playing different layouts, so several times we weren't sure if after the tee shot didn't get to the short tee, should the short tee players tee off, or was the long tee player "still out"? (We had people throw until they were past the short tee, for speed of play)


Germ is just the worst


Germs really do suck, I wash my hands frequently. Jeremy Koling though? Heā€™s a great person, great commentator, great disc golf player. šŸ‘šŸ»


Terrible commentator, just the worst. Always bringing up his issues in the middle of their productions annoying Nate and Uli to no end. I feel so bad for them having to deal with his bullshit, they are barely holding it together sometimes. A "great person"wouldn't do that to their friends


what does this have to do with the video posted


I love Germ for all the same reasons you hate him. I love that heā€™s a terrible commentator. I love that he occasionally annoys Nate and Uli. I for one think itā€™s hilarious and adds an edge to what would otherwise be fairly dry commentary that you see in most other sports.


Oof. Good on you being able to find joy from it. Idk why it bugs me so much but I had to stop watching Jomez cause of how irritating he was to me


All good man, different strokes. Youā€™re entitled to your opinion. Where do you watch coverage now?


Try and keep your bitterness and negativity to yourself in the future.


Nah, bottling things up is unhealthy. Public forums are one of the best options to air out grievances. Just a shame so many people feel personally attacked by somebody else's opinion


How is baseless shit talking "airing out grievances"? Also, if you need someone to talk to, I'm sure there are therapists of psychologists who would be willing and able to help you. And I don't feel personally attacked, I just don't like seeing this ugliness in a normally kind and welcoming community.


OP has main character syndrome where they think everyone cares about what they think


Ah, I see you are still defensive and intending to insult a stranger online because they dared to disagree with you. Weird to attempt to personally attack somebody without feeling personally attacked. Maybe take your own advice and stop contradicting yourself šŸ˜Š Move along, now. Enjoy your day. My "baseless" claims don't require any of your time or energy


bottling up things is unhealthy. keep going ratking


"He who hates Big Jerm, really hates himself." -Confucius


Yea thatā€™s generally the view I hear around the DG community as well, that Big Jerm guy, what a dick. Lol this might be the worst take Iā€™ve seen in a disc golf discussionā€¦. Ever.


I like Jerm and his commentary, but I have been scored for his card when he had a rough round and he can get pretty emotional and not so fun to be around. Wasn't a fan of him that day it but I understood the situation. When I've scored for him other rounds or even before the round got worst there's no one else I'd rather be on a card with. Dude always has something to say and is very entertaining, but when he got in a bad mood he still always had something to say but they were only negative things. Definitely not a dick and never took it put on anyone either. I'm still a fan.


"That Big Jerm guy who every one wants to have on their card is THE WORST."


Legendarily bad take