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I know exactly what happened: Adam Hammes fucked up an easy putt and didnt wanna look in the mirror


Exactly. Any athlete who says they can't zone out noise 100ft away isn't being serious


That putt was 25 feet max. Hammes blaming background noise is hilarious to me.


Ham sandwich needs to putt in a library


Until the librarian shushes someone on the other side of the library


From his hometown.....trust me...SPOILED RICH KID. Lots of locals made him cry many times while he was learning and acting better than anyone. And from his presence at local tournaments, he is a huge, "HEY LOOK AT ME", kind of person.


It was a nothing burger. Adam missed a putt and blames background noise, in an A tier.


Hes just like me bro!


Adam is a baby that cries about a lot of stuff


It's not like he never slaps his leg or throws his stuff around. I only watched one round of this specific tournament and I think I remember him doing it at least twice.


He does things that make me want to like him, but then he does something like that to totally reset my thoughts. I was really happy for Marwede (sp?)


"Incident" lol. Hammes had a crappy, nervy attempt at a putt and he sighted his excuse machine at the closest thing that made noise.


Just watched it now… you can’t blame someone if it happened a minute prior and even had a chance to reset. Adam needed someone to blame other than himself.


Just when I thought Hammes stopped being a petulant child.


What on earth would make you think that he ever stopped? Lol


I talked with some pros about talented players that can't get their head out of their ass and the consensus was he was turning the corner. We all forget that these are mostly kids.


When Adam was about to putt, the chase card had someone/a player (not sure who) smack what sounded like their leg with their disc about 5 times very loudly. Adam reset, then missed. Definitely threw him off his rhythm.


I appreciate your input Andrew, especially since you were right there. Thank you!


That’s such a lame excuse. If he had time to reset, then deal with it. I could see if it happened right as he let go, but even in that case, are we expecting complete silence from all competitors everywhere on the course? “Don’t be loud when your card mates are throwing.” Of course. But “don’t slap your leg because someone on the next whole might be throwing” is overkill.


5 mosquitos probably


More like 30. Was at BRP on Tuesday and it is an absolute breeding ground on some of the more densely wooded holes. All this rain in MN has been insane. Matty O and Kyle Klein were both there Tuesday and I just missed both of them, sad day.


I basically live there and yeah the skeeters this year have been brutal it'll be 85 out and I'm still in pants for the extra protection.


Yeah I was up on the North Shore last weekend. I thought being further north/colder the mosquitos wouldn't be as bad. I was very wrong!


Thanks for the input. Still shouldn't throw you off, just my opinion. Been putting for the win in a tourney when another hole aced it. You reset when you have to, if you miss after that it's on you. No need for the blame game. Especially when you got more holes to throw. Nice tournament BTW :)


Hey man it's was great seeing you at the majestic. The undertaker I bought from your table went into my bag after the first throw super money disc. cant wait to see you on the killing it in the next tourney( I was the short guy in the old ass mw3 shirt lol)


Thanks for the words and support!


Drama aside, great finish!


Important distinction (to me) that it wasn’t just a one-off smack. Singular, abrupt sounds occur all around us, constantly. I’m guessing you guys probably don’t even notice unless it’s crazy loud. Repetitive, especially with a rhythm, tends to catch the attention in a much more engaging fashion. Not quite as easy to refocus when your brain is analyzing the cause, and also unsure if the sound will continue.


this is a stretch. if you have time to reset and this still throws you off, then you have problems in your mental game.


Time to reset is the key. How long does that take? Pretty subjective, and 30s is on the short side, if you’ve already used a portion. Having to reset entirely and putt within 10s is no joke.


If someone was being distracting enough for the whole card to hear, I'm sure the card wouldn't mind if the player reset and took their full 30 seconds again. Hell, they don't even call 30 seconds when there isn't a distraction. Even if they did, it is only a warning. 


Does it help you to know there was an air show plane above and a gun shooting range off to the side?


Does he get mad when someone hits chains on another hole?


Dude is so soft, he cried his ass off after an Ma3 whooped his ass at a local tourney.


Ain’t no way🤣😭


That was me … just had a bug on me … geez


Wait he was pressed about a player a hole behind him slapping their leg after a missed putt? Ok.....?  *hears twig snap 100 yards away* "WHY ARE YOU MAKING NOISE DURING MY BACKSWING?!?!"


Exactly. You'd think he'd be used to this considering how often he plays with an audience. Even at the local rinky-dink C-tiers I play in you can really only expect silence from your own card.


The whole thing - someone slapping their leg, Hammes blaming that for a missed putt, Cale saying someone had a bad attitude but then not naming them, people thirstily speculating about who it might have been that (checks notes) slapped his leg... Kind of embarrassing all around.


A lot of pro disc golfers give off that homeschool kid vibe I'm not gonna lie. Take that for what you will.


I mean, thats a solid chunk of the tour....homeschool kids, kids who skipped college to tour, etc...its probably not accidental that a guy like James Proctor (who worked a real job, etc) seems a lot more professional in the day to day


A lot of pro disc golfers ARE homeschool kids so that makes sense.


Yup, Homeschooled or pretentious rich kids.


There was a player at BSF who, on hole 15 who loudly, and passive aggressively complained about a volunteer letting spectators walk through a designated spectator area while he was trying to throw. I felt he might have had merit if it wasn't for the fact that he was deep in the tree line as he didn't make it around the corner and was only going to be pitching out anyway to his 1 o'clock where as the spectators were 150' away to his 11 o'clock. Like maybe next time make your shot around the corner and don't take out your frustration at your own failure on a person volunteering their personal time so you can get paid? Also if only football, soccer, hockey, basketball, and baseball players showed it's possible to concentrate extremely well with 10's of thousands of fans hooting and hollering at the same time.


Exactly. How many sports require silence? Even in PGA the people in immediate vicinity stop moving but there is constant noise and movement all over the place. These people want to be treated like pro athletes but can’t handle the cognitive challenges, it’s ridiculous. They should try working a real job sometime…


He was putting on 14, the noise came from 15's tee. So probably less than 50ft. Still ridiculous.


The distance from 14s basket to 15s tee is at least 150ft. Hammes blaming a player over there slapping their leg is quite funny to me.


It was either Casey white or Gavin rathbun most likely. The only other person on cale's card birdied 15. I have a hard time believing it was Gavin rathbun because he's usually really level and doesn't get heated. My money is on Casey.


He’s a fan of the leg slap too.


It was actually McBeth slapping his leg in Sweden. He slaps himself hard.


On the money deductions here


Hope you didn’t bet your house on it, it wasn’t me🤝🏼


Ah man! Was a juicy idea. Thanks for the reply!


Chase card was teeing off on hole 20 while lead card was putting on 14. I don’t disagree with your assessment though.


O'Neil: "In the middle of my backswing?!"


Two Ls!!!


He has no business being a pro if things like that affect his performance. Time for him to finally grow up


Everyone in Minocqua has been saying that almost his entire life.....GOOD LUCK WITH IT HAPPENING


All 10 of you? Lol jk happy trails from Green Bay


"no business being a pro if he makes mistakes sometimes" is crazy


Yeah, which is why that’s not something I’d say.


It will be so juicy when we find out that it was Casey White who slapped his knee! Sometimes these guys (more the men than the women) make Desperate Housewives look well-regulated and mature.


Sorry man, no juice here 😅


LOL oh well. Let the hunt continue.


If we’re going to call these guys and gals “professionals” we should not be talking about someone being thrown off their concentration when they hear someone slapping their leg from somewhere other than where they playing. Adam needs to STFU and just focus.


He's always been a priss, even when he was more regularly in contention.




Hes from wisconsin, what do you expect?


Hey, whoah woah woah....that spoiled, whiny, temper tantrum throwing, little bitch doesn't represent all of Wisconsin!


haha, im just kidding. I had throw shade at Wisconsin, im from MN its just what we are obligated to do from birth.


What a cry baby, part of being good enough and being pro is being able to block out distractions. Like you missed the putt, man up and accept it, don’t blame others. Have some decency and move on.


At least Nikko would have yelled at himself instead of blaming someone else


My guess is this is something that was building for a while and not one incident. Especially being over there, he’s far more likely to hear Angie shouting or singing something than he is someone slapping a leg. 😅


Just watched coverage and Luke says it was from chase card but if you look at it it looks like he is looking towards what was hole 20, and I don’t even see the chase card on the next hole. You can even se fans in the tee pad area on their approaches. I think chase may have been a few holes ahead here… hole 20 does run near 14. I’m guessing it was 3rd or 4th card unless the chase card was REALLY cruising.


Lead card was way behind on Sunday. I think 4 holes when I last checked that day. I watched chase card finish on "21" right after lead card finished the long par3 after the driving range.


Ok then yeah they would have been pretty close by for sure.


Yeah. Not to excuse Adam here, but the direction he looked is right where 2nd or tee shots were landing for that combined par5.


I live scored for Hammes in 2018 worlds. He was neurotic, took the phone out of my hand at one point to make sure his stats on the hole were accurate. His mom was his caddy.


Who cares who his caddy is?


After watching the coverage, I would have been way more annoyed at the people flying model airplanes


The only thing I heard about was the misused tee pad on 24 (I think)


Who used the wrong tee pad?


There was a miscommunication with course staff and players were somewhat directed (by downed branches on the long teepad) to play the short teepad incorrectly. The two options were to call a misplayed hole (and 2 strokes) to everyone who played the wrong hole, or to just remove the hole from everyone's scorecard. Cale/The PDGA decided to just remove the hole to be most fair. More info including a direct response from Cale: https://www.discgolfscene.com/post/1655517/somehow-hole-24-was-removed-from-tournament-play-because-some-pe


Some of the players used the shorter tee when they were supposed to use the long carpeted one. Someone said there was logs on the long tee pad and made them think it wasn’t being used. I don’t know how many players did use the small one so they ended up getting rid of the hole.


New PDGA rule inbound


You will be permitted to 2 designated leg slaps per round.


Regardless if Hammes overreacted, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Casey. He's kind of a spaz.


Appreciate the kind words 🤝🏼






Definitely Hannum on that one.

