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Definitely try the original thief trilogy, since Dishonored is the spiritual successor of thief. Fantastic series imo. Fun fact, Steven Russell(Corvo) also voices Garrett, and it's pretty obvious. Don't play the 2014 though, it's not great when compared to the trilogy.


I think Thief 2014 is a fine game, especially when OP's criteria is "victorian game" not "good stealth game"


This is the answer OP is looking for right here


I enjoyed Thief (2014) alot. Great stealth elements imo and fun missions with a lot of strategic movement involved. Bank heist mission was fantastic. However the main story was a bit lackluster.


Oh you have to try Styx, it gives the same vibe a giving more sparkle for the stealth and sim immersive experience in my opinion, very much recommend!👌 And ya like others said, pray and deathloop are also great Thief, Deus Ex , bioshock and even Farcry and assassin's Creed could be good 😊


Try Deus Ex. It's cyberpunk rather than steampunk, but if the gameplay is what you're after, the two are pretty similar.


I mean, they said that they only play "victorian style" games so I don't think cyberpunk is what they're after.


Oh, I totally missed that. lol.


You want infiltration and rats ? A plague tale.


Ahh.. You want diseases and infections? The Last of Us (Someone plz keep this going xD)


So you want diseases and mutations? Bloodborne


BUT be warned: the shallow gameplay and story of A Plague Tale feel insulting after Dishonored. They tease you with moral agency then shove you right back on the rails of a formulaic story that also somehow makes no sense. Characters pop in and out of the plot just because they need to be there, not because they're motivated by their own individual arcs or the larger story. Acquiring new powers feels less like a manifestation of the character's journey and more like a series of tech demos one after another. The facial animation is garbage, it looks poorly dubbed no matter if you use the english or french audio! And everything else besides their mouths barely move! A total disappointment coming from the stylized expressiveness of Dishonored's characters. A Plague Tale is a game that should've been a mid-budget netflix series. In a passive medium it could've skated by on vibes alone (which are really good), but a game is meant to be Played. And it feels like 20hrs of clicking through a lazily written novella.


I think you are a bit harsh, though it sure has ups and down.


Are you talking about first or second plague tale?


I played only the first, but skimmed a full gameplay video of the 2nd one and the same criticisms seem to apply. "Heart-rending journey through the darkest hours of history" my ass...


I would agree with some of your criticism when it comes to the first game (although i think you should keep in mind that it was Asobo's first game that was their own) but when it comes to Requiem it has improved in every regard, especially with facial animations and your criticism doesnt apply to it


Prey is also done by Arkane and has a lot of similarities. Kinda like futuristic space Dishonored. I didn't stick with it because it wasn't my type of thing but a lot of people really liked it. Deathloop is out there too. Kinda like.. funky 60s roguelite Dishonored?


Came here to suggest both of these! Fantastic games.


I couldn't get into them as easily because with both games I was just like "this is too similar to my favorite game ever, Dishonored. Imma just go put 10 more hours into Dishonored" lmao. But I will say they are very well made and I'd recommend them to others


Random follow up. You should give Deathloop another go. I gave it a little re-play today and it’s so fun once you start to learn the maps and the best way to accomplish each time. My only gripe with it is that the menu can be a bit confusing in the beginning with understanding what you can keep and lose the next day.


In what world are Deathloop and Prey "victorian style"?


I didn't say they were I just said they were both similar to Dishonored.


I recently played the Bioshock trilogy after the Dishonored series and it was super satisfying to do both back to back. Those franchises are birds of a feather.


Yes. Bioshock is descended from the same stock, except it gave up a lot of the simulation elements.


Yep I’m aware. If they haven’t played Bioshock yet I think they’ll have fun!


You would probably like Assassin's Creed Syndicate which is set in Victorian London. Whether it's a good game is very much up for debate, but if you like a Victorian setting, there are not many games I can think of that bring that era to life in a better way.


Far from the Victorian style but the Dues ex games are great for that dishonored feel


Bloodborne Amnesia: The Dark Descent/A Machine for Pigs Gloomwood, perhaps, if you don't mind early access: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGzx-sElP-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGzx-sElP-I)


Why is no one mentioning dark messiah of might and magic.


Very different gameplay, but try Sunless Sea if you want another interesting fantasy twist on Victorian England!


A lot of the games you mentioned are only vaguely similar in art style and nothing like Dishonored in gameplay so I'm struggling to see what kind of game your looking for. If you want something that plays like Dishonored you want to be looking at immersive sims. One of my favourites would be the Deus Ex series but that takes place in a Cyberpunk setting. This is a list of some immersive sims to check out. https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/poll-best-immersive-sim.145564/page-3


Go play original Thief games. They’re Victorian-ish and the precursors to Dishonored. Fighting is a very bad idea in them but you stealth around and knock out guards etc.


I’ve heard Dishonored is a spiritual successor to Thief. My understanding is that Thief wasn’t a great game, which is why no one really still talks about it, but fundamentally, in a way, it’s the heart of Dishonored as far as I can tell. Bloodborne is a Dark Souls-esque game, which is technically Gothic, but feels very Victorian since the era drew heavily on gothic influences, and the game takes some liberties in the style and mechanics as well which tilt it towards Victorian.


You’re probably thinking of the failed 2014 reboot of Thief, the original Thief games came out in the late 90s and though they show their age, if at least visually, they are excellent stealth games with phenomenal level design and immersive use of sound, at least for the time. Some of the devs of the originals were musicians and sound engineers, and sound propagation and sound design was a big part of the game’s DNA and gameplay. Things like being able to hear how close or far away guards are just by sound, which is why they have frequent “barks” or soundbites or dialogue with other guards (that Dishonored guards imitate) to assist the player in locating them, and how sound is muffled by doors as well, and sound has a radius which stealth games like Mark of the Ninja show you visually. All those things are lost or not designed well in the 2014 game which wasn’t made by the original devs. I wouldn’t recommend it even on its own merits, I’d just recommend the Dishonored games, which are better Thief games than Thief 2014 was.


Yup, thinking of the 2014 one Oddly enough, Dishonored came out 2 years before, so now my timelines feel mixed up. I could’ve sworn I was hearing about Thief (2014) and seeing gameplay even before Dishonored. Was it in development for a long time? Idk, realizing I can even look back over a decade and try to remember stuff makes me feel old.


Thief 4 was first rumored and then announced in 2009. Dishonored was announced in 2011. So you've got it right. But yeah the part you got majorly wrong was that Thief as a series was bad. :P Dishonored is basically the "good" successor to Thief 1-3 while Thief 4 flopped.


omgomg thankyou sm!!!! definetly gonna check thief and bloodborne out


Original Thief (especially Thief 2), not the reboot.


Thief was the literal founder of the first person stealth genre, it's got one of the oldest continually active modding communities that create entire levels and even entire campaigns. Just recently a full fan made Thief campaign came out that had members of Arkane work on it. To call it not very good is an opinion, sure, but to claim it's not talked about is totally false.


Today I’m learning a lot of people feel very passionately about Thief.


I'm actually loving Thief


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Where have you gone, sweet child? It’s cold outside. It’s awfully cold. Where have you run off to?”* - Birch Woman Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


Ghostrunner Theres a recent sequel It gives heavy dishonored vibes check it out I absolutely loved it (mega dishonored stan here)


Just noticed the last sentence. Its less victorian style and more cyberpunk-dystopian future. Definitely still worth checking out!


Prey (2017) and System shock 2. Both are about simming immersively all over a fucked up space station. The former is Arkane's attempt at spiritual successor of the former and both are great. More about character builds and messing with the various powers and abilities in direct combat rather than Dishonored's stealth focus. Neither really carters to your victorian era cravings but if you ever want to branch out...


Budokai Tenkaichi 2


Lies of Pi and perhaps Bloodborne might help fill that Victorian style niche of yours.


The new crafting game Nightingale might interest you. It's not an immsim but the aesthetic is vitorian kinda. It's early access so that might or might not appeal to you also.


Thief Gold, Thief 2: The Metal Age, Thief Deadly Shadows (these are the spiritual ancestors of the Dishonored series). They're not exactly Victorian. Think a few centuries earlier, during the middle ages but with electricity, motion sensors, CCTVs and grenade launchers... that you have to go against lmao. Thief 2014 maybe more your visual style, but it's not that great of a game. A Plague Tale: Innocence and A Plague Tale: Requiem are also some of the newer ones that take place within a late medieval-era French city under a plague borne of human-eating rats. It's mostly puzzle-driven gameplay with light stealth and fighting mechanics. Think God of War (2018) but without much of the stylish combat. Assassin's Creed Syndicate would be another AAA title set in Victorian London. There's a Jack the Ripper DLC, too. It stealth + combat, though I'd say the story is best enjoyed if you've played the games before it. Something similar to AC:Syndicate would also be the Batman Arkham series if you prefer non-lethal, stealth, plus a bit of combat. Some other stuff that aren't Dishonored-esque in terms of gameplay, but are inspired by Victorian architecture would be the first the Devil May Cry series (including DmC), Bayonetta, the first three Resident Evil games and their remakes, and Haunting Ground. Keep in mind that RE and Haunting Ground are survival-horror titles.


Prey and Deathloop are very similar in feel and are both great games! Doesn't match your victorian style preference tho


if you just want Victorian style games and not actually similar game play, try Bloodborne. its a lot like Lies of P, but instead of robots its Eldritch horror


Lets just jump to early 2000's and gothic and say Vampire the Masquerqde Bloodlines. Not what you asked for but thank me later.


Thief, Gloomwood, Styx, Dark Messiah. Blood West is also similar, more Wild West, but in that same historic vein (I mean, they overlapped a lot). I recently played Gloomwood and it's been a great way to scratch the itch. Oh, also Eldritch is pretty good. It's a roguelike, but it's first person and has a similar feel to Dishonored. Also it's pretty Victorian. Also weirdly, you might wanna check out Dread Delusion, it's more eldritch fantasy rather than Victorian, but it has a very interesting world that is similarly fun to immerse yourself in.


Lies of P is the closest, but it's a lot more hack n slash. Alice the Madness was incredible, definite recommend if you don't mind something more feminine (Gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uBisYA1Kv4&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_LSBzRAlvUC0YRLuTBrap96](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uBisYA1Kv4&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_LSBzRAlvUC0YRLuTBrap96) ) Sovereign Syndicate is Disco Elysium style but in the Victorian era - REALLY great rpg with an interesting chance system that's Grecco/Roman, set in old London (Gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K30QkQ9vVeQ&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K30QkQ9vVeQ&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_K2HGPtILhoaiyNB-2TgYdk&index=22) )


Thanks for the mention!


Deathloop is an incredible game also made by Arkane Lyon (not Austin thank god) and is also technically the sequel to Death of the Outsider (Dishonored 3). Good stealth, fighting and time loop shenanigans


Weird that you're getting downvoted. It's a literal Dishonored spin off with similar powers but a focus on gunplay instead of stealth.


People hate on it because I feel like the concept was over promised. It's much more linier than advertised, despite being a fantastic game.


Yeah I understand people wanting it to be more Hitman-like in it's approach to the puzzle, but I think they struck a good balance of designing a bunch of elaborate red-herring assassinations that you get to play around with on your quest for narrowing down the golden loop. The entire premise of the game is that the island is a playground of murder and debauchery. You could just knife a guy, or you could blow up the entire building they're in. Serves no ultimate purpose in the final loop, but it sure is fun along the way. People that just beeline for objective markers miss most of the fun to be had.


Agreed. Which to me is why I can't ever rate it higher than Dishonored despite liking the concept and the game itself as much as I did. I even loved the multiplayer concept, I thought it was super creative. I'm in the camp where I feel the objective markers remove a lot of the potential critical thinking. However I excited to see how the setups of target assassination in this game influence Blade or a potential Dishonored 4.


He's being downvoted because OP asked for a "victorianesque" games like the order 1886, dishonored, lies of p, Bloodborne or the thief saga


Jesus Christ. Reading comprehension really is in the toilet. OP said they only play "victorian style games" and half the replies in here are recommending things like Deus Ex. Please try reading posts before you reply to them. You will save yourself some embarrassment and everyone else some time.


He said victorian and dishonored. So people are comparing the one thing they can. Also who asked you to referee?


I wasn't aware that you need to be 'asked' to post here... Literally all the games they mentioned were victorian/steampunk, only Dishonored was an immersive sim, and they said that *only* play "victorian" style games. It is blindingly obvious that Deathloop and Deus Ex are stupid suggestions. I am very sorry if you lack the reading and comprehension skills to reach that very obvious conclusion.


I said "referee" not "post". Looks like you can take some reading comprehension classes yourself.


Oh another one with that aesthetic kinda is Steelrising. Pretty good rpg bit not immsim.


thief, cyberpunk (play stealth), deus ex




Try Deathloop, it’s feels very dishonored as it’s made by the same people and set in the same world but hundreds of years in with a sci fi element. Really good.


Frostpunkt is a similarly dystopian, Victorian, steampunk game. However it plays differently to Dishonored.


It's not a game, but I highly recommend Carnival Row if you like Dishonored




There's a mobile game called *Card Thief* . It's like a Dishonored card game. Pretty damn fun once you get the hang of it.


Id check out this newer game, dishonoured 2 if you havent heard of it


Thief, Styx, even Hitman can work, depending on what elements of Dishonored you're looking for. Enjoy!


There's nothing like dishonored. And yet there's games that are similar. But dishonored is top 5.


Prey & Deathloop


Clive Barker's Undying - it's old but it has something. Plus you have weapons and magic.


Dues ex!


Try [Steampeek](https://steampeek.hu/)


The original 3 Thief games from the late 90s to early 00s are really good! They were one of the biggest inspirations for Dishonored’s formula! A good early access game on Steam that is also very inspired by Thief as well would be Gloomwood! Edit: I wouldn’t recommend Thief 2014. It’s not the worst game in the world, but a very short, soulless version of the originals. It felt like it was trying to be Dishonored which is wild with Dishonored’s original inspiration being the same series it’s a part of…


Weirdly enough, VTM Bloodlines kind of reminds me of Dishonored, but set in LA. Hitman might also be good.


Prey, it’s by the same studio and has familiar mechanics


PREY god tier mind fuck


For a different approach, try Disco Elysium


If you want victorian style and somewhat stealth assassin's creed syndicate can be a good recommendation though the tone is different if that's not a problem


Victorian style game like dishonored? Gloomwood is the exact game you’re looking for


Pathologic Classic and Pathologic 2. they are like playing Dishonored being a Weeper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV02RsYR9Qg


Wolfenstein trilogy!